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If you fill a Sentinel's resolve...


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As a focus guardian, i can do a 7.5k master strike /sum of all the hits/, without adrenal, without warzone buff - just trinket and pvp set bonus. Imagine a marauder/sentinel, with all the possible buffs, offensive cds... It will be a lot more than 7.5k.
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-Rubs hand together slowly while cackling-


Yesh... target the Marauders and Sentinels my minions.... Let them not see Shadow/Assassin tanks being stronger in Utility while having the same damage output.

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-Rubs hand together slowly while cackling-


Yesh... target the Marauders and Sentinels my minions.... Let them not see Shadow/Assassin tanks being stronger in Utility while having the same damage output.


You must not be 50. Tankassins do jack in damage compared to marauders or sentinels. No one ever complained about being destroyed in 5 seconds by a tankassassin. The complaint on them is they are utility nightmares. Self healing, mitigated damage, slows, and guard. Plus they can vanish. They are annoying and a pain to kill 1 v 1. But they can't win a 2 v 1. Heck, if I see a sin healer team. I kill the healer and then the tank. You stun or cc the sin and then roll burn them down.


Tankassins are utility nightmares not indestructible damage dealing monsters from hell.

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LOL! Isn't it funny how the Sent/Mara has been virtually unchanged since 1.0 and suddenly they are OP? A month ago they were boring and gimp....


One buff to MS/Ravage and some minor tweaks and suddenly, they are the FOTM? Who is gonna be next months FOTM? Ops/Scoundrels again? Maybe Sorcs/Sages? Hey, I know, Snipers and Gunslingers! ROFL...you whiners and complainers are like a roller coaster. I think your chair to keyboard interface is broken....


Actually they always have been OP, 1.2 just made them more so. I'm over this ridiculous argument of the OBVIOUS most drastic OP class out there (and its obvious the people playing them cause all they do is react with a L2P) , hell I made a Sent just to see how ******** they are first hand and I win a 1v1 EVERY TIME, hell even 1v2 most of the time with my cooldowns up, with my Imp Op I cannot kill almost ANYTHING alone that is geared at the full BM + gear (since we've just been nerfed to hard and by the time I get even close their team mates notice me and I'm dead) BUT team up with a guildie mara, we kill a tank AND a healer before they can kill either of us, JUST the mara makes all the difference, hell we've killed 4 people (I die after the 2nd goes down) he finishes off the other 2, even HE says they are SO SO OP its funny!


The people that defend them just like to OBVIOUSLY play the OP class, the L2P argument is a COP OUT and the most hypercritical one at that.

Edited by KalTorrak
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Actually it means L2 stun when we pop undying it's what ppl with half a brain do :rolleyes:


And what happens if they are at full resolve oh wait its useless then there is no counter at all, relying on a stun and not being stunned and getting resolve before that at all and saving it ALL for that ONE ability is total ********, they are op, people defending them are either stupid , blind or both of them (not to mention like playing an OP class) most people I know playing them on my server admit they are grossly overpowered but they are not to blame, its Bioware.


The only way to get them to even look at this is to make noise on these things and pray they pay attention or lose customers.


No one likes going up against 1 class that is pretty much guaranteed to lose is pathetic to say the least, people quit over this, and even the people then left playing those classes will have what left? Loooongggg *** queues and just playing against the same people over and over (if there are enough left to even start WZ's at all) ?


The people that have left already even the REALLY good Sents / Mara's made youtube vids and said the games pvp balance is a joke and like I said above they are the ones playing the OP classes, it gets old after awhile and for the people it doesn't, the others on the receiving end it gets old faster, this on top of the other stuff wrong with SWTOR is why populations are dropping so severely.

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As a focus guardian, i can do a 7.5k master strike /sum of all the hits/, without adrenal, without warzone buff - just trinket and pvp set bonus. Imagine a marauder/sentinel, with all the possible buffs, offensive cds... It will be a lot more than 7.5k.


I am at 1261 expertise, Ravage does 4.7K over 3 seconds MAX, not counting a crit, adrenals, or expertise differences.


This is what I calll HUGE misinformation...

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