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PvP heroes - Stop blaming your team.


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In almost every battle you find one, the guy who rages in chat about how everyone on his team is a bunch of "bads" etc. Usually followed by him either afk'ing or leaving the battle.


This will occur regardless of the situation. Maybe your team starts with two less players so you're only able to take one turret in CW? Maybe you're facing a premade and your team has several fresh 50s? Not to mention after 1.2, if you still have some champ/cent pieces you will actually have a disadvantage against a fresh 50 in full recruit (I really can't blame people for not wanting to pay credits to drop primary stats and set bonuses for expertise, unless you read the forums/patch notes and keep up with the dev posts you can't understand exactly how over-valued expertise is now.) None of it matters to these guys, everyone on the team is at fault except for Mr. PvP Hero of course.


People have to gear up somehow, it's not like they can queue for a seperate undergeared bracket and are instead choosing to be pit against geared premades.


My favorite is the guy who will afk, and continue to berate the team while his toon is auto-running safely tucked away in a corner. The hypocrisy and utter lack of logic is mindblowing. Even if it was completely true that your whole team has never pvp'd before, and that they should all delete their game or whatever clever vitriol you can think to spew; do you honestly think that raging in chat and insulting people will improve your situation? Would it really be so hard to instead offer some encouragement, or maybe try to coordinate a counter?


Fortunately you can get lucky with backfill players and depending on the circumstances, a comeback or at least a good attempt at one is possible. To me that is the best reward for putting up with PvP heroes, after their tantrum they end up on a few ignore lists and then get replaced by someone who actually contributes.


To all the players that stay cool and continue fighting even if they are filling a losing game - I salute you.

To all the Pvp heroes - have a free /hug, I'm sure you need it...


I agree. It seems that some people don't anticipate that they won't win every single warzone. I know it is frustrating to lose or to have teammates not play in a way that helps you win the game, but that is when you offer some tips to help those who don't know any better. It's hard in level 50 warzones to offer advise, because many people think they are God's gift to the warzone, but newbies need to know what strategies to use, especially at level 50.

Edited by xenotpt
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fatman server has an entire guild that does this tactical wookie assault team they lose "a lot" and inevitably they blame everyone else. most of the games i lose are the ones i end up with them.


The Republic side of Shien server has a guild like this too. They play really well with each other. Their characters have great gear and they top out the scoreboards on most warzones. Judging by the way they move and work together, I assume they are coordinating via VOIP. They even have a large number of War Heroes and Battlemasters.


Unfortunately, they play like they are the only people on their team. The rest of us have to guess what they're doing and adjust our play to fit their whim. It's a lot like playing along with a group of silent and powerful NPCs. We follow along as best we can, and try to cover the places they aren't attacking, but it's all guesswork. Most of the time we go back and forth between "where the heck are they?" and "if everyone is here, who's guarding the other turret?"


The only time this guild communicates with anyone via Ops chat is when the team struggles. Then one or two of them will scold their teammates (usually with messages that are more personal than helpful), and retreat back into their cone of silence. Since they tend to lose more often than they win, this happens a lot and they've managed to alienate a large portion of our server.


Despite their great gear, good coordination and impressive titles, many of us are now planning our PvP so we don't get them as teammates. "Is <XXXX> playing?" has become part of our regular "How's PvP tonight?' chat. If the answer's yes, many of us will look for something else to do.

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In almost every battle you find one, the guy who rages in chat about how everyone on his team is a bunch of "bads" etc. Usually followed by him either afk'ing or leaving the battle. ....





OP is right. I get so tired of seeing these nerd-raging elitists berate EVERYONE because the WZ is not going well. When I see "This team sux!" I want to say, "Maybe you are right, I mean YOU are on it" But no need to make it worse with a flame war in the middle of a WZ.


So, I ignore and continue. I figure they will leave anyway. I can't tell you how many times this guy/gal has rage quit after the first goal/cap and with the help of a backfill we have gone on to win.


Of course this person will never know that because they will never give the effort to help their team win. They only want to be in a one-sided pre-made massacre (on the winning side) or nothing it seems.


I actually enjoy a pulled out win or at least a good effort loss much more. But then I like the competition. Don't need a "I win" button to have fun.

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I may be. I define a "skill" as an activity that takes some sort of talent. Having knowledge is not having a skill. I know how to swing a bat, and up until high school, I had some success with it but I didn't have the skill to go past that level. I didn't have the skill to play in college.


In MMO PvP, you could simply point someone to a website that lists a good rotation/spec/gear for their class and if they follow it are they then "as skilled" as you are? Skill in an MMO, as it stands now, is not really a factor because there's nothing to truly become skilled at.


Someone earlier asked what would be the difference between two teams with the same gear/voice coms/ ect. Three things, first would be the strategy each team employs. Second (and this is tied to #3) the team make up. Third, which warzone (basically the goal).


Simple question: Does chess have skill?

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I stop blaming you when you l2p...


When i see 6 ppl ("you") vs 4 enemies and you all die killing nothing or 1 at most, its afk /leave wz time.


or when i solo guard left door in voidstar vs (usualy 2-3 ppl) and they cap right with 7 defenders vs 5-6 attackers......


or when i guard 1 turret (cc play )or wait to ninja vs 3 and u you lose all other fronts while having numeric advantage...


or when enemy has 3(+) healers and i have marked them all, yet everyone is attacking a different target, not focusing fire anyone...


in hutball when u randomly fill attacker resolve bar with incapacitates (aoe ones are the best making entire teams immune to kb, pulls,cc) or are spread out on the map not doing anything objective related...


when you break a cc->cap combo because u like to mash buttons...



or when... well u get the idea, if you can not win a fight (or at least survive so that they don't cap) where u have the advantage its time for you to l2p.


Wow, I don't think you could have more easily solidified the OP's point if you were trying to. This is a team oriented game and until you're able to choose your own team (8 man rated premades) you have to deal with good teams and not so good teams. Maybe you should try a solo sport? I don't know, maybe golf? That way you don't have to rely on the "bads". The mistakes you mentioned are common, and the good thing is they happen on both sides. So before you rush to judgement, be happy that someone on the other team playing "bad" may be the only thing that enables you to win.


Also, I'm calling shennanigans on the "when i solo guard left door in voidstar vs (usualy 2-3 ppl) and they cap right with 7 defenders vs 5-6 attackers......" Post 1.2 no one solo guards anything 1 v 3 for longer than about 6 seconds.


A textbook PVP Hero!

Edited by EndlessObsession
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I stop blaming you when you l2p...


When i see 6 ppl ("you") vs 4 enemies and you all die killing nothing or 1 at most, its afk /leave wz time.




Well, If you are ever in a WZ with me I hope you leave before it starts.


Part of L2P is being a team player. You are not one it seems.

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I stop blaming you when you l2p.

its usually one or two people that dont know wth theyre doing. People like you lack the perspective to see this and just start raging at the whole team like a spoiled child. The ironic part is this distraction only makes your team lose faster. Which imo is probably what a dude like you wants anyway. People are weird.

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Personally, I'd rather PUG it with noobs that at least try, than outright db's who care about nothing but themselves and don't give a crap about the collective consequences of their actions. While you can't control other players skills, you still have the option to do the best you can yourself.



This! Well said, I agree completely!

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Well, If you are ever in a WZ with me I hope you leave before it starts.


Part of L2P is being a team player. You are not one it seems.


Team play can only be achieved if your team mates are not window licking gutter trash. Otherwise its you trying to be a team player and them well... Being bad.

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its usually one or two people that dont know wth theyre doing. People like you lack the perspective to see this and just start raging at the whole team like a spoiled child. The ironic part is this distraction only makes your team lose faster. Which imo is probably what a dude like you wants anyway. People are weird.


Its people like you who are probably the ones not doing your job or think just because its a game you should get carried by the good people. Well once Rated WZ's come out I wont have to put up carrying 4 scrubs everytime since I cant que up with my premade 8 man team. L2Play or just quit pvping.

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Also, I'm calling shennanigans on the "when i solo guard left door in voidstar vs (usualy 2-3 ppl) and they cap right with 7 defenders vs 5-6 attackers......" Post 1.2 no one solo guards anything 1 v 3 for longer than about 6 seconds.


A textbook PVP Hero!


I said i was defending, not killing them. And this happens on my operative or assassin.


After sleep dart chains on ppl that cap, i blow an orbital strike and nobody caps for 12 seconds, then i can blind them,... vanish re-sleep dart cc chain. I can defend a node/door vs 3~ ppl for more than a minute solo as operative.


As assassin, i wear customized tank gear, and it takes ages to kill me (this is after mind trap cc chains)... and if i have a healer that is not dumb, im pretty much unlikable.


Are you part of the : raw me smash ppl ? im playing the objective , not killing ppl. Just because the 2 overlap "half" the time doesn't make them one and the same.


I'm the guy who sneaks caps,defends,1v2 ppl .... not the "where is the zerg". Basically im the guy winning the pug WZ for YOU, while YOU zerg . And often i end #1 on the scoreboard, not that it means anything... i value the guy solo defending a node even if nobody goes there ALL game, more than the zerg train who leaves everything undefended, or fights in the middle of nowhere.


And regarding to ppl who say, look at medals/wz score: If ppl zerg fight in the middle of nowhere and get "uber" score doesn't mean their better than the guy defending an objective point all game.

Edited by Dmasterr
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Here's a biological fact : a well trained female chimpanzee would be more "skilled" than any human being regardless how good he could think he is. Chimpanzees have better photographic memory than human beings, they have quicker transmission from brain to hands, and they're capable of spontaneous planning for a future state or event.


Even if you think and are the best of the best in WZ, you'll get steamrolled by a premade of chimps females. Sad but true... Swallow a bit your ego and call it perspectives.


Fact is, there's only two things that makes a difference between you and a monkey :


1. As trained, a monkey will play to gain its food. You should play for fun.


2. You should be able to do more than yelling, screaming and shouting to communicate with your team mates.



Besides, do not know why, but yellow scripts make me think about bananas :rolleyes:

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Here's a biological fact : a well trained female chimpanzee would be more "skilled" than any human being regardless how good he could think he is. Chimpanzees have better photographic memory than human beings, they have quicker transmission from brain to hands, and they're capable of spontaneous planning for a future state or event.


Even if you think and are the best of the best in WZ, you'll get steamrolled by a premade of chimps females. Sad but true... Swallow a bit your ego and call it perspectives.


Fact is, there's only two things that makes a difference between you and a monkey :


1. As trained, a monkey will play to gain its food. You should play for fun.


2. You should be able to do more than yelling, screaming and shouting to communicate with your team mates.



Besides, do not know why, but yellow scripts make me think about bananas :rolleyes:

fun is subjective.


playing objective based pvp warzones the way they are meant to be played- attacking/defending objectives or helping others attack/defend objectives is fun for most people.


playing like idiots ignoring the objectives and not helping the team whatsoever only worrying about kill/death ratios is fun for some people (apparently half the people in this thread)


trolling bads in general chat in warzones/message boards is fun for some people also.


why be mad? especially if its true.

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When you are playing vs teams trained female chimps, you can whine to nerf premades... like you "ppl" whine about everything. Also, better fotographic memory and all that jazz, doesn't hold a candle to critical thinking and analysis not to mention the ability to speak/communicate at more than the most basic level, guess that's why they don't "rule" the earth. /cough


Until then, you are playing vs human beings, and your post has no value.



Besides, do not know why, but yellow scripts make me think about bananas :rolleyes:

This, along with bringing monkeys into discussion..... are you a monkey incognito ? or want to be one? :D


p.s. yes i know chimps are not monkeys, monkeys are lower on the evolutionary tree. But its more fun to say, ... monkey :p

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People can complain and drop group all they want, what get's me is those are often the same people who give up matches way too early. They look at their Teammate's expertise rating, they complain about having to carry people but while they are afking at an objective, those undergeared players are actually trying to win the WZ. And you know what? since not a single WZ is a death match, they would actually have a chance if the whole team even tried.


I've been in WZs where we were completely outmatched, our shields lower than half our opponents and even I admit defeat but through perseverance we end up triple capping against completely better opponents and holding desperately to the end to complete the impossible.


You can make whatever claim you want, false or true it matters not, but do not quit the warzone yet fail to /leave so that we who persevere are not only outmatched but outnumbered.

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I said i was defending, not killing them. And this happens on my operative or assassin.


After sleep dart chains on ppl that cap, i blow an orbital strike and nobody caps for 12 seconds, then i can blind them,... vanish re-sleep dart cc chain. I can defend a node/door vs 3~ ppl for more than a minute solo as operative.




Sure you do, big guy...:rolleyes:

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I just can't stand the people who, after you tell them directions on a strategy, continue to do the opposite, or ignore chat altogether. That's what makes me the most mad, when it's spelled out right in front of you yet they can't perform. Then you have an issue.
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Sure you do, big buy...:rolleyes:


Hate to stoke anybodies ego on the forums. (goddess knows nobody here needs that)


But I have to say it depends on his opponents. I have held and have seen held a turrent versus many opponents for a long time. If his opponents do not try to follow and kill him, preferably 2 while the third caps, keeping him dotted/CCed at the right times then it would not surprise me that he can solo hold a turrent for about a minute.


though I suspect it's not a frequent event.

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I stop blaming you when you l2p...


When i see 6 ppl ("you") vs 4 enemies and you all die killing nothing or 1 at most, its afk /leave wz time.


or when i solo guard left door in voidstar vs (usualy 2-3 ppl) and they cap right with 7 defenders vs 5-6 attackers......


or when i guard 1 turret (cc play )or wait to ninja vs 3 and u you lose all other fronts while having numeric advantage...


or when enemy has 3(+) healers and i have marked them all, yet everyone is attacking a different target, not focusing fire anyone...


in hutball when u randomly fill attacker resolve bar with incapacitates (aoe ones are the best making entire teams immune to kb, pulls,cc) or are spread out on the map not doing anything objective related...


when you break a cc->cap combo because u like to mash buttons...



or when... well u get the idea, if you can not win a fight (or at least survive so that they don't cap) where u have the advantage its time for you to l2p.


And naturally you've never made any errors in any wz.

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Hate to stoke anybodies ego on the forums. (goddess knows nobody here needs that)


But I have to say it depends on his opponents. I have held and have seen held a turrent versus many opponents for a long time. If his opponents do not try to follow and kill him, preferably 2 while the third caps, keeping him dotted/CCed at the right times then it would not surprise me that he can solo hold a turrent for about a minute.


though I suspect it's not a frequent event.


I doubt he ever did it, he probaly saw it in a video on youtube.

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Don't queue in a WZ then....solo kill..../facepalm


I was defending grass with someone else

They needed help in mid so i decided to go

Half way, assassin ganks me

When he is at 10% hp, the only 1 defender of turret leaves and comes to finish him off.

2nd assassin ninja turret and make it unable to recap it with his cc till his friends arrive..


Get a clue before u post ur nonsense



Edited by unicornfive
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In almost every battle you find one, the guy who rages in chat about how everyone on his team is a bunch of "bads" etc. Usually followed by him either afk'ing or leaving the battle.


This will occur regardless of the situation. Maybe your team starts with two less players so you're only able to take one turret in CW? Maybe you're facing a premade and your team has several fresh 50s? Not to mention after 1.2, if you still have some champ/cent pieces you will actually have a disadvantage against a fresh 50 in full recruit (I really can't blame people for not wanting to pay credits to drop primary stats and set bonuses for expertise, unless you read the forums/patch notes and keep up with the dev posts you can't understand exactly how over-valued expertise is now.) None of it matters to these guys, everyone on the team is at fault except for Mr. PvP Hero of course.


People have to gear up somehow, it's not like they can queue for a seperate undergeared bracket and are instead choosing to be pit against geared premades.


My favorite is the guy who will afk, and continue to berate the team while his toon is auto-running safely tucked away in a corner. The hypocrisy and utter lack of logic is mindblowing. Even if it was completely true that your whole team has never pvp'd before, and that they should all delete their game or whatever clever vitriol you can think to spew; do you honestly think that raging in chat and insulting people will improve your situation? Would it really be so hard to instead offer some encouragement, or maybe try to coordinate a counter?


Fortunately you can get lucky with backfill players and depending on the circumstances, a comeback or at least a good attempt at one is possible. To me that is the best reward for putting up with PvP heroes, after their tantrum they end up on a few ignore lists and then get replaced by someone who actually contributes.


To all the players that stay cool and continue fighting even if they are filling a losing game - I salute you.

To all the Pvp heroes - have a free /hug, I'm sure you need it...


Lol, good post, I cannot stand those people.

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