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Remove the rakghoul plague now

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I load into the Fleet, and a whole bunch of people are standing at the load in spot, infecting everyone, who goes to the Fleet, and it cost 2k for the stim, to remove it for 6 hours. If this is a joke, it isn't funny, and its a little late, from april fools day.


I will not be paying, to play a game, that forces stupid stuff like this on players.


Please remove this, if you want to continue to have me, as a customer.


Some like it, but i think its completely out of line.


i think they would gladly lose you as a customer ,seeing as most of the population loves this event....can i have your stuff?

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Is it really that huge a nuisance to either spend a whopping 2k (kill what, 5 monsters to make that much?) or get a cool glowing effect and die once every 20 minutes at most? You can even do the daily quests on tattooine to make some money and get free vaccines.


Some people just can't find fun in anything at all.

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Here's an easy solution. Make the vaccine... free. Just, walk up to a kiosk/vendor/terminal and get your shot whenever you just don't want the herpesyphilaids. Ready to handle that part of the event? Click off the buff. Done.
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I load into the Fleet, and a whole bunch of people are standing at the load in spot, infecting everyone, who goes to the Fleet, and it cost 2k for the stim, to remove it for 6 hours. If this is a joke, it isn't funny, and its a little late, from april fools day.


I will not be paying, to play a game, that forces stupid stuff like this on players.


Please remove this, if you want to continue to have me, as a customer.


Some like it, but i think its completely out of line.


I don't want you as a customer. Please quit. Thank you.


If less people like you played we'd all be having more fun.

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Sence this is a new page for this thread. I will say the event could have been implemented in such a way as to not force the infection ( plague ) on those who donot want to be infected. A stim which makes you immune to the infection during the event and last until the event was over, would have eliminated this issue. You donot care about the infection and want to do that part...fine..donot take the stim. You donot want to be infected, then fine....take the stim and the OP and those who are concerned about that also will have no issue with it. :)
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Sence this is a new page for this thread. I will say the event could have been implemented in such a way as to not force the infection ( plague ) on those who donot want to be infected. A stim which makes you immune to the infection during the event and last until the event was over, would have eliminated this issue. You donot care about the infection and want to do that part...fine..donot take the stim. You donot want to be infected, then fine....take the stim and the OP and those who are concerned about that also will have no issue with it. :)


There is a way. Its called the Vaccine and i have gotten about 30 for free

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My guess is that this was not off the Fleet, and that you may be higher than 10th. Cookie?


Wow, so I, who was supposedly singlehandedly keeping this topic alive, go out for the night and now we're on an addition 80 or so pages entirely without me? I guess the opposition to this thing is more widespread than even I thought...

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Wow, so I, who was supposedly singlehandedly keeping this topic alive, go out for the night and now we're on an addition 80 or so pages entirely without me? I guess the opposition to this thing is more widespread than even I thought...


Perhaps the "vast minority" are not the vocal ones after all?




Like the Events; dislike the Griefing.

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Sence this is a new page for this thread. I will say the event could have been implemented in such a way as to not force the infection ( plague ) on those who donot want to be infected. A stim which makes you immune to the infection during the event and last until the event was over, would have eliminated this issue. You donot care about the infection and want to do that part...fine..donot take the stim. You donot want to be infected, then fine....take the stim and the OP and those who are concerned about that also will have no issue with it. :)


Can't see the harm in this really, if it stops the complaints. It would have little to no impact on us that likes the event, we the terrorists and griefers :D


In the end it's BWs call anyway.

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My guess is that this was not off the Fleet, and that you may be higher than 10th. Cookie?


I don't see why this whole thing is a big deal. ou get infected, u go boom u respawn. Thats all there is to it. Just continue playing the way u usually play, I went to do dailys on belsavis and corolla, didn't get infected once. So if u don't just stand around and do nothing ill probably not get infected

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Wow, so I, who was supposedly singlehandedly keeping this topic alive, go out for the night and now we're on an addition 80 or so pages entirely without me? I guess the opposition to this thing is more widespread than even I thought...


Nah, Valkirus, that fluffy Jawa and Elhanan singelhandedly kept the whole shebang going all night. Allthough you had a couple of hundred posts :eek:

Edited by Lundli
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I don't see why this whole thing is a big deal. ou get infected, u go boom u respawn. Thats all there is to it. Just continue playing the way u usually play, I went to do dailys on belsavis and corolla, didn't get infected once. So if u don't just stand around and do nothing ill probably not get infected


I was minding my own business on the Fleet Infirmary when *BOOM*; so I spent a third of my purse to gain a single dose of serum. And in my crazy style of play, I actually try and avoid Death unless I need a ride back to the city....

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Even tho exploding people on the space station is annoying, I have to say this event has brought out some really fun world PvP.... We've had some massive battles where the infective world bosses are on Tatooine...


I think for future endeavors Bioware needs to keep world events away from the space station since everyone pretty much uses it as a hub for just about everything.... If they would of kept the infective away form the station I doubt they would of had many complaints...

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I load into the Fleet, and a whole bunch of people are standing at the load in spot, infecting everyone, who goes to the Fleet, and it cost 2k for the stim, to remove it for 6 hours. If this is a joke, it isn't funny, and its a little late, from april fools day.


I will not be paying, to play a game, that forces stupid stuff like this on players.


Please remove this, if you want to continue to have me, as a customer.


Some like it, but i think its completely out of line.


What's the big deal? If you don't like it just keep doin what you normally do. If you get infected who cares? Doesn't stop you from playing. If it kills you just Rez yourself and move on. You don't have to buy the stim cure. Just ignore it.


How does this hurt or slow you down? It doesn't.

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Even tho exploding people on the space station is annoying, I have to say this event has brought out some really fun world PvP.... We've had some massive battles where the infective world bosses are on Tatooine...


I think for future endeavors Bioware needs to keep world events away from the space station since everyone pretty much uses it as a hub for just about everything.... If they would of kept the infective away form the station I doubt they would of had many complaints...


Agreed. Plus, it's terrible for people who like role playing to imagine the republic/empire would allow the plague onto the fleet.

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