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Do You want cross server LFG tool?


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First of all, I no longer play the game, but I do still visit the forums to a) express my extreme displeasure with how this game has been designed and handled subsequent to release, and b) hope that one day they'll post good news that might change the fortunes of this game because its a game I really want to like but simply can't with how poorly made and managed it is.


That is from another Quote on a different thread by you


SO tell me again that you still play even though you have 40 days left?


Reading comprehension and basic English skills not your strong suit? I no longer play the game (haven't logged in over two weeks), I have canceled my subscription, which would have ended in 10 days but add in the 30 free days from BW = 40 days. So, even though I no longer actively play this game, I reserve the right to come into the forums and voice my opinion about the game. I'm not sure how that is a difficult concept for you to understand, but its cute you're stalking me into other threads. Flattering even. Now, do you have anything to contribute to the discussion?

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Some years back we did dungeons etc without a group finder...and now folks cant do without it.

What does that say about peeps?


Somehow lazyness and impatient comes to mind..


Imo..no x-server


Back in the day we did a lot of things that took longer than it does now. Mail used to be delivered on horse back but not anymore. Gosh! We are so lazy and impatient! Let's just go back to the Stone Age so we, as a society, can stop being lazy and impatient.


The point is, society has evolved along side technology. Nobody spends hours searching the internet for information anymore. Technology has given us Search Engines that allow us to find what we seek in seconds. The X-server LFD is a Search Engine. It finds people who want to be in a group and brings them together.


If you're against a X-server Tool, I challenge you to stop using other technological luxeries as well. No more Google for you. No more Online Banking. No more Smart Phones. No more Online Classes. I mean seriously, I don't want you all to be so lazy and impatient.


Time is Money

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Cross-server lfg has a negative impact on server community and economy. It creates avenues for unlimited grieffing behavior. Its simply unnecessary

I see many are worried about the trolling and such, Well i am too but, on many servers there is like 40 players on the fleet and maybe 5-10 on all the planets, If they dont fix the server pop, Cross server is needed.
They do plan on addressing low population servers, though. So again, this is not needed.
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Back in the day we did a lot of things that took longer than it does now. Mail used to be delivered on horse back but not anymore. Gosh! We are so lazy and impatient! Let's just go back to the Stone Age so we, as a society, can stop being lazy and impatient.


The point is, society has evolved along side technology. Nobody spends hours searching the internet for information anymore. Technology has given us Search Engines that allow us to find what we seek in seconds. The X-server LFD is a Search Engine. It finds people who want to be in a group and brings them together.


If you're against a X-server Tool, I challenge you to stop using other technological luxeries as well. No more Google for you. No more Online Banking. No more Smart Phones. No more Online Classes. I mean seriously, I don't want you all to be so lazy and impatient.


Time is Money


Well said, i think now you make me want a LFG tool

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Although I agree that strong server communities are very important , a cross server LFG system could be what this game needs in order to continue long enough for BW to beef up the end game. I love this game. I really do. But much to my chagrin my interest is waning. There is so much Video game goodness out there that does not require a subscription that alt leveling is not a reason for people to continue playing.

Sorry kinda derailed myself there but server community means nothing if there's no one playing. In the past few weeks I've watched my server population die off and grouping becomes more and more difficult. A cross server LFG would help that

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Some years back we did dungeons etc without a group finder...and now folks cant do without it.

What does that say about peeps?


Somehow lazyness and impatient comes to mind..


Imo..no x-server


Some years ago it took 6 months to get to level 50, some years ago it took 40-80 people to kill a dungeon boss, some years ago i had to drag all 40-80 people out from under that boss after every whipe because when you died you lost a weeks worth of xp and all your gear if you didnt get your body back.


Now i look back fondly on those days but would i want to do them again? no not really, would the "wow players" of today do that? lol i really really doubt it.


Things change, games have to do things to keep enough subs to pay for new content and expansions in their games learnt o live with it or go load up eq1, i think its free now.

Edited by Mallorik
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Things change, games have to do things to keep enough subs to pay for new content and expansions in their games learnt o live with it or go load up eq1, i think its free now.


^^This thead has just been stabbed in the heart.


Seriously though, get with the times people. Live with what's today or die and join yesterday.

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It's funny how all the whining comes down to the same issue, server population, it's an issue that Bioware has stated they are dealing with RIGHT NOW, yet the whining continues. If servers are closed, players are moved, population is no longer an issue, a server only LFG drawing from a larger population would work just as well as a cross server LFG tool with less risk of ninjas and douchebaggery. I'm starting to think that all the people saying they want a X-server LFG tool are the inconsiderate, disrespectful ninjas that got so many WoW players to leave that game.


I'm not against cross server LFG on principle. I never had an issue with the cross server LFG tool in Rift. Maybe Rift appealed to the more mature, considerate player base for some reason? I have seen far too many inconsiderate, disrespectful players in SW:ToR to ever think that a cross server LFG tool would be a good fit for this game.


Oh, and yeah, this seems to all come down to that lazy, impatient argument. THEY ARE WORKING ON IT. Nothing happens overnight. Slow your roll, relax, level an alt until it's active. If you like this game you are going to find a reason to keep playing, if all you are doing is whining and complaining about how bad this game is, go unsub, wait for GW2, Secret World, Elder Scrolls Online, or whatever other MMO-of-the-month that's up and coming.

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It's funny how all the whining comes down to the same issue, server population, it's an issue that Bioware has stated they are dealing with RIGHT NOW, yet the whining continues. If servers are closed, players are moved, population is no longer an issue, a server only LFG drawing from a larger population would work just as well as a cross server LFG tool with less risk of ninjas and douchebaggery. I'm starting to think that all the people saying they want a X-server LFG tool are the inconsiderate, disrespectful ninjas that got so many WoW players to leave that game.


I'm not against cross server LFG on principle. I never had an issue with the cross server LFG tool in Rift. Maybe Rift appealed to the more mature, considerate player base for some reason? I have seen far too many inconsiderate, disrespectful players in SW:ToR to ever think that a cross server LFG tool would be a good fit for this game.


Oh, and yeah, this seems to all come down to that lazy, impatient argument. THEY ARE WORKING ON IT. Nothing happens overnight. Slow your roll, relax, level an alt until it's active. If you like this game you are going to find a reason to keep playing, if all you are doing is whining and complaining about how bad this game is, go unsub, wait for GW2, Secret World, Elder Scrolls Online, or whatever other MMO-of-the-month that's up and coming.


You really believe that same server lfg tool will be fine? i think it will be next to useless, and yes even with transfers or mergers. The population caps on servers are this game are extremely low compared to game slike wow or rift and look how long it takes to get in heroics in those games with a cross server system in place, now immagine what that would be like if it was a same server lfg tool.


The small server pop caps also mean that servers will still be very vulnerable to any population changes or play times. They need a cross server lfg tool or they are just wasting their time, if they want to put in a toggle where you can ony get placed with same server people, fine by me you can use that, the rest of the server can use whatever they want.

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