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Remove the rakghoul plague now

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Because when I signed up for the game and pay my monthly fee, I do not do so to be constantly debuffed or to have the game function differently from how it did in the first place.



So u want the game to be like it was in the beginning, right?


Bioware he/she wants all the bugs back like in the beginning, she wants all the aggravations of people not knowing what to do when it comes to fp, ops stuff like that, but plz BW, bring back the bugs just like in the beginning just the way he/she paid for the game to be.


Me i love advancements in my games, improvements and on going dedication to putting out new content, but hey, thats just me......



Really you said that? WoW! (hint* Cough *hint)

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Oh dear. :(


This is an MMO...it IS going to change. Classes adjusted, content changed/added, events like this etc. For some THAT is the cool part of an MMO and one of the things that differentiates it from a SRPG.


You knew this right? Because if you didn't, I can more easily understand why you're so upset about this.


I expect all of that. I don't expect fundamental aspects of the game to change.


Imagine if a year after Super Mario Bros. came out, it changed so that you had to spend 30 coins every 3 minutes or you'd die. That would change the fundamental way the game worked.


Basically, what the plague says is, instead of working as it did before where money was a sort of luxury which allowed you to buy items to improve your experience or chance of success, it is now a required expenditure, almost like a tax to avoid dying. It's a fundamental change in gameplay.

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That is not germaine. We aren't discussing what BW has a right to do. We're discussing what I and other players enjoy or do not about what they do.


It is absolutely germane to your post. You said you didn't sign up for a changing game, when in fact you did. It's all in the EULA, had you read it, it states clearly that the game will change. You were not discussing specifics, but the game itself, therefore it is pertinent to your discussion.

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yes..BioWare has the right to change any content in the game..it is thier product afterall. But the player base has the right to complain about a change too. And such changes can have a effect on subs.


"Can". Didn't in the WoW Scourge Invasion event, and that was way more intrusive than this one.


Anything "can" effect subs. Whether it does or not is left to be seen. But also "can" bring back people who complained there were no world events making it feel less MMOG.


So let's be careful on how we throw around "can", because it's all a matter of perspective.

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Don't worry, m8, I just sent you a friend request.


Like I said, friends list size isn't an issue for me, so I don't really need it.




You didn't say what link think think exists between "large friends list" and "likes to stand around and grief people"


For that matter... you never did get around to saying why you thought I had quit...

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Because when I signed up for the game and pay my monthly fee, I do not do so to be constantly debuffed or to have the game function differently from how it did in the first place.


So how do you cope with new patches then? Simply don't pay if it bothers you that much, they may take note then. But won't if you continue to pay and play.

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Not true. Add a planet. Add two! Add more things like the egg or the tauntaun pet. Add operations, flashpoint, even timed world events like this one - but don't change some fundamental aspect about the way the game works, like forcing me to pay 2k as a guard against dying every 20 minutes.


Whelp, I tried. At this point you are starting to counter your own argument and it's obvious that there is no pleasing you. These conversations hurt my brain. I am "unsubbing" from this thread as I am starting to complain about complaining too much.

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So how do you cope with new patches then? Simply don't pay if it bothers you that much, they may take note then. But won't if you continue to pay and play.
I'm pretty sure that most patches don't interfere with his routine at all.
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I load into the Fleet, and a whole bunch of people are standing at the load in spot, infecting everyone, who goes to the Fleet, and it cost 2k for the stim, to remove it for 6 hours. If this is a joke, it isn't funny, and its a little late, from april fools day.


I will not be paying, to play a game, that forces stupid stuff like this on players.


Please remove this, if you want to continue to have me, as a customer.


Some like it, but i think its completely out of line.


do us a favor go back to hello kitty online

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Like I said, friends list size isn't an issue for me, so I don't really need it.




You didn't say what link think think exists between "large friends list" and "likes to stand around and grief people"


For that matter... you never did get around to saying why you thought I had quit...


I mistook you for someone else. Sorry about that part. :o


The link to friends list and ENJOYING AN EVENT (don't look at things so negative) is that I really wouldn't think people really complaining about this event are very nice. I would actually think they have a strong negative outlook on life.


I could be wrong, it's happened before.

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You realize that if we unsub, as you want, the game gets that much closer to failure, correct?


I like the game - I really do. If I didn't, I wouldn't be so upset about something which is ruining it for me. I'm one of the most dedicated players there is, one of the players who helps make the server a place worth being by contributing to group efforts, the economy, by helping people out, and by answering questions. At least I try to be.


In any case, if that number is 10%, or 15%, or 20%, or even 30%, we are valued customers just as much as you are.


I don't normally pull the unsub card, but when you're on the forums putting a negative spin on something that the majority of players are having a blast with... Who are you to come and shart on my fun?


I hate to break it to you but there are far more important and valid things to complain about in this game than brand new content that's fun for a lot of people.


Pulling the valued customer line are we? Makes me feel like doing what my character does when she's infected. They really can't appease everyone, it's not possible with the differing view points that people seem to have on something as simple as this even...

Edited by Nakazia
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Whelp, I tried. At this point you are starting to counter your own argument and it's obvious that there is no pleasing you. These conversations hurt my brain. I am "unsubbing" from this thread as I am starting to complain about complaining too much.


I'm not coutnering my argument. I'm countering the straw man argument which you mistakenly got out of what I said. I never said I wanted the game to remain static without any changes. I said I wanted the core aspects of the gameplay to remain the same.

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"Can". Didn't in the WoW Scourge Invasion event, and that was way more intrusive than this one.


Anything "can" effect subs. Whether it does or not is left to be seen. But also "can" bring back people who complained there were no world events making it feel less MMOG.


So let's be careful on how we throw around "can", because it's all a matter of perspective.


That event was short lived and was not expanded upon. Had it been..I absolutely think they would lost a lot of subs. Not saying I would unsub because of this event, but if it is expanded upon and makes me have to experence it whereever I go...it may be one factor amoung others to unsub over. :cool:

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I can't believe people are still here whining in this thread...


Its going to last a few days. A lot of people are having fun. Chill out. This game has almost no death penalty anyway. Oh no, you lost 5 minutes of your time so that thousands of players can enjoy this event.


You are worth the sacrifice, sorry.

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It is absolutely germane to your post. You said you didn't sign up for a changing game, when in fact you did. It's all in the EULA, had you read it, it states clearly that the game will change. You were not discussing specifics, but the game itself, therefore it is pertinent to your discussion.


So, how would you feel if you woke up tomorrow after the maintenance only to find out that BW had changed Swtor to a wild west based MMO? Would you say that this is consistent with what BW presented to you as their product, or would you say that they'd fundamentally changed it and it was not the same thing anymore?


It's a more extreme example, but its the same idea.

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