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Dear Bioware, Please extend the Rakghoul event.

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I personally love events like this. My only complaint is that it is too short! Only one week to gather enough DNA for cool pets and awesome looking color crystals? Please extend this event for at least another week. Us working folk tend to have limited play time and really can't sit around waiting for the plague to kill us and generate more DNA.**


Does anyone else agree with me?*



*Note: If you don't agree, please don't reply to this post. This is for people who would like to see this awesome event extended.

**Note: If you know a faster way to generate/obtain DNA (minus purchasing from other players) please share.


No please don't it's good for 1 week and it's really annoying now just look at the fleet.

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Dear Bioware,


Extend this event and I'll consider extending my membership in the NRA!!!


You could have come up with something better than this. Its possibly the worst event I've come across in all my years of MMO playing.


You obviously missed the Easter Egg hunt in DDO ....

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It's been a good event, but won't it run for a total of 2 weeks?


I think for events to stay new and refreshing, they have to only be available for a limited period, 2 weeks is a good length.


Just buy the samples if you need more, they get cheaper and cheaper as people sell them in bulk.

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To be honest, I am hoping that it is NOT over with quite just yet! I'm hoping all hell breaks loose today after the virus continues to spread and we get a new phase of the event before we finally have to quest to cure the disease....
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Just buy the samples if you need more, they get cheaper and cheaper as people sell them in bulk.

Samples are easy to farm if you ask me - farmed like 900 to get all companion customizations. Problem is that you had 9 days to make dailies to get Containment Officer Set. There are 6 dailies to do. You see window for this was really very small. Many people wont get full item set, personally I will sadly be lacking Belt because there's not another 1 day :( I wish to have all since I dedicated myself to this event and to helping out other people with dealing with it (helped like 300 people on Imp and Rep side as playing Imp on most populated PVP server EU) and guiding them to get their own, free Crimson Rakling Pet (many people didn't know that they can get one completely for free by doing 1 quest). I will be lacking Belt and navy blue version of Rakling Pet - but personaly I don't care about pet, got the other two and I'm not 50lvl on this server, but Belt... it's my wet dream at the moment. Too bad I started dailies 4pm 19th instead of 12am 19th - couldn't leave work earlier... but who did know that there would be such stupid date for reset dailies (I mean shouldn't it be @ midnight?). I even achieved Containment Officer title on my 29lvl sniper.

Edited by Marrond
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Another reason for the event to be extended for a few more days is the "schematic/crafting" bug that (probably) made the game unplayable for many people (for me - for sure) right after 1.2 hit and the Ragkhoul outbreak started. It is now somewhat mitigated by workarounds found by people on these forums, but for a few days I wasn't able to play at all, meaning I missed the all important days to get the containment officer set... :mad:

So, IMHO, BW should acknowledge this, roll out a fix, and extend the event for a few more days, or there might be quite a few unhappy players.

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To be honest I am a bit pissed about the containment officer set and how it is timed for eligibility. I didn't get started on day one and since the final mission has two separate gear rewards I can't get both. As of this morning the newly infected quest is still locked to me. It should have automatically unlocked yesterday so I would have a chance to get the two last pieces if I wanted them.


Otherwise they should have clearly stated "you will need to be on from day one/two in order to get everything" before they even launched it.

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So, IMHO, BW should acknowledge this, roll out a fix, and extend the event for a few more days, or there might be quite a few unhappy players.

Not to mention unexpected maintenances day after day. Just because of this issue it should be extended :]

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To be honest, I am hoping that it is NOT over with quite just yet! I'm hoping all hell breaks loose today after the virus continues to spread and we get a new phase of the event before we finally have to quest to cure the disease....


That would be so damn epic! Now I'm even more sad when the event ends on 24th. :(

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Not to mention unexpected maintenances day after day. Just because of this issue it should be extended :]


I did NOT play on the 15th or the 16th and I have had no trouble already obtaining all the pieces on two characters. I don't see what the issue is, no offense.

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Like Geryl above, I wasn't able to pick up the latest daily which should have unlocked for me yesterday - don't know if it has yet today - I'm @ work :( and not sure if was a timing issue or something... (when do they reset?), nor was I able to pick up the blood sample (outbreak?) mission.


I'd love it if the event was extended, even until the end of the week, here's hoping, at least that way I should be able to get the full set and hopefully all the codex entries :) I started late with the event, so if it's not extended well that's just my own tough luck :eek:

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I did NOT play on the 15th or the 16th and I have had no trouble already obtaining all the pieces on two characters. I don't see what the issue is, no offense.

Due to no character transfer many of us started alts on more populated server. And you rly can't make quests before you reach Tatooine, right?

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**Note: If you know a faster way to generate/obtain DNA (minus purchasing from other players) please share.


Contract the plague, wait until feverish, kill yourself. Rinse & repeat. I got enough DNA in 3 hours to get a level 50 crystal & the pet.

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That's why instead of clamoring for an extension - I would MUCH rather them just open up all the dailies on the final day of the event as a finale.


That way, they can let folks that want to get the items get them without being stuck trapped in some dumb mechanic that prevents me from doing more than 1 / day of the series.


This would be great, just a chance to do all the dailies for a set of gear.


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I'm more aggravated w/ the RNG of the companion skin lockboxes.... I play a Sentinel and I would be happy w/ the Kira Carsen skin alone.. but I've open 15 lockboxes and received the following.


4x Elara Dorne

4x Andronikos

2x Mako

3x Corso Riggs

1x Quinn


Edit: Opened two new boxes.....2x Vector


I understand the reasoning behind RNG, but you think they would realized the communities rage w/ RNG bag/boxes with the whole uproar over the Champion/Battlemaster bags. I do not understand why they did not just allow you to purchase the ones you desire. It's great they are legacy bound, but that doesn't help me when I don't plan on playing an Empire class. Even if you were to buy the 8 unique skins, I feel that is more than enough DNA to spend along w/ the other items. DNA may be easy to get, but not all of us have the time to sit in the fleet AFK and collect it.


I, too, am trying to get a Kira customization.

So far I have:

4 Vector

7 Andronikoa

1 Mako

1 Malavai

2 Corso

2 Elara


Figures, right? At this point I'm just going to get a crystal before it's over and call it "I tried".


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Bioware: It'd be nice to have another surprise and find out that the plague isn't QUITE contained yet. Say, wherever that mastermind is who started this whole epidemic. Finding him/her and drilling them full of more holes than swiss cheese... :)
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My problem was not the length, the week time frame is fair, my problem was how they did the daily's. Opening the dailys based on a day by day basis upon completion is epic fail (No trolling)


Yup. Miss it early on or, gasp !, have any real life commitments during the first couple days and you're screwed, no matter how much time you have to play later.


While it's more of an annoyance than an actual problem, I have to wonder who came up with this design in combination with the short time window of the event. Just need a little common sense to predict this will lead to a lot of frustrated customers, particularly within exactly those demographics actually bringing in the money ( Pro tipp: That's neither the 24/7 nutters nor the "competitive" PvPers ).

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At least a month... Give us casual players a chance at the rewards that people willing to spend hours at their keyboard every day get.


After all, its more bloody sage/sorc crud. We know you guys have a special feeling for those classes.


BTW: Where is the social medium and heavy armors you promised, Bioware?

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plz don't extend the event, I have not been able to log in since the event started. i cannot access the fleet at all for all the infected people hanging out next to the banks and gtn terminals. Quite frankly I think its horrible that in order to not participate in the event i have to drop credits for a shot. sorry I don't think that a space virus that makes you explode is fun, no i don't care that i get tokens for blowing up that i could then stand in the fleet and spam sell to someone waiting for me to get infected again.
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