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maintenance, why so much


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I think we should all just be thankfull that EA don't make cars or run restaurants or hospitals.


Actually now that I've thought about that, it really does feel like I'm paying for some sort of fast food that looked amazing in the picture, but I have to go back to the window with and say, "you forgot my fries" or "I ordered this burger with extra cheese" or "WTEEEFF? THEY'RE NORMALLY OPEN BUT THE FRACKING DRIVE THROUGH IS CLOSED AND THEY'VE TAKEN MY MONEY AND LEFT ME WAITING FOR MY FOOD THAT IS DUE IN A FEW HOURS WHEN I'll BE BACK AT WORK AGAIN."


What's to be expected from the winners of The Inaugural Golden Poo Award of 2012? Oh but to be so special to win it not even a quarter of the way through the year; gratz indeed EA. The sad thing is that Bioware, once an amazing company, has been sucked into the fold of these bigwig, money grabbing, console game crunching noobs, aka Electronic Arts.


But really, lets all just be thankfull that Guild Wars 2 is very close and the smart ones won't have to deal with these cash grabbing EA muppets that aren't even worth a cunpfull of cold water :rolleyes:

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When WoW or any other mmo for that matter had unscheduled emergency maintenance, people cried that they should get back the time lost. They never did.


Now SWTOR has emergency maintenance and before anyone cries to make up for it, they did it cause they knew it was the right thing to do. Now look. You people expect even more now. lol. Read what you accept when you start an mmo, they make you scroll down and click accept.


We should all get a million dollars and a ferrari for the time lost. Yet people will still complain. Gotta love the masses.

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You haven't noticed ability delay go away completely? You haven't noticed more fluid frames in every area of the game? You haven't noticed more content at this point in its life-cycle, than just about any other MMO ever made?


Everyone else has.


Have not gone away competely. Play a Sentinel and see for urself.

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Engine might not require a restart but implementation might.


Direct quote from the makers of the engine....


HeroEngine’s Live Update and World Push technologies allow developers to push any game content including scripts, assets, data definitions, data files, and area data between live, running worlds without having to bring them down or take them offline.


In other MMO server architectures, game content updates require game servers to be brought down before they are updated with new data. This blocks developers and players from interacting with the game or development worlds for the time that the servers are down – and in the case of live player servers, this can result in lost revenue and unhappy players.


Introduce content to players at key moments rather than giving it to them ahead of time, allowing for surprise events.

Fix or adjust content on the fly without having to bring games down and kick all players out.

Identify all world differences, and choose whether to push the changes in part or in whole.

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Direct quote from the makers of the engine....


Official white paper could say that but specific implementation might prohibit it. For example, part of the some code might be intrinsically linked with the database, so if they do an update, they need to restart. Or possibly module or service outside HeroEngine may require a restart if they modify something related to it.

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I really wish people would stop comparing TOR to vanilla WoW.


You don't sell someone a PC and say, "This little baby has 256MB of RAM. 7 Years ago you'd be paying through the nose for that kind of setup!"


TOR has a HUGE development team compared to Blizzard when WoW launched, as well as substantially larger budget.


Technology and development tools have come a long LONG way since then too. Developers are arguably better trained and more highly paid, and therefore more dedicated. Processing ability of modern computers is so much better compared to 7-10 years ago.


Hell, even creating animations and 3D models takes a fraction of the time compared to back then. 3DS Max was an infant, and trained individuals scarce. zBrush? Forget about it.


So why, oh why are people constantly comparing this launch, and first year in operation to something that happened almost a decade ago, in the fastest evolving industry in the world?

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just imagine the downtime if bioware pissed off north america the main user base the servers would be fubar anonymous would be out in force DDossing . So sit back relax and live with it Edited by Iiyria
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WTB: Clue. This downtime is related to the upcoming free weekend--they've done this twice before already...


WTB: Reading Comprehension.


I was not talking about this particular downtime and neither was the OP. OP was whining about the amount of downtime in general compared to other MMOs.

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That's hardly a flattering comparison. EVE downtime is usually less than an hour.


Actualyl it's less than 30 minutes now. They are trying to move to a downtime free system for a single instanced environment. That's pretty amazing.


However the point still stands, EVE has a daily downtime of ~30 minutes. SW:ToR has a weekly scheduled downtime of a few hours. Swings and roundabouts.

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Actualyl it's less than 30 minutes now. They are trying to move to a downtime free system for a single instanced environment. That's pretty amazing.


However the point still stands, EVE has a daily downtime of ~30 minutes. SW:ToR has a weekly scheduled downtime of a few hours. Swings and roundabouts.

Why compare the mantenance of a game that as such a life as eve they had years to deal with bugs and extras swtor is a new game shelf life of not even one year .. Your comparing apples and oranges.

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Why compare the mantenance of a game that as such a life as eve they had years to deal with bugs and extras swtor is a new game shelf life of not even one year .. Your comparing apples and oranges.




Not sure what other games the OP has played, but in the ones I have, there was a lot of downtime and patches in the early going as well. Even GW (after 5-6 years) had weekly patches, updates and bug fixes. Only difference there is that their server farm set up allowed them to do it would bringing the whole game down.



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No, it isn't. "end game" players in every MMO I've ever played are the minority. A very vocal minority, however.

What? I think you're confusing "end game players" with "hardcore raiders". HC raiders are a vocal minority yes. But everyone who plays the game for more than a month or two becomes an end game player. If you're level 50 you're an end game player.


That being said, I don't feel this game is lacking in end game content for anyone who "only" plays 12-15 hours a week or less. I do believe it's the vocal "hardcore" minority that compulsivly plow through content asap that are the ones complaining about end game content.

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Another week another unscheduled maintenance patch in my prime time.


Good thing that GW2 beta is this weekend and I'll soon have a new game to play, when my current sub runs out I won't be renewing.

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Reduce and consolidate the patching! I have taken my day off to play today and what do I see when logging in "servers down unscheduled maintenance" - FFS! This is unacceptable and happening too often. I'll finish my month and swich back to wow.:-(
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You haven't noticed ability delay go away completely? You haven't noticed more fluid frames in every area of the game? You haven't noticed more content at this point in its life-cycle, than just about any other MMO ever made?


Everyone else has.


Wow man are you drinking the koolaide hard core. Keep it up, but might want to wipe that stuff off your chin.

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I love to complain. Sporadic downtimes kill my mood!


If this downtime is going to fix some of the exploits people use in PvP, i'm happy.

If not?

Wait until tuesdays!


Exploits? Yes, loads... Lag sploits, hidden cap sploits (yes they still exist, even though they fixed them twice?), speedhacks...


Off topic;

Concerning the hidden cap sploits. If a hidden character try and cap or plant (war zones), why not just electrify them with a 5 second knockback? That would teach them... ^-^


On topic;

Are there anywhere we can see what they are actually doing with the downtime? (patchnotes?)

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Doubt anyone important will even pay attention to this post.. though I am agitated enough to post it regardless.


I am Australian, and I work for a living.


Like most, gaming is my hobby... it is what I do to unwind from work and real life dramas...


I get home around 5:30pm and it feels like more often then not, there is an outage right when I get home.


I am not against so many outages to get issues fixed, I would just like the times modified if possible...

even if the outage times started at 10pm....


fingers crossed the times can be revisited... (hope this was on topic)

Edited by Draak
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Does anyone know what happened to the we will patch once per week schedule or is that Oficially gone out the window?


"For our new players, this weekly maintenance is done in order to make general improvements and to check performance of the game so that we can continue to provide a consistent, quality experience. Quite often (but not always) after a maintenance period there will be a patch to download. After the maintenance, please login via the launcher to download the latest patch. If your launcher was open during the maintenance, you must close and reopen it for a fresh login."


i understand how things come up but for the better part of a month it has been twice a week if not more.

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You know, BW, I appreciate the fact that you're trying to fix your bugs and whatnot, but could you please try limiting it to once a week. This time of night is the only free time I have as I work swing shift. I can deal with a set maintenance schedule but this surprise maintenance is kind of irritating when you think you're gonna log on and have some fun only to find that guess what, servers are down! Seriously.
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Does anyone know if this maint is going to fix the CTD issue a lot of people are having???????


1.2.1a Patch Notes




•Corrected an item-related issue to prevent a serious economic exploit.

Edited by moronic
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