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Great PvP balance here screenshot to proove it :)


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Take a 1000 damage attack and increase it by your Expertise %


1000 x 1.2223 = 1222.3


Reduce that by the mitigation


1223.3 x 0.8182 = 1000.08586

1 - .1818 (mitigation) = 0.8182 fyi


There is nothing that mitigates healing so the more expertise and stats gained, the more healing will rise but dps vs mitigation should remain a wash. This is how it should have been at launch.


I think this damage is more of a result of the BH changes than the expertise. The reduction to mitigation only makes it worse.

Edited by klorinator
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Lol Stavross, we play on the same server. Can't say I've played with or against Steph much, but I remember them being decent pre 1.2. But... yeah, if arsenal mercs get all of their stacks buffing HSM (in addition to you having 5 stacks-or multiple 5-stacks if there's more than 1 merc as is often the case- of armor debuff), you can expect to see those numbers. I've heard of 9k+ HSM crits on some fresh 50's. Many people assumed Mercs/Commandos would only be a nuisance if they happened to spec for grav/tracer and have often dismissed the possibility of taking huge damage from them... well, here's what happens when they give them something to "balance" the loss of dps from tracer/grav.
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Working as intended. Of course we have to take into consideration that this pvp dev team is completely clueless.


You really have no clue do you? healing was overboard before, and can still be a pain to manage now, aka killing them if played right, so try not to comment on the dev's when you yourself have no idea...

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You really have no clue do you? healing was overboard before, and can still be a pain to manage now, aka killing them if played right, so try not to comment on the dev's when you yourself have no idea...


Pretty sure that they're referring to the fact that an instant-cast skill (yes, I'm sure it depended upon about 10 seconds of attacking/debuffing to get to its maximum effect) dealing more than half of his health in damage is what's overpowered.

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More proof that Bioware wants you to spec dps and nothing else for pvp.

I am speced as tank (even though I wear mostly DPS gear), I love that change. It made no sense before, since healers with much expertise where just the best choice for PvP, now they have to think again and actually play well. I thought it was stupid when BioWare made expertise giving a bonus to healing, but now with the changes it looks like it could wark (and I have much more fun playing the warzones now, but the rewards are currently something they really should think about again).

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Take a 1000 damage attack and increase it by your Expertise %


1000 x 1.2223 = 1222.3


Reduce that by the mitigation


1223.3 x 0.8182 = 1000.08586

1 - .1818 (mitigation) = 0.8182 fyi


There is nothing that mitigates healing so the more expertise and stats gained, the more healing will rise but dps vs mitigation should remain a wash. This is how it should have been at launch.


I think this damage is more of a result of the BH changes than the expertise. The reduction to mitigation only makes it worse.


Personally I like longer fights with less damage being thrown around, so I preferred the formula with mitigation outstripping damage. Anytime you have a situation where someone loses literally half their health in one shot, that's just poor balance in my opinion.

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Personally I like longer fights with less damage being thrown around, so I preferred the formula with mitigation outstripping damage. Anytime you have a situation where someone loses literally half their health in one shot, that's just poor balance in my opinion.


Pre 1.2 balance was almost quite right but merc healers were abit crazy

The funny thing is all the heal nerfs would not have been so bad if they did not buff half the dps classes

Right now the nerfs with the combination of the buffs is what is causing the big rift between classes

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this is what happens when things are not properly tested


heatseeker missiles were not working properly pre 1.2. they did not receive the +5% damage bonus from each armor break on the target. 1.2 fixed that. it also gave heatseeker a 10% damage INCREASE


pre 1.2, it was not uncommon to see 4k-4.5k crits, 2-2.5ishk non crits with heatseeker.


now, 5k crit on heatseeker is the low end. i respec'd arsenal to see for myself, and managed to land a 6.5k crit without adrenal or relic on. with equally geared players, expertise adrenal, power relic, a full stack of armor break and a crit and youre easily looking at a minimum of 7-7.5k damage.


this is just another case of bioware not doing the math, and making changes based on the reactionary opinion of the majority of the player base.


hate to say i told you so, but i told you so

Edited by cashogy
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this is what happens when things are not properly tested


heatseeker missiles were not working properly pre 1.2. they did not receive the +5% damage bonus from each armor break on the target. 1.2 fixed that. it also gave heatseeker a 10% damage INCREASE


pre 1.2, it was not uncommon to see 4k-4.5k crits, 2-2.5ishk non crits with heatseeker.


now, 5k crit on heatseeker is the low end. i respec'd arsenal to see for myself, and managed to land a 6.5k crit without adrenal or relic on. with equally geared players, expertise adrenal, power relic, a full stack of armor break and a crit and youre easily looking at a minimum of 7-7.5k damage.


this is just another case of bioware not doing the math, and making changes based on the reactionary opinion of the majority of the player base.hate to say i told you so, but i told you so

If it actually was the majority of the player base, that would be one thing. However, it was a vocal minority of pvp baddies QQing because they weren't at the top of the WZ lists all the time.

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Don't let a Merc freecast at you and/or tell your teammates to peel for you.


To get that kind of crit he'd have needed what, 3 or 4 stacks of Tracer. So you let him free cast at you at least 3 times, if not 4 times or more and as a result he blew you up.


Seems like it's fine to me.

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If it actually was the majority of the player base, that would be one thing. However, it was a vocal minority of pvp baddies QQing because they weren't at the top of the WZ lists all the time.


sort of what i meant. its my opinion that the vast majority, probably >80%, have no idea how to play this game though. they dont understand the easy underlying mechanics, and just cry whenever they dont win.

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So you let him free cast at you at least 3 times, if not 4 times or more and as a result he blew you up.


That's such a fallible argument; Warzones are not 1v1 scenarios, stop referring to them as such.


Getting 3-5 30m casts off on someone trying to lock down a healer is not an uncommon occurrence.

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