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Legacy Vendor Items


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My main question is basically are these items even worth it.


Starting with the lv 10 & 20 orange gear. Cost quite a bit for low level gear other than a cool looking set how is this worth it? Adding level appropriate mods doesn't increase stats from regular gear enough in my mind to make It worth it. Am I missing something?


Second the yellow legacy gear, so far it looks significantly more powerful to make an effort to get these. Though id really like heirloom type. How do I get the pieces to trade in for them? They sent the free lv 14 weapon as a teaser how do I get the rest? I assumed a daily of some kind but can't find them.


Thanks in advance.

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Legacy Construction Kits can be gotten from different vendors. I've seen head, legs, chest and feet being sold from by the Daily Commendation vendors on Ilum, Belsavis and Corellia. I've seen a few others being sold by the Ship Vendor robot on the Fleet, like gloves. Can't remember if the rest were belts and/or bracers.


I've also gotten gloves from an Investigation mission. Very rare as only happened once.


I think the intention with the orange gear is to buy it on a high level character and mail it to a brand-new alt.


That's what I did. I bought the Legacy 10 Trooper gear for my level 25 character. I think it looks fantastic and better than Legacy 20. Been using my other Crew Skills to fill in the mods and plan to do the same on maybe 1 or both Imp characters.

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I dunno, I was lead to believe these items would be useful for your 50's to mail stuff to alt to help them level faster. As it is I just don't see it that way. In the grand scheme of things gear pre end game doesn't really matter all content is easily done in quest greens. So imo these vendors are fail.
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  • 2 weeks later...

I just got my first character through chapter 1, very cool and exciting! I was playing with the family tree and all that, when I thought... "Hey! I can get something cool for a low level character with this inheritance thing!".

Someone told me to go to Coruscant, I found the vendor and he has a lvl 14 lightsaber my consular could use. Well, would have used at 14, she's 17 now, the improvement would be miniscule. I thought they would be moddable and level with you? Not just useful for a couple levels and ...that's it? I was really hoping for something special, that would be useful for ...well forever. It is after all an inheritance for my legacy. It should be important right?

I am quite disappointed, I hope that I am misinformed and there are higher level vendors? Higher than 14... lower than 50? Like 20-25 or so?

Anyone know if there are more vendors on other planets? The websites out there have very little specific information. Even the SWTOR site is vague at best about the whole thing.

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Legacy items are far too specific to be useful. What they really should have done was make items that freely adapt to the character that is using it. They should also scale to be blue gear quality in stats as you level.


Let's say you send you "Legacy Mainhand Weapon" to your sorcerer. She equips it and it is a willpower/endurance/power single blade lightsaber. When she is done you sen it on to your brand new Scoundrel. He equips it and it is a cunning/endurance/power blaster pistol.


If they scale every level to be slightly better than greens, they would be meaningful and worthwhile. What they are now is a money sink, or a meaningless token to give the illusion that Legacy is a perk.

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In the orange legacy gear items you can buy them, mail them to ANY of your high level chars and fill them with mods then mail them back. Why is this useful you ask? Well, this works with bound mods too. So you can effectively mail yourself bound columni/rakata/etc mods using these gear as a vessel.
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  • 3 weeks later...

First - On Legacy item cost from daily vendor


The cost of 200 daily tokens is rediculous it should have been closer to 50 each item. it takes 1 week of solid every day burning every single daily and heroic daily to get 200 (34 a day). if you spend that time you will get all 5 pieces in a month and a week on average of hardcore daily grinding. If i spend that same time hardcore leveling i get to about lvl 36-40 depending on if i skip FPs and Heroics and only solo content. Which takes me outside of the value of legacy gear. dropping the price to 50 coms would make more sense two weeks of grinding dailies then a month of grinding exp.


Second - On Orange gear


The cost of replacing Armoring/Mod/Enhancement with or without augment everytime you outlevel gear in this game... you might as well cap with starter gear and save yourself a couple million in credits. Orange gear is the biggest credit sink in the game.... orange gear is only good for end game users looking to max out there stats with augments and for classes where the set bonuses stink.


Third - On where to find legacy items


I have only found one from random drop on belsavis while doing dailies. I found it by killing a strong Rakata mob in the open area infront of the signal station (tag the rakata savants quest).


Ultra rare have only seen one drop and have only heard of 2 other drops in my entire alliance (5 guilds over 30 players)


Fourth - On where Legacy items could be improved


Legacy items could be improved by changing there drop locations and rate. Drop the cost of daily to 50-80 range, and make them a 20% drop rate in HM FPs from bosses only. This would make it so more people ran HM FPs which currently is the bigger problem. make it just like the columi and tionesse gear. What ever piece drops columi has a 20% chance to drop from each boss in a HM FP.


Legacy gear is in tiers as well ... lvl 14 starter gear (which at least weapon wise lasts till about lvl 26 fyi) lvl 30something and i dont know last tier. So the easy fix would be first boss in HM FP drops tier 1 legacy gear second boss drops tier 2 and 3rd or end boss (pending on flashpoints) drops end tier legacy gear.


have it be completely random and have all bosses in HM FPs drop all tiers of legacy gear and have a chance to drop orange legacy gear.


Lastly - the concolusion


Legacy is still a new system so i am sure they will be adding more ways to grind legacy gear in the future. I am also sure that Legacy levels are also there way of increasing the cap without giving us more actual power. Some suggestions i would make would include


a) legacy 30 ... no longer need to have a companion to activate heroic moment .... reason: the abilities that are given are weak sauce anyway at end game and anyone running mox parser knows that it lowers your dps not increases it to use them so why not let people "Unleash" if you will. I suggest lvl 30 because its a moderate level ... easy to get but not everyone has it even now (i know two people with two 50s that havent hit 30 yet .. i have 3 50s and I am at 44)


b) legacy 35 ... cc locks removed .... now able to cc gold stars and champions.... reason: its silly that you cant do it already they are not purple bosses they are open world chumps and alot of the heavy hitting powers for classes like marauder but even sorcs and assasins and powertechs ... are only usable when a target is stunned. Since stuns currently dont work on many if not all gold stars and champions where you need your heavy hitters (dont get me started on the fact that my hardest hit as a marauder cannot be used against bosses in raids or the fact that no one wants melee in raids anymore unless they tank) a high legacy cost for something that should be able to be done without legacy.


c) legacy 40 ... cost reduction for legacy purchaseables 50% ... i understand that for peopel with one character and who exploit and search for exploits in this game money comes easy .. but when you got 3 50's raiding daily repair costs and item costs (for get crafting mat costs and then peopel selling the gear for no profit on GTN makign crafting worthless) 1.5 million to get a race and almost 2million rocket boots is rediculous so a legacy earned reduction i dont think is OP or unwarrented.

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I dunno, I was lead to believe these items would be useful for your 50's to mail stuff to alt to help them level faster. As it is I just don't see it that way. In the grand scheme of things gear pre end game doesn't really matter all content is easily done in quest greens. So imo these vendors are fail.


spoken as truth .... i have leveled 3 50s (an have two more at 26+) and i can tell you i have never worn orange gear that wasnt provided to me by the game through natrual progression and only worn greens until about lvl 45 on all of them. you dont need gear to beat this game at all .... that being said .... this is why i think its crazy the cost and rarity of legacy gear.


They need to increase the drop rate and lower the cost so that people with only 1 lvl 50 actually want to lvl alts. right now so many people leaving the game beause they dont want to roll alts cause its a grind to 50 they dont want to do. Give them a way to make it less a grind and they will do it .. but increasing the grind by making people do dailies to get low level gear for a character they dont want to play ... well .... check your server count ... has it been working?


I know tarro blood is a wasteland most of the time.

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  • 1 month later...

Legacy items...considered the cost is really no biggy unless you're intofashion..


Rewards and loot grinds you close to just as fast, and the daylies can be used for something more useful.


Dunno if it's more or less than I expected, but month of heavy playing, all daylies, should be a tad more rewarding IMO

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  • 1 month later...
Legacy Construction Kits can be gotten from different vendors. I've seen head, legs, chest and feet being sold from by the Daily Commendation vendors on Ilum, Belsavis and Corellia. I've seen a few others being sold by the Ship Vendor robot on the Fleet, like gloves. Can't remember if the rest were belts and/or bracers.


I've also gotten gloves from an Investigation mission. Very rare as only happened once.




That's what I did. I bought the Legacy 10 Trooper gear for my level 25 character. I think it looks fantastic and better than Legacy 20. Been using my other Crew Skills to fill in the mods and plan to do the same on maybe 1 or both Imp characters.


so do i spend commodations for the lockboxes or credits

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I think, as others said, the intention is to have a level 50 and use their resources to gear your alt. In my case, my highest character is 45, but it helps because I have maxed out cybertech already... I don't need money, just some scavenged stuff and then I can make armoring and mods for any of my alts. Enhancements are cheap, and I have a level 38 character with up-to-date armstech, so I can make barrels for most alts as well. The only thing I'd have to buy are hilts, so it's all rather cheap to keep my orange gear up-to-date.


Example: Last night, I grinded through the event stuff to get my OP a set of the event-specific sand people armor. I then logged onto my level 45 gunslinger, sent 2 people out to scavenge the appropriate metals and compounds (spend about $1500 credits). They came back with enough stuff to make mods and armor for legs, torso and head for the new orange armor. I sent them out again and finished the set out with mods and armor. It was then super cheap to buy some enhancements on the GTN.

Edited by pocketthesaurus
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