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PvP heroes - Stop blaming your team.


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Your grandiose sense of self worth is amazing.

Acurate more likely.

The team lost because a lot of players think like you. You left them behind because you think you are better than they are, but you are the failure here. WZ's are a team sport.

I saw there is no way for me to carry that number of bad players, with game breaking mistakes that are unwilling to listen to advice ,so i tell them they are bad and afk/leave the rest of the game.


Team sport, let me tell you something about it : when you watch a game of footbal and 10 ppl on a team just stand there picking their nose, waiting to be carryed and doing nothing productive... start picking on the 11'th player when he stops trying.

Here is a word you should look up "narcissism". But I have a feeling you still wont understand.

I am full of myself... and your point is ? As long as it is justified i don't see a problem when someone is full of himself /herself . Not everything is a sin. (not that i believe in that kind of stuff but you might)

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let's face it. Most people raging are immature and waste more time yelling than playing. I'm pretty fed up with the guy on our server that yells at everyone 'i carried this whole WZ' and points to his uber damage scores ignoring completely that damage dealt is a pretty useless indicator of his contribution given the objective based games. I have seen him running around spamming people with AoE whenever he can and then moving on for damage ticks and ignoring the game.


From what i can see, there is just a subset of people who are plain nasty and mean. The so called 'success' they have is because of endless hours of playing to gear up to overpowering gear to others in the WZ. Not some magical 'L2P' capability.


Teamwork is meaningless to them except for their small set of Vent buddies and eveyrone is supposed to magically guess what their strategy is because they won't tell you in chat - they'd rather yell at us when we can't just guess.


Unfortunately, it is very sad that these gamers are simply not worth the time playing with - even if you win because they are just plain unpleasant. If they haven't done this (I don't think they have), they should ensure that IGNORE ensures you don't get queued into the same WZ anymore becuase I have seen some new lvl 50's yelled at from the moment the queue pops based on previous WZ's they have been in and different 'perform' well enough. so the first 5 minutes of the WZ is ending up watching a pissing match in chat between two people you really don't care about

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the funny thing about this is, yesterday one moaned cause the republic got hold of 2 turrets on nova cost so he whined and left, little did he realise that about 10 minuites later we won.

Pretty much this. The key to dealing with these people is to wind them up until they rage quit. A solid majority of the time they get replaced by someone better, or at least someone who fights instead of typing.

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i know rite? wanna be my fanboy #xxxxxxxxxxx ? got plenty especially after i won blizz tournaments.

im not whining about the players, because their just ppl......... "ppl" dont know how bad they actually are and hate when someone points it out... so i just afk/leave that wz.


haha won blizz tourneys.... wow little kid what a joke.


Srs question for you oh master... just how many hot pockets does mom bring you in a night of gamin?

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I'm that guy... and I'm right 9/10 times.


my favorite lines:


Hey (insert name here) you have 13k HP 192 expertise... do us and you a favor by leaving. xthx


Awesome job (insert name here) that s key must really be worn out from all that back-peddling you do.


Great work (insert name), you just gave away the game... you are bleeping terrible. You should sell your account for a bag of rice

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Would it really be so hard to instead offer some encouragement, or maybe try to coordinate a counter?


Generally if players don't understand how a warzone's offense and defense points flow, then taking the time out to type this information up for the players results in even longer breaks from the warzone. For example I've seen groups in the civil war spend half the match getting everyone "together", on the only node we control to mount an assault, and after 4 - 5 minutes has passed with everyone to grouping up, the warzone is beyond the point of no return for a loss, with the only possible saving grace being a 3-cap.


Good players can predict the direction a battle is going and work to reinforce/attack where it's needed.


Bad players over-extend to various points and provide openings for the other team to exploit.

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I don't remember reading or seeing in TV any heroes who leave(or go sit in a corner cursing) their companions to die horribly, because they are weak or not skilled enough.


Let's face it. You're not heroes. You're as bad as 'bads' you leave behind, but keep yapping how awesome are you if it makes you feel any better :D

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Ok, I think that we may need to seperate PVP maturity with actual maturity. It's obvious reading through these threads that some of you guys are excellent PVP'ers and know what you are talking about but your gaming skills most likely outweigh your communication or motivational skills.


I will say though, there is no reason to be shocked at how people are talked to or treated during PVP. PVP is competitive, and if you mess with anyones ability to win or compete, you are going to hear about it. Go down to the park and play a pickup game of baasketball and you will see plenty of similarities.




Generally if players don't understand how a warzone's offense and defense points flow, then taking the time out to type this information up for the players results in even longer breaks from the warzone..


I'm sorry partner but this just seems like an easy excuse.

Edited by Hyryu
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When I see people in full orange gear, I usually tell them to immediately leave the warzone and return only when they have a minimum of full Recruit gear. I then proceed to use him as bait for the rest of the warzone.

Prepare to be wrong a lot :) BiS is now crit-crafted orange gear with War Hero augs.

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Acurate more likely.

I am full of myself... and your point is ? As long as it is justified i don't see a problem when someone is full of himself /herself . Not everything is a sin. (not that i believe in that kind of stuff but you might)


Didn't think you would get it.

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I don't remember reading or seeing in TV any heroes who leave(or go sit in a corner cursing) their companions to die horribly, because they are weak or not skilled enough.


Let's face it. You're not heroes. You're as bad as 'bads' you leave behind, but keep yapping how awesome are you if it makes you feel any better :D


I don't remember swtor being a game of massive imba where 1% of the population are "heroes" with godly super powers that the rest of the community doesn't have access to.

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I'm sorry partner but this just seems like an easy excuse.


PVP isn't some kind of turn-based strategy game where you can spend 5 minutes figuring out your next move. It's reaction based and every second, GCD, and choice a player makes counts in the long-run for each warzone. Spending 2 minutes on gathering everyone together is counter-productive towards making forward advancements in a warzone when people should just hit their global map after they die, look at where players are, and make an educated guess on where they need to run to once they're out of the respawn area.


It's not an excuse, it's reality.

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How dare you accuse these players of being bad. They are obviously highly skilled players if they're able to have the conscience to blame an entire team for the loss. Obviously they carry the team every time they win so they definitely know what they're talking about!


Yeah, I see this a lot. Drives me nuts to see the arrogance, and not to mention the ignorance of some of the players in SWTOR. Makes me depressed. I thought I left WoW to leave this childish crap? Guess people never change; just the games do.

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Raging accomplishes nothing productive and serves to demoralize and distract other players, also now the team will be down a man as well, further decreasing the chances of winning.


I think that's the idea, to demoralize the newbies enough so that they won't come back.

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Acurate more likely.

I saw there is no way for me to carry that number of bad players, with game breaking mistakes that are unwilling to listen to advice ,so i tell them they are bad and afk/leave the rest of the game.


Team sport, let me tell you something about it : when you watch a game of footbal and 10 ppl on a team just stand there picking their nose, waiting to be carryed and doing nothing productive... start picking on the 11'th player when he stops trying.


I am full of myself... and your point is ? As long as it is justified i don't see a problem when someone is full of himself /herself . Not everything is a sin. (not that i believe in that kind of stuff but you might)


You're so good that you can't win unless the team carries you...that's how you roll? The first sign that the team won't, means you bail because you can't win without being carried? Your teams win for you, and you translate that in to YOU being good? O M G L O L!!!!


Be as full of yourself as you like. I love that you feel like you're some ub3r player when you clearly tell us you need the rest of the team to win for you lol!!! Makes defeating you or watching you lose, that much more enjoyable :)


If you were as good as you think you are, others would speak for you...they don't. Arrogance is NOT the virtue you seem to think it is, humility is.

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If I had a dime for everytime some idiot broke awe while a cap was going through I'd be rich.

Yet, I never complain, and I gave up trying to instruct the most impared a while ago.


Whenever I see the rants in ops I always assume it's the least valuable member of the team that has decided

now is the time to begin typing instead of fighting. Ignoring them is the best thing you can do for your team.



Edited by VoidJustice
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If I had a dime for everytime some idiot broke awe while a cap was going through I'd be rich.

Yet, I never complain, and I gave up trying to instruct the most impared a while ago.


Whenever I see the rants in ops I always assume it's the least valuable member of the team that has decided

now is the time to begin typing instead of fighting. Ignoring them is the best thing you can do for your team.




You know what they say : hope dies last........... but it does eventually dies.


And so does your tolerance for lack of common sense or basic knowledge about the game in players.

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I think that's the idea, to demoralize the newbies enough so that they won't come back.


Not at all. It's to make their mistakes so apparently clear that hopefully the person doesn't repeat them in the future.


For example, i raged at a guy who ran to east in ACW, capped it then proceeded to run to mid without anyone else there to defend east. Well 20 seconds later we cap mid, and he's standing next to me, i look at the map, no one at east, and oh look it's been capped. So I raged at him in the form of "Why would you waste the time going over there to cap east then leave it undefended? Congrats, you prob. just cost us this warzone".


That apparently stuck with him because a couple of days later he was in a wz and all "remember me? you said i suck, etc" and was playing a lot better with good situational awareness of the warzone -- oh and didn't leave points undefended.

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It's funny really, because IMO there's always a way to win. It's called playing smarter not playing harder. Let me give an example. Alderaan Civil War the plan was to focus on west and mid. After minutes of mid not being taken I went east and notice they only have one defender so I assume two. (ALWAYS assume there's at least one stealther defending also. I make a call for the other 2 stealthers to stealth over to east and we jack em fast and cap before the other team can send any defenders to stop the cap. I was called a bad player and to forget east.


That was an example of playing harder not smarter. They would prefer to fight hard for middle instead of jacking the one or 2 defenders at another turret.


We've all seen similar situations where things would go better if people think a little or even follow the plan proposed at the start of the match. They believe they know better yet don't propose a plan at the start or attempt to lead/rally the troops towards victory. The worst are those who bail at the first hint of difficulty in a match. Although sometimes I am glad because quite often the new people who join help in turning the loss into a win.

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I don't remember swtor being a game of massive imba where 1% of the population are "heroes" with godly super powers that the rest of the community doesn't have access to.


Some heroes are about skill(Batman, Drizzt Do'Urden or Wedge Antilles) not imba, godly super powers(Superman, Goku or Luke Skywalker).

I heard our PvP 'heroes' are soooooo skilled(especially the ones which use attention ho color text on forums) and all, but end up with their tails between the legs and barking out of the warzone :D Something is certainly wrong with those so called heroes.

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Some heroes are about skill(Batman, Drizzt Do'Urden or Wedge Antilles) not imba, godly super powers(Superman, Goku or Luke Skywalker).

I heard our PvP 'heroes' are soooooo skilled(especially the ones which use attention ho color text on forums) and all, but end up with their tails between the legs and barking out of the warzone :D Something is certainly wrong with those so called heroes.


I color code my posts so i can find them and quote-reply's to me, faster while scrolling on the forum.


My problem is not with new people, people who try, people who are learning;


My problem IS: with people who play this game for x months and never learn, even after you give them advice, they keep repeating the same dumb mistakes EVERY game, day after day, week after week. They have no situational awareness, very poor understanding of their class and game mechanics, any kind of strategy and tactics and are incapable of even READING and FOLLOWING directions and have NO INTEREST in improving their gameplay.


Even all that is "fine" if i am in a good mood, but then they get upset for me and other players not carrying their as-s, and afk/leave after all hope has been lost.


But ultimately my biggest problem is with Bioware for FORCING me to play with random selected players in my team, and not bringing 8man queues already. Then i would have the choice of making a full 8 man group for WZ, and be 100% my fault if i chose not to.


p.s. here is an example of a game i played this morning : Alderan we have 6 total players all game, enemy has 8, we 3 cap and hold all 3 guns all game versus a team that was trying its best, none of its members went afk, none quit. They tried zerging 1 gun, then switching etc. And you know what, i would have been fine even part of the other team, because they played for objective and tried.


But when people start fighting in the middle of nowhere, ignore objectives. Or try to come and "help" me ninja cap a node, with 3 enemies on his as-s, giving ball carriers free goals. then, THEN its not fine anymore. I am totally ok with losing as long as the people in my team tried to win.

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In almost every battle you find one, the guy who rages in chat about how everyone on his team is a bunch of "bads" etc. Usually followed by him either afk'ing or leaving the battle.


This will occur regardless of the situation. Maybe your team starts with two less players so you're only able to take one turret in CW? Maybe you're facing a premade and your team has several fresh 50s? Not to mention after 1.2, if you still have some champ/cent pieces you will actually have a disadvantage against a fresh 50 in full recruit (I really can't blame people for not wanting to pay credits to drop primary stats and set bonuses for expertise, unless you read the forums/patch notes and keep up with the dev posts you can't understand exactly how over-valued expertise is now.) None of it matters to these guys, everyone on the team is at fault except for Mr. PvP Hero of course.


People have to gear up somehow, it's not like they can queue for a seperate undergeared bracket and are instead choosing to be pit against geared premades.


My favorite is the guy who will afk, and continue to berate the team while his toon is auto-running safely tucked away in a corner. The hypocrisy and utter lack of logic is mindblowing. Even if it was completely true that your whole team has never pvp'd before, and that they should all delete their game or whatever clever vitriol you can think to spew; do you honestly think that raging in chat and insulting people will improve your situation? Would it really be so hard to instead offer some encouragement, or maybe try to coordinate a counter?


Fortunately you can get lucky with backfill players and depending on the circumstances, a comeback or at least a good attempt at one is possible. To me that is the best reward for putting up with PvP heroes, after their tantrum they end up on a few ignore lists and then get replaced by someone who actually contributes.


To all the players that stay cool and continue fighting even if they are filling a losing game - I salute you.

To all the Pvp heroes - have a free /hug, I'm sure you need it...


U mad bro, sounds like your on of the bad people that they pvp heroes keep complaining about, just saying

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Some heroes are about skill(Batman, Drizzt Do'Urden or Wedge Antilles) not imba, godly super powers(Superman, Goku or Luke Skywalker).

I heard our PvP 'heroes' are soooooo skilled(especially the ones which use attention ho color text on forums) and all, but end up with their tails between the legs and barking out of the warzone :D Something is certainly wrong with those so called heroes.

Don't you dare compare Batman to... to... to... those... THINGS.

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U mad bro, sounds like your on of the bad people that they pvp heroes keep complaining about, just saying


No, usually it is the PvP Hero who gets mad. It is very often the same person and they're very predictable because;

1. If they win, they carried everyone.

2. If they lose, it is everyone else's fault.


It can be frustrating, of course, but these PvP heroes should also entertain the idea that they were just outplayed by the opponent.


Then there is the psychological aspect of getting a group of people to do what you want them to do. Aggressive behaviour is a really really dumb way of doing it. No one cares about an internet tough guy because you're sitting behind a computer screen acting like you're Sir Awesome, Superhero of the Warzones. Polite suggestions is what works because then you are not creating resistance by hurting their PvP-pride(the pvp heroes are surely not alone with having a big ego).


Trying saying, for example, "Fight at turrets, otherwise they'll ninja cap" instead of putting random words of verbal abuse in there. I can pretty much guarantee a positive reaction. What you achieved with that short sentence was;

1. Told them where to fight.

2. Told them why.

Knowing both where and why you're doing something is what makes you learn. Not getting crushed in the ops channel.


So yeah, if you want them to L2P then give em a chance, just saying...

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I color code my posts so i can find them and quote-reply's to me, faster while scrolling on the forum.


My problem is not with new people, people who try, people who are learning;


My problem IS: with people who play this game for x months and never learn, even after you give them advice, they keep repeating the same dumb mistakes EVERY game, day after day, week after week. They have no situational awareness, very poor understanding of their class and game mechanics, any kind of strategy and tactics and are incapable of even READING and FOLLOWING directions and have NO INTEREST in improving their gameplay.


Even all that is "fine" if i am in a good mood, but then they get upset for me and other players not carrying their as-s, and afk/leave after all hope has been lost.


But ultimately my biggest problem is with Bioware for FORCING me to play with random selected players in my team, and not bringing 8man queues already. Then i would have the choice of making a full 8 man group for WZ, and be 100% my fault if i chose not to.


p.s. here is an example of a game i played this morning : Alderan we have 6 total players all game, enemy has 8, we 3 cap and hold all 3 guns all game versus a team that was trying its best, none of its members went afk, none quit. They tried zerging 1 gun, then switching etc. And you know what, i would have been fine even part of the other team, because they played for objective and tried.


But when people start fighting in the middle of nowhere, ignore objectives. Or try to come and "help" me ninja cap a node, with 3 enemies on his as-s, giving ball carriers free goals. then, THEN its not fine anymore. I am totally ok with losing as long as the people in my team tried to win.


Consider this: Who is hurting his own team more: the person who is playing incompetent, or the person who leaves and is not playing at all?


I totally understand your frustration, but by leaving the other guys to their fate, you become a part of the problem. Personally, if i see my team is totally incompetent, i relax. There is no pressure, the game can't be won, so i just enjoy the fighting. That does not mean giving up. I still do what is needed to win the game, and enjoy it for what it's worth. Last night i was in a group of green players(we are talking level 50's with zero expertise) except for one healer sage. I threw him a guard(on my tank vanguard at the time) and we conducted a raid on the middle node in alderaan. We were able to hold over half the enemy team there, lasting for a long time, and it was actualy fun. I think we even killed one of them :) I kind of expected the rest of our team would use the opportunity to cap one of the sides but they never did. Oh well, c'est la vie. :)

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