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Space Combat Royally screwed


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I'm sorry BioWare but I am quite astonished as to how completely screwed space combat has become since 1.2.


What baffles me most about it is how absolutely nothing about it has changed, of any consequence, and it seems to be by far the most broken element since the patch.


Sound keeps cutting out random channels; it always seems to delay in loading elements when it first comes on (making it nigh on impossible to kill any immediate spawning enemies); and about a minute in my ship decides it no longer wants to move more than an inch or so across the screen, upon which colliding with objects is unavoidable.


As a certain short green skinned wise alien might say:

Fix it you must.

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All bugs but sound one I can confirm. The movement one can be fixed by alt-tab in and out, but obviously you want to do that at a section where it is safe to leave your ship with shields up for a few seconds. This will correct your momvement though.


The sound one I think can be mistaken for audio going quiet as if there's a voiceover playing that doesn't really happen- it tends to go on for a good 20-40 seconds and sometimes will recover.


As far as Space Combat in general, it feels "wrong" compared to before too.

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I'm sorry BioWare but I am quite astonished as to how completely screwed space combat has become since 1.2.


What baffles me most about it is how absolutely nothing about it has changed, of any consequence, and it seems to be by far the most broken element since the patch.


Sound keeps cutting out random channels; it always seems to delay in loading elements when it first comes on (making it nigh on impossible to kill any immediate spawning enemies); and about a minute in my ship decides it no longer wants to move more than an inch or so across the screen, upon which colliding with objects is unavoidable.


As a certain short green skinned wise alien might say:

Fix it you must.


I too am having the same problems since patch plus an extra one, Space Bar no longer initiates barrel roll...sigh


Space combat pretty much unplayable at moment, nice going Bioware.

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I am having no issues with space combat at all, movements are fine, sound is fine and barrel rolls are fine.


I'll admit that I didn't play the space combat prior to 1.2 as I do now but again no issues here as i can complete all missions

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I did every single space mission in the game yesterday (was home sick from work lol). Had zero issues. Not saying others weren't but it's not a universal problem. Sounds like the um, sound issue. The one where your companions blankly stare at you instead of giving dialogue.
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Can confirm the audio and loading issues. Could be tied to when you should hear a companion voice but, not sure.

Actually that audio issue I think I've noticed outside of space combat too.


Also it appears certain flight lines have been altered. I think it's "Sarapin Assault" (sp?) where you have to take out the 4 shield nodes and 12 or so turrets on the big ship that you encounter lots of capital ships. In the early sequence, either the first or second one you do a fly-by on you actually appear to fly straight through one. Did not use to be that way prior to 1.2

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Since 1.2 space combat has been wonky for me. There are sound issues on some missions where one channel or the other cuts out, or the sound of the ship's blasters disappears for a while or is muffled like it's underwater.


In some missions my ship is confined to a small section of the middle of the screen. I've figured out that barrel rolling in just the right moment can help avoid some objects but not on asteroid field missions where you have to move way to one side. Sometimes this will happen in the middle of a mission but it tends to just start out that way from the beginning. Other times it doesn't happen at all and everything is fine.


All missions are starting before they've completely loaded and the first 10-15 seconds take place at super speed to catch up with the timer. If there are enemies to shoot down at the beginning it's impossible to target them. In missions where capital ships appear in the distance right at the beginning, they cross the screen at ridiculous speeds.

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I haven't noticed any specific problems as to performance etc, except that it loads a lot longer and therefore, on slower computer (like mine), I might end up e.g. missing the initial objectives if they appear early in the beginning (some fighters you need to shoot etc).


However, what REALLY REALLY disappointed me was that there seems to be (at least from my part, somebody tell me if it is just my personal bug or if all of you experience it) NO companion voiceover since the last patch. The Space combat completely loses half of the spirit with that. The pace completely disappears, there are long dull moments when nothing happens. I can live with lots of stuff, but THIS is a big deal for me, of all things - I really like the space combat and this completely changes it.

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Ok! Useful questions. Those that are experiencing problems, what class are you? Same for those that are not experiencing problems.


If there's an issue, it could relate to specific ships.


Also, what mission are you experiencing trouble on, or all missions?

What is the level of your loadout?

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Ok! Useful questions. Those that are experiencing problems, what class are you? Same for those that are not experiencing problems.


If there's an issue, it could relate to specific ships.


Also, what mission are you experiencing trouble on, or all missions?

What is the level of your loadout?


My problem probably does not bother many as much (even though it troubles ME mightily :) ), but still, for the record. To the things I have said (no VO companion sound): Imperial Agent (at least the Skaross Fortification and Mugaar Ice field I am sure about), for instance, and Bounty Hunter (all the first three missions). I want to try it for my Sith Warrior to see if it does the same. But from what I have seen this far it seems to me like it could be global.

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Why when someone has a problem suddenly appear a legion of players that simply say:








What do you mean? He's got unlucky and so no one has to take care???

Can't understand people that just appear in the forums to say they don't have the problem, as it shouldn't exist :(


Space DO have a lot of problems. Its main problem is its existance as it is.

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I actually reported this and several other problems with space combat on the release day of 1.2. In addition to the problems reported here I have had a couple others. The Energy Module not displaying what mode its in, the Energy Module and ECM icons being a little north of where they are supposed to be, and my ship actually being stuck on the bottom right corner of the screen (much like the stuck in middle problem). For the stuck in Middle and loading problem there is a temporary way to work around it until BW gets it fixed. If you simply let yourself die, or kill yourself if its a lower level daily your running, not only will the mission load from the beggining but if your ship is stuck it will free the ship up back to normal flight response.


While all of these are a huge annoyance most can be overlooked or have a temporary way to work around them. Hopefully BW will get on the problems within the next couple weeks so those of use who enjoy and use it for credit farming:D can get back to running them the way they were pre 1.2.

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Why when someone has a problem suddenly appear a legion of players that simply say:








What do you mean? He's got unlucky and so no one has to take care???

Can't understand people that just appear in the forums to say they don't have the problem, as it shouldn't exist :(


Space DO have a lot of problems. Its main problem is its existance as it is.


It just means that not everyone is having the issues, which could be helpful when trying to work out what the problem is.

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