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Do You want cross server LFG tool?


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Xserver LFG would be a good and useful tool. The problem comes from the people, not the tool. I browse through the replies and most people are against it based on their limited understanding from WoW, a rudimentary and primitive deduction, oh they added LFG tool and people acted like crap. That`s not true, people are acting like that regardless.


You can't blame a tool for your own behavior, this tool doesn't turn people into jerk, they already are and don't care about hiding it anymore, although this applies to some people care the majority act like jerks even without LFG tool ..probably because they don't even realize it.


Let`s assume this system is implemented, how would this change things really? Atm if you group with a greedy, rude ninja you kick him and put him on ignore. In LFG you kick him and most likely you'll never see him again anyway. Ofc this is valid when the "honest" people outnumber the greedy, rude ninjas but from my experience this isn't always the case. Yes it happened to me in WoW to be kicked from a group because i pointed out someone rolled need on an item he couldn't even use.

The same is valid here, do NOT think that the person you kick and ignore doesn't have friends or a guild or others like him who he plays with. Not long ago i was grouped with a jedi who rolled need on an epic mod with cunning ..ofc i pointed out he doesn't need it and he replied quite frustrated that it`s for his companion. It made it look like i have a problem, like i'm crazy ..how can i not realize it`s for his companion and how dare i question him.

So how long are you gonna keep this up? leave groups, put people on ignore cause these are the people, the same people who are playing now, for your average guildless joe this is only making it harder for himself. Ok you isolate yourself from half of server, making it even more difficult to find groups, eventually you get bored of looking, losing incentive and quit.


I've seen debates on the trade chat too and most people who are against it are probably the people who i wouldn't want to group with in the first place, really narrow minded and self centered people who think they would be personally inconvenienced by this change, like someone is putting a gun to their heads to use it.

One of the top arguments is that it forces them to play with "newbs" ..everybody seems himself this elite hardcore good at everything who is forced to carry unskilled people, what can be further from the truth?

From my experience on general chat i see people who i never met in my life looking for a member i just whisper "inv" and get invited. How is this so different than an automated system?

Also this change would help alot low level people cause if you look on fleet chat now most LFG messages, the overwhelming majority, are for normal non-50 instances while the replies on this topic probably come mostly from lvl 50 who only do ops and hcs.

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The LFD is for the console players who have no concept of what an MMORPG is. All they know is CoD quick join and bam, they're in. Go back to your **** games and leave the MMO's to the players who started them and want a community


So only "your" idea of what a MMO "should" be is all that counts?


Using that mindset women would still not have the right to vote and blacks would still be slaves. Times change and the old outdated concept of only the super elite and big guilds being allowed to get to endgame content is no longer accepted. We all pay the same money to play this game, we all put in the time to grind out levels and work hard doing the same boring dailies hundreds fo times over and over again all to prepare for the endgame content but some of us that put in our time and prepare just as hard or even harder than you do never get the chance to see the endgame content because of factors that are none of our fault.


Servers being all but empty are not the player's fault.


What few bigger guilds that are out there only run endgame content during the evenings, players like me who only play during the day will never see the endgame content until there is a cross server LFG tool to help gather together the few players who are looking to play the endgame content.

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Xserver LFG would be a good and useful tool. The problem comes from the people, not the tool. I browse through the replies and most people are against it based on their limited understanding from WoW, a rudimentary and primitive deduction, oh they added LFG tool and people acted like crap. That`s not true, people are acting like that regardless.


You can't blame a tool for your own behavior, this tool doesn't turn people into jerk, they already are and don't care about hiding it anymore, although this applies to some people care the majority act like jerks even without LFG tool ..probably because they don't even realize it.


Let`s assume this system is implemented, how would this change things really? Atm if you group with a greedy, rude ninja you kick him and put him on ignore. In LFG you kick him and most likely you'll never see him again anyway. Ofc this is valid when the "honest" people outnumber the greedy, rude ninjas but from my experience this isn't always the case. Yes it happened to me in WoW to be kicked from a group because i pointed out someone rolled need on an item he couldn't even use.

The same is valid here, do NOT think that the person you kick and ignore doesn't have friends or a guild or others like him who he plays with. Not long ago i was grouped with a jedi who rolled need on an epic mod with cunning ..ofc i pointed out he doesn't need it and he replied quite frustrated that it`s for his companion. It made it look like i have a problem, like i'm crazy ..how can i not realize it`s for his companion and how dare i question him.

So how long are you gonna keep this up? leave groups, put people on ignore cause these are the people, the same people who are playing now, for your average guildless joe this is only making it harder for himself. Ok you isolate yourself from half of server, making it even more difficult to find groups, eventually you get bored of looking, losing incentive and quit.


I've seen debates on the trade chat too and most people who are against it are probably the people who i wouldn't want to group with in the first place, really narrow minded and self centered people who think they would be personally inconvenienced by this change, like someone is putting a gun to their heads to use it.

One of the top arguments is that it forces them to play with "newbs" ..everybody seems himself this elite hardcore good at everything who is forced to carry unskilled people, what can be further from the truth?

From my experience on general chat i see people who i never met in my life looking for a member i just whisper "inv" and get invited. How is this so different than an automated system?

Also this change would help alot low level people cause if you look on fleet chat now most LFG messages, the overwhelming majority, are for normal non-50 instances while the replies on this topic probably come mostly from lvl 50 who only do ops and hcs.


Everything here is intelligent and so very well put.


Had Bioware already put in a Single server Group Finder at launch and not opened up far too many servers when people first joined, then there would be no need for Cross Server right now.


As it is, Bioware listened to the small group of whiners and moaners during Beta who said they wanted "community", and who hated queueing for a few minutes to get onto the servers.


They then made another mistake by having the farce of the Guild Summit. Once again, only listening to a small percentage of the players they had invited themselves, who weren't likely to use most of the features needed.


As long as they're intelligent about it this time though, and impliment a group finder with the option for the player to either queue Single or Cross server, then both camps can be happy.

Edited by chaosdefined
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players like me who only play during the day will never see the endgame content until there is a cross server LFG tool to help gather together the few players who are looking to play the endgame content.


I like this line. Exactly, players like you probably shouldn't see end game if ypu are not willing to look for like minded people to join, aka a guild. End game is not suppose to be rainbows and butterflies.

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i wouldn't want t cross server tool. but if they did then they need to take away the whole need/greed option because the inconsiderate masses will just need everything and not care as there would be no consiquences in a lobby based game for that. instead they would have to turn on the loot bags for each character for any blue drop or above

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I like this line. Exactly, players like you probably shouldn't see end game if ypu are not willing to look for like minded people to join, aka a guild. End game is not suppose to be rainbows and butterflies.


I'm sorry but that's a really horrible attitude.


He says he only plays days, which could mean he works evenings. That's not something he can help.


This is a game, he shouldn't be expected to alter his life around it.


Get over yourself.

Edited by chaosdefined
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i wouldn't want t cross server tool. but if they did then they need to take away the whole need/greed option because the inconsiderate masses will just need everything and not care as there would be no consiquences in a lobby based game for that. instead they would have to turn on the loot bags for each character for any blue drop or above


No consequences? They would get kicked from the group if they needed on everything. Have you used a LFD before?

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i wouldn't want t cross server tool. but if they did then they need to take away the whole need/greed option because the inconsiderate masses will just need everything and not care as there would be no consiquences in a lobby based game for that. instead they would have to turn on the loot bags for each character for any blue drop or above


I'm curious as to why you're playing an MMO when you consider the masses of players to be greedy and untrustful?


Also, lobby game? So currently sitting around in the fleet spamming for a group is something different?

Edited by chaosdefined
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I'm sorry but that's a really horrible attitude.


He says he only plays days, which could mean he works evenings. That's not something he can help.


This is a game, he shouldn't be expected to alter his life around it.


Get over yourself.


Should have thought about that before purchasing an MMO. Some peoples children these days expect everything handed to them on a platter

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X-server, no... Same server, sure! we do need some kind of tool to ease grouping, but not x-server.


Also people seem to think that x-server will fix everything from tank shortage to world hunger, and it does not. It just makes a bigger pool of players. So if we have a tank shortage across the board, we will still have it with x-server.


Exactly. Cross server is just gas on the fire. It does not fix the problem but just adds another problem on top. It's like that movie, Major Payne. "I can make you forget about that pain in your leg"....and he brakes the guys finger. LOL


Merge the servers. Put in a server wide LFG with both summoning and return. Problem solved....without the "Payne"....

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Exactly. Cross server is just gas on the fire. It does not fix the problem but just adds another problem on top. It's like that movie, Major Payne. "I can make you forget about that pain in your leg"....and he brakes the guys finger. LOL


Merge the servers. Put in a server wide LFG with both summoning and return. Problem solved....without the "Payne"....




It's been stated numerous times that BW will not merge servers anytime soon, as this would look bad towards their investors. They'd have done the soonest server merge after launch by any MMO by a considerable amount of months.


Also, this is more the temporary fix than you realise, since server populations fluctuate constantly. What may be a Heavy pop one month could be Standard the next, and what may be Standard one month may be Low the next.


Cross Server is a permanent fix that allows everyone to play the game with everyone else in it. The true definition of MMO.


Precautions can be put in place so that your precious loot isn't taken and you can kick and ignore any mean nasty players.

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Cross-server will take away consequences and allow people to get away with negative behavior. It will make flashpoints a worse place.


Single-server is a good compromise.


what consequences? honestly what are you going to do... go on a self righteous speal over trade chat about how someone wronged you in a video game?


Cross server lfg will help the low pop servers... just as much as the high pop servers...


I would limit it to just flashpoints tho.


take the example of what WoW did... first the just had it for 5 mans.. and it wasn't so bad.. it actually helped quite a bit. there was more players actually getting geared enough to try raiding. which gave each server a higher pool of raid ready players to recruit from for thier hardcore groups.


in catas they added LFR... and because it was so easy to get your raid fix anytime you wanted.. guilds started to die off. there was no need for guilds to be around.


before lfg it was guild or die...

after lfg but before lfr it was solo play for success but guild for better

after lfr it was no need to ever guild and you can be a god.


guilds are a vital part of the mmo formula. they shouldn't be made obsolete.. but niether should they be absolutely mandatory.

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Should have thought about that before purchasing an MMO. Some peoples children these days expect everything handed to them on a platter


Times have changed dude. We don't have to walk butt-naked through a blizzard to school anymore. Society demands instant access to information and entertainment. Yes, this is a MMO, but it's a modern day MMO (or supposed to be).

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I like this line. Exactly, players like you probably shouldn't see end game if ypu are not willing to look for like minded people to join, aka a guild. End game is not suppose to be rainbows and butterflies.


You can't seriously be this uneducated.


Go back and actually ready what I posted and try again.


Nobody asked for rainbows or butterflies, I put in the work and more than likely have worked harder than you trying to prepare my toon. My point was the "complete lack of community" to even attempt to play with.



Are you trying to say an MMO is only for evening players?


Are you trying to say only those who play the exact same time you play are allowed to experience the full measure of the game?


Well guess what, for those who are trapped in 20 year old concepts of what an MMO is, the LFG tool will change nothing at all, you can still huddle together in your little elitist circle and sing songs and cover yourself with peanutbutter if that is what will make you happy and you can never even use the LFG tool if you find it repulsive. The rest of the 99% of normal MMO players who have entered the modern age can use the LFG tool to see content they otherwise would never be able to see becasue of factors they have no control over like extremely low population on the server.

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Add me to the yes pile, I'd like to run some flashpoints and it's tough for me to find groups in any reasonable amount of time. It's not like I have any choice now, I'll take whatever 3 jerks I can find, so 3 jerks that I can find in less time is fine.
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Also, lobby game? So currently sitting around in the fleet spamming for a group is something different?


Single server LFG set up would solve this.


Ever run a red light at a deserted intersection at night??(even if you stopped before like it was a stop sign)



Ever run that same red light during the day??


The more anonymity Humans have, directly effects their behavior. So jerks are jerks, but sometimes, when the conditions are right, normal people can be jerks too.....

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Single server LFG set up would solve this.


Ever run a red light at a deserted intersection at night??(even if you stopped before like it was a stop sign)



Ever run that same red light during the day??


The more anonymity Humans have, directly effects their behavior. So jerks are jerks, but sometimes, when the conditions are right, normal people can be jerks too.....


So your opinion is that everyone is a jerk waiting to happen? I wonder why people with these attitudes bothering playing multiplayer games...


9/10 runs in a cross-server dungeon group in other games I had an easy or fun time with the group. People just always fear the worst and exaggerate.

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So your opinion is that everyone is a jerk waiting to happen? I wonder why people with these attitudes bothering playing multiplayer games...


9/10 runs in a cross-server dungeon group in other games I had an easy or fun time with the group. People just always fear the worst and exaggerate.


No, I was illustrating that behavior is not so cut and dried as "jerks will be jerks regardless of what tools you give them".


Perhaps I'm just jaded from my EQ days where the server knew who the bad apples were and they had a very tough time getting into groups or finding a guild. Groups didn't care that you weren't severly overgearing the content. I'm starting to come to the realization though that WoW's Arena system has irreparably harmed the MMO genre and moved it into the new age of E-Sport where everything is about competition. Back in EQ, the competition was between guilds, not individual people, because after about level 10 a single person didn't accomplish much of anything note-worthy on thier own.


But that is a rant for another thread.

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No, I want a same server LFG. Cross server tends to lead to lack of responsibility for ones actions in a group. I could easily do cross server and ninja everything that dropped in each group to sell on GTN and no one on my server would have a clue. If its same server and you do that you tend to get a reputation and are kicked. Just saying


Can you tell me exactly how the reputation thing works?


To me, it looks like the following:


  1. Offended person gets offended in a group.
  2. Offended person takes to the public channels to berate offender.
  3. Offended person has to defend his honor because it's he said vs. he said.
  4. Offended person has to keep sitting around monitoring chat so he can continue to disparage offender.
  5. Offender reports Offended person for harassment.
  6. BioWare takes action against offended person for harassment. (Because as BioWare has said, "Offender" is perfectly OK rolling need because he might need the credits he'll get from vendoring the "ninja'd" item.)


Doesn't seem so effective, but maybe I'm missing some steps?


I certainly don't see Offended Person's actions as "community building". Seems more destructive than the "ninja" event, actually.

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Exactly. This so called community that people talk about isn't so much about friendliness and talking, the Group Finder tool doesn't magically stop people chatting and joking on General or forming their own pugs...the 'community' they mean is whining about someone stealing their loot on General and telling everyone never to play with him.
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The cold hard fact is you NEED cross server LFG, not bc of low population, but for ease of introduction to content. If your worried about behavior, put in a rating system, or a group vote kick feature. But I know me and my friends are sick of trying to put together a group for an hour only to hit enrage timers on bosses because the dps is so bad, but if you drop the group you know it'll take forever to get another group. The fact is cross server is mandatory at this point...people are used to it, and demand it. You can bet on the fact that the competition coming around the corner will implement this feature, and TOR will seen even more behind as design goes. It's not 2006 anymore, most of use need a quick way to get groups and enjoy content. I don't have all evening to find groups.


I believe that bioware is smart enough to realize they need this feature, and to combat the loss of server community, the world events are perfect for that. Implement random zone events to draw the community together. Whatever the case they have created a bunch of good content, but they need to make the entry point much easier, and like I always told people in wow that complained about the cross server lfg, if you don't like it...nobody is stopping you from finding a group on your server, and it actually happens more than you would think. Mmos are about options, give ppl the option to go random if they choose to.

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Same server all the way. Cross server is just quick bandaid to a bigger problem that is really only needed by the instant gratification kiddies. No need to sacrifice more of the community and its overall group quality just because Timmy needs to rush rush rush right now now now.
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