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Remove the rakghoul plague now

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I have, however I have been around MMO’s a long time, calling people griefers however in this situation is of course ridiculous ( I agree with you ) , it is a fun event, and lots of people are having a blast with it.


I know people that aren’t involved in the quest at all, as in not interested, that are having fun with it trying to avoid being infected, they said it has become a mini-game for them.


People will always complain, in this case the complaint is really funny


It's funny and sad at the same time. Listening to this guy constantly use the term griefer as if he's on a crusade to convince us that he's correct in its use by saying it enough times.

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...and my point is that despite whatever point you are trying to make with basically guesswork done at an off time for the game, the experience on my server from the last couple of days during peak times shows an extraordinary number of people playing the game when before this event I never saw numbers on the Fleet or on Tatooine like this since launch day.


I've had the same experience, and I'm sure everyone else has, too. I simply contend that, while we can be quite certain its a popular and successful event which has helped the community, it is a bit unsubstantiated to say its" overwhelmingly" popular, as though the approval is nearly universal.

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Nope; was already pricing at the Droid when I turned to leave because the price was too steep, and *BOOM* . The Griefer may have already been in the crowd; may not, but it still ruined my game play.


How did it ruin your gameplay? How old are you?

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More than one of the people actually followed me when it was clear I was trying to get away from the blast radius.


Fair enough... that is a jerky thing for someone to do. But I'd argue that if it wasn't the plague it would be something else. People like that will always find a way to irritate others, whether its parking their giant speeders on top of a resource node or trying to spread their plague on you.

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Why should I? I don't expect you to do things I do so why should I have to do this? And no I don't have the extra time to deal with this and why should I?


I not asking you to do something you do'n't like yet you want me to do or deal with this because you think it's okay to interfere with my game time? How is that fair?


Please spare the exaggeration. Taking seconds out of your time to ignore the infection or cure it (through purchase or by free trade with a nice player) is about as minimal of an impact as possible.


Life will return to normal in a week and you can go about your business undisturbed. This isn't a permanent change.

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I'm getting tired of you calling me (and others) a griefer because we are playing the game as intended. Now your just trolling.


Unless you were the one that was behind me and exploded, I do not recall making any personal ref to you.


However, if the Green Gooey shoe fits.....

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I'm starting to feel bad for people.

I mean..think about it.

How sad is it that everything ruins their game play? World events ruin their game play, other players ruin their game play, other players participating in world events just devastates them.

Everyone participating in the world event is a greifer! A greifer, seriously. How emotionally ruinous is that? Everyone in the entire game who is infected is actively seeking out non-participants to ruin the whole game for them. YOu see, as greifers it is INSTANTLY clear who is not participating. We can all tell who doesn't want to be bothered with rediculous things like a world event, it's one of the side effects of the plague. The entirety of TOR is ruined for these poor gentle souls who are desperately trying to evade other players and their terrible plagued wrath.

It's sad.

So muster up your sympathy you plague participators, these people are ALL victims.

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The real question is, why don't you like the event? There's stuff to get that looks cool, a title an orange set of armor, 2 pets and some neat bind on legacy companion kits. It also makes the universe seem dynamic that something like this could happen randomly. It also gets people out of the fleet and around the galaxy.


As I have stated its ok for them to have this event for those that like it. I reiterate I am not asking for BW to take event out.


Now the why I don't like it:


1. Flash backs to the WoW event. I didn't like that one and just prefer to avoid a similar circumstance no matter that it is watered down by comparison.


2. No matter how small an expense in time and treasure it is still an expense in time and treasure to avoid the event. I just wish it was OPT IN someone suggested as a solution that only those that are on the quests or have chose to do the quests that day ( if finished) would be susseptable to the plague. I find that as a good OPT IN solution. Those of you that are having fun and liking this event are going to do the quests and hence will be in play for the plague anyway.


3. I don't care if there is a reward for getting the plague. Time is the issue. I don't want to take the time to redeam the DNA. Its a time issue.


4. I plan my play time. I know how it takes to do the groupings of quests for my alts and where they are in their path. I plan on which alt to play based off of where there in their leveling progression and switch between each to maximise my progress per alt. This event messes with my plans no matter how "short a time" it may seem to those of you that enjoy the event.


5. I find it reprehensiable in encourage people to spread a pandemic. Fantasy or not It just doesn't sit well with me. It goes with the attitude "well if I am going to die I might as well take as many as I can with me", and "kill'em all and let God sort them out", and carpet bombing, and nuclear bombs, and random slaughter of innocents. Just don't like to see this kind of behavior fostered fantasy or not.


6. I find the infection part of the event to be a form of "griefing" and I know there are those that don't agree but it is their opinion whatever. Griefing to me happens when someone intentially does something that disrupts anothers enjoyment of a game. If YOU actively seek the plague and the actively go after people to infect them to me that is griefing regarless if that is an end to a quest in this event it is still griefing it is just BW sponsored griefing and I am shocked that BW didn't think this thru.


7. I don't epeen, I don't care about all the crap that comes with events. I have never completed an event on any mmo that I have played on in the 10+ years that I have been playing mmos because I don't want to get anxious over trying to complete the event or complete a collection. I don't participate because I can't. It is a great temptation much like a gambler who shouldn't gameble or a alchoholic that shouldn't drink for me. If I participate in events like this I will be compelled to finish them and get up set if I miss out on even the smallest part of it. So to avoid this I just don't participate. For me my life is better off. Part of me wants to but, I know better so I discipline myself not too. If you can handle it and find it fun to participate and collect all the stuff more power to you. It would be the height of evey (not only a desire to have anothers possessions but to deny them of said possesion to simply deny them of said possession (e.g. if I can't have it you can't have it too) ) for me to ask BW to stop this event.



So my major anxiety was getting to Legacy level 6. I hit it last night well ahead of schedule. Stayed up too late obsessing over it but I accomplished it so I can get my 30days of free play. That was the major reason for a worry over time being interupted. I learned in that time how to avoid this event completely and if I have to go to tatooine at this time the toon that is on tatooine is a stealth user. I just stay in stealth and away from players as much as I can. My other characters are well away from Tattooine and I have found the locations of the commendation vendors on the planets I am on for each alt so I don't have to use fleet as my crutch for spending my commendations ... I only went to fleet if a quest sent me there or to spend commendations.


For me if I had know in advance that this event was going to happen and what it entailed I could have planned accordingly and then not worried about it. I know the vast majority of you will not understand my reasons and think that I am insaine. But to quote Dr. Sheldon Cooper: "I'm not insaine my mother had me tested". ;)

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I've had the same experience, and I'm sure everyone else has, too. I simply contend that, while we can be quite certain its a popular and successful event which has helped the community, it is a bit unsubstantiated to say its" overwhelmingly" popular, as though the approval is nearly universal.


They're not saying that and you know it. Sometimes people use small exaggerations to get their point across as I'm sure you've done before. Being human and all. Are you? Anyways. What you're doing is nitpicking at a word. When you can look at the numbers that have jumped for so many servers, where even servers that people knew were already popular are having ridiculous amounts of people going to areas in the game that don't normally get THAT much attention and they just happen to be the areas where this event is taking place you really have to look at that and see just how amazingly popular this event is. I will say this, you've been extremely civil despite some sharp tongues aimed at you and I respect that, but let's not start nitpicking and act in denial of what is obviously an extremely popular event.

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is true.


is not.

This, however:

is true.


I'm sorry, but you are just wrong. When you sign up for the game, you acknowledge that you have to install updates and patches. These updates and patches are the developers putting their hands into the game and changing it. That is a part of any MMO. Those changes can be to fix bugs, to change to game mechanics for the sake of balance, or new content. That new content can be either voluntary or mandatory for progression of a character or through interaction with other players. This is what MMOs do. The game changes from time to time both for balance's sake and to keep people interested and entertained.

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You're failing to look at this objectively, which is what I'm doing (to the best of my abilities) when I posed my question. Here is how I see it.


Group A wants to take part in the event and enjoy it to its fullest.

Group B wants nothing to do with the event, not even having to shell out money for a vaccine.


It doesn't matter which group is larger than the other. It doesn't matter why group B doesn't want to take part. Only that they don't.


Stop trying to examine "Why". There is no Why.


By putting a free means of gaining permanent immunity, group B can continue on with the game without perceived hindrance from Group A, and Group A can continue to enjoy the event without perceived hindrance from Group B.


Again, why is Irrelevant on either parts and this solution creates the best means to keep both groups happy.



It's an MMO. There are tons of things that can change your play experience. A player might save you in a situation where you would have died otherwise. A player may be running around the same area as you making completing a certain quest take longer, etc. There's no difference in that and this. If you're on fleet or Tatooine, you run the risk of being exposed right now. If you want a controlled environment where only YOU affect your play experience, you might as well go play a single player game.

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Fair enough... that is a jerky thing for someone to do. But I'd argue that if it wasn't the plague it would be something else. People like that will always find a way to irritate others, whether its parking their giant speeders on top of a resource node or trying to spread their plague on you.


I completely agree... that's why I'm just disappointed BW didn;t think it through that one extra step and realize that the design as it came through in its whole gives encouragement to these people. I think something similar could be done that does less so. I mean, they obviously decided to pull the party bomb because they deemed it too tempting to certain kinds of players.


I hate those giant speeders, btw. :cool:

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Well this thread has at least firmly established why always listening to every player feedback is not always worthwhile.


Here is an event that has people coming back to the game, that people are really enjoying, that folks are having a tremendous fun with, and there are still a few that are complaining loudly.


( shrug )


I hope they continue this one, and I hope to see more like it in the future, get people involved with one another, I have made several friends during this even just trying to help each other out.


Great event, will love to see more like it

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How did it ruin your gameplay? How old are you?


I was still on Fleet to purchase Hutta Commendations, and left the game after the incident; wanted nothing to do with the Griefer and those of that ilk. Still don't.


And I am old enough to have played RPG's for 35+ yrs. Thanks for asking!

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Let me ask the people who don't like the plague aspect of this event this question. If Bioware ever does something like this again even if it is the exact same thing, would you be happy if the vaccine they offer persisted through death?
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I was still on Fleet to purchase Hutta Commendations, and left the game after the incident; wanted nothing to do with the Griefer and those of that ilk. Still don't.


And I am old enough to have played RPG's for 35+ yrs. Thanks for asking!



Or you could have,, you know... left fleet? I mean, if you where purchasing things with Hutta Commendations, Dromund Kaas was likely calling your name anyway.

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Let me ask the people who don't like the plague aspect of this event this question. If Bioware ever does something like this again even if it is the exact same thing, would you be happy if the vaccine they offer persisted through death?


Even if they say "yes", SOMEONE would still end up complaining. They always do.

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Let me ask the people who don't like the plague aspect of this event this question. If Bioware ever does something like this again even if it is the exact same thing, would you be happy if the vaccine they offer persisted through death?


For me, it would make a very, very big difference. I wouldn't say it would bring me totally on board, since some of my distaste for the plague is more a matter of preference over the fleet being susceptible to something like this at all. I think, though, I'd be posting in the forum sections for discussion of lore and how I think it's silly from that standpoint, as opposed to a discussion of its gameplay impacts.

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Even if they say "yes", SOMEONE would still end up complaining. They always do.


Oh believe me I know. You can't say you have any clue about the human race until you can acknowledge that no matter what someone will find a reason to complain. I'm just asking if this would please the majority of the minority.

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Fair enough, but it's still a waste of time. A tax, when you hop on fleet.


Regardless, the event is nullified by the fact you can gain MUCH more DNA by just chilling on fleet, than taking part, actively, in the dailies.


I'ts a tax on stupid people, and frankly I'm fine with those, stupid people should be taxed and frustrated and annoyed, seeing as they inflict that on the rest of society on a daily basis.


I'm able to move around Vaiken on an Imp heavy server without getting the virus because I'm smart enough not to stand by glowing green people.

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