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Resolve Revisited


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Thing is, this "bunch of numbers" and "paper work" is exactly how resolve works. People complained that sorcs were OP, does it make it truth? Not really. You think sytem is broken? Provide some facts, because I think it is not and I provided facts. You can go and watch random pvp video and you will see I am right.


Here is a fact: Most people do not like excessive Stuns in PVP. They feel it ruins the fun of the game.


I like the concept of Resolve but I think that stuns should play a MUCH less significant role in PvP.

Edited by Raific
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So you want to change the argument now, eh?


The lack of happiness is a direct result of a lack of knowledge of how the system works.


I firmly believe that if Bioware did a better job of explaining it, it would have no (or at least very few) detractors. It is, after all, a mathematically superior DR system that rewards skill and punishes mistakes, which is ultimately the goal of organized PvP.


That was a direct response to me saying...


So you like Resolve as it stands. Good for you. Math doesn't change the fact that a lot of people are not happy with Resolve. Being that a particular position on Resolve is an opinion, yours does not invalidate theirs.


If you want to include that particular addendum, you might have wanted to actually clarify that at the start. At which point your statement is redundant. Your argument then boils down to the following...


A lot of people who are ignorant of how the mechanics of Resolve work are ignorant of how the mechanics of Resolve work and that's why they don't like it.


Needless to say, that wasn't the comment you responded to in the first place. So essentially you're arguing with me about something I didn't say. That's yet another fallacy btw.


I don't think you know the definition of circular logic...


Allow me to simplify my point for your benefit:

People who don't understand the system are more likely to dislike the system as their expectations are different from reality.


People who do understand the system are not included in my theory since they understand the system.


If you understand the sytem then you are not included in my theory.


You are not included in my theory.

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Here is a fact: Most people do not like excessive Stuns in PVP. They feel it ruins the fun of the game.


I like the concept of Resolve but I think that stuns should play a MUCH less significant role in PvP.


Now you are talking...;)


Sure, I agree that excesive stuns are not good in pvp. Problem is, how many stuns are excesive? Now you can be stunned twice in the row (I am talking about standard 4 sec stun almost everyone have) before immunity kicks in (in case of chained 2 stuns, 16sec immunity after second stun wears off). To make it less stuns, I see only 1 option - a single stun could grant some prolonged immunity to CC. Now, question is, isnt it to few stuns now? There is no option in between with resolve - either 2 or 1.


In my opinion, 1 would be not enough - for example huttball would become way less enyojable (ie. those really close matches, ending 0-0 or 1-0 would be a history). Looks like dev team agrees with me, so I am happy for now;)

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I'll defend all the poor stupid masses you self proclaimed geniuses claim are ignorant. But first I'll remind you that Socrates' greatest contribution was that "he didn't know anything."


How about this, for all you people who talk about proofs, logic, and maths. You should be able to provide the same things you ask for. So here's my challenge:


1. How much resolve does each CC ability in the entire game add to a target's resolve total.

2. What is the decay rate of a player's resolve?

3. When does resolve start to decay?

4. Does every class have the same resolve decay time?

5. Does resolve decay linearly for all classes?

6. Does resolve stack linearly? IE., does each new CC add a linear amount of resolve?

7. Prove that the game code isn't bugged in the following manner:

- 99% resolve on target + another additional CC on target = target stunned.


Ready? Set? Go!


You have 45 minutes. Please hand in your papers at the front of the room near your TA.

Edited by Subatomix
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Opinions are never facts. Facts are never opinions. Opinions are subjective. Facts are not. No offense, but if you don't understand the difference a conversation on the subject isn't going to clear much up.


You still did not answer my question :/


"so saying there can only be 'opinions' is not really accurate"


Are you still saying he ONLY has opinions, or are you agreeing that he has some data that can back up with conclusion?

I think you're trying to insinuate that people, on these forums for example, only have opinions, which are in fact subjective yes, but when you back them up with data, they are not just opinions. I think you're taking the wording too literal. How about you replace opinion with 'hypothesis' will that make you answer my question?

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So you want to change the argument now, eh?




That was a direct response to me saying...




If you want to include that particular addendum, you might have wanted to actually clarify that at the start. At which point your statement is redundant. Your argument then boils down to the following...


A lot of people who are ignorant of how the mechanics of Resolve work are ignorant of how the mechanics of Resolve work and that's why they don't like it.


Needless to say, that wasn't the comment you responded to in the first place. So essentially you're arguing with me about something I didn't say. That's yet another fallacy btw.


Actually, you are engaging in a strawman right now, but I can see how you would have been confused. Rather than keeping your entire post in my quote I should have limited it to just the phrase I was actually referring to, that being the portion where you stated "a lot of people are not happy with Resolve". I was not challenging your argument, rather I was branching the discussion into a new but related subset regarding potential reasons for the unhappiness.

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