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Dr. Lokin and the Rakghoul Plague


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Since this game is a story driven mmo how come Agents dont receive some kind of bonus during this rakghoul plague? Has he not done leading research in this field leading to his ability to control mutating back and forth between human and rakghoul?


BioWare should consider a small bonus for Lokin and as ive already purchased the infected Lokin skin from the security key vendor i hope its not that.

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I don't understand why Dr Lokin have nothing to do with the plague. Not even a customization. Of all the companions in the game, it's the most obvious for a special rakghoul customization, and yet he have none, while mako, elera dorne... have one.


Maybe BW didn't want to have a unique class feature during an event, because everyone would complain the IA have unique stuff/storyline during this event.

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Actually, if we're sticking strictly to story, shouldn't agents have it a bit tougher right now? There are regular announcements on the fleet that anyone knowingly spreading the virus is a traitor and that "good citizens" will report people exibiting signs of infection. If this was really happening, people would be completely ape-**** paranoid about anything remotely resembling rakghouls. Having a rakghoul companion running around behind you would certainly garner a bit of unwanted attention, don't you think? ;)
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I don't understand why Dr Lokin have nothing to do with the plague. Not even a customization. Of all the companions in the game, it's the most obvious for a special rakghoul customization, and yet he have none, while mako, elera dorne... have one.


Maybe BW didn't want to have a unique class feature during an event, because everyone would complain the IA have unique stuff/storyline during this event.


This is a joke right? You're wondering why our companion that TURNS INTO AN ACTUAL RAKGHOUL doesn't have a rakghoul customization?

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This is a joke right? You're wondering why our companion that TURNS INTO AN ACTUAL RAKGHOUL doesn't have a rakghoul customization?

I dunno, maybe a rakghoul customization for his rakghoul form ? Maybe too obvious ?

I don't know, but it's a rakghoul event, and the only rakghoul companion is not involved in it. But yeah, seems logical to me.


Actually the security key vendor on Ilum sells a Dr. Loking Plague skin and has been since launch as far as I know.

The new event customizations are nothing new.

First, we need to have a security key to access it. I do have one, but not everyone have a security key. This is a world event, I wouldn't mind a special customization for Dr Lokin, different from the security key vendor.

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I dunno, maybe a rakghoul customization for his rakghoul form ? Maybe too obvious ?

I don't know, but it's a rakghoul event, and the only rakghoul companion is not involved in it. But yeah, seems logical to me..


Well, that's true. Having a customization for his rakghoul form would be cool. I think it's funny that he's basically sitting on the cure and nobody seems to know about it.

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He's not really sitting on an actual cure, his goal is to perfect a custom strain of the rakghoul virus.

One he is testing on himself obviously...


I too was a bit disappointed that the Imperial Agent didn't had anything specific to do with this outbreak of the plague since we had to deal with Lokin in the first place... not even a special conversation with him...

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