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Marauders your days are numbered and u know it :)


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People not realizing that the expertise changes are the problem and not the class.


Basically, this. Expertise changes and perhaps the overtuning of the healing nerf make Marauders seem worse than they are. I don't really care what they do to the class, nerf or buff, but like most classes that get called OP, it's more the player/team combinations that make them seem OP than anything. Still, I won't be surprised if further adjustments come. Now that people are playing Carnage/Combat more, A lot of 31/31/31 spec complaints are flying around, but that's going to happen no matter what.


Even if the game reached a state of perfect equilibrium, we'd never know it, because people would still find a reason to complain. Just ride the waves.

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they do stand out more, but bad marauders are still bad. i actually solo'd two the other night, which i thought was hilarious beacuse i'm an arsenal mercenary. however, i have literally no chance against a semi-aware marauder 1v1, but i ask all of you this: isn't this how it should be? a merc is supposed to be near the healers, at range, focusing targets. if a marauder gets near you, you jetblast him, shoot him some, electrodart him, and hope he stupidly uses his resolve breaker. you then concussion blast him and focus on better targets and hope your team isn't retarded enough to break the CC.


even then all is not lost. after he uses his jump ability thing, you can kite the hell out of him using your instant attacks. you can power surge and instant cast a tracer missile as well, avoiding the interrupt issue that good marauders will exploit, freeing up railshot. also i've found that if you use the pyromissile thingy that uses the old tracer missile animation, some marauders have the old muscle memory so deeply ingrained that they'll waste their interrupt. you then tracer them down the old fashioned way, which is something i relish because you know they're mad.

Edited by Darth_Gao_Gao
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For those people that are saying "oh dude l2p marauders/sents are fine its just YOU that are BAD." Please save it. Ive been playing MMOs for almost 10 years now so I know when a class is either broken or underpowered and if you truly believe that marauders/sents are fine then you are either.


A: New to mmos.

B: Have a Marauder/Sentinel and you dont wanna get nerfed.

C: Naive/Clueless.


I'll give you an example. Back when World of Warcraft: Wrath of the lich king was first released you had two classes that were so broken and so overpowered that it didnt matter how skilled you were. If you squared off against one you were guaranteed to lose unless that player afked/dced. Those two classes were Ret Paladins and Death Knights. Their abilities were so overwhelming and so BROKEN that even the most skilled player in WoW would get destroyed in under 10 seconds flat.


Now Marauders/Sents are in a very broken/OP state ATM. I'll give you an example. Last night was playing some huttball with my guildies and we squared off against another premade that of course had 4 marauders in it all from the same guild. I play a full shield tech vanguard when I run with my guild and I kid you not I squared off 1v1 against a marauder and he literally took about half my HP away inside of a charge/force choke. Of course he force throws me and charges me again and now im under 25% HP. I try to get away my throwing a cryo grenade and get some distance but oh no his range execute finishes me off. Literally the fight took under 15 seconds.


The problem atm is Marauders have way too much damage/survivability/utility/and literally ANYONE can pick up a marauder have start pwning with little to no skill required. THAT my friends is considered BROKEN.

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I play a full shield tech vanguard when I run with my guild and I kid you not I squared off 1v1 against a marauder and he literally took about half my HP away inside of a charge/force choke. Of course he force throws me and charges me again and now im under 25% HP. I try to get away my throwing a cryo grenade and get some distance but oh no his range execute finishes me off. Literally the fight took under 15 seconds. BROKEN.


I think you're talking about jugger not marauder. With marauder against you it happens much worse. He strikes you a couple of time, swithes on his DOT crit s**t and goes into invis, then monkeyjumps you when you have 45% and finishes you up even without using his palabubble. Have a nice resp dear troopers, smuglers etc

My assualt commando (playing this spec while gunnery's completely sux) cries heavily each WZ against 5-7 warriors. It seems i don't even scratch them with my War Hero cannon and BM set. Tired of it, really tired.

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People not realizing that the expertise changes are the problem and not the class.


I didn't realize expertise gave marauders the best mobility, defensive CDs, utility and killing power in the game- I guess if everyone was doing 10% less damage, marauders would suddenly not have mobility, utility and defensive CDs?


Oh, no, wait- they would. In truth though- marauders were only mildly more OP than the second best ACs pre-1.2, and very OP compared to the worst. Now, they're considerably more OP then the next ACs- and extremely OP compared to the worst due to heavy nerfs to all the worst classes.

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this logic failes. no one claimed your class is so uber that you can win 1vs 8. so you are supposed to day even being uber.


p.s. again, this is not to be understood as including my opinion on the matter of overpowered or not. i just hate absurd "arguments" and failed logic.


Hmmm interesting, got anything else to contribute!

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where were the complaints about sentinels/marauders pre-1.2? Oh yeah they didnt exist. Focus tree gets buffed along with expertise and all of the sudden every ability that they have is completely overpowered. I mean come on. Im fine with focus going back to being ******, because only the bad players are playing that spec. Force camo could use a longer CD. Lets not get out of hand which the nonsense though. Watchmen actually received a slight nerf by moving the trans buff to combat. I think what the major problem is that the expertise change was a big change in the game play...they didnt need to nerf classes when they made this change because it was a big enough shock to the gameplay as it is. Players were spoiled by the fact that they could ignore defensive cooldowns pretty much all the time and healers would be able to keep them alive. This isnt the case anymore. Players have to use their cds to allow healers the time to heal them. These players are more worried about pew pew than anything else. So that means they dont peel for the healers either. So once the healers get focus'd they are blown up due to the fact of bad players being spoiled from healers pre-1.2
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In the hands of a good player, Marauders are OP. They have way too much DPS+Survivability. Seems to be a very technical, versatile class... that needs some adjustments =P


In the hands of a player with no hands irl, Marauders are OP.

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I said this in another thread and i'll say it again here:


A very bad president has been set, how many times have people screamed "NERF THEM THEY ARE OP !!11111!!", and BW does exactly that.?


It happened with Sorcs, Mercs and Ops (<---- 3x now btw). And when they do, people stop playing those classes and re-roll something un-nerfed. Shortly after people switch, the "NERF THEM NAO!!!111!!!" Squad picks a new target and has another tantrum.


Just a suggestion folks, but unless you want every class and every mechanic dumbed down and nerfed to the point of 'no-fun-ness" maybe you should start asking for buffs for the classes you love, instead of trying to neuter the classes you dont.


BW keeps adjusting things to deliver to you the game you ask for, ... Stop asking for a game where nothing is fun and all classes are exactly the same.

Edited by Vishuz
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I think you're talking about jugger not marauder. With marauder against you it happens much worse. He strikes you a couple of time, swithes on his DOT crit s**t and goes into invis, then monkeyjumps you when you have 45% and finishes you up even without using his palabubble. Have a nice resp dear troopers, smuglers etc

My assualt commando (playing this spec while gunnery's completely sux) cries heavily each WZ against 5-7 warriors. It seems i don't even scratch them with my War Hero cannon and BM set. Tired of it, really tired.


For his ten years of playilng MMOs, he can't even get the class he's fighting right. lol.

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I said this in another thread and i'll say it again here:


A very bad president has been set, how many times have people screamed "NERF THEM THEY ARE OP !!11111!!", and BW does exactly that.?


It happened with Sorcs, Mercs and Ops (<---- 3x now btw). And when they do, people stop playing those classes and re-roll something un-nerfed. Shortly after people switch, the "NERF THEM NAO!!!111!!!" Squad picks a new target and has another tantrum.


Just a suggestion folks, but unless you want every class and every mechanic dumbed down and nerfed to the point of 'no-fun-ness" maybe you should start asking for buffs for the classes you love, instead of trying to neuter the classes you dont.


BW keeps adjusting things to deliver to you the game you ask for, ... Stop asking for a game where nothing is fun and all classes are exactly the same.



It is also not "fun-ness" to have one class dominating supreme in warzones. Marauder is flat out ruining pvp in their current state.

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It is also not "fun-ness" to have one class dominating supreme in warzones. Marauder is flat out ruining pvp in their current state.


By all means, keep crying out for more downward spiral, its a vicious cycle that has been happening since beta, So much of the game has been removed because of complainers, Start asking them to add things instead of taking everything out, or we will all be left with nothing.

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and im sure sages, powertechs, smugglers were all ruining pvp when they were nerfed too


None of these classes were remotely close to the state maurader is in currently. The main difference being that you could beat any of these classes one vs one depending upon the player. Maurader is simply unbeatable one vs one due to game mechanic and damage mitigation. Everyone hits like a truck now, Maurader can just live 5 times longer (or if all else fails just vanish and come back)...you do the math.

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You haven't shown any math, just made up numbers and a lot of hyperbole.

Post your combat logs, and we can crunch some numbers


Hop into a warzone and approach a marauder one v one. There is little math that can happen in those few seconds....Oh wait, let me guess....you are a marauder. You can argue against it all you want, you all know the nerf hammer is coming. It is the most blatant pvp imbalance to date in TOR.

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glad the game is revolved 1v1 amiright? but seriously....the same crys were being made during that time about those classes. Now the same ones are being made but the argument to make your guys point is "oh they are so much more op than those classes were" In which watchmen was actually nerfed and received the same buff that everyone else received. There were no complaints before and now there is.
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....Oh wait, let me guess....you are a marauder. You can argue against it all you want, you all know the nerf hammer is coming. It is the most blatant pvp imbalance to date in TOR.


Nope I play a thrice nerfed Operative,


Still waiting on Combat Logs or even better some Fraps.

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after the marauders are nerfed then there will be a new imbalance to date on TOR, it doesnt end with you people. Instead of thinking things through it has to be a nerf all the time. I stand by my previous statement on the last page. Bad players are having a hard time playing because they were spoiled by healers pre 1.2
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glad the game is revolved 1v1 amiright? but seriously....the same crys were being made during that time about those classes. Now the same ones are being made but the argument to make your guys point is "oh they are so much more op than those classes were" In which watchmen was actually nerfed and received the same buff that everyone else received. There were no complaints before and now there is.



You see when people are beyond fail at pvp what they like to do is come to the forums and whine instead of actually playing and trying to improve. They hope BW will listen and then nerf/buff the classes they whine about to make them less fail, sad but true.

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So let me get this right, my Marauder is OP? Cause I have take the time to learn my class, painfully grinded valor and got the best pvp gear. Lookup and read forms and spend a lot of time and credits on my spec. Learned my rotation by testing it over and over again, learn what skill use at the right time. Learned how to kill the other classes by learning there wick points, which sometime doesn't work due to their skill.


Have 90% of players done this? Answer is NO. They just run into WZ not under standing what they are going to get owned and cry on this forms.

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The clamoring on the forums has already begun. Marauders are in need of a HUGE nerf and you guys that play marauders know this already. Enjoy being FOTM while it lasts cause the nerf bat is coming down hard. Just like sorcs/sages before you, you guys are way to Overpowered I would say even more overpowered than sorcs were. Luckily for me I play a Shield Tech Vanguard :D



In what way are we overpowered? Honestly nothing changed except all specs now get Valor instead of just watchmen, and focus gains singularity from force leap and zealous strike instead of Stasis and Exhaustion which made that class unable to dmg for 20 secs after both abilities went on CD how was that fair? really you should learn to read about other classes abilities and QQ less mate its called tactics and strategy.


"Winning conflicts is dictated by knowing your enemies actions as well as yours my young padawan." Master Ijus

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So let me get this right, my Marauder is OP? Cause I have take the time to learn my class, painfully grinded valor and got the best pvp gear. Lookup and read forms and spend a lot of time and credits on my spec. Learned my rotation by testing it over and over again, learn what skill use at the right time. Learned how to kill the other classes by learning there wick points, which sometime doesn't work due to their skill.


Have 90% of players done this? Answer is NO. They just run into WZ not under standing what they are going to get owned and cry on this forms.


You are overpowered because of your defensive cooldowns. You can't have the best offense and the best defense, decent selfheals, 2 leaps, the best aoe mez, and a vanish. Sorry.

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