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Remove the rakghoul plague now

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I think the only thing BW can do (and not break the current system) is change the vaccine to persist through death and last like 1 week (or however long the even it)


Everyone get 1 FREE via mail (can people spare 30 seconds to get it in mail and then no worry about the event?)


the Vendor version is still work as normal (6 hours and doesn't persist)

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Yes; Freedom of choice is such a horrible thing..... :rolleyes:


It's not freedom of choice when whiners like you complain until the game is gutted to fit your muted idea of what an MMO should be. The more I read your posts about how you enjoy your "mmo" experience simply confirms my preconceived notions about what time of people complain about these events.

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Let me ask the people who don't like the plague aspect of this event this question. If Bioware ever does something like this again even if it is the exact same thing, would you be happy if the vaccine they offer persisted through death?



It's impossible to please people like this. They will want the vaccine to be free and unlimited in time. They won't want to see, hear or know about world events. They won't like not being able to turn it off if it's unlimited in length.

They are just unhappy.

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This is a really great live event, I love it... I can understand low players having trouble affording the antidote. But level 50 players have no reason to complain about getting the 2,000 credits needed. All you have to do is go do 1 daily mission and you will get 10,000 credits, enough for almost 5 antidotes.
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Why should I? I don't expect you to do things I do so why should I have to do this? And no I don't have the extra time to deal with this and why should I?


I not asking you to do something you do'n't like yet you want me to do or deal with this because you think it's okay to interfere with my game time? How is that fair?


Because no one is coming to your house, kicking your door in, taking the control from your hand and interffering with anything you are doing. You are not playing a single-player game. You are playing a massively multiplayer game. You signed an online form acknowledging that you will install patches and updates which can change the game at any time. They never promised you a game that will never change and allow you to do whatever you want. Some content is mandatory for character progression. This is the game you purchased. People are playing the game as intended. If you don't want to deal with it, log off.

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Oh believe me I know. You can't say you have any clue about the human race until you can acknowledge that no matter what someone will find a reason to complain. I'm just asking if this would please the majority of the minority.



The only real solution would be to have a NPC on fleet that would grant free immunity for several hours, That way players could just go to this NPC to "opt out" of the event. Though again, someone would still complain that they had to walk the 10 seconds to get to the NPC in question. And they'd complain because it didn't grant lifetime immunity. And that some other player walked within two feet of them while they were standing at the PVP terminal....



I hope Bioware keeps it up. I have issues with the event. Social gear still being light armor only, the customization being random, etc.. but over all, the event is awesome and definitely a step in the right direction.

Edited by Galbatorrix
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Even if they say "yes", SOMEONE would still end up complaining. They always do.


"For me, it would make a very, very big difference. I wouldn't say it would bring me totally on board, since some of my distaste for the plague is more a matter of preference over the fleet being susceptible to something like this at all. I think, though, I'd be posting in the forum sections for discussion of lore and how I think it's silly from that standpoint, as opposed to a discussion of its gameplay impacts. "


^^ There you go Gal, right on the money.

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Because no one is coming to your house, kicking your door in, taking the control from your hand and interffering with anything you are doing. You are not playing a single-player game. You are playing a massively multiplayer game. You signed an online form acknowledging that you will install patches and updates which can change the game at any time. They never promised you a game that will never change and allow you to do whatever you want. Some content is mandatory for character progression. This is the game you purchased. People are playing the game as intended. If you don't want to deal with it, log off.


Funny how I try to be patient and understanding and get attacked like this just becasue I don't like something. Thanks a lot! I see how respecting a person choices is worth with people like you.

Edited by ScarletBlaze
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I think the only thing BW can do (and not break the current system) is change the vaccine to persist through death and last like 1 week (or however long the even it)


Everyone get 1 FREE via mail (can people spare 30 seconds to get it in mail and then no worry about the event?)


the Vendor version is still work as normal (6 hours and doesn't persist)


I think that would be a good solution to those who do't want to do this. That sounds reasonable.

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"For me, it would make a very, very big difference. I wouldn't say it would bring me totally on board, since some of my distaste for the plague is more a matter of preference over the fleet being susceptible to something like this at all. I think, though, I'd be posting in the forum sections for discussion of lore and how I think it's silly from that standpoint, as opposed to a discussion of its gameplay impacts. "


^^ There you go Gal, right on the money.


Excuse me? Quite the misrepresentation of my point of view, don't you think?


First of all, your point is logically a mess. She said that if most people said yes, still some would complain. She was not saying that individual would both say yes and complain.


Second, how am I saying I'd be complaining? I said that I'd generally be happy enough to not complain, but that I would probably be discussing it on the lore forums in terms of whether or not I thought it was good storywise. That's a very different matter.

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Funny how I try to be patient and understanding and get attacked like this just becasue I don't like something. Thanks a lot! I see how respecting a person choices is worth with people like you.


Been dealing with it for days.


Some of the people who like the plague have been respectful. I laud them and they have my deepest respect.


The general way it's gone, though has been this:


Those who hate the plague say to those who like it, "I'm happy you enjoy it. I personally don't like it for reasons X, Y, and Z and I just wish I could avoid it more."


They respond: "Quit the game already, you troll. You make this game terrible. You just have to complain about everything don't you?"

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First thing's first, I'm a newcomer to the whole MMO/PC gaming world this is my very first ever MMO PC game. I'm a huge fan of Star Wars so when I saw this game coming I got excited and since playing this game starting on 21 Dec I have to say I love it.

I have learned alot from the forums here on the mechanics of the game and everything in between, I've also reinforced the notion that noone and nothing will ever make everyone happy as is evident on these forums.

So when I hit the fleet the other day and started to hear the news annoucements about the plauge I didnt think anything about it after a bit on the fleet I picked up on what was going on and I got excited, there were over 120 people on the fleet (bergeren colony) which I have not seen since the launch and there was new content, AWESOME.

So i get the sickness then went to Tat and found my way to the Dune Sea what a sight , IMPS REPUB and everything in between and everyone was helping or fighting each other and I thought man this is sooo cool, then I figured out the Jawa vendor again AWESOME cool crystals and a cool pet (as I wait for my TaunTaun) then 3 bonus missions I gained a legacy lvl and a half plus cool gear and creds, totally cool.

Doing the missions I gained the antidote, great, now I gained alot and I have the antidote and plenty of them, so it was a win win for 2 days in a row I went back yesterday and did it over.

sooo in closing i just want to pass on my thanks to the game devlopers for a really cool idea that got everyone involved, a pretty cool story line and awesome gear.

I really hope that other things like this happen I really enjoyed it and it was a welcome break from the normal routine of the game.

Thanks again for the fun, and to those who "don't get it" and all those who think "I" you need to chill and remember it's not all about you even though Mommy and Daddy may make you feel like it is, IT"S NOT!!!!

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In my opinion the whole being able to get back to fleet with the infection is a bad idea. I had a encounter where one of my alt's was at the GTN terminal and someone came up behind me and boom infected no chance to see them coming.


Besides it seems with all these Contamination officers on the station, any individual that transported onboard should be quarantined/ attacked on sight.:wea_03:

Edited by brianaucoin
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Excuse me? Quite the misrepresentation of my point of view, don't you think?


First of all, your point is logically a mess. She said that if most people said yes, still some would complain. She was not saying that individual would both say yes and complain.


Second, how am I saying I'd be complaining? I said that I'd generally be happy enough to not complain, but that I would probably be discussing it on the lore forums in terms of whether or not I thought it was good storywise. That's a very different matter.


Have to agree here.... while I dont have a problem with the events mechanics, I do think whats happening on the fleet is just silly and immersion breaking. I get a chuckle every time the announcement says, "unconfirmed reports"... I think to myself, "um... look over here"

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This is Griefing, and should be considered actionable if left to continue.


You really need to stop calling this griefing. It isn't. Not unless someone knew that you didn't want to be infected and chased you down to infect you anyway. The word "griefing" or "griefer" has a definition and it specifies that there must be intent to cause you grief or disrupt your play experience. That means that unless someone knows it is going to bother you and is doing it specifically to bother you then it isn't griefing.




griefer or grief player - — n

an online game player who intentionally spoils the game for other players




griefer - Someone, usually in an online game, who intentionally, and usually repeatedly, attempts to degrade anothers experience or torment them.


This isn't a matter of my opinion. The word has a definition and this doesn't meet that definition. You are using the term in error and you sound foolish when you continually do that despite the fact that people have informed you as such.

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I'm enjoying the event. I love the way it was launched, and how organically it's been developing. My Op was infected on the fleet while checking his mail, and I had no idea what was going on at first. Once I found out, I headed to Tatooine and got my first pet, and some progress towards more rewards.


I'm enjoying how much excitement there is about this. I like the new daily quests that appear each day, and the feeling that this outbreak is changing over time. That's an EXCELLENT first live event, overall. I'm honestly impressed. I want to see a lot more like this. :)


The only thing I would change, personally, is to provide people who don't want to participate with an easier way to avoid this. Yes, 2k credits isn't a lot to me. It's not a lot to many of you. Good for us! Don't let your own wealth and opportunity make you callous to others though who lack that wealth and those opportunities. IMO, the cures should be 100 credits or less, and should be advertised as available at every stim vendor and medical droid. There's no good reason why the cures need to cost anything, really; it's simply a way for players to choose not to take part in something they might not enjoy. Why should they be punished for this choice? What downside is there to making the cure either free, or so inexpensive that a lvl 1 char can get one?

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Been dealing with it for days.


Some of the people who like the plague have been respectful. I laud them and they have my deepest respect.


The general way it's gone, though has been this:


Those who hate the plague say to those who like it, "I'm happy you enjoy it. I personally don't like it for reasons X, Y, and Z and I just wish I could avoid it more."


They respond: "Quit the game already, you troll. You make this game terrible. You just have to complain about everything don't you?"


I've noticed. I try to give people respect and would hope they would do the same for me but it seems I was wrong (present company excluded).


As I have said I am happy some people are enjoying this and I in no means want bw to end this early just wish there was a way I could go to the fleet (to get something from the light side vendor, which is the only place they are at) that I didn't have to deal with being infected.


Thank you for being respectful.

Edited by ScarletBlaze
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In my opinion the whole being able to get back to fleet with the infection is a bad idea. I had a encounter where one of my alt's was at the GTN terminal and someone came up behind me and boom infected no chance to see them coming.


Besides it seems with all these Contamination officers on the station, any individual that transported onboard should be quarantined/ attacked on sight.:wea_03:



they are, a robot scans you and you have to kill two guys.

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You could get infected once, explode, sell the 5 DNA for 20K, buy 10 immunity injections and likely be set for the duration of the event.



This isn't a big deal. If getting infected ONCE really ruined your game experience, again, why are you playing an MMO in the first place? If you want a controlled environment, you shouldn't be playing a game where other players can affect your experience.

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I'm enjoying the event. I love the way it was launched, and how organically it's been developing. My Op was infected on the fleet while checking his mail, and I had no idea what was going on at first. Once I found out, I headed to Tatooine and got my first pet, and some progress towards more rewards.


I'm enjoying how much excitement there is about this. I like the new daily quests that appear each day, and the feeling that this outbreak is changing over time. That's an EXCELLENT first live event, overall. I'm honestly impressed. I want to see a lot more like this. :)


The only thing I would change, personally, is to provide people who don't want to participate with an easier way to avoid this. Yes, 2k credits isn't a lot to me. It's not a lot to many of you. Good for us! Don't let your own wealth and opportunity make you callous to others though who lack that wealth and those opportunities. IMO, the cures should be 100 credits or less, and should be advertised as available at every stim vendor and medical droid. There's no good reason why the cures need to cost anything, really; it's simply a way for players to choose not to take part in something they might not enjoy. Why should they be punished for this choice? What downside is there to making the cure either free, or so inexpensive that a lvl 1 char can get one?


Thank you.

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Unless you were the one that was behind me and exploded, I do not recall making any personal ref to you.


However, if the Green Gooey shoe fits.....


That's exactly my point, you accuse me of griefing because I AM PLAYING AS THE GAME INTENDED. Your causing more grief than the issue itself in my eyes, so your are actually the griefer here. And since your are making up the definition of griefing as you go along, so am I.

Person A standing on the fleet is infected but you are either to selfish, lazy, incompetent, or lost in your own little world to be bothered with actually paying attention to your surroundings and he griefed you? Just reading your posts drowned in self entitlement has caused me more grief in relations to mmo's then I have ever experienced. Have fun getting infected when you login today, because guess what? It's bound to happen, cheers.

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I'm enjoying the event. I love the way it was launched, and how organically it's been developing. My Op was infected on the fleet while checking his mail, and I had no idea what was going on at first. Once I found out, I headed to Tatooine and got my first pet, and some progress towards more rewards.


I'm enjoying how much excitement there is about this. I like the new daily quests that appear each day, and the feeling that this outbreak is changing over time. That's an EXCELLENT first live event, overall. I'm honestly impressed. I want to see a lot more like this. :)


The only thing I would change, personally, is to provide people who don't want to participate with an easier way to avoid this. Yes, 2k credits isn't a lot to me. It's not a lot to many of you. Good for us! Don't let your own wealth and opportunity make you callous to others though who lack that wealth and those opportunities. IMO, the cures should be 100 credits or less, and should be advertised as available at every stim vendor and medical droid. There's no good reason why the cures need to cost anything, really; it's simply a way for players to choose not to take part in something they might not enjoy. Why should they be punished for this choice? What downside is there to making the cure either free, or so inexpensive that a lvl 1 char can get one?


Hmm, this is a good point actually. The other specialized consumables (like the Wamp Rat vaccine) cost less than 2k. Why they gave this one that price point is a good question.

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I'm enjoying the event. I love the way it was launched, and how organically it's been developing. My Op was infected on the fleet while checking his mail, and I had no idea what was going on at first. Once I found out, I headed to Tatooine and got my first pet, and some progress towards more rewards.


I'm enjoying how much excitement there is about this. I like the new daily quests that appear each day, and the feeling that this outbreak is changing over time. That's an EXCELLENT first live event, overall. I'm honestly impressed. I want to see a lot more like this. :)


The only thing I would change, personally, is to provide people who don't want to participate with an easier way to avoid this. Yes, 2k credits isn't a lot to me. It's not a lot to many of you. Good for us! Don't let your own wealth and opportunity make you callous to others though who lack that wealth and those opportunities. IMO, the cures should be 100 credits or less, and should be advertised as available at every stim vendor and medical droid. There's no good reason why the cures need to cost anything, really; it's simply a way for players to choose not to take part in something they might not enjoy. Why should they be punished for this choice? What downside is there to making the cure either free, or so inexpensive that a lvl 1 char can get one?



If I'm a level 1 character, I'd LOVE to be infected. Half an hour later, you could make almost enough credits to buy your first speeder....

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Funny how I try to be patient and understanding and get attacked like this just becasue I don't like something. Thanks a lot! I see how respecting a person choices is worth with people like you.


You aren't being attacked. You keep acting like you should have freedom of choice, but you aren't always entitled to choose which aspects of an MMO you want to participate in. If you want to progress your character, there is required content. If you want to walk around the world, you will have to see and possibly interact with other peopkle. I hate it when people obstruct my view with their giant, car-like speeders. But I accept it as part of the game. Someone might throw you a buff or, during a world event, explode and make you vomit for two seconds. The effects of this plague are nearly non-existant and can be mostly avoided. Putting up with it on a limited basis is part of playing the game, at least until April 24. Your choice if you want no part of it is to log off until then.

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If I'm a level 1 character, I'd LOVE to be infected. Half an hour later, you could make almost enough credits to buy your first speeder....


I would, too. But then I also accept that not all players share my preferences. So again I ask, what would the downside be, to allowing lowbies to opt out more cheaply and easily?


I wouldn't opt out. You wouldn't. But others would. Let's try to protect their interests, while still pursuing our own. There's room here for literally everyone to get what they want.

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