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Dear Bioware, Please extend the Rakghoul event.

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Yeah I can't believe that they would remove the vendor. Sitting on 90+ DNA samples, just found out I can't spend them. :/


they will never leave an event vendor in place ,when the event is over...it just common sense..it your own fault you didnt spend your dna,everyone knew the event ended today.

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they will never leave an event vendor in place ,when the event is over...it just common sense..it your own fault you didnt spend your dna,everyone knew the event ended today.


i didn't know the event ended today, i had actually planned my day around it. if you look at swtor.com right now the first thing you will see is an advert for this event.

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they will never leave an event vendor in place ,when the event is over...it just common sense..it your own fault you didnt spend your dna,everyone knew the event ended today.



When they ran events in Warhammer Online(EA Mythic and some of the same devs) the vendor persisted for a week or so after the event allowing players to make their purchases.

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I'm on board with the event gear issue. I wish this were bound to legacy and I wish they had not been gated per day. I was unable to get my chestpiece to at least make the set look complete, if lacking a proper belt. Which I could live without the belt, but the chestpiece being unattainable is kinda bad design. I hope some workaround is put in place. =/
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They could remove the vendor and make a vendor that sells all the past event items on the factions stations. I did like the fact you could trade the dna samples. In many games these items are not tradeable even among your own characters.


Two weeks with 5-7 days needed to get all the mission rewards would have been a better idea.


Oh and for the rewards. They should have offered all the pieces and let you choose instead of one piece per day. I missed the chest and belt. I would have probably picked the chest first then legs, head...

Edited by Toddwnc
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Im a bit upset that I can't complete the title because I was able to find a group to kill 2/3 world bosses but everytime I was online Trapjaw was no where to be found. I must have missed him every spawn and i repeatedly tried to find a group to get him but to no avail.
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It would be nice if the event was extended. I got into it very late and barly scratched the surface. As an alternative perhaps another infection on another planet? It was very enjoyable for the bits I was able to participate in. Keep going guys!
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