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Light vs. Dark - Which do you enjoy more?


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Levelled 4 Warriors, liked the "Sith Samurai" playthrough most.


Gray playthrough focusing on honour, selflessness and duty. Show disrespect to the Warrior and get choked. Show disrespect to his Master and lose your head. Simple, yet strict moral code that permits rivers of blood, encourages the pursuit of vengeance, but demands nothing but absolute loyalty to the Master and the Empire.


Recently watched 47 Ronin, and not I'm kind of revisiting :)

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Light side choices I chose were those to spare people that I liked who were helpful, being the Republic Troops on Nar Shaddaa, Overseer Tremel, and Somminick Timmns. I took a lot of neutral choices, like having Lord Rathari agree to serve me and be there when I killed Baras, sending Jaesa's parents and Nomen Karr to Baras to be tortured, and capturing the War Trust on Taris to be tortured for information, and scaring off some thugs by threatening to eat them.


I took some light side choices because I thought they'd be funny, and actually seemed pretty cold and dark. Revealing Baras' Jedi spy on Corellia, then letting the other Jedi arrest her, killing Grathan and sleeping with his wife, and forcing Dolgis to buy his life with every credit he had.


People that were enemies, who either betrayed me or were of no use alive, were killed. Yonlach, Baras, Draahg, Ekkage, Xerender and Wyellet, all died. Malavai got choked for what he did.

Edited by Blowwtorch
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Light side choices I chose were those to spare people that I liked who were helpful, being the Republic Troops on Nar Shaddaa, Overseer Tremel, and Somminick Timmns. I took a lot of neutral choices, like having Lord Rathari agree to serve me and be there when I killed Baras, sending Jaesa's parents and Nomen Karr to Baras to be tortured, and capturing the War Trust on Taris to be tortured for information, and scaring off some thugs by threatening to eat them.


I took some light side choices because I thought they'd be funny, and actually seemed pretty cold and dark. Revealing Baras' Jedi spy on Corellia, then letting the other Jedi arrest her, killing Grathan and sleeping with his wife, and forcing Dolgis to buy his life with every credit he had.


People that were enemies, who either betrayed me or were of no use alive, were killed. Yonlach, Baras, Draahg, Ekkage, Xerender and Wyellet, all died. Malavai got choked for what he did.

Might want to


the big story points.

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I very much enjoyed the Light Side story overall,

but the LS choice when defeating Baras was a lackluster. "I'll spare him!" "No problem, we'll just prison him for like, forever." I expected more.



If you ask me, if they continue the class stories the next logical step for the Sith Warrior would be

to hunt down the Jedi Knight who killed the Emperor's True Voice. There are a lot of loose ends involving the Emperor...


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I've played through the warrior storyline as both light and dark. Honestly I think both paths work well with the story. First time I played through as a light side female mara romancing Quinn. I enjoyed the LS story and romance, I don't think it would have worked so well as a DS character.


LS story had some funny dialogue when you spared people so I enjoyed that.

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Levelled 4 Warriors, liked the "Sith Samurai" playthrough most.


Gray playthrough focusing on honour, selflessness and duty. Show disrespect to the Warrior and get choked. Show disrespect to his Master and lose your head. Simple, yet strict moral code that permits rivers of blood, encourages the pursuit of vengeance, but demands nothing but absolute loyalty to the Master and the Empire.


I also played my only Warrior by following a samurai-like code of honor :

- someone defies you, kill him.

- someone show disrespect towards authority (you, or the Empire itself), choke him.

- harmless people begs to have their life spared, spare them... Until they're the target of an assassination order.


It was amazingly enjoyable even though, later after finishing leveling, I started to hate my advanced class. (Marauder - Neutral Alignment)

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