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Remove the rakghoul plague now

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I want to do warzones. If I do warzones, I will get infected. I refuse to be infected out of principle, protest, roleplaying, and not wanting to be unbreakably stunned at a crucial moment in a warzone.


150 posts today and still not finished complaining about the infection? Do yourself a favor and just play the event, you will see how much fun it is.

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Of course, BW, our patronage doesn't matter to you after all, now does it? Only those who like the plague are good, valued customers whose opinions should be taken into consideration!




When your opinions serve to drive the game into the lowest common denomination...yes, your patronage matters.


In the negative sense.


Good games dare to draw lines and take the risk that the action that ticks off one player makes four others happier. Bad games simply avoid anything that's even 1% negative and end up tapoica pudding.


If this helps make the game have a larger population of the kind of people who enjoy this sort of event, I'll be cheerfully pointing my friends at it when I tell them "why I like SWTOR". Because they dare to do stuff like this and not retreat when someone complains about it.


I see people complain here that this game isn't WoW. Or SWG. Or Rifts. Or DAoC. Or (insert game mechanic here) SUCKS. Meanwhile, I saw more people excited about playing than they were for a month.


Meanwhile, we have had this discussion six times before, and are becoming exceedingly efficient at it.

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Here is the issue I have with people who hate this...


You complain that you are forced to participate and have to pay repair bills.


You can by the antidote for 2k. It lasts for 6 hours. You can go about your business without having to worry.


How long does it take to make 2k? A minute? Its chump change to pay for the ability to avoid a world event... a world event that majority of the community is being a part of.


A world event is part of the MMO gaming style, and will effect everyone. Lucky for you bioware though "Hey, lets add a vaccine for a really cheap price, so people could ignore the plague it they wanted."


I just get the feeling people will QQ until someone makes a game where you stare at a wall.


There is a COST IN TIME.


It forces me to stop what I am doing and interupts my plans.


Also 2k credits may seem small to you but any credits for me are a big thing. I don't play the auction house. I am finding that I am only having enough credits to repair my gear and level my abilites. I don't craft or do anything that costs money in this game outside of leveling my abilities and repair and pay for my level 1 vehicle. This may change after I get one toon to level 50 per server I play on to grind credits for my alts but I am not there yet. So any additional unplanned for expence is a burden.

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It's still you and your few other same friends whining, everyone else is happy - but please keep on believing you're some kind of majority. If you were, the complains in game (notably in the fleet) would be awful - and yet there are NO complains at all. The only complains come from... surprise... the same couple of bored forum posters.


And yeah, if the choice is keep doing what you do and satisfy 96% of your customers or change it and risk to piss them of just to satisfy a minority that will whine no matter what you do anyway, then the choice is easy... you say to the 4% "please, be my guest, go eat at another restaurant", and you keep your loyal customer base happy.


First, I do not believe we are the majority. You have put words into my mouth. I suspect it is around 30%.


Second, you use more faulty logic. It is not necessary to anger the majority - be they 70 % or 96. This event is so infuriating in part because it is tremendously easy to conceive of how it could have been done ever so slightly differently in such a way that would have satisfied that 70-96% just as much as this has, all while not making anyone unhappy in the slightest.

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Just curious....

Why isn't anyone using the vaccine?

Seems to me...this would solve the "problem".


Problem is on the fleet not elsewhere.


Also low levels the vaccine is rather expensive. New players and alts are punished by this.

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Because it's the FARMING mechanic.


Well Yes...I understand that. It's what I'm doing to get my DNA.

But if people don't WANT to be infected....why arne't they using the vaccine that grants a 6 hour immunity and go on their merry way...instead of demanding the event be shut down?

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If they have to pick a group to not please, they should always avoid pleasing the griefers. Even if they're in the majority.


I guess we're just not going to agree on this "griefing" thing which is making me laugh (not at you) but at myself. I LOATHE griefers. I was "raised" on UO and learned to hate 'em with an undying (to this moment in time) passion BUT that was because they caused an actual loss. Here? This? Not so much.


Sorry, I'm just not seeing the griefing what with all the ways to totally avoid this.

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150 posts today and still not finished complaining about the infection? Do yourself a favor and just play the event, you will see how much fun it is.


I've said on multiple occasions that I've played the event. I think it is fun.


I think the plague, which extends across the galaxy, is irritating and stupidly implemented.


I also, btw, think its less fun trying to do the event when groups won't even get together to raid the bosses because they want to stand around and explode on each other.

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There is a COST IN TIME.


It forces me to stop what I am doing and interupts my plans..




Let's see. Take s a whole 10 seconds to jump down in a whole and respawn at the medic stand.



Wow.... QQ me a river please....

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Don't see what the problem is. I wasn't aware of this event until I was logged on last night and walked into the Projector on Fleet and wondered what it was. Then I headed for Tat. Was going to log at 12am, logged at 3:30am so must of kept me amused :)


Only got infected once during that time, in a warzone. But once I'd died, was cured and no repair costs for dying in PvP.


So just PvP with someone, die, be cured with no repair costs.


Never played WoW before and never will but I'm aware they did something like this but apparently theirs was really intrusive. This isn't really, so not that big a problem.


You can't please all the people all the time.

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Problem is on the fleet not elsewhere.


Also low levels the vaccine is rather expensive. New players and alts are punished by this.


How are alts punished by it? Don't they have a main?

The Vaccines are on the fleet....and at almost all stim vendors.

As to new players....maybe the cost should slide for those under level 20.

But 2k isn't cost prohibitive over level 20.

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We are not talking about falling and breaking an arm here. We are talking about a known world event that places a known debuf on you and has a known cause and effect. I am not sure if you were talking about a real life comparison to the game or not... I just do not see the reason for the calamity here.


For me, it was even fun escaping fleet on my guildies ship... then landing on Tatooine and having to fight my way out of the space port (only level 17) so it was... fun. Although, we never did find anyone interested in the DNA samples, we have some.


I am sorry others are not enjoying it...


Still a matter of perspective. If it makes a player not feeling like even logging on to play the game until it is over and they plan on expanding it? Not good for the game.

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Awww, c'mon, Skolops. :( There are a lot of things I'm not nuts about in this game. I would love to see them changed but I know it's a matter of going with what works best for the majority. If I find myself in a minority position (in a game), I either politely suggest (okay, sometimes beg) that a change be made or I decide whether it's a big enough deal for me to let it ruin the rest of the game.


BW CANNOT please everyone. No way (THEY would explode tryin') but events don't last forever, a lot of folks are enjoying it and it can, reasonably, be avoided.


Who knows, maybe the next event will be something YOU love and others hate. Could happen. :)


Please don't misunderstand. I wasn't attacking BW at all. I was mockingly parodying the other poster's comments about how BW should ignore anyone who doesn't like the plague as an irrelevant small percentage.

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But if people don't WANT to be infected....why arne't they using the vaccine that grants a 6 hour immunity and go on their merry way...instead of demanding the event be shut down?


Because they are spoon fed, spoiled brats that only know who to do one thing. QQ until they get THEIR way. ;)

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How are alts punished by it? Don't they have a main?

The Vaccines are on the fleet....and at almost all stim vendors.

As to new players....maybe the cost should slide for those under level 20.

But 2k isn't cost prohibitive over level 20.


Why can't I just die and get rid of it instead of buying the silly vaccine besides exploding.

Edited by Tesserhorn
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First, I do not believe we are the majority. You have put words into my mouth. I suspect it is around 30%.
If that was true, you'd hear people complain about it on the fleets. Yet as I said, zero complains for now, and I play on a high pop server (Frostclaw). No way 1 players out of 3 are unhappy about this without it being reflected in in game chat.

Truth is you and a couple of bored posters try to impose your will on everybody else because you make a mountain out of a molehill. And that's why I hope Bioware will not give in to this but keep on doing what they have planned.

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You do not need to PVP on the fleet. Chances are if you are questing, you will never run into someone infected (unless your on tatooine).


Again this is a world event... a staple in the MMO genre, that keeps the game fresh and fun. Not everyone will enjoy it, but they give you and out. It costs 2k, that is beyond cheap.


The only person who will not be able to use it properly is your classic PVP only player... and honestly its their own fault if they are popping vaccines like candy when they could just go pvp from their ship.


Warzones are currently an almost guaranteed exposure. You can be on your ship never able to be around anyone infected, but if you go into a warzone, you will be.

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Why can't I jsut die and get rid of it instead of buying the silly vaccine besides exploding.


You can just die and be rid of it. It's been taken off me every time I've died while infected, but not exploded.

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I don't care if other people are having fun with it. I personally don't want to be infected, perhaps when a person tries it should ask you?


My position stands that zombies are incredibly lame. Along with just about any other undead thing


They are actually neither zombie or undead. They are however a mutation...so your position from that point...is a bit off.

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