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Remove the rakghoul plague now

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Then why are you ignoring all of the choices you have to avoid the event with no cost to you?


Because it is my choice; want nothing to do with Griefers, space zombies, or additional expenses if it can be avoided. I choose not to exploit the Death mechanic to get riich; already is irritating that I choose to do it to travel back to base so frequently.


But it was not my choice to become infected; that was the Griefer's decsion.

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I play the game the way I want to play it.

If I want to interact with other players I can pvp, group, or duel.

If I want to craft on fleet I should not have to worry about hanging around a mailbox, GTC, or the cargohold areas.

How is this plague different from the when the game released and there was the "game exploit" of where one could get flagged by being in the area of combat from another faction member?

Until BW fixed the so-called "exploit" it was a game mechanic introduced by the developers.

Edited by Jauhar
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Hmmm. let's examine this claim. Unfortunately, I can only analyze my own server, but it should still be statistically representative, if I know anything about statistics (which I do).


The people most likely to be participating in this event are the level 50s, of course, so that being said, right now there are:


10 Republic (myself included) on Tatooine.

10 on Fleet.

1 on Coruscant

3 on Belsavis

2 on Corellia

2 on Alderaan

1 on Voss

1 on Nar Shadaa

>24 in the Civil War warzone


10 Imperials on Tatooine

10 (myself included) on the fleet

4 on Belsavis

4 on Corellia

2 on Alderaan

1 on Voss

16 in the Civil War warzone


Now of course we can't be sure, but it's probably reasonable to conclude that for each faction, at most one third of the players are currently participating in the Rakghoul event in some way - possibly less, possibly a bit more.


Note this doesn't count all the people in flashpoints, operations, their ships, and the random places you go on various class quests, so these numbers are actually generous towards the event.


So during the middle of the day, when the servers are the most empty, there aren't many people online. SHOCKING! STOP THE PRESSES!


Last night, there were two instances of Tatooine on my server, both with 70-plus people on them. I've never before this event seen more than one instance on Tatooine. I'm on during peak hours, and there have always been near 100 at the fleet and two instances of Tatooine since the event started.

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You're also forgetting that the roleplay of the infection is that you are INFECTED. You're not yourself, and will likely be trying to infect others as a result. Also, would all real people know that they're infected, or even listen and not just go places anyway? Some people couldn't care less about quarantine if it impedes their routine. So in fact, the quest makes more sense than you think. You just have to...roleplay it.


Well put, was thinking the same thing here....not clear if that explains the maniacal giggling, but hey...

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You grief me buy trying to stop ingame events and filling the forums with psycopatic drivel. Stop taking my freedom of choice to not be in a forum with sad whiners.


Your choice to enter into the Thread and read my posts. Pls feel free to Ignore me, as I also use this option frequently.

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Because it is my choice; want nothing to do with Griefers, space zombies, or additional expenses if it can be avoided. I choose not to exploit the Death mechanic to get riich; already is irritating that I choose to do it to travel back to base so frequently.


But it was not my choice to become infected; that was the Griefer's decsion.


So you are complaining because someone give you 50k credit ? Do you realize how ridiculous you sound ?

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You lose nothing but a few seconds from dying with the plague. You don't even take durability loss. Considering your BH is level 10, you could then sell that DNA to someone on Dromund Kaas (or the Fleet), for enough to do some significant work on your crew skills.


I could, but I choose not to play with the Plague mechanic. I am avoiding severe illness and death; silly me.

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The funny thing is the ego this person has. Hate to break it to you but lots of people are enjoying this despite your rant. This is what MMOs are about, something random to break up the norm. These events were hailed as a god send in EQ back in the day so the last thing I can think of is removing it because a vast minority is disapproving. Keep it up Bioware, this is exactly the kind of thing that are needed.
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But it was not my choice to become infected; that was the Griefer's decsion.


Are you just intentionally ignoring the accepted definition of griefer or are you trying to be irritating?


It was not a "griefer's" decision. I was Bioware's. Since you haven't partaken, you can't know that you can't intentionally affect anyone unless you either keep a timer on when you're due to explode and seek out a hapless victim at that exact moment... or follow your intended target around continuously until you do explode

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Since these forums are moving fast, I'll repeat myself and perhaps the pro-event players will answer this.


It's a really simple thing to do. Just stick an NPC on the fleet to talk to, and once the conversation is done you get permanent immunity to the plague that persists through death. Those that want the event can have their fun. Those that don't want to be part of it don't have to deal with it.


Why is that a bad thing?


Seems a logical compromise to me.

Edited by Bluerodian
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Because it is my choice; want nothing to do with Griefers, space zombies, or additional expenses if it can be avoided. I choose not to exploit the Death mechanic to get riich; already is irritating that I choose to do it to travel back to base so frequently.


But it was not my choice to become infected; that was the Griefer's decsion.


You act as if you are completely isolated from the effects of other players. You aren't. By your scewed definition posting things to high on the GTN could be considered griefing. I completely understand and respect your desire to play solo, but the truth remains, you cannot play a mmo without directly being affected by other players from time to time. And this is not griefing, it's mmo game mechanics.

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Get infected, explode, get 5 DNA for free from the explosion, sell tehm for 10-15k each, get 50k. Any more complain ?


If I am forced to do so; absolutlely. I want nothing from this event, esp the interaction with Griefers.

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Since these forums are moving fast, I'll repeat myself and perhaps the pro-event players will answer this.


It's a really simple thing to do. Just stick an NPC on the fleet to talk to, and once the conversation is done you get permanent immunity to the plague that persists through death. Those that want the event can have their fun. Those that don't want to be part of it don't have to deal with it.


Why is that a bad thing?


Seems a logical compromise to me.


It isn't a bad idea at all, it just isn't worth spending the resources when the event is so temporary and likely only 5% of the population is opposed to it.

Edited by KrittaB
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The quests can be done by anyone at or above roughly level 27, so you're removing a range of 23 levels from your count. But assuming it's all 50's doing it, by what metric can you say that only 1/3 are taking part in the event? Just because they're not currently on the fleet or on tatooine doesn't mean that they weren't earlier in the day. Or they keep themselves infected while doing pvp so that they can earn DNA samples while having fun.


Now, what about the people not doing the event. How many of them do you suppose are actively against the event? Based on general chat and the fact that there have been very few people in this thread arguing against it I'm going to venture to guess that they're a very small minority. The rest are simply ignoring it and moving on with their lives.


You're entirely correct in your statements about how/when people do things. I, for example, always do the Rakghoul dailies first thing in the morning.


What I was really responding to was the poster's implication that the dailies were so popular that huge numbers of people were doing them, and the extrapolation from that that the event and is "overwhelmingly" popular.


The reason I chose only 50s is because, though others can and are doing it, 50s are the ones who are generally most likely to be doing so as opposed to doing other things (mainly leveling), and who have relatively fewer options for alternatives since all of their leveling is done. I also did so as a way of limiting the sample size to make it more easy to analyze. Finally, it helps sort things out a tad because there isn't much reason for a level 50 to be on Tatooine aside from the event, when there could be a wide range of reasons for a lower level player to be there.


The thing is that you are correct - those 50s on Belsavis could have done the Tatooine dailies earlier in the day. The ones on Tatooine, though, could have done the Corellia dailies earlier. The point is that at any given time, if the event is "overwhelmingly" popular, you would expect to see a significant number of people participating in it. The time of day they do it should balance out.


It's certainly popular - there's absolutely no question, and having 10 level 50 players on Tatooine is a huge number for my server - and probably for any server, for that matter. I just don't know if "overwhelmingly" is a proven term for it. It's absolutely plausible, but I can't say its proven.

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If I don't want 50k credits, then why is irrelevant. Now then, why not have a logical compromise?


Why include the compromise if there's no reason to? There's no loss from being infected, and there's a great deal to be gained from it.

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Because it is my choice; want nothing to do with Griefers, space zombies, or additional expenses if it can be avoided. I choose not to exploit the Death mechanic to get riich; already is irritating that I choose to do it to travel back to base so frequently.


But it was not my choice to become infected; that was the Griefer's decsion.


So you choose not to take any of the other (free) available methods to avoid this event and complain that your choice cost you money? If I chose to run my arm through a running chainsaw I wouldn't complain to the makers that my choice led to my arm being cut off. There are other options for you, you chose not to do them. Accept the consequences.


Actually, by your description it wasn't his decision at all, it was yours. He was standing by the droid when you came over. You didn't have to walk up to him, you chose to do that.

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You're entirely correct in your statements about how/when people do things. I, for example, always do the Rakghoul dailies first thing in the morning.


What I was really responding to was the poster's implication that the dailies were so popular that huge numbers of people were doing them, and the extrapolation from that that the event and is "overwhelmingly" popular.


The reason I chose only 50s is because, though others can and are doing it, 50s are the ones who are generally most likely to be doing so as opposed to doing other things (mainly leveling), and who have relatively fewer options for alternatives since all of their leveling is done. I also did so as a way of limiting the sample size to make it more easy to analyze. Finally, it helps sort things out a tad because there isn't much reason for a level 50 to be on Tatooine aside from the event, when there could be a wide range of reasons for a lower level player to be there.


The thing is that you are correct - those 50s on Belsavis could have done the Tatooine dailies earlier in the day. The ones on Tatooine, though, could have done the Corellia dailies earlier. The point is that at any given time, if the event is "overwhelmingly" popular, you would expect to see a significant number of people participating in it. The time of day they do it should balance out.


It's certainly popular - there's absolutely no question, and having 10 level 50 players on Tatooine is a huge number for my server - and probably for any server, for that matter. I just don't know if "overwhelmingly" is a proven term for it. It's absolutely plausible, but I can't say its proven.


You are dismissing that some players may be saving the Rakghoul dailies for evening, when their other friends/guildies are online.

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You didnt wanna spend 10 sec rezzing to get 50k worth of items, yet complain ofer the 2k cost of a vaccine.


You are a bright one:rolleyes:


Bright enough; simply choose against meta-gaming and OOC knowledge to exploit a death mechanic, and try and remain symptom free.

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People need to learn what the letters MMORPG stand for, before playing.


What are you suggesting that their antecedents imply? I ask only because some have used the term "MMO" to claim things which do not follow as regards to this topic.


It certainly means, for example, that someone will be exposed to and able to interact with other players.


On the other hand, it does not for example mean that other players are allowed to harass someone, or that the PvE world environment must necessarily change dynamically - two things which people have tried to claim that it does.

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If I don't want 50k credits, then why is irrelevant. Now then, why not have a logical compromise?


Because it's a world event. This game takes place in an ever-changing world. Ever-changing because the developers make changes and because the people in the game are changing and thus your experience is different. This is the heart of what makes an MMO. If you don't want to take part in a world event, don't take part in the world.


There is a button you can press to decline participation. It's the log off button.

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You are dismissing that some players may be saving the Rakghoul dailies for evening, when their other friends/guildies are online.


Not at all. I recognize that people do them at different times. What I'm saying is that, out of a given population which is on the server at any one time, an "overwhelmingly" popular quest should be drawing at least some very significant proportion of that population.

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