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Remove the rakghoul plague now

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I think the point Skolops was making is that lower level characters can't get to the fleet yet.


Under 10, yup. I still think that all players on starter planet should be immune, period. But, I also have to wonder how many are being affected? Since this was brought up the other day, I've been watching on our server for complaints about this...none. Doesn't mean much I know but I really don't think this is a huge issue.

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Of course its a big deal. In low level PvE stun breakers may be easily wasted, but in PvP and high level PvE you can't waste them. The game is balanced around how many CC breakers/stuns each class/NPC has.


Unless you are trying to solo a 2+ Heroic or something extreme, there is no pull in the level 50 daily areas that throwing up for 1 second is going to cause you to die.


Rated warzones are not in the game yet, so being that stressed out about a 1 second stun in unrated warzones is just asking for a heart attack.

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hmm...interesting, I did not know that, thought you had to finish class quests on starter planets first.


I was told that in the past, certain classes could go before completing their starter planet, but that this was a bug which was going to be fixed. Not sure if this is correct or not.

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The thing is, everyone is insisting that they don't try to infect people who don't want it, so if there was a mechanic to permanently opt out, nobody should be any less happy about that, correct?


Maybe, but BW has implemented a quest that requires you to infect 10 people. So if a 2 second stun is to much of a time sink, so is wasting my explosion on people that have opted out (I personally wouldn't think this, but I'm sure you can see where I'm going).



I think the only way to remedy this is going to be persist through death vaccines.

Edited by Lugosi
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Hey, I just keep coming back because i check in on the thread and see my posts responded to. I'm not going to fail to answer them.


I also am sticking around because, in spite of some people being so stubborn about it, there has been considerable improvements in the understanding each side of the debate has of the other over the past few days. It's worth continuing these discussions.


And please, don't make the mistake of thinking there aren't "pro-plague" people who are sticking around just as much as I.


You have well over 100 posts on this thread alone, Whats the use of debate anyways? Do you think Bioware is going to sift through 100+ of your posts to make you happy and change it to what you'd like? I doubt it. The pro-plaguers are only speaking for the majority and trying to give the correct perception of what's happening in-game, that the players as a whole love this event.

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Haven't been infected yet (I'm playing alight server and lately have rarely met a soul), but if I do, who sells the vaccines?


All the medical droids but I bet if you ask on Fleet, someone'll be happy to give you some. I have like 20 and I can't give 'em way.

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Do you think that if this event were precisely the same except that the plague worked just differently enough that it wouldn't irritate those that it does, everyone else would not have been excited about it?


The thing is, everyone is insisting that they don't try to infect people who don't want it, so if there was a mechanic to permanently opt out, nobody should be any less happy about that, correct?


I wouldn't mind if they made the vaccine persist through death and I suspect that would solve most of these complaints.


That said, my point is that you have made your concerns clear and your continual pushing on this issue is just pushing people away and making them dismiss you even more. The more you push it the less inclined anyone is to believe you are doing anything other than whining. Even if that isn't a fair characterization that is how it will be seen by nearly everyone.


You aren't doing yourself or your cause any favors by continuing to defend a wildly unpopular position. At this point, you can be sure that the people who make decisions are aware of your displeasure. What do you suppose you are accomplishing at this point besides alienating more and more of the community?

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Unless you are trying to solo a 2+ Heroic or something extreme, there is no pull in the level 50 daily areas that throwing up for 1 second is going to cause you to die.


Rated warzones are not in the game yet, so being that stressed out about a 1 second stun in unrated warzones is just asking for a heart attack.


With a 1 second stun potentially being the difference between capping/stopping a cap and not, AND with the way rewards work currently, it can be a huge deal. Can be the difference between 30 and 100 WZ commendations.

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hmm...interesting, I did not know that, thought you had to finish class quests on starter planets first.


It was around early access time, but I'm pretty sure that I took one of my characters to Fleet to learn their advanced class before I finished my class story. Sounds like a good thing to test out tonight if I remember. A BH/Agent would be the easiest to test, seeing they spawn right next to the spaceport.

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Do you think that if this event were precisely the same except that the plague worked just differently enough that it wouldn't irritate those that it does, everyone else would not have been excited about it?


The thing is, everyone is insisting that they don't try to infect people who don't want it, so if there was a mechanic to permanently opt out, nobody should be any less happy about that, correct?


Over 200 posts on this subject alone from you now...Tell me, if you go out for dinner with 10 people and 9 of them want to go to a sparerib restaurant and only you want to go to a chicken restaurant, will you compromise and go with them or keep trying to convince them to go to the chicken restaurant?

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Of course its a big deal. In low level PvE stun breakers may be easily wasted, but in PvP and high level PvE you can't waste them. The game is balanced around how many CC breakers/stuns each class/NPC has.


Weren't we just complaining that it's the lowbies that can't afford the vaccine? If you're in high end PvE and you can't afford 2k for a 6 hour vaccine, there's something seriously wrong.


You're likely not the only one infected in pvp, and even less likely since people infect on death at the feverish stage. Everyone will have the same disadvantage.

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hmm...interesting, I did not know that, thought you had to finish class quests on starter planets first.


You do. This was changed awhile back. So, basically level 10+ can be off the starter planet IF they finish their class quests (which is pretty easy to do, especially by 10).

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Do you even realize how difficult it would be to infect some random person out on a starter world? They aren't always clumped up there like they are on the Fleet.


Even a newbie is going to wonder why this level 50 is standing on top of them wherever they go.


I will agree that characters under a certain level (maybe 10) should probably just be immune so it doesn't wreck their starting experience though.


Newbies may not know what to expect at Start; a 50th standing about the merchant areas may seem normal. And as one that has now played to 50th, I had to return to the Starter worlds a few times, and recall seeing sim Players during my time there, too.


Safe areas should remain safe, and this Event Mission should be restricted to PvP. IMO.

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With a 1 second stun potentially being the difference between capping/stopping a cap and not, AND with the way rewards work currently, it can be a huge deal. Can be the difference between 30 and 100 WZ commendations.


Is that possible? yes, though very rare.


It's far more likely that someone will belch in your direction and interrupt your cap too. If you are that concerned about getting the plague for PvP, sit on your ship while you wait for the queue. You have total control over who gets on your ship.

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I think you would of made a profit if you just waited tell you got feverish then killed yourself and sold the DNA you got then spend the 2k for a vacene. Just saying


I might have made a profit had I logged to return later and meta-game the Event. But that does not alter the fact that this should not have occured in a Rest Zone on a PvE server; tis Griefing.

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Newbies may not know what to expect at Start; a 50th standing about the merchant areas may seem normal. And as one that has now played to 50th, I had to return to the Starter worlds a few times, and recall seeing sim Players during my time there, too.


Safe areas should remain safe, and this Event Mission should be restricted to PvP. IMO.


If it was restricted to PvP and since we can't access the other faction's Fleet/Capitol planets - just how would the plague spread from planet to planet? (which seems to be what Bioware wants to happen)

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I wouldn't mind if they made the vaccine persist through death and I suspect that would solve most of these complaints.


That said, my point is that you have made your concerns clear and your continual pushing on this issue is just pushing people away and making them dismiss you even more. The more you push it the less inclined anyone is to believe you are doing anything other than whining. Even if that isn't a fair characterization that is how it will be seen by nearly everyone.


You aren't doing yourself or your cause any favors by continuing to defend a wildly unpopular position. At this point, you can be sure that the people who make decisions are aware of your displeasure. What do you suppose you are accomplishing at this point besides alienating more and more of the community?


I don't think I'm alienating more and more of it. If anything, I am continuing this because as the days have gone on, many of the people who don't like the plague and those who do have come to understand and respect one another's positions more. Those who stubbornly insist on labeling, insulting, and attacking still do, but they are themselves now a minority. To be sure, most people like the plague, but most people also respectfully understand that others do not.


I could of course ask the same question. Why are so many people who enjoy the event so much posting here instead of playing? The only answer that has been given so far is that they need to make sure BW isn't mistakenly swayed by so small a minority into changing things, but if they are so confident in their "vast majority" and the overwhelmingly positive response to this, then why should that even be a concern?


The reality is that most people who is still here is still here for one simple reason: we are having fun discussing this issue. I don't think there's much more to it than that.

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I don't understand how RPers have a problem with it. I think it would be a wet dream for them. The news comes on and says the outbreak has reached Tatoonie and gives direction to either combat it or hide. Now you have 2 choices as a RPer.


1. Fight the plague on Tatoonie

2. Vaccinate yourself and hide till its over.


How and why they complain I'll never know.

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Is that possible? yes, though very rare.


It's far more likely that someone will belch in your direction and interrupt your cap too. If you are that concerned about getting the plague for PvP, sit on your ship while you wait for the queue. You have total control over who gets on your ship.


Reports are that people are regularly infected in WZs.

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Except the people in the safe zones are doing exactly what they are supposed to do. If you don't want to participate, vaccinate and go play wherever you like.


Nope; Safe Zones are supposed to be Safe, I believe. And I did vacinate and play elsewhere; still forced to participate by a Griefer.

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I might have made a profit had I logged to return later and meta-game the Event. But that does not alter the fact that this should not have occured in a Rest Zone on a PvE server; tis Griefing.


The real irony here is that your continuous use of the word "griefing" despite several attempts to educate you on the modern usage of the term, more fits the definition of the act of griefing than the actions you claim are griefing.


I love good irony.

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I might have made a profit had I logged to return later and meta-game the Event. But that does not alter the fact that this should not have occured in a Rest Zone on a PvE server; tis Griefing.


It's not griefing, there is quest to infect people, it's working as intended. Maybe it is not working how you like, which is fine, but it is certainly not griefing.

Edited by Lugosi
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I might have made a profit had I logged to return later and meta-game the Event. But that does not alter the fact that this should not have occured in a Rest Zone on a PvE server; tis Griefing.


As long as a 6 hour immunity stim remains easily purchasable for almost no credits at all from nearly every medical droid in existence, this is not griefing.

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I still haven't had the infection progress past light-headed, and haven't been stunned in combat yet. This event has literally had 0 impact on me what-so-ever and I'm literally doing nothing differently than I normally do.Sounds like a problem of needing to grow up to me.


Actually that's a lie, I had to kill containment officers on the way to my ship :eek:

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Reports are that people are regularly infected in WZs.


I imagine a few are. So what?


Go and PvP - when you inevitably get killed while PvPing, you'll no longer have the plague.


You keep saying, "Reports are..." - do you have any first-hand dealing with this event?

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