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Warzone Change Recommendations


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I would like to make a few recommendations to warzones for the next big patch. Having developed two Battlemasters (a sorc and a 'guard), I hope that my suggestions give at least some credibility to the level of play I have had in warzones and that I am not some "noob" with no experience coming up with random ideas. These are the changes I'd like to see made:


1. Punish those who leave WZs early with a 1-hour lockout.


I can hear all the QQ now, "But, that isn't faaair! What if I want to play in a different WZ with my buddies right now!?!?" Yeah, that is the problem with all of these WZs now; you log in, see your team is not uber in the first 30 seconds of play (or fail to unqueue properly when trying to hook up with your friends or guild mates), and then leave the WZ early, which puts everyone else you left behind at serious disadvantage until other players are able to queue in. This is a serious issue on low-population servers, but it is a problem everywhere because any degree of less personnel than the opposing team will create a significant disadvantage. If someone TRULY has to leave the WZ due to guild business, real life matters, etc. then they should have no problem accepting a 1-hour lockout from WZ activity that will help keep players from leaving pre-maturely. If they messed their own queue up while trying to enter with buddies or guild mates, that is their fault and they should have to suck it up, play the 15 minutes of WZ suck, and then regroup after it is done.


2. Go back to the original method of comm rewards, but give the winning team a bit extra.


I don't enter WZs to lose. When I enter, I play to win and I expect to be rewarded accordingly. I am often a top medal winner, but the rewards are ridiculously low if my team loses. Since I cannot control my entire team, we are obviously bound to lose (sometimes a LOT). This leaves those of us that are more or less forced to pay in PUGs against pre-mades at a significant disadvantage when it comes to gearing up with WZ comms. It's more or less the same principle of the rich getting richer while the poor stay poor. Would you pay the losers in the Super Bowl less than the winners? No, you just give the winners a trophy, maybe a bonus, and everyone earns the pay they were contracted to receive simply by playing the game. My suggestion is to go back to the original comm distribution method and simply give the winners a few more commendations. Losers should not be punished, the winners should be rewarded a little bit more.


3. Make another bracket besides the 10-49 and 50.


While I have not played in a 10-49 WZ in quite some time, I remember how frustrating it was to be level 10-20 and getting stomped by level 45-49 with absolutely no chance. It's kinda like any class going up against a Mara/Sent 1v1 after 1.2. (Sorry, had to get that jab in there, because you all know it's true. *grin*). I suggest making a 10-30, 31-49, and 50 set of brackets help offset the skill/gear differences from new WZ players from those who are in the upper echelon of game play.


4. Bot-prevention: Make an in-game pop-up window to challenge the player before they leave the starting point to prove they are a real person and not a bot.


Bots...I am seeing these bastards everywhere in WZs now and it is very obvious. There is really only one way to defeat these guys and that is to have a pop-up window quickly show on your screen every time someone is at the starting point that forces the user to press one of four or five options that are represented as buttons. The challenge question can be a simple math question like, "What is 3+5?" and the buttons would have have numbers on them with only one right answer. I figured math would be the easiest since it is universal instead of a letter or word problem since it might cause issues for non-English speakers. The problem and buttons would all be RNG and the position of the right answer would always be different on the button panel. A simple math problem would take less than 2 seconds for someone to answer, so the speed of them getting back into the game would be negligible. You can also have the problem box randomly appear somewhere on the screen to help minimize bot countermeasures. If the person gets the question wrong, they are booted from the WZ instantly and get no credit for any time spent in the WZ. They would not, however, be locked out like those who leave the WZ intentionally. Yes, I know there are a LOT of stupid people in the world that would invariably get 1+2 wrong. Are those the kind of people you want on your WZ team anyway? :p


Feel free to bash my ideas. I am sure you have your own on how BW can improve certain features of the WZs so that we can all have a better experience when we are playing these maps. :)

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1) 1 Hour is too long.

2) Yes.

3) Making more brackets makes getting into games wayy too difficult/long.

4) I've not seen a single bot since it became necessary to get 4 (now 3) medals to get rewards in Warzones.

Edited by Spiderbubble
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I think 1-hour makes the point (very well). I see way too many people quit, rejoin, quit immediately, rejoin, quit immediately, rejoin, then quit for good. Being in the same WZ three times during the match is rather ridiculous. And we all know what these people are doing. To help those of us that stay dedicated to playing the WZ all the way through, I think a lockout is a great way to keep people from intentionally leaving early. I'd even say 30 minutes, but no less because people should feel the pain when they abandon a WZ because it's not going their way, or what have you.


And, I thought about the bracket thing after I posted. You are right, especially on low-pop servers or times when it is not peak play. Perhaps there could be a way to have three brackets *if* there are enough people to facilitate having three brackets. If not, obviously the 10-49 bracket would have to be used.

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