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Operative Healer PvP - Endurance vs. Power


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Thread title says it all. As a healer in warzones, do you prioritize getting bigger numbers over staying alive longer? I can see myself having 21k hp 1200 expertise in war hero gear at the cost of 120ish bonus healing. What do you prefer? Edited by playasaurus
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Staying alive should be your priority as a healer. Out of all healers Operatives benefit from endurance the most because of how surgical probe works (usable at or below 30% HP).


So yeah, I would take Endurance over Power any day.

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Since patch 1.2 our survivability is great, I don't think you need 21k health to stay alive.


Basically, what you need is to stay above 30% health, since nowadays people like to stun you right about then and tear you to pieces with a friend or two... which can get nasty if you have stealth or stun breaker on cooldown. It seems to be the easiest way to kill an operative healer nowadays.


Whilst you may be harder to kill with more endurance, I wonder why you'd even consider being (even) harder to kill. 120 bonus healing does a lot of good, not just to you, but also your tream...


I would personally choose any stat over endurance in PvP.

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Power over endurance, the increase on koto probe alone will make up for the about 1.5-2k hp you lose if you do not stack endurance. Remember the augments now always give endurance +another stat, so you do not lose out that much hp when not using pure endurance augments.


Also remember that ta stacks 3x now and lasts longer, so it will be pretty easy to maintain 1 stack for the 9% healing increase (even through prolonged cc) which again makes you profit more from the raw healing increase with power.

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Power over endurance, the increase on koto probe alone will make up for the about 1.5-2k hp you lose if you do not stack endurance.


The amount of power you'd have to stack to increase KP by 1.5-2k is not feasible to be achieved.


Edit: To answer the OP, the correct answer for myself is Endurance, followed by Expertise.

Edited by alanisUDL
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Well what it comes down to end of the day, is sacrificing 27 power and 10 mainstat in order to gain 35 endurance per item, so 6x = 210 endurance vs 60 cunning + 162 power (add the respective 4 and 9% from talents, another 5% end if you count the BH buff)


Really I'm not dying much at the moment, and I doubt a few 000 extra hp would let me get out of certain situations. It's the difference between healing 900 with a surg. probe and 1k+ with it. The question was more theoretical toward when x-server ranked wzs appear :p

Edited by playasaurus
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So here's my 'cool story' from last night.


My guild and the only serious repub pvp guild managed to get 4-5 8v8's over the evening. I was dropping instantly with 16-17k hp. I tried swapping some mods I had left, and ended up at 19.5k hp instead, which lowered my healing/dmg output by about 50/25k during the warzone.


In the end, because of the extra time it took them to down me, it allowed the other healer to keep me up a lot easier, and occupied the enemy players a lot longer. Several of my guildies tried lowering their output for survivability and we actually did better. I guess the main thing here is, it allowed me to survive the 3x5k smash/project crits I was getting hit with, instead of pressing release, and let me join in on melee fights to get the most out of my RN.


Conclusion: having bigger output is better for small skirmishes - for larger battles, survivability is king. I will definitely be going this route when getting war hero gear for ranked wzs

Edited by playasaurus
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So here's my 'cool story' from last night.


My guild and the only serious repub pvp guild managed to get 4-5 8v8's over the evening. I was dropping instantly with 16-17k hp. I tried swapping some mods I had left, and ended up at 19.5k hp instead, which lowered my healing/dmg output by about 50/25k during the warzone.


In the end, because of the extra time it took them to down me, it allowed the other healer to keep me up a lot easier, and occupied the enemy players a lot longer. Several of my guildies tried lowering their output for survivability and we actually did better. I guess the main thing here is, it allowed me to survive the 3x5k smash/project crits I was getting hit with, instead of pressing release, and let me join in on melee fights to get the most out of my RN.


Conclusion: having bigger output is better for small skirmishes - for larger battles, survivability is king. I will definitely be going this route when getting war hero gear for ranked wzs


Thanks for sharing that observation, it makes a lot of sense.

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