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So lvl 50, now what?


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I got to lvl 50 pretty fast after the game was released and after that, the only thing I can do is a few dailies that get pretty dull very fast. I know this game has some group content included for end game but there is never anyone on during the day putting runs together so now what?


The few guilds I have spoken to on my server that do regular runs never run during the day and I can't run at night so does this mean that is all there is for me at lvl 50? All I can do is go lvl an alt and stop playing that one at lvl 50 and start another?


This game needs a way to gather the very few daytime players together for endgame content even on different servers so we can have something to do after hitting lvl 50.

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I haven't reached 50 yet (soon!), but from what I hear, it sounds like there's nothing else to do except dailies, PvP, and instances. Is that true?


Are there no more individual quest lines? That's what I'm most interested in. I'm not talking about class quests either, but just some quest lines driven by an individual story.


I remember enjoying how WoW offered quite a bit of such quest lines for players who reached the highest level.

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I got to lvl 50 pretty fast after the game was released and after that, the only thing I can do is a few dailies that get pretty dull very fast. I know this game has some group content included for end game but there is never anyone on during the day putting runs together so now what?


The few guilds I have spoken to on my server that do regular runs never run during the day and I can't run at night so does this mean that is all there is for me at lvl 50? All I can do is go lvl an alt and stop playing that one at lvl 50 and start another?


This game needs a way to gather the very few daytime players together for endgame content even on different servers so we can have something to do after hitting lvl 50.


I had this issue back when I played eq2, a game that is more "raid or die" than any other i've played.


My solution was to transfer (or reroll) my characters to a european server, as their raid times are during the day for me. You might consider leveling a character on a European or Asia/Pacific server in order to find more of what you're looking for.

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Trying to set up somethng like an Operation run during the day is probably a futile effor honestly. But doing something like HM Flashpoints or heroics is certainly viable. Afterall they only require 3 other players.


But there is no reason for this. I am sure many players own this game and play during the day, even some people who have alts that they would like to gear up but can only play 1 toon at a time at night with the normal runs.


Why should a lvl 50 toon be done just because I can't play in the evenings?



I have spent several hours looking for any group for lvl 50 content with no success. We need some way that the daytime players can join up to do runs.





You could reroll on one of the Australian servers... their night is our day.


Again, that makes my existing lvl 50 worthless. My question is what can I do with this lvl 50 now that I am here when there is nobody doing runs?


There is rarely anyone on the server during the day, we need a way that those of us playing in the day can group together.

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