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1 medal minimum


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Want to know what's really sad?


SOMEHOW, people will find a way to not get a single medal, and there will still be people complaining.


Wouldn't doubt it


I didn't think it was possible for someone to complain about 3 medals being too much while keeping a straight face...but I was wrong.

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Wouldn't doubt it


I didn't think it was possible for someone to complain about 3 medals being too much while keeping a straight face...but I was wrong.


Not sue if serious? I knew there would be complaints, I see people getting 0-1 medals in WZ's all the time. I am not sure how they even do it. I dont think I could get less than 5 while being roflstomped naked in a WZ.


There will always be special snowflakes.

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You queue up for WZs, and get an instant pop. You immediately know you're going to regret this, but what the hell, otherwise it's a 5-10 minute queue.


You join the match, rush out towards the huttball. Your team is down 0 to 4, and you only have 4 on your team.


Only two possible outcomes:


(1.) You rush out, kamikaze into the opposing team, hoping to get your 2.5k hit and 75k damage medals, as well as maybe guard/heal or solo kill medals before they get 2 more scores.

- (1a.) You succeed in feeding medals to the other team in exchange for your 3, getting <30 WZ Comms for your effort.

- (1b.) You fail at getting your 3 medals, get 0 compensation for your time, and wasted the 3-5 mins it takes most teams to get 2 points.


(2.) You leave to WZ, accepting how unlikely you are to even get 3 medals, and thus perpetuating the imbalanced team even more, and hoping to get in on the start of match, for a potential win and 100 Comms.


Guess which choice is being made now that people have 'adapted' to the new system? This change confirms that they don't realize how broken PvP is at a base level.

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I didn't think it was possible for someone to complain about 3 medals being too much while keeping a straight face...but I was wrong.


It's not only possible but rightfully so! We at BW call them healers!

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You queue up for WZs, and get an instant pop. You immediately know you're going to regret this, but what the hell, otherwise it's a 5-10 minute queue.


You join the match, rush out towards the huttball. Your team is down 0 to 4, and you only have 4 on your team.


Only two possible outcomes:


(1.) You rush out, kamikaze into the opposing team, hoping to get your 2.5k hit and 75k damage medals, as well as maybe guard/heal or solo kill medals before they get 2 more scores.

- (1a.) You succeed in feeding medals to the other team in exchange for your 3, getting <30 WZ Comms for your effort.

- (1b.) You fail at getting your 3 medals, get 0 compensation for your time, and wasted the 3-5 mins it takes most teams to get 2 points.


(2.) You leave to WZ, accepting how unlikely you are to even get 3 medals, and thus perpetuating the imbalanced team even more, and hoping to get in on the start of match, for a potential win and 100 Comms.


Guess which choice is being made now that people have 'adapted' to the new system? This change confirms that they don't realize how broken PvP is at a base level.


I agree this sucks, which is why they are putting the WZ timer back in as well. It was wrongly taken out in expectation of ranked WZ's. But again, this is more of a population issue, and the fact that Q's dont work right. Not a "medals are too hard to get" issue.


And even in 3-5 mins it is still very easy to get 3 medals:

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I agree this sucks, which is why they are putting the WZ timer back in as well. It was wrongly taken out in expectation of ranked WZ's. But again, this is more of a population issue, and the fact that Q's dont work right. Not a "medals are too hard to get" issue.


And even in 3-5 mins it is still very easy to get 3 medals:


The problem is that you can join a game in progress and not be able to acquire any medals in the short amount of time left. If you get stuck in several games in a row like this, you've just wasted a whole lot of time.


It's happened to me. Four games in a row with less than 2-3 minutes and no chance to get any medals.

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You queue up for WZs, and get an instant pop. You immediately know you're going to regret this, but what the hell, otherwise it's a 5-10 minute queue.


You join the match, rush out towards the huttball. Your team is down 0 to 4, and you only have 4 on your team.


Only two possible outcomes:


(1.) You rush out, kamikaze into the opposing team, hoping to get your 2.5k hit and 75k damage medals, as well as maybe guard/heal or solo kill medals before they get 2 more scores.

- (1a.) You succeed in feeding medals to the other team in exchange for your 3, getting <30 WZ Comms for your effort.

- (1b.) You fail at getting your 3 medals, get 0 compensation for your time, and wasted the 3-5 mins it takes most teams to get 2 points.


(2.) You leave to WZ, accepting how unlikely you are to even get 3 medals, and thus perpetuating the imbalanced team even more, and hoping to get in on the start of match, for a potential win and 100 Comms.


Guess which choice is being made now that people have 'adapted' to the new system? This change confirms that they don't realize how broken PvP is at a base level.


This is one of the reasons why my sub will run out. When I get to start a match from the begining 8-10 medals is no problem. Situations like this have really spoiled the game for me. Too many bandaid fixes for broken PvP.

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Not sue if serious? I knew there would be complaints, I see people getting 0-1 medals in WZ's all the time. I am not sure how they even do it. I dont think I could get less than 5 while being roflstomped naked in a WZ.


There will always be special snowflakes.

Maybe it is someone who came in the WZ for the last 2 min. Usually, when I see someone who got just 1 or 2 medals it is because so many people where pulled in to the WZ late. What sucks about the 3 medal rule, is that some ppl would run and defend a captured spot and never leave pretty much assuring a loss.

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It's not only possible but rightfully so! We at BW call them healers!


I am a healer, and I usually have the most medals in the WZ lol.


Assuming 8v8:

2.5k heal

75k healing

300k healing

10 kills

25 kills (assuming the other team doesnt have 4 healers)

Quick Draw - 1 Killing Blow (easy to grab when healing isnt needed)


That is 6 medals without ever touching the objectives or the free one(s) you get for finishing a match in under 10 mins.


And as a healer, we should be getting at least 5k defender points on every WZ except maybe huttball.

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I am a healer, and I usually have the most medals in the WZ lol.


Assuming 8v8:

2.5k heal

75k healing

300k healing

10 kills

25 kills (assuming the other team doesnt have 4 healers)

Quick Draw - 1 Killing Blow (easy to grab when healing isnt needed)


That is 6 medals without ever touching the objectives or the free one(s) you get for finishing a match in under 10 mins.


And as a healer, we should be getting at least 5k defender points on every WZ except maybe huttball.


Healing near the guy with the ball counts as defender points I think.

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Only 1 medal required for PvP rewards now.


Thanks QQ'ers, now I can get my trained monkey to pvp for me while i'm at work and still get rewarded.


Yip, back to running through fire, healing myself, and then stealthing somewhere while I do anything but grind this silly grind.


I'm obviously joking (I don't personally do it) but it's going to happen all over again. BW needs to nut up and keep it how it is (it's fine)

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Happened to me only once. We were in a 5 v 8 huttball. We tried but just could not overcome the other team. I tried to score, I tried to stop the ball carrier but to no avail. They won quickly 6 - 0 and I recieved no rewards for BW's poor implementation. It should have started 5 v 6 and nobody else should have been let in until we got more. This will be fixed with cross server Qing (I hope) but I am not an afker/bot and while it has happened rarely it does happen. This is a good change. Because since that match my main objective is getting my 8 medals...not winning.
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Only 1 medal required for PvP rewards now.


Thanks QQ'ers, now I can get my trained monkey to pvp for me while i'm at work and still get rewarded.


I have been in a group that was so bad that we lost the huttball match in about 2min before. I had the most damage (and healing sadly - as a sentinel) of anyone including the opposing team. I got 1 medal. The other team got several each. My team mostly had either 1, 2, or none. I've come in with 1min left and haven't had time to get 3 medals. In a full match, since this update, I average between 10 and 13 medals depending on what class I'm on. I like this change.

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For the record, I have actually achieved a Warzone now that I am 50 where my only medals were 75k damage and 300k damage. We were outhealed so badly that we actually couldn't even grab 10 kills. My team thought it was hilarious (they mostly did under 150k damage).



Very often when I get a PvP pop, we are outnumbered 3 to 8 or worse, or are against a premade, meaning we're about to basically be spawn camped. IF I am heal specced, I am lucky if I can MAYBE grab 2.5k heals and 75k healing, since 9 times out of 10 we won't get a single kill because people will die so fast.


If I am DPSing, I MIGHT, if I am lucky, get 3 medals, however I've had times where, well, what I said above happens -- I literally just won't get a killing blow.


It really sucks to spend 5 minutes in a Warzone (that's not even including the horrific loading times if I am on one of the bigger planets, such as Tatooine) and get absolutely nothing for it, even though I am busting my *** the entire time.

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You queue up for WZs, and get an instant pop. You immediately know you're going to regret this, but what the hell, otherwise it's a 5-10 minute queue.


You join the match, rush out towards the huttball. Your team is down 0 to 4, and you only have 4 on your team.


Only two possible outcomes:


(1.) You rush out, kamikaze into the opposing team, hoping to get your 2.5k hit and 75k damage medals, as well as maybe guard/heal or solo kill medals before they get 2 more scores.

- (1a.) You succeed in feeding medals to the other team in exchange for your 3, getting <30 WZ Comms for your effort.

- (1b.) You fail at getting your 3 medals, get 0 compensation for your time, and wasted the 3-5 mins it takes most teams to get 2 points.


(2.) You leave to WZ, accepting how unlikely you are to even get 3 medals, and thus perpetuating the imbalanced team even more, and hoping to get in on the start of match, for a potential win and 100 Comms.


Guess which choice is being made now that people have 'adapted' to the new system? This change confirms that they don't realize how broken PvP is at a base level.


Great post. That sums up one of the basic issues in a nutshell. Don't understand why some find it hard to understand this simple fact, and really don't understand how a development team paid to manage things can't step back and see this problem before implementation and the negative impact the game.


Also, this may help with people just stopping any attempts to get an objective with a few minutes to go in their game and instead falling back to the one objective their team controls in hopes of getting defender medals.

Edited by Kirtastropohe
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what people need to understand is that the 3 medal minimum was not intended as a punishment for bads to keep them from ever getting gear. it is a deterant for afkers. now, if the point is to discourage people from afking, a 1 medal minimum is really all that is required.
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It had to be done.


Too many times players were join fights against pre made teams who already owned the map or got dropped into a huttball game that offers little to no reward.



The only thing they have to change now is give SOMETHING for credits in a WZ loss.


Soldiers still get paid, even if they retreat.

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