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PvP heroes - Stop blaming your team.


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In almost every battle you find one, the guy who rages in chat about how everyone on his team is a bunch of "bads" etc. Usually followed by him either afk'ing or leaving the battle.


This will occur regardless of the situation. Maybe your team starts with two less players so you're only able to take one turret in CW? Maybe you're facing a premade and your team has several fresh 50s? Not to mention after 1.2, if you still have some champ/cent pieces you will actually have a disadvantage against a fresh 50 in full recruit (I really can't blame people for not wanting to pay credits to drop primary stats and set bonuses for expertise, unless you read the forums/patch notes and keep up with the dev posts you can't understand exactly how over-valued expertise is now.) None of it matters to these guys, everyone on the team is at fault except for Mr. PvP Hero of course.


People have to gear up somehow, it's not like they can queue for a seperate undergeared bracket and are instead choosing to be pit against geared premades.


My favorite is the guy who will afk, and continue to berate the team while his toon is auto-running safely tucked away in a corner. The hypocrisy and utter lack of logic is mindblowing. Even if it was completely true that your whole team has never pvp'd before, and that they should all delete their game or whatever clever vitriol you can think to spew; do you honestly think that raging in chat and insulting people will improve your situation? Would it really be so hard to instead offer some encouragement, or maybe try to coordinate a counter?


Fortunately you can get lucky with backfill players and depending on the circumstances, a comeback or at least a good attempt at one is possible. To me that is the best reward for putting up with PvP heroes, after their tantrum they end up on a few ignore lists and then get replaced by someone who actually contributes.


To all the players that stay cool and continue fighting even if they are filling a losing game - I salute you.

To all the Pvp heroes - have a free /hug, I'm sure you need it...

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In almost every battle you find one, the guy who rages in chat about how everyone on his team is a bunch of "bads" etc. Usually followed by him either afk'ing or leaving the battle.


This will occur regardless of the situation. Maybe your team starts with two less players so you're only able to take one turret in CW? Maybe you're facing a premade and your team has several fresh 50s? Not to mention after 1.2, if you still have some champ/cent pieces you will actually have a disadvantage against a fresh 50 in full recruit (I really can't blame people for not wanting to pay credits to drop primary stats and set bonuses for expertise, unless you read the forums/patch notes and keep up with the dev posts you can't understand exactly how over-valued expertise is now.) None of it matters to these guys, everyone on the team is at fault except for Mr. PvP Hero of course.


People have to gear up somehow, it's not like they can queue for a seperate undergeared bracket and are instead choosing to be pit against geared premades.


My favorite is the guy who will afk, and continue to berate the team while his toon is auto-running safely tucked away in a corner. The hypocrisy and utter lack of logic is mindblowing. Even if it was completely true that your whole team has never pvp'd before, and that they should all delete their game or whatever clever vitriol you can think to spew; do you honestly think that raging in chat and insulting people will improve your situation? Would it really be so hard to instead offer some encouragement, or maybe try to coordinate a counter?


Fortunately you can get lucky with backfill players and depending on the circumstances, a comeback or at least a good attempt at one is possible. To me that is the best reward for putting up with PvP heroes, after their tantrum they end up on a few ignore lists and then get replaced by someone who actually contributes.


To all the players that stay cool and continue fighting even if they are filling a losing game - I salute you.

To all the Pvp heroes - have a free /hug, I'm sure you need it...



Right on spot ..*claps* ...its mostly the "pro" pevepeer's that starts to whine and leave the game.

And often see the undergeared continue to fight with smile on their faces.

I hope they get a punnishment for leaving WZ soon ....I would love to see a valor penalty ....-x% valor getting drawn from their valor if you leave a WZ by pressing the quit button ....:p

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Yep, agree with all this. In lowbie PvP the other day we had like 5 players on our team who were in the 10-20 level range which means they could spam one or two abilities and their normal attack after running out of energy/force/ammo. Needless to say we lost pretty badly against a team with level 30s and 40s and there was one guy who kept calling everyone ******* and telling us to learn to play. It was intensely irritating and I put him on ignore after about two minutes of this (and that's patient I think).


Then in a Civil War game we had another guy who spent the entire game ************ about why the guy who was guarding the left turret failed to call out incs when two stealthers jumped him. We could have won the game had he decided to actually pull his weight instead of moaning for 10 minutes...


EDIT: the most irritating thing about people who cannot handle a loss is that you actually get REWARDS for losing. We had three hour wipefests on Soa in hard mode (poor coordination and bugs) with my guild and we got no rewards for it but nobody was berating anyone, we had great fun actually.

Edited by Siorac
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Just put a 30min wait time on all wz's, not just ranked. If it's more beneficial to stay in than it is to leave then you'll see fewer people dropping because they can't handle a tough match.


The people who spend most of a wz insulting everyone else are usually pretty horrible players themselves. Besides, if losing a wz throws you into uncontrollable e-rage then you have plenty of other issues.


Edit: I mean a 30 min re-que penalty if you drop

Edited by Diamaht
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Just put a 30min wait time on all wz's, not just ranked. If it's more beneficial to stay in than it is to leave then you'll see fewer people dropping because they can't handle a tough match.


The people who spend most of a wz insulting everyone else are usually pretty horrible players themselves. Besides, if losing a wz throws you into uncontrollable e-rage then you have plenty of other issues.


Edit: I mean a 30 min re-que penalty if you drop


Then they would just afk in a corner and mouth off at everyone better that they leave.


From my experience these guys are pretty rare at lvl50.


On the other hand, in 10-49WZs i frequently saw level 15s or lower spamming "u guyz suk" in Ops chat whilst allowing their nodes to be stealthcapped.


That´s because they are ignored by everyone when they get to 50s.

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I stop blaming you when you l2p...


When i see 6 ppl ("you") vs 4 enemies and you all die killing nothing or 1 at most, its afk /leave wz time.


or when i solo guard left door in voidstar vs (usualy 2-3 ppl) and they cap right with 7 defenders vs 5-6 attackers......


or when i guard 1 turret (cc play )or wait to ninja vs 3 and u you lose all other fronts while having numeric advantage...


or when enemy has 3(+) healers and i have marked them all, yet everyone is attacking a different target, not focusing fire anyone...


in hutball when u randomly fill attacker resolve bar with incapacitates (aoe ones are the best making entire teams immune to kb, pulls,cc) or are spread out on the map not doing anything objective related...


when you break a cc->cap combo because u like to mash buttons...



or when... well u get the idea, if you can not win a fight (or at least survive so that they don't cap) where u have the advantage its time for you to l2p.

Edited by Dmasterr
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In almost every battle you find one, the guy who rages in chat about how everyone on his team is a bunch of "bads" etc. Usually followed by him either afk'ing or leaving the battle.


Unfortunately that's what happens when 10 year olds are playing games with no supervision. They're not "guys" they're little kids. Not much you can do about it except put them on /ignore. That's the worst thing for them actually - they love attention, so ignoring a wailing child teaches them what they're doing is wrong. Simples.

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I stop blaming you when you l2p...


When i see 6 ppl ("you") vs 4 enemies and you all die killing nothing or 1 at most, its afk /leave wz time.


or when i solo guard left door in voidstar vs (usualy 2-3 ppl) and they cap right with 7 defenders vs 5-6 attackers......


or when i guard 1 turret (cc play )or wait to ninja vs 3 and u you lose all other fronts while having numeric advantage...


or when enemy has 3(+) healers and i have marked them all, yet everyone is attacking a different target, not focusing fire anyone...


in hutball when u randomly fill attacker resolve bar with incapacitates (aoe ones are the best making entire teams immune to kb, pulls,cc) or are spread out on the map not doing anything objective related...


when you break a cc->cap combo because u like to mash buttons...



or when... well u get the idea, if you can not win a fight (or at least survive so that they don't cap) where u have the advantage its time for you to l2p.



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... Not to mention after 1.2, if you still have some champ/cent pieces you will actually have a disadvantage against a fresh 50 in full recruit (I really can't blame people for not wanting to pay credits to drop primary stats and set bonuses for expertise, unless you read the forums/patch notes and keep up with the dev posts you can't understand exactly how over-valued expertise is now.) None of it matters to these guys, everyone on the team is at fault except for Mr. PvP Hero of course...



i am one of your sop called pvp heros, and tell me how i am suposed to heal somene that has 0 expertise, so you want to go to a WZ have a WH on your team, and dont be blame cause you wana be cheap and dont even buy the centurion gear, you just want to be carried and none to tell you anithing.


for the 10-49 brakets is different if you get somene yelling L2p ignore em those are just tards,...

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love how ppl bash Dmaster, when the guy is spot on.


Nothing more annoying that carrying 6+ ppl in a warzone, even if you win your pissed because they did nothing but take up air and make that win even harder than it ever should be.


I guess you guys whacking at him are the same ppl who are missing basic understanding and commen sense in this game.


And then moving on to belittle his RL, wich I feel fairly certian none of you got any clue about is hillarious.


Any way thats basicly why some ppl dont play pvp outside premades, clueless ppl are at times beyond frustrating, ofc. everyone needs to learn the game, wich is perfectly fine, but if they refuse to learn/improve then its hard to keep the civil tone for long.

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I stop blaming you when you l2p...


When i see 6 ppl ("you") vs 4 enemies and you all die killing nothing or 1 at most, its afk /leave wz time.


or when i solo guard left door in voidstar vs (usualy 2-3 ppl) and they cap right with 7 defenders vs 5-6 attackers......


or when i guard 1 turret (cc play )or wait to ninja vs 3 and u you lose all other fronts while having numeric advantage...


or when enemy has 3(+) healers and i have marked them all, yet everyone is attacking a different target, not focusing fire anyone...


in hutball when u randomly fill attacker resolve bar with incapacitates (aoe ones are the best making entire teams immune to kb, pulls,cc) or are spread out on the map not doing anything objective related...


when you break a cc->cap combo because u like to mash buttons...


or when... well u get the idea, if you can not win a fight (or at least survive so that they don't cap) where u have the advantage its time for you to l2p.


I can't argue that seeing the above examples in game isn't frustrating, it most certainly is and I've been in games like that too. My point is this - why not help your team learn instead of rage? Raging accomplishes nothing productive and serves to demoralize and distract other players, also now the team will be down a man as well, further decreasing the chances of winning.


A determined team can and will recover from any of the above mistakes, and if not at least you can get a few more medals and have some fun. Unfortunately just telling your team to l2p doesn't actually bestow any knowledge.

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I'm sure this has been said, but you won't get criticism if you roll up in the warzone in PvP gear, recruit gear only costs money there is no reason not to have it.


When you come into the warzone in 40 blues and greens, with 12k-13k life, you are single handedly losing the warzone for your team, especially now. Not only does the player deserve a ban for Trolling the other 7 players, the last thing they should do is try to defend their actions. You have no business being in a warzone with that type of gear at 50.

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I stop blaming you when you l2p...


When i see 6 ppl ("you") vs 4 enemies and you all die killing nothing or 1 at most, its afk /leave wz time.


or when i solo guard left door in voidstar vs (usualy 2-3 ppl) and they cap right with 7 defenders vs 5-6 attackers......


or when i guard 1 turret (cc play )or wait to ninja vs 3 and u you lose all other fronts while having numeric advantage...


or when enemy has 3(+) healers and i have marked them all, yet everyone is attacking a different target, not focusing fire anyone...


in hutball when u randomly fill attacker resolve bar with incapacitates (aoe ones are the best making entire teams immune to kb, pulls,cc) or are spread out on the map not doing anything objective related...


when you break a cc->cap combo because u like to mash buttons...



or when... well u get the idea, if you can not win a fight (or at least survive so that they don't cap) where u have the advantage its time for you to l2p.


Too bad your team mates can't frag you. Stop mezzing enemies that I put dots on. If you wanna pull the CC ninja cap chestnut, let the team know in chat. There maybe someone else on voice coms trying to execute a plan, and you just messed their plan up by not being a team player. How about you stop typing so much and actually play the game. Keep your insults in your pocket, and drop some of your super leet pvp knowledge on the nubs so they might learn something.


It might also be a good idea to stop placing so much importance on a game, and go do something irl like hanging out with friends, or kissing a girl.

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I stop blaming you when you l2p...


When i see 6 ppl ("you") vs 4 enemies and you all die killing nothing or 1 at most, its afk /leave wz time.


or when i solo guard left door in voidstar vs (usualy 2-3 ppl) and they cap right with 7 defenders vs 5-6 attackers......


or when i guard 1 turret (cc play )or wait to ninja vs 3 and u you lose all other fronts while having numeric advantage...


or when enemy has 3(+) healers and i have marked them all, yet everyone is attacking a different target, not focusing fire anyone...


in hutball when u randomly fill attacker resolve bar with incapacitates (aoe ones are the best making entire teams immune to kb, pulls,cc) or are spread out on the map not doing anything objective related...


when you break a cc->cap combo because u like to mash buttons...



or when... well u get the idea, if you can not win a fight (or at least survive so that they don't cap) where u have the advantage its time for you to l2p.




when theres fail on the team and the people failing fail to see they are the problem not the ones pointing it out its time to click leave warzone.

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I have to admit that I actually raged at a player a few days ago that grabbed the ball, we had the whole team set to cover him for once, and then he started running in the wrong direction...


Still, I didn't actually AFK or quit the WZ, I just e-raged at him...

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OP's post is about not blaming your team but if you're on a team full of fresh 50s of course it's their fault you lost! Admirable an idea as recruit gear was, a war hero with 6 augmented slots is gonna rip that person to pieces in no time at all! And on a lot of servers you have to work hard for your daily wins against the premades. I'd be pissed too if the pugs couldn't pull their weight every game for multiple games.
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I can't argue that seeing the above examples in game isn't frustrating, it most certainly is and I've been in games like that too. My point is this - why not help your team learn instead of rage? Raging accomplishes nothing productive and serves to demoralize and distract other players, also now the team will be down a man as well, further decreasing the chances of winning.


A determined team can and will recover from any of the above mistakes, and if not at least you can get a few more medals and have some fun. Unfortunately just telling your team to l2p doesn't actually bestow any knowledge.


I am not raging at all, in the case of what i said above i just chose the most favorable course of action for me, afk /leave. But i do tell them they need to improve their pvp gameplay.


And no u can not teach someone that has been playing for months, how to pvp in a couple of minutes. Not that they are willing to listen anyway.



Too bad your team mates can't frag you. Stop mezzing enemies that I put dots on. If you wanna pull the CC ninja cap chestnut, let the team know in chat. There maybe someone else on voice coms trying to execute a plan, and you just messed their plan up by not being a team player. How about you stop typing so much and actually play the game. Keep your insults in your pocket, and drop some of your super leet pvp knowledge on the nubs so they might learn something.


It might also be a good idea to stop placing so much importance on a game, and go do something irl like hanging out with friends, or kissing a girl.


Ninja capping is not randomly mezing ppl in big fights and caping. Its me SOLO mez->cap then some douche comes and force leaps him mid mezfrom 30 yards, or stealth starts on them.


If your suggestion is to stop trying then u care nothing about improving your gameplay. And my irl has nothing to do with what happens in the game, so i see no reason to bring it up. Also regarding your last remark : not every player is 16y old virgin, so you might want to change your approach, since not everyone is in your shoes.


You should always seek upon improving yourself, regardless of what you do. If you don't, why bother?

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Too bad your team mates can't frag you. Stop mezzing enemies that I put dots on. If you wanna pull the CC ninja cap chestnut, let the team know in chat. There maybe someone else on voice coms trying to execute a plan, and you just messed their plan up by not being a team player. How about you stop typing so much and actually play the game. Keep your insults in your pocket, and drop some of your super leet pvp knowledge on the nubs so they might learn something...


Well said.


Often it is simply a matter of an honest mistake or lack of communication, and that's all it takes for someone to give up entirely and start a flame war.


I don't think anyone is happy when a 0 expertise player zones in (and to be fair I would say a 0 expertise player is more rare than a PvP hero) but have you ever tried explaining to them in /w why expertise is so important during the minute before the battle?


You might be surprised to find out that most people are more than intelligent enough to contribute in a meaningful way during PvP with some guidance and patience, and they want to win just as much as you do.


Don't forget - sometimes the other team is just better. Maybe the other team is actually having the game of their lives. Wouldn't you rather take the loss to a good team standing up and fighting back?

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Don't forget - sometimes the other team is just better. Maybe the other team is actually having the game of their lives. Wouldn't you rather take the loss to a good team standing up and fighting back?

I am not upset upon losing a good game, the closer the fight the better. If you steamroll everyone then you can not improve your gameplay, since your skill is not challenged.


But i am upset if most could be replaced by monkeys and see no change in their performance.

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