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Remove the rakghoul plague now

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1) What level are you?

2) How do you only have 6k?


I'll admit, I drop under that w/ heavy spending, but about 10 minutes later, I'm up well past that, even on my semi-low characters...


My BH was 10th at the time; headed from Hutta to Drommund Kass on a Fleet Pass. had to stop and choose Crew Skills, train, and choose AC. I then heard the announcement over the Fleet speakers and went to price the serum; forced to get it or possibly die.


Having the Plaugue Event is fine; being forced to play it is not.

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The real question is, why don't you like the event? There's stuff to get that looks cool, a title an orange set of armor, 2 pets and some neat bind on legacy companion kits. It also makes the universe seem dynamic that something like this could happen randomly. It also gets people out of the fleet and around the galaxy.


Why is irrelevant. If people want a no-cost opt out, then they should get it regardless of why they don't like the event.

Edited by Bluerodian
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Now you know. You know people are trying to detonate and spread the plague - mostly for the DNA but also for the Daily quest to infect 10 other players. Protecting yourself against the plague is rudimentary, it's easy. I wish there was immunity stims to prevent real life inventions - I'd willingly pay the 5 bucks (which is what 2000 credits feels like) to keep from getting the common cold, allergies or the stomach flu.


And you go girl/guy!! That is your choice. But if I were to force you to choose, that might be Griefing.

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Solo. FP's are done several lvls after to examine storylines, and Herioc 2+ may often be done 2-3 lvls afterwards. I now skip Heroic 4+ as the time invested generally does not merit the rewards.


And as one that was able to beta, I discovered solo was and is a viable method of play. I am disabled, and asking others to play with my Twitchless skills would be problematic enough as is. But I enjoy the stories, and plan to see the ones I am able.


Outside of PvP and hardmode Operations, there is no area of the game that requires "twitch" gameplay.


That really doesn't have anything to do with the Rakghoul event though - there is no solo play on the Fleet where all this "griefing" is supposed to be happening to you. You don't even have to take your main character there except to finish the odd and end quest from time to time. You could easily setup a bank alt to handle your market sales and mail them all your items - who cares if the bank alt gets infected?


It sounds like you are still mid-level. That's cool. Stay out questing and you'll barely even know a world event is happening, unless you hang around the crash site / Sand People area on Tatooine.


There is no reason for all this hubbub about "griefing" though. If anything, you may be the one truly "griefing" others by verbally complaining about this event in public channels (if you do) when you clearly know a 6 hour immunity stim is available for proverbial pennies.

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That's the problem though. In every game I've ever played, the developers listened to these crazies who complained about being "forced to participate" even though they really aren't.


Blizzard cancelled it's biggest and best world event in the history of it's MMO half-way through because of the vocal minority, and in SWG it took them years to impliment player bounties because they didn't want to force people to pvp. They also removed the fact that imperial NPCs attacked jedis on sight even though that's totally star wars cannon.


People like this, this attitude, ruin games for everyone who don't have their completely ridiculous view on what a video game should be. They're the minority, but they complain so much and the developers are so concerned about keeping every subscriber happy that eventually events become little theme parks held miles away from anything relevent. You just go to these little "carnivals" that are set up and go "Huh, that's neat" and then leave. World events haven't had a meaningful impact on any MMO in literally years and it's a shame. World events used to be my favorite part of MMOs.


Hopefully BW isn't short sighted enough to make it's world events like every other MMO out there. I hope they get more ballsy, and we start seeing invasions etc.


Yes; Freedom of choice is such a horrible thing..... :rolleyes:

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You are not the majority. That is a false statement. Perhaps the "majority" of the people that are "posting in this thread" are enjoying the event. Perhaps the "majority" of the people that are "on your server" are enjoying the event. But to state that THE MAJORITY as in ALL of the WHOLE SWTOR Community is enjoying the event is unsubstanciated.


It is more correct to say "you feel" or "it seems" that the majority is enjoying this event.


But hey that just makes sense.


You and others feel that you can just "shout" down those that don't agree with you. Because we don't hold your special snowflake view point.


Fact is there are some that don't like this event.

Fact is that accept for the OP we never said you couldn't have your fun.

Fact is that we just wanted a way to opt out that was no cost in time or cash/

Fact is that our requests were benign and had NO effect on your enjoyment of the game.

Fact is that this even is messing with the enjoyment of the game for some.

Fact is that you are unreasonable to think that ALL have to think like you do.

Fact is that your mind will NEVER be changed on this subject.


Also it is not fun by definition. It is of relative fun which is more correct. It is fun for you and not for me.


I will not embrace it. I suppose if everyone was jumping off a cliff and claimed "hey its fun er .. well untill that landing" well you would find that fun too?


The spreading of a pandemic is not FUN. It is disturbing.


Lol, we are most certainly the majority. To think otherwise is completeing deluding yourself.

Edited by Lugosi
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Stop being logical. They dont like that.


Sorry, i try to think illogical very hard, but i can't. Specially when the solution is SO obvious.


Btw, to OP, nobody force you to play the game, so you are NOT forced to participate to the event, you could just play BF3 for a while until the event is finished. Or you could do what i suggest. See ? You have plenty of choice !

Edited by Elepole
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I load into the Fleet, and a whole bunch of people are standing at the load in spot, infecting everyone, who goes to the Fleet, and it cost 2k for the stim, to remove it for 6 hours. If this is a joke, it isn't funny, and its a little late, from april fools day.


I will not be paying, to play a game, that forces stupid stuff like this on players.


Please remove this, if you want to continue to have me, as a customer.


Some like it, but i think its completely out of line.


Dude it's an mmo, stuff like this is supposed to happen. It's fun and amusing. Lighten up sheesh.


Bioware finally does something right and people still have to complain about it.

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Sorry, i try to think illogical very hard, but i can't. Specialy when the solutionis SO obvious.


Btw, to OP, nobody force you to play the game, so you are NOT forced to participate to the event, you could just play BF3 for a while until the event is finished. Or you could do what i suggest. See ? You have plenty of choice !


So the correct way to play the game is to not play? See, you're getting better at illogical thinking.

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I hate to break it to ya. but the EULA said the gameplay may change during online play. So you bought the whole package. This is PART of the gameplay (release by BW) it is not griefed.


Grief (as I post couple of examples a few pages back) is using bugs and loopholes to prevent you from playing.

Spawn camping, players killing off your mob and such these are good examples.


BW put a 1-2 second stun at 10min mark (happen twice, the 2nd time you explode and can revive at location like always or go to med center with NO damage to equipment) so it is not griefing when you play, there is about 4 seconds of stuns.


If you plan out your time like Ferroz did, I'm sure you can calculate when the 10 minute mark will hit after your 1st stun (nothing else happen) and then go on your merry way.


Hint: Catching the Plague on my own Missions, from NPC's, or from Cut-Scenes are considered PvE; from other Players is PvP. This is being Griefed.

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Yes; Freedom of choice is such a horrible thing..... :rolleyes:


You grief me buy trying to stop ingame events and filling the forums with psycopatic drivel. Stop taking my freedom of choice to not be in a forum with sad whiners.

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My BH was 10th at the time; headed from Hutta to Drommund Kass on a Fleet Pass. had to stop and choose Crew Skills, train, and choose AC. I then heard the announcement over the Fleet speakers and went to price the serum; forced to get it or possibly die.


Having the Plaugue Event is fine; being forced to play it is not.


You lose nothing but a few seconds from dying with the plague. You don't even take durability loss. Considering your BH is level 10, you could then sell that DNA to someone on Dromund Kaas (or the Fleet), for enough to do some significant work on your crew skills.

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or, die, it's free.


So if I join a Flashpoint or Op with and you make a mistake and cause a wipe, can I accuse you of griefing because I have to repair my gear?


The fact of the matter is you are being forced into many decision in the game, and these are design aspects of the game. I will repeat this again, it is working as devs intended so your griefing argument is baseless.


They will net you 5k/unit on the swiftsure.

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Go quest.


There are numerous med droids all over the game world. There are multiple cargo bays in cities and one on every planet.


There is also a cargo bay on your ship - where no one (unless you let them) can be there to explode and infect you.


Was only 10th; do not have a ship yet. hence another reason for my complaint.

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Yep, considering that the 5 DNA samples would probably net you something like 15k credits, which is enough to buy as many samples as you need.


DNA samples are 10k each on my server Imp side. Not too shabby for people looking to sell them.

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Yes; Freedom of choice is such a horrible thing..... :rolleyes:


You have a choice... you can chose to play or not to play. Look, I'm not arguing your right to ask the developers to make the game the way you want. But, I hope you can understand that the odds of them listening to, what appears to be, a very small percentage of the players are long. Consider the possibility that, like the class storylines, they don't want you to have the option to opt out. Perhaps they want a virulent plague that's spreading across the galaxy to have repercussions for the entire player base.


I'm not even sure what the point of this thread is anymore... are you trying to convince us that we're wrong for liking the event? Do you think we're trying to convince you that you're wrong for not liking the event? The only point I'm trying to make is that you shouldn't be blaming the players for engaging in the event and making inflammatory comments like calling those people "griefers". Honestly, I think a lot of people in this thread are being knowingly overly dramatic for emphasis.

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They will net you 5k/unit on the swiftsure.


yeah, I know, but some of these people are complaining about the time sink to sell them. Or they don't need the money and just don't want to be bothered by other people in an mmo.

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