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Marauders are perfectly fine!


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LOL @ this, all I hear is "I just rerolled the OP class of the current patch, please don't get out the nerf bat yet!"


If this is just a troll thread then successful troll is successful.


Our dmg was the same pre 1.2 champ, ravage got a buff, other specs got on par but guess what, was the same then and its the same now other than the dmg on ravage, but ty for your 2 cents...

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the problem is that Marauders have the burst power of a concealment op and the survival ability of a tank. One of those needs to be nerfed. They're OP right now in pvp for that reason.


The burst is Combat with no heals and more dmg taken compared to Anhi, Rage is also nice burst with even less of the other 2, sooooooo no? k

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