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Why not merge Legacy levels for transfers?


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First and foremost, this is not a whinge. I am generally curious as to why this is the case.


When the Asia Pacific servers came online I jumped at the chance to play on local servers. We all assumed transfers were coming & sure enough they are. I also thought that when that day would come, my legacy points from my Swiftsure characters would be moving over with the characters. Guess not.


If I had know that would be the case then I still would have rolled a new toon on the local servers and still would have played it just as much. As it stands I have legacy level 15 I think on the Swiftsure and around 12 on Master Dar'Nala.


Is there some exploit to be had from merging legacy points or is it purely a technical thing?

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From the first time they talked about transfers they have always said "The highest Legacy will take precedence"


Yes but it was assumed that meant that the highest Legacy Level's Name would take precedence not the highest Legacy Level with the other being ignored.


I would like to know if we transfer a character over with unlocks will those unlocks merge as well? As in if someone purchases the Human species unlock because they don't want to play as that species, will they have to rebuy it?

Edited by SuperGrunt
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I don't really know the formula for Legacy XP, but I bet the reason has at least partly to do with the fact that XP scales against the content. For example, let's take character XP that I do have a feel for. We know that if you get X amount of XP for something at level Y, you'd get less for the same accomplishment at level Y+1.


Say we were merging characters instead of legacies. Char A earns 100K of XP, and char B earns the same. You could not say that had you but one char that you would have earned 200K. One reason is because as you leveled, the XP you got would go down. Furthermore, you might have been able to use non-repeatable content twice, or in the case of dailies, able to run them once on each character per day. I think it would be impossible to say how much of the 2nd char's XP to count if you wanted to merge them. And so I think the same can be said for legacies.

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This is the way i saw it if you have a legacy on both servers the name from the oceanic server is kept and the level is whatever the highest legacy level is applied to the oceanic legacy.


so if ure oceanic legacy is named johnson and level is 12


and your US legacy is named smith with a level of 25


when the transfers go through your oceanic legacy will be named johnson with a level of 25

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