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PvP heroes - Stop blaming your team.


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I never called anyone a nerd. Learn to read. I suppose you were just so eager to share your story with us. Thats cute. Congrats on being married and middle class i guess. Must be a hoot.


The relevance is what im questioning but i suppose we all need validation.


So just to be clear you support 35 year old married men raging over video games. Yeah im pretty much done with this species.

pot meet kettle.


nerds that think they are "cooler" than other nerds. :D


as i have posted numerous times in this thread i empathize with people that rage.


and i didn't need validation, i showed how being called a nerd or associated with nerds doesn't affect my life whatsoever, but i can understand how it would a teenager who is just learning about social status'.

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No , thats exactly what you did , you assumed. Did you ask yourself why i said those things? No , you just assumed that those responses were made because maybe thats how you see it. Truth is , with anything in life , i have a simple view. Believe half of what you see and none of what you hear. Learn the facts for yourself. If i see a vid like those mentioned , my thoughts that i pointed out are for this simple reason. How many times does someone post something "ubar" just to get attention , yet it proves to be staged just for their e-peen. And luck factors into it because how do i know what the situation was for those other players? Were all their cooldowns off or did they pop them already on the 30 other people they killed before they got to that 1 person.


I've never had a problem admiting when someone got better luck than me 1 vs 1 or during a match and got better points/comms/medals/scores than me.


I've also never had a problem facing someone thats beat me 1 vs 1 and learning i was right the first time. It was the luck of the draw. Give me everything off cooldown and the same gear and its a 50/50 match. Put his stuff on cooldown or mine and its a 100/0 match. Thats not skill , its luck. If he beat me , its cause he hit the same key i did or the counter 1 milla second before i did. Since he couldn't know what i was going to do , since he can't see the future then its luck , not skill. If i would have hit the other button instead or hit the cc a milla second before he did , then i would have won. Thats called luck.


On my Sniper , i know certain professions that i can't go 1 vs 1 against because the game mechanics make it impossible for me to beat them , that doesn't mean that person is better than me , just that their profession has certain abilities that makes my toon completely useless vs them.


I also know that 1 vs 1 , my Sniper will annilate a certain spec of another Sniper (marksman vs eng. spec) , not because i'm better than them , just cause i'm speced different. But put 2 same spec'ed Snipers on the field with same gear set and its a 50/50 shot and luck of the draw who's gonna come out on top.


If someone is out there that my current spec'ed profession can beat or should be able to , and i can't , its not that they are better than me , its that i did something by way of mistake , and it won't happen again.


I have as of yet to meet someone that is actually better than me in a video game. Know why? Because if they beat me over and over , i continue to learn and adapt , so i don't lose more than 3 times to the same person. Thats the point i'm trying to make here , that its not about skill when all you have to do is push a button at a different time than before in order to beat the guy.


I guess it comes down to where you play in the game the most. Its hard to say someone is better than you in a team sport , when its suppose to be about the team ( and seeing as i don't look to be the highest scoring/comm/medal/objective/dps player out there , then i can't see someone "being better than me" because someone has to be at the top of the board and that wasn't my goal)


In a 1 vs 1 situation , if i get beat 2 times in a row , its because i was going up vs a profession that my current profession isn't supposed to be able to beat solo. If i beat a profession that i'm not supposed to , then i usually chalk it up to the fact they just got through using a CD on something and i caught them offguard and usually stick around to see. Same if i lose , i'll stick around and test my theory and i haven't been wrong yet.


Now , IRL its different. If i go to the rifle range at the base , i know that as soon as i step out there , there is only 1 guy who can shoot better than me. But when i take that same person to play basketball , i know i'm better than him. There is nothing that can change either of those facts. No ammount of training on my part or his will change that. Thats not so in this game. Its all about timers and the lack thereof. Its about that GUESS and LUCK of taking a chance of hitting this button instead of that 1 a milla second before the other guy does. Since you can't see what they are planing on doing , then its all down to guess work and luck of the draw. Its that simple. There is no guesswork or luck when we shoot or play basketball. Its about a skill that he has that i don't or vice versa and nothing either of us do will change that. If i do beat him with a shot , its luck or a mistake he made, plan and simple. If he scores on me and wins , its because of luck or a mistake i made , plan and simple.


Maybe there are a certain type of people out there that are just better at video games than others. If so , then fine. Go for it. But really , does it matter? Does it make a difference at the end of the day? That guy i can beat at basketball , he's a boss , but me beating him in a game has no bearing on anything , but him being a better shot than me does matter. Thats where being better than someone actually counts.


i can tell from your posts that your "luck" sucks then.


i have given the definition of skill in this thread. i have given specific examples of basic skills in this game.


even if your class cant solo a healer you can use skills such as critical thinking and situational awareness to kill the healer.


if you dont know how then you are a bad.




in huttball use your environment to kill the class you cannot solo. all it takes is a knockback/stun on one of the hazards. thats not luck. when you do this you show you are skilled in knowing your abilities, knowing the enviorment, timing, and knowing when to use your abilities to your advantage.


its still funny you do not recognize the difference of skill and luck.


this is why you are "unlucky". :D


also LOL even after your wall of text of denying to the end, you still wont admit that someone can be better than you at a videogame. :eek:

Edited by Vulgarr
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These are people who cannot handle any adversity and prefer to try to bully others into feeling bad rather than dealing with their own short comings. See the same thing IRL... its a problem with society in general I think and the lack of respect for others or other points of view.


Gotta say my ignore list is getting larger tho as a result... :)


Personally, I like to respond to them and make them feel small and pathetic without 'joining the club' of potty talk. Seems to work a lot of the time .. atleast until they leave :p

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i know rite? wanna be my fanboy #xxxxxxxxxxx ? got plenty especially after i won blizz tournaments.

im not whining about the players, because their just ppl......... "ppl" dont know how bad they actually are and hate when someone points it out... so i just afk/leave that wz.



Unless one is genetically pre-disposed to be a pvp genius, nobody should be allowed to pvp at all.


Of course, that would mean that you would be sitting in queue for several hours without any fresh 50's to sustain your ego. Hence, you will bored enough to quit SWTOR and we will all be better off for it. ;)

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I admit i get pretty sick of people who dont bother to buy PVP gear to PVP now expertise is so important.... NOT BOTHERING, and expecting the other players on the team to carry you is rarely the mark of a PVP Hero, its more the opposite player who only cares about themselves and noone else.


Minimum 500 expertise to join a warzone would be a nice way to filter out people who simple dont bother to gear up... id rather they just quit being selfish and realsie they handicap every single team they end up on.


As for monkeys pressing buttons....... this monkey often scores double the damage of less adept monkeys who play the same class and have the same buttons I do... this monkey is also more often in the right place at the right time than the wrong one.


So yea if PVP Heroes are monkeys , at least they are skilled monkeys... rather them than the deathmatchers with no pvp gear who spend all match not contributing to the objectives and STILL end up with less damage than I do.


Anticipation of enemy tactics does take EXPERIENCE, but listening to experienced players takes none, people like the OP need to learn to LISTEN if adivce is being given by experienced players... if someone says hey WTH get geared noob... listen, if somone says hey fight next to the turrets....listen.... if somone says DONT fight on our side of the last traps in and endzone, youll get jet charged or force leaped...LISTEN. If somone says "hey we need 2 people MINIMUM to defend a turret cos chain CC's will allow a cap vs a solo player...LISTEN.

Edited by blackadda
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I rage at people if they refuse to listen - i always talk to people calmly precisely once before I commence rage to try to help them out - if they don't listen and still are bad, yes I will rage. I NEVER leave a game, haven't left a single game except for a messed up queue in probably around 800+ games. If someone refuses to listen to people trying to help them, then obviously they need someone to have a go at them in an attempt to get it through their heads.
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That right champ, top damage is the most important thing on a match, i vote for u for president.

The FULL quote was "rather them than the deathmatchers with no pvp gear who spend all match not contributing to the objectives and STILL end up with less damage than I do."



nice cut/paste to try to form a misleading quote...

Edited by blackadda
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pvp baddies stop being bad


heroes you are my hero


im not a hero but i am a pretty decent player and i like to have fun


why would anyone want to play in a war zone with a bunch of derp mc derps who run around warzones clicking 1 cast and not getting any objective? or why would anyone want to play a 15 minute faceroll because half of the players have an iq of 3...


if i see under geared players but they are going for objective ill stay


they need a death match war zone where the team with most kills wins.. then you can have the best of both worlds ... objective ....and rambo style pvp


LET THIS BE KNOWN: the op is the guy who thinks the fire in huttball gives you a buff and that the goo cleanses slows... he is also the guy who is killing another player while the ball carrier walks by, /wave and does a /slap yet he still continues to try and interrupt a BH with his blue bubble up.. he also calls incoming 5 minutes after they cap the nodes on civil war... he would even be the guy on novare coast trying to cap his own area and calling inc when his own team is heading towards him

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I rage at people if they refuse to listen - i always talk to people calmly precisely once before I commence rage to try to help them out - if they don't listen and still are bad, yes I will rage. I NEVER leave a game, haven't left a single game except for a messed up queue in probably around 800+ games. If someone refuses to listen to people trying to help them, then obviously they need someone to have a go at them in an attempt to get it through their heads.


You don't have the right to act like johnny locker room leader. Good knowledgable leaders in pvp will communicate a good course of action to other players. They'll listen or they won't. Sorry, but your rhetoric here makes me think I've seen you in PvP before. Players with your mindset come in and usually follow this script.


Four guys in a premade are waiting with the pugs in Civil War (although this can apply to VS and HB too) and they start talking in chat.


Leet Pro A: Yeah man we're gonna kick some:-D


Leet Pro B: LOL! 2 tru! 2 many pros in here:-D


Leet Pro C: [speaking to pug players in group chat] You and you go left. Me and the PROZ and you and you go mid


I go down with my appointed pug teammate and take the left node. Within 30 seconds of landing, often at the very moment left is secure, the first three names that pop up as dead are Leet Pro A, B and C.


Then they insult everyone, call them garbage and rage at how they've been anointed with the sacred holy oils of awesomeness and this isn't worth their time and ragequit.


Players, based on your post, that act like you. Good leaders in warzones don't cross that line and don't feel entitled to treat others like garbage, even when they're frustrated that their good tactics aren't being implemented by the rest of the team. They know there will be other warzones. When I see these players in game, I know it's going to be fun and hard fought for the next few minutes.


When I see players who feel entitled to just treat others like garbage, even if its not directed at me, I'll tell them to shove it and make it very clear that I'm going to go plant my butt at our lone node since the Leet Pros can show us how it's done:D


If you really treat people that way in game you deserve all the negativity you get.

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reading 123.


lol thanks for quoting the actual statement in full not part of it like the other guy...:D


What makes me sad is in this game even 4 exceptional players cant pick up the slack if 4 bad ones happen to have RNG joined in the other 4 slots... the only hope is the bads who are usually also WZ quitters, quit early, and get backfilled by players who like to win by skill and not attrition.


Teamwork and everyone being capable of holding their own is too important in this game, THAT is always a decisive factor in this game...its also why anyone who comes in undergeared hurts a LOT


Full recruit can get you 896 expertise...and within 5% of BM geared players on bonuses if not raw stats.


Bring on 8 man queues

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Here's a biological fact : a well trained female chimpanzee would be more "skilled" than any human being regardless how good he could think he is. Chimpanzees have better photographic memory than human beings, they have quicker transmission from brain to hands, and they're capable of spontaneous planning for a future state or event.


Even if you think and are the best of the best in WZ, you'll get steamrolled by a premade of chimps females. Sad but true... Swallow a bit your ego and call it perspectives.


Fact is, there's only two things that makes a difference between you and a monkey :


1. As trained, a monkey will play to gain its food. You should play for fun.


2. You should be able to do more than yelling, screaming and shouting to communicate with your team mates.



Besides, do not know why, but yellow scripts make me think about bananas :rolleyes:


LOL, well said and so true:


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Who should I blame when my team mates die like flies and can't kill/defend a single ****, or they drop too fast that my heals couldn't catch up? And I have only 15 mins for 1 win to complete my daily?


Well, from now on maybe I should blame the opponents for being so damn strong. :o

Edited by matekwong
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Definition of a PVP Hero

"Player who likes to earn their win by effort,skill and not attrition and expects others to do the same because experience has taught him/her that dead weight loses matches"


Definition of a habitual PVP Warzone quitter

"Player who likes to win by attrition and not effort "


The unforttunate truth is those of us who give a damn excel, those of us who dont generally fail.


I bet every "Serious" PVPer here has the Shipboard PVP training dummy and is running a parser to fine tune their performance... I also bet a lot who think "PVP Heroes" is a good way to insult players who are more skilled than they are and think its "luck" dont ;)


Effort in... Excellence out


Nuff said

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I was playing a game of Huttball and we were getting f**king dominated. Then this guy starts QQ'n on the chatbox and saying how much I suck because I couldn't move when I was stunned and how he was the only good player on the team.

Then comes the results of the match and he literally has 0 kills, 0 medals, 0 damage, basically 0 f**king everything.

I thought that was pretty god damn funny.

His name is Arav or something FYI.

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I play an assassin and a operative healer. I can contribute heavily to a teams win. If there are truly bads that wont listen or contribute then yes I will rage at you a bit.


Nuthuggers... I hate you all. Unless you are on a healer and can take him out of the game without the help of 4 others then QUIT CHASING PEOPLE AROUND IGNORING OBJECTIVES.


Guard your heals. Taunt. Peel the dps that keeps interrupting them off if you would like some heals yourself.


Play smart with CC's or you will be the victim of getting called out for your lack of skill. Deal with it cause you are bad.


This game is in no way rocket science so the fact that people struggle to understand basic tactics and gameplay is quite pathetic and should be treated as such.


If I rage at you and you think I'm in the wrong wait till the end of the game and my name is at the top of the list.


ALSO how people can do under 100k damage as a dps profession in a full length game is absolutely beyond me, but happens WAY to often.

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I was playing a game of Huttball and we were getting f**king dominated. Then this guy starts QQ'n on the chatbox and saying how much I suck because I couldn't move when I was stunned and how he was the only good player on the team.

Then comes the results of the match and he literally has 0 kills, 0 medals, 0 damage, basically 0 f**king everything.

I thought that was pretty gosh darn funny.

His name is Arav or something FYI.

it sometimes glitches but this is usually what i run into. the loudest most vocal person is usually the worst player on the team and mad because the team isnt carrying them to their free gear.
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So I only starting to PvP about a week, ago had the game since launch, just rarely played due to time constraints W/competitive competitions. Anyhow over a 2-3 day period, I noticed I went from screaming and yelling @ CC/mezzez, to seeing the resolve bar, learning how to play pvp in a MMO compared to LoL/SC2/GoW. Also attempted to visually learn, IE watching twitch, watching someone play my class and see where I was messing up/etc. I've gone from averaging 2-3 medals and being excited, to maxing them out and seeing how its fairly simply. Perhaps I didn't play the most skilled people, who knows not what this post is about , I can say first hand giving people advice (if they're willing) is much better then acting you're a top notch SC2 player.



I enjoyed the thread, cheers.

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This might be where your problem lays. If your wondering (or have ever done it yourself) if people look at your vids and say "Awesome" . then you got alot to learn in life. There is but 1 difference between a "good" pvper and a "bad"....real life...how much do they really live?


I've never looked at a game vid of another player and said "Awesome , how do they do that" , instead i watch a vid of some girl halfway around the world who can serf , but has only 1 arm , yet i can barley serf with 2. Now thats awesome.


Some guy in a vid that can take out 5-6 players by themself? First thing i say to myself is "Was it staged?" and second thing i say to myself is "He got really lucky"


There is no skill in a video game except the skill where you can actually help others be better at how they set up their toolbars or know their cooldowns or even their abilities.


And TBH , sometimes its all about luck. There is no such thing as skill in a video game where all you do is press buttons that do special things on a video monitor. The real skill comes from explaing to others the effect that button has on others and how best to use it. On how a certain GROUP tactic will help the team better than some guy sitting at a term/turrent/node solo. On how that 1 guy sitting there solo mezing a guy should be left alone and why.


Someone said something about some guy leaving the node to come "steal his solo kill" , but the word solo should not have been in that conversation and here's why...


Why were you solo on that guy? and How when they came to help you kill them faster did you still end up losing the turrent? If it was because that guy had to move a good distance to get to you to "help", then you were out of position solo killing , which means you were all about you and not the team.


If thats not the case , then how come you didn't turn around and get back to help defend the node? You weren't that far then , so both of you should have been close enough to get back and interupt them. Was it because you got mad and raged on them for getting your solo kill? Was it because you went off in the other direction? Or maybe that guy came out to help you kill them because you were taking too long (and still did , because if this is the case then both of you took too long to kill a single player when you should have been helping the team by staying at the node) Either way , both of you should have had enough time to kill that solo player , then turn around and defend/interupt that node.


You clearly don't know what the definition of skill is.


As for your last paragraph, ever think that he was going from mid to west/east in order to reinforce it when he gets jumped by an enemy before he reaches west/east? This happens all the time.

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I'm a bit confused. The guy that started this thread is moaning about people who moan about people not being good enough in warzones and /afk or leave. And to do this, hes moaning on the forums.


IF you dont like what somebody is saying /ignore.

IF you dont know how to pvp - forums, recruit gear, join a pvp guild and ask for help.

IF you dont like the way somebody talks/plays, pay him/her the sub fee and then tell them.


Or you could go on the forums and moan about said people. gz

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