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Space Combat Royally screwed


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I can confirm the lagged spawn, sometimes up to 10 seconds into the mission (which doesn't sound like a lot, bu when you're, say, past the first frigate in a space station mission, is makes it impossible to collect the turrets bonus, or practically impossible to blow up enough fighters on Drexel Sweep.) I've also experienced the movement issue, most commonly on Drexel Sweep and Balosar Outpost. Funnily enough, failing the mission and retrying clears both bugs.


Still, something needs to be done.

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I actually reported this and several other problems with space combat on the release day of 1.2. In addition to the problems reported here I have had a couple others. The Energy Module not displaying what mode its in, the Energy Module and ECM icons being a little north of where they are supposed to be, and my ship actually being stuck on the bottom right corner of the screen (much like the stuck in middle problem). For the stuck in Middle and loading problem there is a temporary way to work around it until BW gets it fixed. If you simply let yourself die, or kill yourself if its a lower level daily your running, not only will the mission load from the beggining but if your ship is stuck it will free the ship up back to normal flight response.


Confirming that I also have experienced the icon off-set for the power module buttons. Also have experienced the sound issues (sounds not playing out of proper channels) and the power model not properly displaying what 'mode' its on.


Although luckily; I have yet to experience the 'stuck in the corer' bug.

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i can confirm


1) sound issues

2) enemies not appearing on screen even though they've clearly spawned

3) ship no longer responding to movement

4) overall sluggish response from the ship when it does move

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Aye since 1.2 my sound is duff and Mako no longer makes comments, that I can live with the sound issues i can't. I still do the mission for the Leg xp money and daily badges but the sound issues ruin the fun. Other than that i have no other bugs.
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I still do the mission for the Leg xp


Perhaps its just a case of the Monday-sillys. But is your ship bicycle powered?

Hilarious image of a body type 4 BH pedaling away on an exercise bike where the captain's chair should be...

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