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Remove the rakghoul plague now

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If we are talking about government and rights then I agree with you. If we are talking about a video game or the way a business treats people then the minority are the ones who need to learn a lesson here. It isn't possible to please everyone and so they have to please the masses and not the tiny minority.






As a number of people have said, it seems like there are some very minor tweaks that could have been done to this before release (or even now) to take away virtually no fun from the people who enjoy it, while very much limiting the irritation to people who don't. Good business would dictate that if you can please even the dissatisfied without offending those who like it, you should do it.

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The rakghouls are the zombies of the real world, zombies in almost anything these days will make money (its a sad world we live in) and there for because Bioware wants to make money they will put rakghouls in. At least they did a much better job of making it seem Star Warsy than the Undead update back in SWG. Edited by DeltaEkotte
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I'm familiar with what it means. Spreading it onto people who don't want it is indeed griefing.

If you don't want it, use a stim or stand somewhere away from the zone in on the Fleet. I roamed around in my server last night and found most of the people exploding were clumped up right where they zoned in.


On a side note - I could not even explode last night. Apparently I got bugged and even though I finally made it to Feverish - that's all that happened. /sigh.


The penalties far out weigh any rewards.


One stim, that barely has any opportunity cost whatsoever, turns the entire plague off for you for 6 hours.

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If you don't want it, use a stim or stand somewhere away from the zone in on the Fleet. I roamed around in my server last night and found most of the people exploding were clumped up right where they zoned in.


On a side note - I could not even explode last night. Apparently I got bugged and even though I finally made it to Feverish - that's all that happened. /sigh.




One stim, that barely has any opportunity cost whatsoever, turns the entire plague off for you for 6 hours.


Until you die.

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I will give you the benefit of the doubt that you are not intentionally trying to misrepresent me and simply did not do your due diligence in looking at the context. Here is the post to which I was replying:




In saying "this," I was referring to the way that the plague affects warzones, which during that particular portion of the discussion was a large focus of my complaints. I was not referring to the plague or event as a whole.


EDIT: Ahh, I see you have gone back and quoted the post I was replying to. Thank you.:)


Yeah, I am not trying to mis-represent your quotes thats why I went back and added the original context. Also, I know you are enjoying the event and don't want it removed. But, Ferroz asked to point where wanted the plague removed, not the event as a whole. That's what the thread is about anyway. You are at this point the number one supporter of this thread and I think people are going to assume you are talking about the event as a whole unfortunately, even some of the people backing your opinion.

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As a number of people have said, it seems like there are some very minor tweaks that could have been done to this before release (or even now) to take away virtually no fun from the people who enjoy it, while very much limiting the irritation to people who don't. Good business would dictate that if you can please even the dissatisfied without offending those who like it, you should do it.


The irritation experienced by people who don't like it is already "very limited."

Edited by KrittaB
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Too many folks cannot see beyond themselves, and realize that not everyone does.


Yes, because you know that old saying, "the needs of the few outweigh the needs of the many."


Seriously, Bioware is trying to please the most people possible. This event is doing that. Sorry if you are one of the select few that are unhappy, but for most of the community, this is why we play an MMO, and we are loving this. It is the best thing they've done in the game thus far.

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Yawn. Third version of this thread, same few people making the same invalid complaints.


Facts which can't be repeated often enough.

- The player base as a whole loves this. Those of you who don't are massively outnumbered.

- The event has increased participation vastly. There are multiple instances on Tatooine for the first time that I've ever seen. Spontaneous world PvP. Ops groups taking out World Bosses. Groups of strangers helping each other on the ship debris quest. Everything you would want from an MMO.

- This is the purpose of MMOs. If you don't want a changing world environment with elements that are out of your control, play a single-player RPG.

- Spreading the plague still isn't griefing. Please stop using that word. To quote a wise man names Inigo, "I do not think that word means what you think it means."

- The plague is easily avoidable if all you want to do is level a character or run flashpoints or whatever. The vaccine is cheap, lasts six hours, and people are giving it away if someone asks, especially a lowbie.

- Even if you get the plague, the consequences are extremely minor. No death penalties. And you actually get rewarded with in-game currency that offsets any inconvenience.


I don't expect to change the minds of the gour people who have kept this thread going for thousands of posts, but your nonsense will not go unchallenged.


Subjective opinions are not facts. Challege away! That said:


* I do not care if I am the only one in dissent; being infected by another Player w/o permission seems to violate the rules.


* I do not play PvP, nor any of the Group events; pls have fun over there, and pls leave me alone.


* I shall play the MMO as I deem fit; not as others command. But thanks for the tip!


* Player attacking Player is not PvE, and without asking, seems to be Griefing.


* Not so inexpensive for lowbies, and have yet to see anyone giving it away at all.


* Lesser Death penalties were already in place; the Plague may not have have added any other effects yet. However, having another hazard added to the things killing my characters was not required; nor invited.

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Yes, because you know that old saying, "the needs of the few outweigh the needs of the many."


Seriously, Bioware is trying to please the most people possible. This event is doing that. Sorry if you are one of the select few that are unhappy, but for most of the community, this is why we play an MMO, and we are loving this. It is the best thing they've done in the game thus far.


Remember that the end result of that whole plotline was actually the realization that the needs of the one or the few DO outweigh the needs of the many :).

Edited by Skolops
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how about a way to opt out of the Rakghoul quest entirely? i dont like this addition. how about making the rakghoul plague only happen on Tatooine and Taris? make fleet a safe haven? put up lvl 60 quarrantine agents on all major fleet areas which kill anyone with plague as soon as they zone in? there are ways to make everyone happy.


If the Fleet was a safe haven, then the world event would barely have any impact on the playerbase.


Pop a stim, enjoy the immunity for 6 hours. If you are PvP'ing, then you don't even need the immunity stim because you'll likely die before the plague makes you explode anyway.

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If you don't want it, use a stim or stand somewhere away from the zone in on the Fleet.
causing people to have to spend their money or avoid an area due to your activities is still griefing.


\One stim, that barely has any opportunity cost whatsoever, turns the entire plague off for you for ~10 minutes.
fixed that for you; it doesn't persist through death, so it lasts closer to 10 minutes.


Um, yeah.
So... were you going to? The stuff you've got quoted there doesn't isn't asking for the event's removal (as explained by Skolops in a followup post)


since the claim is that Skolops has repeatedly made that request, it should be easy to just quote one of the other many instances of those requests, right?

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I must say I really like the event. Everything about it.


The way that it came unannounced, the player activity on Tatooine and also the how the disease and spreading it works.

It´s not exclusively a "do you want to participate or not" event, Bioware threw a friggin plague at us. And thanks to how it works, it really feels like a plague and not some half assed thing.


Really nice how it spices things up.

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I must say I really like the event. Everything about it.


The way that it came unannounced, .


Really nice how it spices things up.


Ya its nice that it came unannounced but,

All the spaming on fleet stations with the news reporters get really old really fast

The fact that there is nothing about this event on the forums or website is a pain; if they would put up somthing that says Rakghoul plauge on Tatooine, report to Officer XXXXXXX to help out.

Edited by DeltaEkotte
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Until you die.


Why are you dying?


If you are doing dailies on Belsavis, Ilum or Corelia, then the chance of encountering the plague is miniscule. If you happen to get infected, pop a stim to remove it and carry on.


If you are PvPing in warzones, then you don't need an immunity stim at all. Even if you get infected, someone will kill you in the warzone before you explode.

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OK, people wanted server wide events, so they give us one, then people complain they don't want a server wide event.


I understand what people are saying about the event. But really, it's only a minor invonvenience. You explode, repair costs are 0 (zero) credits. There's a vaccine that lasts 6 hours (oddly enough the average playtime of one of their customers) so you CAN NOT be infected; yes it does cost 2k credits. And if a lowbie needs a vaccine, there are PLENTY to go around and most don't have a problem giving them a couple. So unless you are a die-aholic, you should be ok. And 2k credits, isn't really that much. And they are sold at ALL stim vendors. So easy access to them.


The whole point is, it's a PLAGUE spreading across the galaxy. And for those of you wondering, if you are infected, (at least on Tatooine and republic fleet) you are scanned and attacked by guards upon entering the spaceport in your hangar - They are just weak oppenents :p .


Everyone hates the Rhakghouls (Empire and Republic alike), it's literally a little harmless fun (no death penalties), and I have a little plan I am going to do tonight (hehehehehe) to infect some people. And the Sith that attacked me earlier on Tatooine while I was fighting a plagued boss... Yeah, I got your name ... payback :D


Most people are enjoying it and just having a little fun with it. I understand some do not want to participate. But it's a plague, you got little choice. The spawned mobs are the exact level as you, including the random ones jumping out of the ground. Look at it this way, it gives you something to do other than quest / mission grinding. And all the cool kids are doing it :D


and if you do die, someone will buy the DNA samples from you for at least 2k a piece, thats 5 antidotes right there...

Edited by rhirne
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It's fun... but annoying after a bit. It would be nice if one could opt out, like someone said, by buying a permanent vaccine.


This sounds horrible, but I don't have 2k to plunk down everytime I get the plague. I really am that broke. Between paying for skills when I level, keeping my armor and weapons up to date along with my companion's weapon and armor, and keeping my crafting skills leveled, I don't have a lot of spare change laying around. I'm not QQ'ing. It doesn't bother me, I have enough to get what I need, but just not enough 'meat' in there for unexpected extras. My sith is on a budget, lol. And yes, I try to sell anything that I get that I don't need, but the economy on my server is very stagnant.


I will stand back and enjoy the fun but I have learned to avoid areas where I can get infected. In fact, there's a very distinctive noise that lets you know when someone is about to explode. I've had to become very skittish and I'll bolt when I hear this noise.


Other than that, I completely appreciate how much attention to Star Wars lore and detail Bioware is giving to this game. I'm totally loving it.

Edited by ejadavidson
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I don't get how anyone can complain about this. Especially Roleplayers. There's a plague, it's so contagious that they couldn't even stop it from getting into the fleet. Simple roleplaying mechanic.


This plague adds a lot of flavor to the world, and it makes it seem more real.


I like it, but I can see how some people wouldn't want to partake in it. But complaining and asking them to remove it? That's ridiculous. It's beyond childish.


The flavor is snot easy to identify; possibly lime.


And having some mechanic detonate over you is not RP; not even close.

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Why are you dying?


If you are doing dailies on Belsavis, Ilum or Corelia, then the chance of encountering the plague is miniscule. If you happen to get infected, pop a stim to remove it and carry on.


If you are PvPing in warzones, then you don't need an immunity stim at all. Even if you get infected, someone will kill you in the warzone before you explode.


True. I was just correcting the oft mis-cited idea that the vaccine is total and lasting immunity.


Like some folks have said, people who are really into RP (much more than I am) would just not want to be infected, even for a moment, and may feel the need to spend a boatload of credits on these things if they did warzones or something.

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I would say, however, that for those of us who are unhappy with one particular element of it, our population is certainly significant enough for our concerns to be respected, even if disagreed with.



I was thinking about this and why I have no respect for your position. Even though you have been respectful in your tone I must confess that it goes beyond disagreement. I really don't respect your position and I don't think many others do either. I think I may have figured out why.


I think it's because we get tired of the fact that no matter how well done or enjoyable anything is, people on the internet always find something to complain about. From our perspective this is the most fun we've had to date with this game and we are just beyond flabbergasted with the fact that there are still people finding something to cry about with it. The content of your arguments really won't matter. To us, you are just finding some reason to complain even though Bioware delivered an awesome event.


Truth be told, I have no problem with changing the vaccine so that it persists through death, but I just think it isn't that big a deal and post after post from the same small group of people complaining about it repels and disgusts me (and others).


I think that's why we can't bring ourselves to respect your position. It isn't just the content of what you are saying. We see your comments as further proof of the inability of people to enjoy anything without whining and complaining. That is what I think people are reacting to as much as anything and I don't think you can expect people to look past that. I think you have voiced your concerns and you've been heard. At this point you are just pushing people further away from your position by not letting it go.

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causing people to have to spend their money or avoid an area due to your activities is still griefing.


This will get no traction with me. I've played MUDS/MMOs in the past where leaving the city at all placed you at the whim of grievers.


I was present for the WoW incarnation of the zombie apocalypse - this is TAME compared to that even.


fixed that for you; it doesn't persist through death, so it lasts closer to 10 minutes.


Then you never needed the immunity if you are dying every 10 minutes. So what if you were infected, just keep PvPing like a champ.

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It's fun... but annoying after a bit. It would be nice if one could opt out, like someone said, by buying a permanent vaccine.


This sounds horrible, but I don't have 2k to plunk down everytime I get the plague. I really am that broke. Between paying for skills when I level, keeping my armor and weapons up to date along with my companion's weapon and armor, and keeping my crafting skills leveled, I don't have a lot of spare change laying around. I'm not QQ'ing. It doesn't bother me, I have enough to get what I need, but just not enough 'meat' in there for unexpected extras. My sith is on a budget, lol. And yes, I try to sell anything that I get that I don't need, but the economy on my server is very stagnant.


I will stand back and enjoy the fun but I have learned to avoid areas where I can get infected. In fact, there's a very distinctive noise that lets you know when someone is about to explode. I've had to become very skittish and I'll bolt when I hear this noise.


Other than that, I completely appreciate how much attention to Star Wars lore and detail Bioware is giving to this game. I'm totally loving it.


It's true, many people with multiple level 50s forget how broke you can be when leveling. I've got all the 50s myself, but I remember and feel bad for the folks who don't.

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Until you die.


You keep noting that the vaccine is only effective until you die, but the only time this really comes into play is warzones, where you will die long before the virus kills you. So just don't worry about it until you are done with your warzone and then vaccinate away. You aren't going to catch it walking back in a flashpoint or operations instance. If you are dying that often leveling, you need to re-evaluate.

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