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Marauders? What about Pyrotechs? (honest question regarding damage numbers)


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and what exactly has this to do with my post?


did i talked about my vanguard vs your pyrotech one? no!


i talked about mine vs marauder and a pyrotech/assault vs marauder/sentinel


so what do i care that your dmg goes through my armor?


beside of this i mitigate 23% of your elemental and internal dmg. around the same or even more of your HIB.


edit: i'm happy for you that you eat any tank alive. i never met a pyro/assault one beating me. and i met quite some in full bm gear. oh, i often meat one with even 2 war hero items. so he is actually a bit better equipped than me. he is also known as one of the best vanguards on our server.... only one of ;)


Oh, for some reason, I thought you were talking about a VG/PT Tank vs PT.


Maras are pretty much a hard counter to PT unless you're a tank, yeah. Carry on.


PS) You also deal over 20% less damage than me as a tank, have no self-heal, cannot become immune to my damage, or even escape the fight for a breather; so it doesn't matter much in the long run. ; )

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One quick point about darkness assassins, they are so deadly in pvp because they have the survivability to get anyone to 30% and once you are there, you are dead. Their late fight burst in ridiculous. I have gone into a big scrum and killed player after player just as fast as assassinate is off of cd.
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This thread really needs to not die.


The powertech are so blissfully wandering under the radar, thanks to the attention that has been brought down onto shadow tanks and marauders.


But IMO, they are easily the biggest issue. They are what everyone accused Sorcs of being, a class capable of spamming burst, with a tagged on slow effect.


Their damage is the highest out of the current DPS classes, by a mile, with reasonable enough survivability (a 25% reduction shield which can have its CD reduced) and good utility, especially since the only way to avoid their ridiculous burst damage is to get distance, after which they can simply pull you back.


But perhaps the biggest issue, it is simply easymode. There is no skill in using that spec, it pertains to the same sense of spam that lightning/tracer was hated for, yet again, manages to hide under the radar. What's more, it is far more deadly than either of the aforementioned moves.

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This thread really needs to not die.


The powertech are so blissfully wandering under the radar, thanks to the attention that has been brought down onto shadow tanks and marauders.


But IMO, they are easily the biggest issue. They are what everyone accused Sorcs of being, a class capable of spamming burst, with a tagged on slow effect.


Their damage is the highest out of the current DPS classes, by a mile, with reasonable enough survivability (a 25% reduction shield which can have its CD reduced) and good utility, especially since the only way to avoid their ridiculous burst damage is to get distance, after which they can simply pull you back.


But perhaps the biggest issue, it is simply easymode. There is no skill in using that spec, it pertains to the same sense of spam that lightning/tracer was hated for, yet again, manages to hide under the radar. What's more, it is far more deadly than either of the aforementioned moves.


we have 0 utility and mobility, our grapple regularly breaks, and is mitigated by resolve, we have no gap closers like leap unless you're dealing with a shield tech, they already nerfed our hybrid class. we have no speed boost or immunity mechanics, our defensive CD is nice but its our only one compared to mara's with ~2-4. Carbonize regularly breaks, leaving us with one realiable short term CC. We can't spam our burst because they already nerfed PPA, so the most you can get hit by a railshot is once every six seconds after initial attack. Our bread and butter ability, flame burst, only deals ~ 1k damage, rocket punch can crit for ~ 4k unless you're **** geared. A mara/sent sintank, jugg dps can go toe-to-toe with us. if you're trying to solo fight a DPS as a healer or regular tank you're going to lose to a good player.



As a population yes, pyros are better than most of you other classes. This is because we're one of the slowest, most annoying classes to level, and don't hit our stride until ~ level 40. Everyone who's played a pyro to 50 generally is a higher quality player than other classes because we're not FOTM, we're not OP, and it takes a good amount of time to learn how to maximize all our abilities. We have some of the worst itemized gear and thus our expenditures to optimize go through the roof.


However, if I put in the time to learn my class, run my rotation right, taunt proper targets, interrupt your important casts, CC through your defensive phase, and break out of your long CC, yes, I should facestomp you, because I'm being a good player.


Balance shouldn't center on 1v1, bad players like you will always lose to me because I'm simply better at the game. Give me a week with another class that's dps spec and I'll prolly find a way to stomp you all over again, but I like my pyro because I enjoy the story and fire.

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we have 0 utility and mobility, our grapple regularly breaks, and is mitigated by resolve, we have no gap closers like leap unless you're dealing with a shield tech, they already nerfed our hybrid class. we have no speed boost or immunity mechanics, our defensive CD is nice but its our only one compared to mara's with ~2-4. Carbonize regularly breaks, leaving us with one realiable short term CC. We can't spam our burst because they already nerfed PPA, so the most you can get hit by a railshot is once every six seconds after initial attack. Our bread and butter ability, flame burst, only deals ~ 1k damage, rocket punch can crit for ~ 4k unless you're **** geared. A mara/sent sintank, jugg dps can go toe-to-toe with us. if you're trying to solo fight a DPS as a healer or regular tank you're going to lose to a good player.



As a population yes, pyros are better than most of you other classes. This is because we're one of the slowest, most annoying classes to level, and don't hit our stride until ~ level 40. Everyone who's played a pyro to 50 generally is a higher quality player than other classes because we're not FOTM, we're not OP, and it takes a good amount of time to learn how to maximize all our abilities. We have some of the worst itemized gear and thus our expenditures to optimize go through the roof.


However, if I put in the time to learn my class, run my rotation right, taunt proper targets, interrupt your important casts, CC through your defensive phase, and break out of your long CC, yes, I should facestomp you, because I'm being a good player.


Balance shouldn't center on 1v1, bad players like you will always lose to me because I'm simply better at the game. Give me a week with another class that's dps spec and I'll prolly find a way to stomp you all over again, but I like my pyro because I enjoy the story and fire.


This guy pretty much summed up everything about my Pyro PT experience....


Well done.


Also we do fit in with Normal PvP for having at least a few counter-classes that were already mentioned.


I think the nerf to multiple 'god-lucky' railshots in a row was just right, we are good.

Edited by LexiCazam
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Oh I have some Pyro screenies I'll be posting...


Funny how they were trying to get the Sentinel nerfed...


The truth is Pyrotechs are more dangerous than Sentinels with better utility (they claim otherwise) and better control options. Not only that, while they are close range, they aren't fully melee range.

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Pyro are very squishy and don't have much burst, they are fine and balanced still because they can move around easly. Still almost every number people write is WRONG. Ok I'm in full BM gear and one War Hero Weapon + stim + every single datacron wehn buffed I'm 42% and 49% of crit (distance/tech) so I don't crit every time in fact I crit less than half of the time.


And EVEN IF I CRIT your unumers are still WRONG : thermal detonator (one one the lamest skill in the game, it get to replace another skill that does 75% of that damage in zone...) goes for 2,8/3,2 in crit on squishy target, our instant shot, mostly don''t do more than 2800/3K damage and can only be reset with attacks with at 45% and 65%. Power shot does around 1,2 k uncrit and 1600/1800 crit. Our 2 dots can be dispelled in 1 click and crit for 600/800 MAX. So ok rapid fire is max 600 so if you do that get 2 tics at 800 + let's say inciendary missile let's say 1500 crit with the dots and initial damage + thermal detonator + rail shot AND HAVE A TREMENDOUS AMOUNT OF LUCK TO HAVE 9 CRITS IN A ROW you do around 12K damage. It took, time and you din't kill the man.


So NOTHING to be compared to the marauder with powerfull attacks dots and cds (much more cds much more damage), or with the tankassassin (who don't have much burst but that you can't kill in 1 v 1 and hardly when zerging him).


Mercenray pyro is not a bad all around, can heal a bit can dps on the move but again it's very squishy , very team relient and needs a lot of skill to be good, much more than secret agent or marauder for hat I have seen...

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we have 0 utility and mobility, our grapple regularly breaks, and is mitigated by resolve, we have no gap closers like leap unless you're dealing with a shield tech, they already nerfed our hybrid class. we have no speed boost or immunity mechanics, our defensive CD is nice but its our only one compared to mara's with ~2-4. Carbonize regularly breaks, leaving us with one realiable short term CC. We can't spam our burst because they already nerfed PPA, so the most you can get hit by a railshot is once every six seconds after initial attack. Our bread and butter ability, flame burst, only deals ~ 1k damage, rocket punch can crit for ~ 4k unless you're **** geared. A mara/sent sintank, jugg dps can go toe-to-toe with us. if you're trying to solo fight a DPS as a healer or regular tank you're going to lose to a good player.



As a population yes, pyros are better than most of you other classes. This is because we're one of the slowest, most annoying classes to level, and don't hit our stride until ~ level 40. Everyone who's played a pyro to 50 generally is a higher quality player than other classes because we're not FOTM, we're not OP, and it takes a good amount of time to learn how to maximize all our abilities. We have some of the worst itemized gear and thus our expenditures to optimize go through the roof.


However, if I put in the time to learn my class, run my rotation right, taunt proper targets, interrupt your important casts, CC through your defensive phase, and break out of your long CC, yes, I should facestomp you, because I'm being a good player.


Balance shouldn't center on 1v1, bad players like you will always lose to me because I'm simply better at the game. Give me a week with another class that's dps spec and I'll prolly find a way to stomp you all over again, but I like my pyro because I enjoy the story and fire.


If by learn to maximize you mean = stack the right mods, then yes, it takes a bit of time.


Time shouldn't equate to = OP play.


I'm ignoring most of your post because frankly, I steer away from having discussions with those whose line of argument follows "OMG WHAT U ONA BOUT OMG LOLZ NOT OP YOU JUST NBOOB"


Not that I can provide evidence for it over a post, but I'm far from being a bad PVPer. I would say to the bits I bothered to read - the class being difficult to level doesn't mean that it should be more powerful end game 50. Nor does the fact that it not being powerful at X time, with X gear, that it should be far more powerful than other classes at Y times, with Y gear.


You've dismissed your utility because of resolve, not even going to bother going into that. My classes have no utility because they have no stuns, why? Because people can resolve against them. I win,


Harpoon is a great distance breaker, especially for someone trying to escape the burst. It really isn't a hard class to play, at all, and yet the damage is off the charts.


This is not centring on 1v1, this is the entire group play. My server has seen more and more powertech premade, so much of the PVP environment ATM makes the melee V ranged issue less prominent. A powertech can simply run in, take down a healer in no time with crazy burst damage, and move on. That has nothing to do with 1v1, that's PVP. A quick loss of healers, loss of ball carriers, hell, loss of anyone V a DPS that is simply too high is going to be detrimental to any TEAM.

Edited by LexiCazam
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we have 0 utility and mobility, our grapple regularly breaks, and is mitigated by resolve, we have no gap closers like leap unless you're dealing with a shield tech, they already nerfed our hybrid class. we have no speed boost or immunity mechanics, our defensive CD is nice but its our only one compared to mara's with ~2-4. Carbonize regularly breaks, leaving us with one realiable short term CC. We can't spam our burst because they already nerfed PPA, so the most you can get hit by a railshot is once every six seconds after initial attack. Our bread and butter ability, flame burst, only deals ~ 1k damage, rocket punch can crit for ~ 4k unless you're **** geared. A mara/sent sintank, jugg dps can go toe-to-toe with us. if you're trying to solo fight a DPS as a healer or regular tank you're going to lose to a good player.



As a population yes, pyros are better than most of you other classes. This is because we're one of the slowest, most annoying classes to level, and don't hit our stride until ~ level 40. Everyone who's played a pyro to 50 generally is a higher quality player than other classes because we're not FOTM, we're not OP, and it takes a good amount of time to learn how to maximize all our abilities. We have some of the worst itemized gear and thus our expenditures to optimize go through the roof.


However, if I put in the time to learn my class, run my rotation right, taunt proper targets, interrupt your important casts, CC through your defensive phase, and break out of your long CC, yes, I should facestomp you, because I'm being a good player.


Balance shouldn't center on 1v1, bad players like you will always lose to me because I'm simply better at the game. Give me a week with another class that's dps spec and I'll prolly find a way to stomp you all over again, but I like my pyro because I enjoy the story and fire.





Lets be honest here, I got a vanguard and I'm fully aware what I can do.


1.Mobility. Pyrotechs/VG have plenty of mobility, when was the last time you had to stand still for 3 sec to channel anything? (DFA/MV doesnt count). There's also a slow attached to the Cell so you will have your target slowed unless you just dance around them patting them with daisies.


2.Utility. Also bull. Grapple, even if its 45 sec CD is utility by definition. Taunt is utility. AoE stun is utility. Oh and let's not forget the utility of being able to burst down a healer.


3. Yes. *GASP* The pull/slow counts as gap closer. You know when you run 100% and your target run 30% slower? That's you closing the mother 'effing gap.


4.Thank god we cant spam Railshot/hiB? I mean with the time to kill on targets nowdays it would be silly no? Or do you feel that was a good thing?


5.Which brings me onto TTK. Its alot shorter now, I think we all agree. Nooooow what's the Pyrotechs weak point? Oh yes energy managment over a longer period of time. How much do you feel that matter when you can load up a target with, (excuse the VG terms) AP, IG, HiB, Ion/stockstrike (and go fishing if you are unlucky) and then another sweet HiB.


AP: 3-4k

IG- 1-2k

HiB: 3-5K

Stockstrike 2-3K

Hib: 3-5K


Considering that AP is thrown before you make contact with your target that's a whole lot of dmg in 4 GDCs?


6:If you fail to smoke anything except a sintank/maruder you are a terrible PT.


7:The rotation is not in any shape or form dificult. PvE is another matter since fights last longer then the 5-10 secs it takes you to smoke a healer.



Peace out.

Edited by LexiCazam
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Lets be honest here, I got a vanguard and I'm fully aware what I can do.


1.Mobility. Pyrotechs/VG have plenty of mobility, when was the last time you had to stand still for 3 sec to channel anything? (DFA/MV doesnt count). There's also a slow attached to the Cell so you will have your target slowed unless you just dance around them patting them with daisies.


2.Utility. Also bull. Grapple, even if its 45 sec CD is utility by definition. Taunt is utility. AoE stun is utility. Oh and let's not forget the utility of being able to burst down a healer.


3. Yes. *GASP* The pull/slow counts as gap closer. You know when you run 100% and your target run 30% slower? That's you closing the mother 'effing gap.


4.Thank god we cant spam Railshot/hiB? I mean with the time to kill on targets nowdays it would be silly no? Or do you feel that was a good thing?


5.Which brings me onto TTK. Its alot shorter now, I think we all agree. Nooooow what's the Pyrotechs weak point? Oh yes energy managment over a longer period of time. How much do you feel that matter when you can load up a target with, (excuse the VG terms) AP, IG, HiB, Ion/stockstrike (and go fishing if you are unlucky) and then another sweet HiB.


AP: 3-4k

IG- 1-2k

HiB: 3-5K

Stockstrike 2-3K

Hib: 3-5K


Considering that AP is thrown before you make contact with your target that's a whole lot of dmg in 4 GDCs?


6:If you fail to smoke anything except a sintank/maruder you are a terrible PT.


7:The rotation is not in any shape or form dificult. PvE is another matter since fights last longer then the 5-10 secs it takes you to smoke a healer.



Peace out.


As a powertech, this..


My Ptech isn't difficult to play, it's squishier then a marauder, but it's still an amazing class.

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Pyro are very squishy and don't have much burst, they are fine and balanced still because they can move around easly. Still almost every number people write is WRONG. Ok I'm in full BM gear and one War Hero Weapon + stim + every single datacron wehn buffed I'm 42% and 49% of crit (distance/tech) so I don't crit every time in fact I crit less than half of the time.


And EVEN IF I CRIT your unumers are still WRONG : thermal detonator (one one the lamest skill in the game, it get to replace another skill that does 75% of that damage in zone...) goes for 2,8/3,2 in crit on squishy target, our instant shot, mostly don''t do more than 2800/3K damage and can only be reset with attacks with at 45% and 65%. Power shot does around 1,2 k uncrit and 1600/1800 crit. Our 2 dots can be dispelled in 1 click and crit for 600/800 MAX. So ok rapid fire is max 600 so if you do that get 2 tics at 800 + let's say inciendary missile let's say 1500 crit with the dots and initial damage + thermal detonator + rail shot AND HAVE A TREMENDOUS AMOUNT OF LUCK TO HAVE 9 CRITS IN A ROW you do around 12K damage. It took, time and you din't kill the man.


So NOTHING to be compared to the marauder with powerfull attacks dots and cds (much more cds much more damage), or with the tankassassin (who don't have much burst but that you can't kill in 1 v 1 and hardly when zerging him).


Mercenray pyro is not a bad all around, can heal a bit can dps on the move but again it's very squishy , very team relient and needs a lot of skill to be good, much more than secret agent or marauder for hat I have seen...



Please let's not mix up Mercenary/Trooper Pyro/asult with the Vanguard/PT version.


The synergy for vanguard/pt is million times better. The numbers you are giving are in most cases inaccurate. Also do not forgett that PT/Vanguards have a 2 min CD that gives 25% crit chance for 15 sec. Every 2 minutes I can make anyone my baby and put her in any damn corner I want.

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Good post, but from a fully BM sages point of view..


we did a little test last night on my server..


sentinel +shadow dps on me using ZERO interrupts or cast breaks killed me in 3 seconds. from full hp and a shield. so yeah roughly 23k dmg in 3 seconds.



But surely that's 2 people on you yes? ;) We all know sages go down like a wet cloth.


Let's try to keep to the subject of Powertech Pyros /Vanguard assult. No one is arguing that Sentinels don't do a stupid amount of dmg.


Especially if you compare 1 PT to say. 1 sentinel+shadow?

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Lets be honest here, I got a vanguard and I'm fully aware what I can do.


1.Mobility. Pyrotechs/VG have plenty of mobility, when was the last time you had to stand still for 3 sec to channel anything? (DFA/MV doesnt count). There's also a slow attached to the Cell so you will have your target slowed unless you just dance around them patting them with daisies.


2.Utility. Also bull. Grapple, even if its 45 sec CD is utility by definition. Taunt is utility. AoE stun is utility. Oh and let's not forget the utility of being able to burst down a healer.


3. Yes. *GASP* The pull/slow counts as gap closer. You know when you run 100% and your target run 30% slower? That's you closing the mother 'effing gap.


4.Thank god we cant spam Railshot/hiB? I mean with the time to kill on targets nowdays it would be silly no? Or do you feel that was a good thing?


5.Which brings me onto TTK. Its alot shorter now, I think we all agree. Nooooow what's the Pyrotechs weak point? Oh yes energy managment over a longer period of time. How much do you feel that matter when you can load up a target with, (excuse the VG terms) AP, IG, HiB, Ion/stockstrike (and go fishing if you are unlucky) and then another sweet HiB.


AP: 3-4k

IG- 1-2k

HiB: 3-5K

Stockstrike 2-3K

Hib: 3-5K


Considering that AP is thrown before you make contact with your target that's a whole lot of dmg in 4 GDCs?


6:If you fail to smoke anything except a sintank/maruder you are a terrible PT.


7:The rotation is not in any shape or form dificult. PvE is another matter since fights last longer then the 5-10 secs it takes you to smoke a healer.



Peace out.


This man speaks the truth, I also have a Vanguard myself and I was able to tell which were the baddies in the community by the people who were complaining about the sky falling during 1.2 PTS. The AC is as strong as ever in 1.2, and no I am in no way flimsier than any other DPS (sans Assassins and Marauders) in PVP.

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The truth is Pyrotechs are more dangerous than Sentinels with better utility (they claim otherwise) and better control options. Not only that, while they are close range, they aren't fully melee range.


What "Utility" is that compared to Sents? Taunts? A 45 Sec Grapple?


I'd gladly trade those for Predation (Whatever the Sent Equiv is) and Damage buff you can give the group as a Mara, as well as low cooldown charge.

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This man speaks the truth, I also have a Vanguard myself and I was able to tell which were the baddies in the community by the people who were complaining about the sky falling during 1.2 PTS. The AC is as strong as ever in 1.2, and no I am in no way flimsier than any other DPS (sans Assassins and Marauders) in PVP.


Yes, you were able to tell exactly how everyone plays a powertech by their being concerned about changes on the PTS that they were NOT ALLOWED TO TEST in action at 50.


Of course every single PT was fully aware of the lower TTK on the PTS (especially w/ the INCREDIBLY HIGH AMOUNT of PvP data just FLOODING off of the PTS) that would mean that overheating would be less of a concern in small engagements.


Nobody was kept in the dark about anything, so it was absolutely silly to be concerned about the nerf, right?


Especially since Bioware has such a terrific track record when it comes to thoroughly testing patches before releasing them. 1.2 launched flawlessly after all, and no adjustments have been made, or have to be made since everything was tested perfectly on the PTS.

Edited by Varicite
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My issue with the pyrotech spec is that with the right modding, whatever target you pick (except the silly sintank/sent due to great CDs and elemental migration) will die. There's no stopping that, and they will die quickly.


Overall in MMO's you never want people to feel helpless, but that's exactly what this spec makes people feel. Helpless, they can not escape due to the massive slows. They can't heal thru it due to the massive initally burst the spec puts out.


In the end I think the pyrotech/assult would have been in a good place if the TTK hadn't gone down so much, then the energy issue would kick in and we wouldn't be able to just nullify a target.

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As a population yes, pyros are better than most of you other classes. This is because we're one of the slowest, most annoying classes to level, and don't hit our stride until ~ level 40. Everyone who's played a pyro to 50 generally is a higher quality player than other classes because we're not FOTM, we're not OP, and it takes a good amount of time to learn how to maximize all our abilities. We have some of the worst itemized gear and thus our expenditures to optimize go through the roof.


I can't believe I read this. Someone actually using the "we're just better players than other classes" defense with a straight face. Really?

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Having played an Assault specialist (Pyrotech equivalent) extensively myself I'll be the first one to admit that if I wanted something dead, they could do nothing about it. The overall damage output is insane and it's p. easy to win any 1 on 1 fights as well. Especially with a permanent snare.
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Yes, you were able to tell exactly how everyone plays a powertech by their being concerned about changes on the PTS that they were NOT ALLOWED TO TEST in action at 50.


Of course every single PT was fully aware of the lower TTK on the PTS (especially w/ the INCREDIBLY HIGH AMOUNT of PvP data just FLOODING off of the PTS) that would mean that overheating would be less of a concern in small engagements.


Nobody was kept in the dark about anything, so it was absolutely silly to be concerned about the nerf, right?


Especially since Bioware has such a terrific track record when it comes to thoroughly testing patches before releasing them. 1.2 launched flawlessly after all, and no adjustments have been made, or have to be made since everything was tested perfectly on the PTS.


This guys is one of the people I was talking about. I don't even know why he's getting outraged and complaining still.

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Having played an Assault specialist (Pyrotech equivalent) extensively myself I'll be the first one to admit that if I wanted something dead, they could do nothing about it. The overall damage output is insane and it's p. easy to win any 1 on 1 fights as well. Especially with a permanent snare.


Exactly. Even now in 1.2 if I wanted something dead and fast, it's going to die fast. Some people think, despite having so much burst practically on command all the time, that they should be able to systematically blow away everyone else that waltz by.


Such hubris is going to get us nerfed hard one day, and it'll be because of these baddies.

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all a premade needs is a couple of healers and the rest flame spammers and they are going to win. gone from wall of missle spam to walls of flame everywhere. BH has been the only OP class since day one and continues to be the only actual OP class/specs.


sents/mars are nothing special. they are good but no melee class/spec can ever actually be OP.

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