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Remove the rakghoul plague now

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This will get no traction with me. I've played MUDS/MMOs in the past where leaving the city at all placed you at the whim of grievers.


I was present for the WoW incarnation of the zombie apocalypse - this is TAME compared to that even.

Less griefing? Sure. Still griefing? Yes.


Then you never needed the immunity if you are dying every 10 minutes. So what if you were infected, just keep PvPing like a champ.
No, you do indeed if the average is ~10 minutes.


Show me in this post you quoted where the poster was talking about the evnt and not the plague and you will have a point.
Sure; you even quoted it.


BBP: You have said repeatedly that having to deal with the plague disrupts your role play and that is a big reason why it should be removed.


the word "it" in that last clause "the plague" not "the effect on the warzones" There are 2 more instances in that post; all 3 are talking about the plague

Edited by ferroz
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Where is a level 5 or 10 or 15 player supposed to sell the DNA? Who is he going to sell it to?


A level 5 may have a hard time, but any level 10 or 15 player should be able to unload that DNA rather quickly on their Fleet.

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And again, though I dislike the theme, I do not mind Bioware adding the Event. My complaint is at the immature terrorists exploding in Safe Zones, and forcing others into gameplay that some would prefer to avoid.


Events are fun; Griefing ain't.


Except the people in the safe zones are doing exactly what they are supposed to do. If you don't want to participate, vaccinate and go play wherever you like.

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Do you realize you're basically engaging in a form of prejudice here?


If you read my posts on this forum, or were to read them in any of the other forums I have posted on over the years, you'd find that I never complain. I'm always a person who tries to find something good in everything, to give people the benefit of the doubt, to see a silver lining, etc. Sure, I've expressed displeasure here and there, but it's tremendously rare. I am definitively NOT someone who has to complain about everything.


In this case, I genuinely don't like this aspect of the event and want to express my unhappiness with it. Instead of looking at the content of my (or anyone's disagreement), you instead are doing a kind of "profiling" on them and deciding ahead of time to disagree,


The worst part of it is, I guarantee if we searched your posts, we'd find more than enough complaining to label you as a person who just likes to complain. Every single person in here who's used the similar line of reasoning to the one you have just expressed has had someone post a few moments later examples of them complaining in the same way that they were attacking others for.


Now I won't do that, because in the first place its just not worth my time, but more importantly because it's not right to label someone rather than consider their words. I'd encourage you to reconsider your attitude.


You misunderstand my intent with what I said. I am not trying to label you as anything. I am trying to identify why neither I, nor most others respect your position. I am trying to explain to you why I think your arguments will never find any traction on this issue.


We all complain from time to time. The problem for you is that in this instance you have found something to complain about with an event that people really love. From our perspective this event is the one thing that has occurred in this game that no one should be able to find a complaint about and yet still you have found something you don't like.


It doesn't matter whether you are a habitual complainer. That isn't the point. It doesn't matter whether the rest of us have ever complained about something in this game. That isn't the point either.


What I am telling you is that finally there is something that is loved by a community that is extremely critical. Finally there is something that even people who have been complaining can get behind and you happen to be in the small minority of people who are still not satisfied. What I am telling you is that even if it isn't fair you are being singled out because people cannot believe that even when something this spontaneous and fun comes along there are people who aren't happy.


It's unfortunate for you that you happen to be upset at exactly the wrong time and place. That doesn't change the fact that your complaints are only going to make people more frustrated because they will never be able to see beyond their disbelief that you aren't satisfied with what is their favorite part of the game so far.

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Following you...I find that odd and highly inefficient. Have you been advertising on your server that you're against the event? In any case, I'd love it of someone was wasting their time following me, haha. They'd explode and get no credit for spreading the disease because I'm vaccinated.


No I can't remember the last time I talked in general at all. And frankly there were exactly 3 players on Hoth including myself. Seems most of the server was doing some quest series on Tatooine. :p I think they made a wrong turn. They did ask and i said no. So they followed for a ways then gave up. I actually got infected with that particular toon when I fleet passed back and managed to arrive right at the time someone turned into a mass of exploding goo.

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Sure; you even quoted it.


BBP: You have said repeatedly that having to deal with the plague disrupts your role play and that is a big reason why it should be removed.


the word "it" in that last clause "the plague" not "the effect on the warzones" There are 2 more instances in that post; all 3 are talking about the plague


Thank you, you just proved my point they were talking about the plague, not the event as a whole.

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Where is a level 5 or 10 or 15 player supposed to sell the DNA? Who is he going to sell it to?


On Fleet people are /wtb in /1. They are paying anywhere from 5k up for the DNA.


Beats me why, it's easy enough to get but a newbie could make some serious money (once they got the ability to get to Fleet at 10).

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I think there are two main reasons people take such issue with the few complainers.


First, no one likes the wet blanket at the party. Everyone is having fun, and one guy in the room looks down in the dumps. Second, the complaints are just so weak. There are no consequences from dying of the plague, and they actually made it desireable by giving you in-game currency. The plague is mostly avoidable, though not completely avoidable. It's easily dealt with by vaccine which is cheap and lasts a long time. Even if that modest price is too much, just spamming the general chat and asking for vaccine will net it for you for free.


People keep acting like they didn't consider that some people wouldn't want to participate. But that just isn't true. They mitigated the negative effects until they were almost non-existant. They offered a means for avoiding it. Clicking on a vaccine every few hours isn't that hard.


The complainers keep saying that you it expires when you die, but if you are dying that often, the plague won't affect you anyway.


This....exactly this.

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My 10th BH did not die, but became infected at at the Fleet med Station because of the selfish actions of a Griefer. I purchased a single serum which was 1/3 of my Origin world holdings. It should not have happened, and I hope to see such actions end.


RP may be fun; being forced to play is not.


You're safe for 6 hours, yay!


Besides, with the energy you have invested in this thread - I know you have more than a level 10 BH to have this sort of knowledge in the game. I suspect you have other characters with far more than the origin world starting credits. If not - then you need to be more concerned with getting away from the populated Fleet and getting out in the middle of the zones to experience your character's story quests. Even if you were infected with a stim, so what? you die one time 20 minutes later with no durability loss. You get 5 DNA to sell and then just carry on.


It's not like someone is going to be standing over your corpse, stealthed, out in the wilds of Dromund Kaas just waiting for you to rezz before they explode all over you again.

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My 10th BH did not die, but became infected at at the Fleet med Station because of the selfish actions of a Griefer. I purchased a single serum which was 1/3 of my Origin world holdings. It should not have happened, and I hope to see such actions end.


RP may be fun; being forced to play is not.


So ASK FOR A COUPLE IN GENERAL CHAT. On my server, we hand them out freely to the lower levels. We know they don't have a lot of cash. I have over 20 of em. if someone asks for one, I don't mind giving them one, and apparently it's the case on most servers. Those of us doing the dailies aren't really using them anyways lol. And if you see us just blowing up, you know we aren't using them.


And for those asking, what if BW is giving you a way for permanent vaccination... the Contamination Suits from the dailies. they are orange moddable. What if having one of those suits (complete set) grants you immunity. So next time, you don't even have to worry about it. not quite sure what the complete set will do. Won't know for a few more days.


And for those lower levels as well, if you get infected and explode, that's 5 dna samples. people WILL pay a minimum of 2k each (some will pay a lot more) for the samples. So that's at least 10k for 5 antidotes that last 6 hours a piece. Can't we just enjoy someting in the game for one :D

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I was thinking about this and why I have no respect for your position. Even though you have been respectful in your tone I must confess that it goes beyond disagreement. I really don't respect your position and I don't think many others do either. I think I may have figured out why.


I think it's because we get tired of the fact that no matter how well done or enjoyable anything is, people on the internet always find something to complain about. From our perspective this is the most fun we've had to date with this game and we are just beyond flabbergasted with the fact that there are still people finding something to cry about with it. The content of your arguments really won't matter. To us, you are just finding some reason to complain even though Bioware delivered an awesome event.


Truth be told, I have no problem with changing the vaccine so that it persists through death, but I just think it isn't that big a deal and post after post from the same small group of people complaining about it repels and disgusts me (and others).


I think that's why we can't bring ourselves to respect your position. It isn't just the content of what you are saying. We see your comments as further proof of the inability of people to enjoy anything without whining and complaining. That is what I think people are reacting to as much as anything and I don't think you can expect people to look past that. I think you have voiced your concerns and you've been heard. At this point you are just pushing people further away from your position by not letting it go.


The only way this should have offended someone is that they chose to enter this obvious titled complaint Thread; their option. Simply because some opinions differ from others does not invalidate their worth.. They may not be seen as greater than others, but they are not of any less value.


And personally, I am not attempting to whine; simply hoping that the rules against Griefing become enforced, the Rest Areas are made safe again, and that I am left to select which plot lines I choose to play; not the Griefers.

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If you're really worried about the stun in combat then stun-break it when it happens. It's not that big of a deal. You continue about your business, you just occasionally hunch over for a couple seconds. If you really don't want to get infected, then don't hang around infected people. It's really easy to avoid people if you're questing.


Of course its a big deal. In low level PvE stun breakers may be easily wasted, but in PvP and high level PvE you can't waste them. The game is balanced around how many CC breakers/stuns each class/NPC has.

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Roleplaying is about the decisions you make, not the technically limited things which must be the same.


For example, role players accept that their characters will die, as its not real. That doesn't mean they won't go far, far out of their way to make sure that their decisions and actions are consistent.


In any case, I would not be surprised in the slightest if there were RP guilds where there was only one permitted Barsen'Thor or whatnot and they handled some of these things that way.


... yet this all changes due to a temporary world event? How is it any different?


If anything, there is some good roleplaying to be had with players playing characters that are literally panicked that a friend will try to infect them. Think outside the box, don't limit the roleplay that others can do with this world event.

Edited by Raeln
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I wasn't too interested by this event to be honest, but after seeing some Rak pets, people with glowing eyes and green fumes emanating from them, and the news bulletin/announcement on fleet, I thought I'd check it out.


Read up on it, and headed to Tatooine.


It's good fun :)



A few things that occurred to me for both the for/against crowd:


*Those standing at the fleet spawn point…. well, there's no guarantee you'll explode *just* as someone's loading in is there? I read the last two iterations of this thread and expected a cool-down icon telling you how many seconds are left till you explode. But this doesn't happen. It's just a random amount of time after infection, right? So not the most efficient way of infecting others. You'd have to be pretty unlucky to spawn in *just* as someone was exploding...


Add to that that people can use their ships to arrive at hangers, and depending on your server population, it shouldn't really be a problem. In fact, I've not been infected by another player yet at all. I happily stand on fleet waiting for WZs to pop, and partake in said war zones - no infection.


The only way I got infected was by fighting the Rak spawns at the wreckage. In fact, I did it on purpose. About 20-30 mins later, while doing the rest of the quests, I'd die, resurrect, have more DNA, and carried on, going back to re-infect myself so I'd build up enough to get an item from the vendor.


If people are 'grouping in certain spots together to explode and infect each other ad infinitum' - well, that moves them into certain areas that can surely be avoided if you really don't want to be infected.


*I got flagged for PVP by accident. I was standing by a mural on tatooine as part of a quest, and some kind Jedi gave me a buff. He was flagged for PVP. I became flagged for PVP instantly (I later realised!). I got ganked going to the Jawa seller. I had to respawn back at the base and wait five minutes before I could visit again (for the PVP flag to go off). This inconvenienced me for five minutes. No big deal, really. People suggesting that exploding and having to wait just 10 seconds before carrying on is griefing is stretching it a bit.


*There is a downside to dying when you explode - as far as I can tell, the wait time to resurrect at the same spot is increased each time you die, and there's a tiny amount of damage to your gear (I have a full inventory and got a repair bill of around 200 credits). Repairing your gear resets the resurrect time. I may be wrong though, as I was pretty tired when doing this and not paying 100% attention.


*Having an 'opt-in' would not work - the idea of the event is that the plague is spreading and no-one is safe. If you had an 'opt-in', then those that opted out would not be a valid target. As the majority of people seem to be enjoying the event, you'd get some people complaining that they exploded next to someone and nothing happened. Bioware can't win either way!




If you don't like it, fair enough. I can certainly respect that. But to call those that are partaking of this event 'terrorists' or 'griefers' is disingenuous at best, and downright churlish really.


The reality is that this is a fun little event that has re-invigorated the game a little, added some fun and unpredictability to the game, and will really not inconvenience people much at all.


Your version of reality is, of course, your own ;)


That's all I'll say on the matter, really. I won't come back and post the same thing over and over again to make my point, but I look forward to hundreds of future posts the five people vehemently against this will be adding.





Edited by quantumsheep
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I think the point Skolops was making is that lower level characters can't get to the fleet yet.


I believe you can go to the fleet whenever you want - that said, level 10s and 15s will have already made it to the fleet.

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This will get no traction with me. I've played MUDS/MMOs in the past where leaving the city at all placed you at the whim of grievers.


I was present for the WoW incarnation of the zombie apocalypse - this is TAME compared to that even.


Then you never needed the immunity if you are dying every 10 minutes. So what if you were infected, just keep PvPing like a champ.


Jackels may be tamed; are still Jackels. And the RP & PvE folks are getting Griefed, too.

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You misunderstand my intent with what I said. I am not trying to label you as anything. I am trying to identify why neither I, nor most others respect your position. I am trying to explain to you why I think your arguments will never find any traction on this issue.


We all complain from time to time. The problem for you is that in this instance you have found something to complain about with an event that people really love. From our perspective this event is the one thing that has occurred in this game that no one should be able to find a complaint about and yet still you have found something you don't like.


It doesn't matter whether you are a habitual complainer. That isn't the point. It doesn't matter whether the rest of us have ever complained about something in this game. That isn't the point either.


What I am telling you is that finally there is something that is loved by a community that is extremely critical. Finally there is something that even people who have been complaining can get behind and you happen to be in the small minority of people who are still not satisfied. What I am telling you is that even if it isn't fair you are being singled out because people cannot believe that even when something this spontaneous and fun comes along there are people who aren't happy.


It's unfortunate for you that you happen to be upset at exactly the wrong time and place. That doesn't change the fact that your complaints are only going to make people more frustrated because they will never be able to see beyond their disbelief that you aren't satisfied with what is their favorite part of the game so far.


Do you think that if this event were precisely the same except that the plague worked just differently enough that it wouldn't irritate those that it does, everyone else would not have been excited about it?


The thing is, everyone is insisting that they don't try to infect people who don't want it, so if there was a mechanic to permanently opt out, nobody should be any less happy about that, correct?

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Less griefing? Sure. Still griefing? Yes.


You were given the ability to turn it off for 6 hours.


No, you do indeed if the average is ~10 minutes.


It takes at least 10 minutes to get Feverish. You won't explode until typically 20 minutes after infection.


Word has it that the timer even resets when you zone - so entering a Warzone would reset that timer, meaning you would have at least a fresh 10 minutes to die in PvP before you exploded.


The point is that if you are actively PvP'ing, then the plague has virtually no effect on you. The chance of dying before it explodes is very high.

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I believe you can go to the fleet whenever you want - that said, level 10s and 15s will have already made it to the fleet.


hmm...interesting, I did not know that, thought you had to finish class quests on starter planets first.

Edited by Lugosi
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Less griefing? Sure. Still griefing? Yes.



Stop calling this griefing. This isn't griefing and that isn't a matter of opinion. There are numerous definitions of griefing and grief players that apply specifically to online gaming environments and they all indicate that their must be intent to disrupt someone else's experience for the term to properly apply. No such intent exists in this situation. Most people want to be infected and so unless someone knows that you don't want it and then follows you around trying to infect you anyway there is no griefing going on.


You sound foolish when you use this term in error.

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And personally, I am not attempting to whine; simply hoping that the rules against Griefing become enforced, the Rest Areas are made safe again, and that I am left to select which plot lines I choose to play; not the Griefers.


It really doesn't matter how many times you call it such.... in today's parlance, griefing does not mean what you claim it means. People standing around exploding in the middle of the fleet, while silly, does not meet the definition of griefing, as the word is understood in regards to multiplayer gaming. Therefore, there is nothing to enforce. You don't like it, I get that, but that doesn't make it any more egregious.


Personally, I think the mistake BW made was making it profitable to contract the plague. You can make far more DNA samples standing in the fleet than doing the daily quests. This encourages people to stand in the fleet exploding over and over, rather than participating in this really fun event.

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