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Mandalorian for new class/race?


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How bout it? The Mandalorians are always considered a formidable enemy, so what would happen if they took sides. Mandalorian Bounty Hunters? Mandalorian Smugglers? plus they would have i dunno a story about revenge and triple crossing, and retribution and all that fun stuff. thoughts anyone?
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Technically Mandalorian is a culture that you are born into. However, in some cases you are able to become a Mandalorian if you live up to their ideals and traditions, but you have to prove yourself and your honour through glorious combat.
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You can become one but still having a class as a mandalorian would be interesting. Most people love the story of jango fett and how he was one so if they made something of that nature then it would be pretty awesome.


i think it's interesting, but unfortunately due to the current design it would be nigh impossible to put one in the game as a class without drastically altering the other classes. A BH for all intents and purposes IS a mandalorian....but you just don't start as one. to add a Mandalorain, you'd almost have a mirror copy of the BH. Hence, it's redundant as a "class"


having the option to start as one as a race would end up in conflict. What classes would be allowed as a Mandalorian? doesn't fit a force weilder, and certainly not the sneaky/rogue like aspects of the smuggler/agent...which leaves...BH and trooper. Go figure. but have in a race for only one class in such a narrow perspective again is a waste of resources


It sounds like you have an active interest in the Mandalorian plot development and history/culture. If your looking for greater depth in that, then It would probably be better for Bio to make it as and "advanced storyline" option, if and when they decide to expand on the classes current storyline (which seems the logical thing to do in expansions that increase level). perhaps make the BH storyline post 50 as the "revitalize the Mandalorian people" story. or just have you play a major part in the process as a BH.


It doesn't fit the trooper as well, since they're background doesn't include the Mandalorians. So While i think you original Idea serves for a great discussion, I think your ultimate wants would be better served by using the class that already is a part of the mandalorian culture, and expanding on your involvement in future story progression.

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if I were to add a new class I would think of imperial trooper and SIS agent, but it would be a pain in the neck not to make them look like IA or trooper


For some reason, I see imperial trooper as:

having an Australian accent

first companion is that trooper on Dromund Kaas manning the blockade

second companion is a sith that shocks you whenever you lose affection (and force chokes you when they REALLY lose affection)

Act 1 story boss is your commander, who has been trying to kill you off since Dromund Kaas (Because you keep surviving, and raising expected standards for imperial military)

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