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Unfair advantage


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After playing this game since it started, I have come to the conclusion that the deck is stacked in favor of the sith.


I mean, I recently cornered a Sorcerer in the new war zone and beat it with everything I had for a good 30 seconds and I barely put a dent in her health. But it takes but seconds for her friends to take my 18k health down to nothing in seconds flat.


And why is it that I can be stunned for a dozen seconds or so with no way to break the stun, but when I lay a stun down it is almost always broken very quickly.


And the situation just gets worse when I face a bounty hunter or a agent, they seem to take me down with a single shot.


I'm playing a consular, lvl 50 with almost a full set of battle gear.


What gives? Am I that stupid?

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Yeah, well I have also considered that the sith on my server are just better players. I've have been thrown in with some really bad companions in the war zones.


As to the rest of the condescending comments received, you're living in a glass house. If you can't remotely contribute to my understanding of the game, then shut your traps.

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Sith and republic classes are, as far as game mechanics and balance are concerned, identical.


The empire just has better players.


There are some very minor differences, but they're very unlikely to decide the outcome of a battle. As for the OP, you didn't really give us enough information to give you suggestions.... was the Sorc a healer or a dps? What spec are you? Etc etc

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There are some very minor differences, but they're very unlikely to decide the outcome of a battle. As for the OP, you didn't really give us enough information to give you suggestions.... was the Sorc a healer or a dps? What spec are you? Etc etc


Thanks, you're right. While I have no idea how the opponents are spec'ed, it's not like you can stop and examine them, I can related I am running as a shadow. My skill tree is setup for a tank in combat mode since I get the best self-healing with harnessed shadows. I believe I'm configured as 31/0/10. I really didn't get good results self-healing based on critical DOT attacks. Mind crush takes way too long to deliver.


But I am not exaggerating when I state that if I get into a choke and gang-banged, I die within seconds. I've got 17.5k health. I can see no equivalent stun on the republic side. The stuns seem to be a definite mismatch. Quite often my opponents break out of my stuns and go their merry way. I thought a stun was a stun, you are suppose to be stopped in your tracks.


On multiple occasions I receive stuns and I can't do anything about them. What am I missing here? Is this a question of having or missing other attributes(power,surge,etc)?


This is why I think there is some sort of unfair advantage.

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Every class gets a stun breaker skill, its generally on a pretty long cooldown, and you also have to factor resolve into whether your stuns will work or not. As for the choke thing, if you are referring to force choke, the equivalent republic skill is the Jedi Knight's force stasis ability. And if you get ganged up on, you are supposed to die. Tanks can generally last a little longer in these situations, large in part due to their cooldowns, but nobody is supposed to be able to take on half of the enemy team. It is also quite likely the enemy had better gear than you, though I can't say for sure without having been there. Edited by Taleek
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Ah yes, resolve. I completely forgot about that as a reason as to why some of my stuns may not work.


As to the ability to break a stun, I was under the impression that this was not possible by definition. I have noticed that my so called stun breaker never seems to be available while stunned, even when it is not on CD. I would expect that this would be true for everybody.


I guess I need to pay closer attention to what is really going on including paying more attention to the resolve bars.


Thanks for taking the time to comment.

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Yes, I don't mean this rudely, but I think you need to spend a bit of time assessing your character's abilities, make sure the ones you need are placed appropriately in the quickslot you can access. Everyone gets a stun/snare breaker and early on in levelling.


You may also want to check your gear, shadows use willpower as their primary stat. It may be worth visiting the shadow forum, usually the better players have posted a guide to using the class.


I have imperial and republic characters and notice no difference in playing standard on my server, if anything I win more warzones playing alongside republic comrades.


This game does need practice to improve, especially PvP because computer controlled enemies are more predictable in the PvE (player versus environment) setting. Keep at it, and I'm sure you will see results.

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I have never noticed this, and I do quite a bit of PVP. I have played on both my Imperial, and my Republic classes and I play very well on both. I guess you might not have a very good sense of PVP mechanics (not intended as an insult).

Using my Sorcerer I get ***** so easily, less I can get my shield, CC, and decent shots out fast enough. We're also a very immobile class which means a lot of our spells are casts. Just run behind us and unless we're fast enough, the spells just get cancelled.

Could also just be that some of the games you're in are premades, therefore the players may not only just be skilled, but working closely in conjunction with one another.

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Sith and republic classes are, as far as game mechanics and balance are concerned, identical.


The empire just has better players.


actually, ive found that republic tends to have better players. granted its anecdotal evidence but playing as imperial i see how selfish alot of empire players are, and when i play republic people are alot more willing to work as a team and get along.


also when losing i notice when playing empire people tend to start blaming each other real quickly while on republic people are much calmer and nicer about it.


this is just my experience playing both factions on the same server.

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This thread really is symptomatic of the problem with pvp and these forums in general.


Over the course of this thread it has become clear that the OP just doesn't understand pvp mechanics well enough. He admits to not taking resolve into consideration when trying to stun or CC enemies, and doesn't use his CC breaker. Yet he begins with "Unfair advantage" about one faction over the other -- which is blatantly untrue. Hopefully the OP will take this thread as an example that he needs to play more and focus on learning the mechanics of the game and his class a bit better, before complaining about one faction having something the other doesn't.


Better yet, perhaps others will read this and learn from it. Learn your class. Learn other classes. And learn the mechanics of the game -- do all of this BEFORE you come complain about things that do not exist.

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Thanks, you're right. While I have no idea how the opponents are spec'ed, it's not like you can stop and examine them,

Well, if you can´t judge the specc of an enemy by animations and their way of fighting you really need to do the basic homework before complaining about loosing a 1on1.

A duel is all about combat awareness, you have to know what youre opponent is capable of and how to counter.

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It's unfair you can't kill 3+ players alone?

It makes empire OP because they know how to gank?

Bro if that stuff annoys you go back to PvE, PvP ain't for you. I can take down a sorc in 1 v 1 on my jugg, not that hard just pop their bubble.

When it comes to stunts, I u we're vs a sorc merc and sniper (let's pretend) that's 3 stuns at least. It takes 2 or 3 stuns to fill resolve. If your stun breaker was on cd then you were bum **** outa luck.

My advice is either: choose your battles wisely or stop pvping it's not for you.

Edited by Tfranco
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I've got a war hero almost to rank 80 a battlemaster almost to rank 70 war hero and i've noticed that the enemy can have 0 in resolve and i'll hit them with harpoon or a cc and it does nothing to them the line will go out or my grenade will go out or whatever and my skill is on cooldown but they don't move in harpoon or stop moving as in my cc's. I've got a character of every ac on republic side and i've noticed this is quite often the case. I've even put in dozens of tickets in the past almost 2 weeks since 1.2 and these people who are clearly using an exploit or hack of some kind are not being punished. I so much as point out a mistake an empire character makes and i get a warning in my email and they use profanity and other extremely unsportsman like behavior and they don't get anything. imurdady i've reported for known rules violations on 25 occasions and he said he hasn't gotten 1 rules violation notification nor has he gotten any time off. They say they have new hardware and software in place to pick up on hacks and i see known hacks that i've not only known a about for years but report and bioware does nothing against shadow hand empire where as a few republic players were recently perma banned. Since I have all 8 ac's represented in my roster i know there are a few abilities that ignore cc attempts hunker down for smuggler/agent and talented force leap for guardian/jugg for example. I've noticed this on every class from a sorcerer to a powertech and back again the resolve bar not being even half full and my cc's or other positional effects not working. I've hit sorcerers with cc when they have 0 resolve and they didn't even slow down there was no pause which would indicate a player hitting their cc breaker or even a stutterstep. Like i know tactics vanguards and the equivilant powertech has an ability that when present prevents cc's for 8 seconds out of every 30 and can be used retroactively to break cc and i know 4 seconds after a jugg force leaps it ignores cc attempts but in these cases they get a buff and no buff was present. All i can say is there's about 9 great mmo titles being released in the next 6 months starting with diablo 3 in 2 weeks and that game has no sub so once you purchase it its free. They are making the money to run it off of a percentage of real world money auction house fee's i believe its 5% and that will pay for the games subs plus updates. another mmo that seems exciting tera is being released next week so if your looking at a fair setting for republic players maybe another game will be better for you.
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I've got a war hero almost to rank 80 a battlemaster...


Holy wall of text!


Somehow i actually forced myself to read that whole thing. For one thing, just because you think someone is abusing the system doesn't mean they are. Report all you want, if no action is taken then the CSRs aren't finding any hacking going on. It doesn't mean there's favoritism, it means you're wrong.


Second, Diablo 3 is NOT an MMO. It is a single player game with multiplayer functionality. It is NOT an MMO, so don't compare it to TOR. Feel free to go play Tera, but I wouldn't play it if you offered to pay my subscription. There are so many perceived imbalances or instances of favoritism that clearly play out to be nonexistent, that the idea of one faction having unfair advantages over the other is just downright laughable at this point.

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After playing this game since it started, I have come to the conclusion that the deck is stacked in favor of the sith.


I mean, I recently cornered a Sorcerer in the new war zone and beat it with everything I had for a good 30 seconds and I barely put a dent in her health. But it takes but seconds for her friends to take my 18k health down to nothing in seconds flat.


And why is it that I can be stunned for a dozen seconds or so with no way to break the stun, but when I lay a stun down it is almost always broken very quickly.


And the situation just gets worse when I face a bounty hunter or a agent, they seem to take me down with a single shot.


I'm playing a consular, lvl 50 with almost a full set of battle gear.


What gives? Am I that stupid?

No, you wana know whats an unfair advantage?

Republics getting 3-5 healers every warzone when imps get 0-1(1 VERY RARELY) and losing over 7/8ths of the games i play v pubs, no its not me, its the lack of healers and the over abundance of pub healers, and yes its very difficult for my assassin to fight marudars and troopers, why in my opinion? armor, and they do the same damage as us, but with more armor.

Fix for my situation? Que up to Warzones as either Dps, Tank or Healer, each WZ group will be matched with the same amount of healers, and more armor should = less dps, or give more endurance to light armor.

Obvious logic is obvious

Edited by Daethorz
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]After playing this game since it started, I have come to the conclusion that the deck is stacked in favor of the republic.


I mean, I recently cornered a Sage in the new war zone and beat it with everything I had for a good 30 seconds and I barely put a dent in her health. But it takes but seconds for her friends to take my 18k health down to nothing in seconds flat.


And why is it that I can be stunned for a dozen seconds or so with no way to break the stun, but when I lay a stun down it is almost always broken very quickly.


And the situation just gets worse when I face a Trooper or a Smuggler, they seem to take me down with a single shot.


I'm playing a Sith Inquistor, lvl 50 with almost a full set of battle gear.


What gives? Am I that stupid?




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The only thing to do with balance that I would say is bad, is our Jedi's Project ability, it's ridiculous with its delay. By the time you activate it ready for it to do a huge crit(as a Shadow) the enemy can cloak and my project is left floating in the air, whereas if that was a Sith, their shock is instant.
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The only thing to do with balance that I would say is bad, is our Jedi's Project ability, it's ridiculous with its delay. By the time you activate it ready for it to do a huge crit(as a Shadow) the enemy can cloak and my project is left floating in the air, whereas if that was a Sith, their shock is instant.


The Scoundrel's Tendon blast and Back blast with shotgun also has much more slowly animation, than imperial alternatives with knife in Agent.


Main strategy of Bioware is "feed" mmo-gamers from WoW (which mostly plays for Empire) and skilled in pvp - by meat of single-rpg-KotOR fanboys, who mostly plays for Republic.

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