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Attention Citizens: The Rakghoul Plague Outbreak


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Not everyone reads the forums, I only check the forums if i'm looking for info on crew skills, or something else, maybe a few times a month. I have guildmates that don't read them at all. The Event end date wasn't listed on the main page for the game nor was it listed in-game. Some people don't want the drama that comes with forums.


^^^ This. I don't read the forums much, especially 'General Discussion' because 99% of it is people crying about EVERY aspect of the game. I'd expect this to be somewhere in game, via mail, via 'Latest News' on the launcher - somewhere that I don't need to read up on people complaining about a 2000 credit vaccine for 40 threads...

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I'm sorry, but I have to agree with others that said there should have been some notice In-Game... that it was coming to an end. I was logged in until the servers went down last night (until one minute before) and, ironically, there was one of those announcements on the Republic Fleet Space station just before it went down that the plague was happening and be careful, report any info, etc. There should have been some notice that it was coming to an end, that they had been containing it... something. It would have added to the story!!!


I am sorry, but I am a game PLAYER, not a game forum READER except when I have problems or questions like, "Why do I have open quests, a stack of hard-earned, event-only DNA and no way to finish them and sell it?"


In game announcements would have added to the story and given those of us with DNA a real chance to sell it! I loved the event (please have more!) but give us more info about it in game, especially when it is ending. Again, this helps players, keeps us in the story, and adds to the overall enjoyment of the experience (I think.)


Hell, even a notice on the launcher - although that would not really enhance the story.


Again, I only read the forums when there are issues. (And thankfully, I have had very few - this is a well done game!) I read enough stuff all day long at my job. I don't play an MMO so I can read the forums- unless I am beta testing.


Just my two cents.



I concur. I only read the forums when I'm bored at work. Why would we read the forums when we could be playing the game?

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I have 220 samples, went to go spend them today and nothing!!!!!


Horrible. Why not a warning window on login??


At least put a vendor on the ship so we can spend them. I put a lot of time in to getting them

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This event was extremely enjoyable! :D. Thank you BioWare!

I've read through some of the whining complaints about the infection. For future events such as this there is a really simple solution BioWare could implement. Creating an option in the players "Social" tab in the preferences. By checking a box that says "Do not participate in world events" This would allow the player to....well, need I go on any further? This is guaranteed to cut the whining down to a dull roar :D

Thank you again BioWare for the fun event!


The only real down side was landing up with only one companion customization for the faction I play and having 6 for the opposing faction. There is no way to trade or swap these out. :(

Edited by LordShanon
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I was defending this live event to anyone who complained about it in our guild. But now i see their point. Its only fun from from a dev's perspective.

A mystery is one thing, keeping people in the dark about a time-sensitive quest line, is utter stupidity. Very frustrating and makes people not want to play.

Three day sequence to get all the dailies. Utter stupidity. Especially if you missed one, the sequence wouldnt complete. Especially if you have a life and are unable to play every single day.

The jawa vendor vanishing before we all had time to spend the dna. Utter stupidity.

I havnt had one negative thing to say about this game, untill now.

So super pissed off I wasnt able to get the officers suit before it ended.

Took me 4 days to figure out I was missing a quest, all that time wasted.

FAIL live event.

Edited by Eyepoke
left out a word, and what difference does it make to you why I want to edit a post THAT I POSTED. Really none of your damn business.
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I really enjoyed this event but I'm EXTREMELY disappointed that the vendor disappeared so suddenly. I feel likel I'm being punished for having a life outside of SWTOR and not following the forums. What harm would it have done to leave the vendor around for an extra few days so that more casual players would have a chance to find out that the event was over and cash in their DNA samples?
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People saying they don't read the forums because it is all whine?


Than they log onto the forums to whine?


Your kettle black much?




The only valid point I could see would be codex's, as that is closest thing we have to achievements. To that note, there are achievements in WoW you can't get anymore.


Wired.com: Does Cataclysm affect the old world achievements?


Stockton: Definitely. We’re going to have to go back and look at those achievements because certain things might not be available anymore and there are also going to be new things that we’re going to want to add. So definitely it will affect that stuff. (Old world achievements) will be converted to “Feats of Strength” (achievements that don’t add points to your player score). So if you have one, for instance, and we removed that from the game, we removed the ability to get it, but (in your list of achievements) it will just become a Feat of Strength.



Personally, I think it is great there is stuff that not everyone will see. You wern't there, get over it. And yes, you sound entitled.





I agree with Eyepoke and BlasterproofJ . And insist: WHY removing the jawa vendor so soon...

And why not at least 3 sets of armor (light, medium and heavy)?


I agree with this, but it wont ruin my life like some are implying.

Edited by DyasAlue
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It's hard not to laugh at the people who are complaining that they have leftover dna. BioWare said the event will end today. Logic tells me yesterday would then be the last day to get anything you need. If something ends, it ends. That means anything about the event will not be available anymore.


But yeah, that's just my logic here.

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It's hard not to laugh at the people who are complaining that they have leftover dna. BioWare said the event will end today. Logic tells me yesterday would then be the last day to get anything you need. If something ends, it ends. That means anything about the event will not be available anymore.


But yeah, that's just my logic here.


I think the big complaint is *where/how* it was communicated. They put in in the patch notes when it started, why not indicate the duration there? You had to come to the forums to find it. I think that is was has most people a little salty about how it ended.

Edited by Kenavalon
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Okay, so you don't read the forums - what about general chat being FULL of - rakghoul event ending tonight - sell/buy dna before the event is over tomorrow and it's too late.. all yesterday. Not to mention, many acted like the event started yesterday and it was SO ABRUPTLY ENDED - it started two weeks ago. You couldn't find a daily that you knew you were supposed to get to further in the questline, ask on tattooine general chat - that's what I did, wala - answer. Furthermore all these people just what, assumed this event was going on forever? You didn't wonder when it would be over? Maybe ask people in your fleets general chat or HEY - google the answer? Come to the forums and check? Wondering when it would end occured to me in the first week and I searched for the answer. And if you're telling me that within your busy lives of jobs, kids, wives, girlfriends, who knows what you couldn't have taken 5 minutes to find the answer - I don't believe that. Because you had 5 minutes to come here and make this post.


And for those saying - WOW wouldn't make the vendor disappear when the event ends!!!! Yes. They do. For every holiday event and every world event they've ever had.


EVERYONE.. is a critic.

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I was defending this live event to anyone who complained about it in our guild. But now i see their point. Its only fun from from a dev's perspective.

A mystery is one thing, keeping people in the dark about a time-sensitive quest line, is utter stupidity. Very frustrating and makes people not want to play.

Three day sequence to get all the dailies. Utter stupidity. Especially if you missed one, the sequence wouldnt complete. Especially if you have a life and are unable to play every single day.

The jawa vendor vanishing before we all had time to spend the dna. Utter stupidity.

I havnt had one negative thing to say about this game, untill now.

So super pissed off I wasnt able to get the officers suit before it ended.

Took me 4 days to figure out I was missing a quest, all that time wasted.

FAIL live event.


I agree!

FAIL live event.

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Considering this was put smack dab straight into my exam week, i think this event was far too short. I logged on today, finally having free time to try the Rakghoul event to find that it had ended about 2 hours before. Couldn't you extend this event a bit more?


A bit unfair on those of us with just a little less time to spare at this exact week.

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I was really hoping the event would last at least another week.

I started late so ended up missing out on the chest and belt for the set, also didn't manage to get the one companion appearance i really wanted. 19 boxes and got them all except the Quinn one, which is the only companion i actually use. If the event had been extended i could have carried on grinding boxes to eventually get it.

That and the fact the appearances are bound, and worthless as vendor trash is pretty dissapointing :mad:

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Vaccinating was a waste of time and money. It went away at death. My biggest problem I have had with the event was I had to pay money over and over again to NOT participate. That is complete bull. Then I realized I could just stay infected. If I was doing stuff on the fleet, just travel over to one of the other ships really quick. Or go in an elevator. Just keep changing zones. Very inconvenient, but it was what I had to do to not participate.


I'm pretty sure that you were experiencing a bug. Each phase ("Lightheaded" and "Feverish") only lasts 10 minutes. Changing zones resets the timer for your current phase. However, using an elevator or taxi doesn't count as changing zones (I went from Vaiken Spacedock to the museum in Ziost Shadow without losing time).


If you die at "Lightheaded", then it persists through death. However, if you die at "Feverish", then you automatically explode, gain 5x Rakghoul DNA Samples, and are no longer infected. This doesn't damage your gear, so you don't have to pay any extra repair costs.


The infected can become bugged. This seems to happen if you log out while infected, and maybe sometimes after zoning. When bugged, the timer is frozen and it no longer progresses. I'm not sure if you still get the "Sickness" debuff (stunned while throwing up), but I think you don't. Also, if you're "Feverish" and it's bugged, it will persist through death (and you won't get the Rakghoul DNA). You're effectively immune at that point (even better than the "vaccine"!).




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Okay, so you don't read the forums - what about general chat being FULL of - rakghoul event ending tonight - sell/buy dna before the event is over tomorrow and it's too late.. all yesterday.


Honestly, I was on Fleet queing for a couple hours and never saw anyone mention "Final day" sales tactics. The only time I saw anything was when I went to Tat to try to grind the dailies out prior to server outage, and saw someone whining about not be able ot get to the vendor cuz it was being camped. Then it came out that they only had 20 mins to turn in. Not to mention I would not have spent 2 hours PvP'ing had I saw anything about it ending, I would have went and finished the Origin quest.


And for those saying - WOW wouldn't make the vendor disappear when the event ends!!!! Yes. They do. For every holiday event and every world event they've ever had.


True, BUT, when WoW launched an event, they always stated start and end dates and also have am in-gsme calendar to show start and end dates. I *planned* on doing the Origin quest today, which is my only day off. The same way I would plan the day to grind WSG during children's week for a WoW event on my day off. Not whining, just saying it sucks, and some people are busy and do plan around differing schedules. It would've been nice at event launch to say "Officials plan on having the out break contained within a week, or by 4-23-12" or whatever, indicating, in-game, when it would be coming to a close.

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Gotta say I am extremely disappointed that this event just vanished without a trace. No closure at all. All the rakghouls and infection just disappeared.


I understand that in game events come and go. But with this gaming bragging about putting story first and just have something as big as a rakghoul epidemic just disappear, not really a good sign of future events.

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I just exploded on the fleet, infected two others and got 5 samples. I assume this is far from over. I also assume there will be other vendors taking samples for credits. And on top of that I assume there will also be crystals on sale for samples again. Stick around and keep your eyes and ears open for the next event. I'm holding on to my samples and I'm collecting them from whoever thinks they don't need them anymore.
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So im guessing we need to spend 2 to 4 hours reading the forms or site to find out any new information and then play the game? there was nothing in game saying it would end.


Would it really make sense to have the end date for an "outbreak" world event to be pre-publicized in-game? That would definitely put a damper on the whole immersion thing. Imagine how ridiculous the in-game broadcast would be:


"This is an Imperial news bulletin. An outbreak of the rakghoul plague has been confirmed on Tatooine. Citizens are advised to get vaccinated as soon as possible and to shoot any infected on sight. Or alternatively, just wait precisely seven days, after which this whole catastrophic event will be mysteriously erased from existence and for most intents and purposes we'll just act like it never happened. "


"Seriously, if you want to fight some ugly space zombies, get all the codex entries, & acquire this containment suit thingy, you should start today, 'cause there's a progressive daily quest requirement, and this Jawa in the desert that gives you stuff, but he's not gonna give you any stuff after next Monday. "


"We realize you might not go to the "holonet" community site or talk to anyone around you, so we thought we'd just spoon-feed this information to you using the galactic PA system. Have fun!"



That being said, I don't see why the launcher or even an in-game mail couldn't have been used to give players a bit more of a heads-up.

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That being said, I don't see why the launcher or even an in-game mail couldn't have been used to give players a bit more of a heads-up.


The very least they could have done for those who don't use the forums is to use the news droids and announcements they already had in game to a) indicate in some way that the outbreak on Tatooine is about to be contained and b) that the outbreak on Tatooine has been contained. Walking around now with nothing whatsoever indicating that anything has happened at all kind of breaks continuity. :(

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I am extremely disappointed that this event just vanished without a trace. No closure at all. All the rakghouls and infection just disappeared.


I understand that in game events come and go. But with this gaming bragging about putting story first and just have something as big as a rakghoul epidemic just disappear, not really a good sign of future events.


The very least they could have done for those who don't use the forums is to use the news droids and announcements they already had in game to a) indicate in some way that the outbreak on Tatooine is about to be contained and b) that the outbreak on Tatooine has been contained. Walking around now with nothing whatsoever indicating that anything has happened at all kind of breaks continuity. :(


I have to say that it's always a bit sad when MMOs end a world event (other than holidays) without any real closure. Even a simple,


"ATTENTION CITIZENS. Thanks to the efforts of Imperial forces, the recent rakghoul outbreak has been contained.


For now..."


would have been a nice touch to cap off what was otherwise a very entertaining week.

Edited by ElCharismo
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I actually liked the idea that there was no notice of the event happening. Was a nice surprise to log in and wonder what the hell was going on and why people were able to explode. I'm also not surprised it just ended and disappeared. However it would have been nice if the vendor did stick around. Also as it's been said before. Since it was a surprise event it would have been nice for it to be a bit longer so more people could participate.



That being said, I don't see why the launcher or even an in-game mail couldn't have been used to give players a bit more of a heads-up.

This makes the most sense to me for informing the players of when the event will end once it's been active for a few days.


I really hope BioWare does more of these events and hope they take the feedback from the first one and make the others more enjoyable for everyone.

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I don't care about the vendor being gone one bit and can live without a set of armor I'm never going to display. But what is very disappointing is that I did not have the chance to kill all 3 bosses and codex will forever be stuck at 7/9. If the event is gone and killing these bosses is not possible anymore then why torment those of us that could not finish it with an uncompleted codex section?
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