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Dear Bioware, Please extend the Rakghoul event.

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The DNA is worth money its 5K MIN everytime you explode. I cannot understand not liking this event. Not for a second. You get free vaccine from the dailies and 2k is NOTHING its half the amount you get when you explode.


The first time you explode you can buy 2 vaccines and not get infected for 12 hours!!


I got my black green core sabers and a bunch of credits from this. I LOVED this event and the cash and prizes that came with it.

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I won't manage to get the belt either, which kinda sucks. Not that I could do anything with that light armor at this point, being an agent (I don't even have a companion using light armor).


But I still hope they find a solution for soical gear in the future, although I'm not sure if it's right to add a mechanic that allows turning stuff like the slave outfit into heavy armor, for example …

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I too won't be able to get set. I didn't even know it was going on till after a couple days. I also have to work and wasn't able to pay everyday. So i only got four pieces of the set. I managed to earn/buy DNA to get the pet and crystals.
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The DNA is worth money its 5K MIN everytime you explode. I cannot understand not liking this event. Not for a second. You get free vaccine from the dailies and 2k is NOTHING its half the amount you get when you explode.


The first time you explode you can buy 2 vaccines and not get infected for 12 hours!!


I got my black green core sabers and a bunch of credits from this. I LOVED this event and the cash and prizes that came with it.


Firstly, 2k is not "NOTHING" esp. for lower level characters.

Secondly, people not wanting to participate (like myself) do not want to participate to NOT participate. Just think how silly of a suggestion that is. You don't want to play? Fine. Just play anyways to not play it. :confused:

Thirdly, why should anyone who doesn't want to participate have to adjust their play style because of others?

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Having recently re-rolled on a new server; I am unfortunately under leveled for the event. Powering though two planets over the weekend put me in the minimum requirement area.


My personal take is the event was well done. It had a pacing mechanic with more of the story unlocking day by day; which made it feel more 'alive'. I liked the implications of spreading the plague all over; something that I thoroughly enjoyed defending against in another game. If this is the kind of thing BioWare is going to continue providing; they won't be losing my subscription anytime soon.


I do however; recognize the execution is not perfect and can be frustrating to some players. Personally? Well lets just say after my 14th randomized companion customization purchase I still do not have the only one I actually seek. (But up to 4 duplicates of Mr. Cedrax and Ms. Mako.)

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I too am one of the unfortunate ones that got in late on this and are now sitting with 4/6 of the Containment Officer set. So since the event ends with tomorrows maintenance, today was the last opportunity to obtain the missing pieces, and considering one of the pieces missing is the chest, this pretty much renders the parts I have pointless and wasted time. I would very much like to get the missing parts, whether that be through an extension of the whole event or just the dailies. Even an NPC selling the set for a limited time would be ok.
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While I'd love to have many more world events, I think a week is more than sufficient for each. If you have very limited play time (like myself), buy DNA samples off other players in addition to farming them yourself.


With limited play time we are not likely to have vast amounts of cash to pay the (upto) 20k per sample people are asking for....

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I too am one of the unfortunate ones that got in late on this and are now sitting with 4/6 of the Containment Officer set. So since the event ends with tomorrows maintenance, today was the last opportunity to obtain the missing pieces, and considering one of the pieces missing is the chest, this pretty much renders the parts I have pointless and wasted time. I would very much like to get the missing parts, whether that be through an extension of the whole event or just the dailies. Even an NPC selling the set for a limited time would be ok.


I am at 4/6 myself with today's reset to run, I believe Chest and belt both come from same run? or is it one or the other?


Still 20 short for my Crystal too :(:wea_03:

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I would have liked to see this event go on a bit longer too. I've played just about every day since early access, but life circumstances kept me away from the game during the event.


I'm in the unfortunate situation that my I went out of town the day before the event started and got back home two days before it ends. Sure, I've been able to buy DNA samples off of people, but I'm still missing content since they staggered the release of quests and you need the prerequisite quests. That and I'm having trouble finding a group for the world bosses this close to the end.


It's been enjoyable thusfar; shame I'll miss out on some of the quests/orange gear and likely the world boss kills/titles if I have the continued misfortune of not finding a group today.


It feels like the other MMOs I've played have given players longer to experience these types of events, but c'est la vie.

Edited by MaidenHeaven
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I just started the event this Saturday. I only think it should be extended because the time limit wasn't really "advertised."

The launcher only features all the 1.2 promotions (gametime / pet) and 1.2 patch notes. I heard the announcements in fleet but figured it had to do with the new patch and new flashpoint.

A simple "Rakghoul Event April X - April X" on the launcher or an in game calendar would be helpful to a lot of the player base. Yes, you can buy or farm DNA for some of the items. However, It was a pretty short event to get a 6 piece set, which only lets you unlock one quest a day.

If they extend it great. If the don't, then let it be a lesson to BW to communicate limited events a little better in the future.

Edited by KnowNothingNerd
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I concur. My alt on the Imperial side is only just now finally within range to start doing the dailies to get the Containment gear, but it's already too late if I were to start now to get the full set, and that is upsetting.


Same thing I said. Glad to see that others have the same complaint. I hope BioWare extends the event or makes it possible for us to get the armour set somehow.

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I am annoyed enough at the containment armor set mechanic as implemented that it really frustrates me and leaves a sour taste in my mouth regarding the game. For an event that was poorly advertised and only let run for 9 days, requiring folks run the dailies for 6 of those 9 days, when most didn't even realize it was going on for 4 or 5 days, is really bad form.


If it had been a quest line, at least latecomers could have powered through the quests to catch up and finish them. As it was, no amount of "make up" time mattered. And that is crap.

Edited by Alexi_son
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I also felt like the event was a bit short. I really wanted to finish out my containment gear set, and because I started the dailies a couple days late due to the fact that I have other responsibilities I am now a couple pieces short, and the chest is the most important part, without it my half set looks silly :( I feel like after the dailies were released everyone should be able to do them, not have to wait a day to get the next one, or let the event run a little longer. Bummed out. :(
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i laugh at the people who didnt know it was going on...i am on one of the deadest servers in this game and knew within 10 seconds of logging in on the first day. It was all over the chat with the news updates,not to mention the population buzzing about it. As far as bioware not telling us...GOOD.. some things should be a surprise,and i hope they do many more events like this,exactly the way they did this one!:D
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I am at 4/6 myself with today's reset to run, I believe Chest and belt both come from same run? or is it one or the other?


Still 20 short for my Crystal too :(:wea_03:


yes belt and chest are on the same quest..and if your short on dna, just farm the dna by reinfecting yourself and blowing up...boom 5 dna every time, just rinse and repeat..i did this and got 7 crystals,the pet and all custom companions. a week was more than enough time to get everything you wanted,and more.

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