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Remove the rakghoul plague now

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No, those credits are valueless to me. They're not worth the time that it eats ... by far.


In-game currency in an MMO is, by its nature, valuable. If you choose not to place value on that which inherrently has value, that is your irrational choice. By your logic, I could argue that forcing me to travel between planets is "griefing" because I don't enjoy it and it wastes my precious time. For that matter, item drops that aren't an improvement are "griefing" because I have to pick them up to find out they are no good for me. The whole game is "griefing" unless every aspect is exactly as you desire.


You don't know what griefing is.

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It's funny....my PvP flag was bugged last night, stayed on for an hour after I stopped PvPing and was in a base chit chatting.

I'd be amazed to find a PvP players who had the restraint to only kill me once every 20 minutes. DO you know anyone like that? Cause I'd like to meet them. It would be like meeting Bigfoot.

Last count....I was killed about 20 times, before I went to go do another quest and be social.

And THIS was on a PvE server.


If I had known about getting DNA when you died from the plague - I would have already bought my pet and companion customization.


... then popped my stim.

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Here's my problem with the event. I don't think it's the end of the world or anything, but there are a great many cases where it's just annoying. This game, like MMOs, is not a unilateral experience that qualifies as "the game". There are different aspects. PvE and PvP are the two most obvious ones, but crafting, auctioning, leveling, and just plain socializing (some people would probably think that this game is just a big chatroom some times).


If you'll see my sig, I think a lack of intergration harms the game. Now, some stuff you're suggesting I -do- agree with.


When people complained loudly that mission returns popping up closed out your other windows, it was because it was damn annoying, and it was fixed. There's a certain level of "annoying but preventable if BW had thought this through" in play here. You can grief other players with this disease if you wish, especially low level ones. Having to keep an eye on your inoculation or someone might run up and explode on you at the auction house is annoying. People getting into Warzones to explode can be annoying. These people have other ways of being obnoxious if they're truly dedicated, but that's not a really good reason to allow more avenues of stupidity into the game.


For me, it's that sense of total, 100% security that gets under my skin. Bioware's actually been good that a "first stage epidemic" hasn't suddenly resulted in total multi-system lockdowns. I do think that we should see "stage 2" responses that include "PROTECT THE YOUNGLINGS!" with scanners that flip an infected target to universal KOS on the newbie planets, and more of the current containment droids scattered around with more lethal squads to summon to deal with what will clearly be an immense danger in-game.


All of these are relatively simple fixes, of course - go get some cures. The tiny money complaint aside, what it comes down to is that the world event intrudes into areas where the game is usually supposed to be unintrusive. For people who don't feel like participating in the event, it's just another annoyance - "keep your buff up or get annoyed".


And to me, the "unintrusive" often is. Splitting the entire PvP population off into instances (or indeed, Ilum), for example. People shouldn't be placid 100% of the time- there should be that .1%, or even 1% of the time that Something Funny Is Going On and people are suddenly out of their routine of grind-grind-grind and experiencing something else.


And there were several ways BW could have handled that, in a preventative way. Having the immunity persist through death would have been nice. Having the disease control guys actually be a problem might have been another one. It's just sloppy and spills over in annoying ways.


Now, this I agree on- have the vaccine persist post-death for it's full duration. Yes, I know it's a stim. Beefing up the containment squads for "round 2, it's SERIOUS" as well by adding strong/elites to the response options and the aforementioned heavyduty wards on newbie planets.


So while I don't think the event needs to go away completely, since Bioware pretty much did a copy/paste of this event from WoW, they could have gone a step further and tightened up some of the demonstrated abuses of it as well.


I'm a Wrath world event vet. Copy/paste it really isn't. When the event got truly horrific, it was because you could infect NPC's and the effects persisted, meaning a focused effort could turn an entire town into zombieville. Here, plague effects simply kill, and only kill PC's. Likewise, PC's can't become zombie mobs to perform said town-plague runs. I'm not mowing down rakghoul hordes in Fleet or on Tatooine that used to be fellow players.

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No, those credits are valueless to me. They're not worth the time that it eats ... by far.



What server are you on? I think I still need to infect one or two more people to finish that part of the quest and would just LOVE to come say hi ;)

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If I had known about getting DNA when you died from the plague - I would have already bought my pet and companion customization.


... then popped my stim.


You can manually remove the stim buff by clicking on it.

If you wanted to farm DNA.

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uh... because you've caused me 2 1 second stuns and a death, all of which can cost me additional time....


You've wasted more time "QQing" about lost time in the forums than the total amount of time you would have lost if you just played the game.


Honestly, I want to see more events like this that get the community going, and if it's not your thing then maybe you should look at a different game.

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How selfish can one person be? The vast majority of the people are loving this event and are partaking in it. All you have to do to stay clear of it, is to acquire a stim or two and pop em every 5 game hours. If you don't want to spend that crazy amount of cash on a 2k stim, politely ask for one and you will likely be given one.


Instead, you would rather BioWare pull down the servers and change the mechanics of the event for you?


May I answer? Selfish enough to force their gameplay upon others at Rest Areas (ie; Safe Zones).



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Ever know someone that was always wrong? I see a few of those kinds of people in this thread.


Yep. Bioware could mail every player a $100 bill, and there would be one or two trolls on here complaining that they got a papercut from opening the envelope or that they were forced to go get change for a $100, and why didn't you mail five $20 bills or something equally silly.


I'm just glad the the vast majority of the forum posters have so heavily responded to these people so the developers know that they did a wonderful job on this and we, as a community, love the event.

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It's not griefing,
It most certainly is.


and you know full well that is not what I meant. If you are going to quote me then make sure to do it in full, don't pull things out of context to twist them to your own ends.
I'm not sure what youthink I've quoted out of context and twisted.


Costing a warzone? are you saying you'd survive long enough in a warzone to die from the infection? Seriously?
Yes, Death isn't the only thing that can cause a loss, the stun can do so as well if it's at the wrong time.


I'm not the only one posting about that either... say, like the guy last night who saw someone explode while carrying the huttball right before the end zone.


Seeing as it goes away when you die just don't use a vaccine while you're doing warzones, since there would be no point to it.
No, there's certainly a point: preventing it from impacting your performance.



Edit: If you've played other MMOs haven't you come across events like this or events that drag you into them regardless of if you want to or not?
I fail to see the relevance. I oppose events that encourage player griefing, regardless of how long griefing has been in the genre.
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It most certainly is.



No, there's certainly a point: preventing it from impacting your performance.



What performance impact?

The debuff doesn't lower any stats that would lessen DPS, tanking or healing ability.

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Yeah, I just got hit by one of the people at the fleet load areas just sitting there and infecting everyone. Its annoying, and I've got better things to spend 2K on then dealing with this.


Wait for the infection to kill you, take the 5 reward dna samples that get placed in your and sell them to other players for 10k+ a piece. No monetary los on your part, but a gain. You also take no durability loss for the death.

Edited by Saahh
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Study of meaning. Worth. Doesn't have to pertain to pure linguistic values.
No, but the argument has to be specifically about the meanings of the words, and that's not what I'm arguing.


I'm arguing valuation, not semantics.

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Wait for the infection to kill you, take the 5 reward dna samples that get placed in your and sell them to other players for 10k+ a piece. No monetary los on your part, but a gain.
No, it's a loss of time, since it prevents me from doing what I want and it gives me no gain, since I don't have anything to spend credits on as it is.
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What performance impact?

The debuff doesn't lower any stats that would lessen DPS, tanking or healing ability.

killing someone right before they cross the end zone line while carrying the huttball, for example.
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Yeah, I just got hit by one of the people at the fleet load areas just sitting there and infecting everyone. Its annoying, and I've got better things to spend 2K on then dealing with this.


Like what?


If I wanted to avoid getting infected, I'd spend 2k credits for a stim just about as fast as I chuck a dollar to the guy at the gas station to pay for my awesome Dr. Pepper fountain sodas.

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You've wasted more time "QQing" about lost time in the forums than the total amount of time you would have lost if you just played the game.
So? I prefer posting on the forums to playing in such a situation.
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Ironically, I am on a server which is pretty populated last night. I travel to the space station (imp side) with my wife and we manage not to get infected and continue our merry way.


We heard about it and saw it in chat and went "nah, we gotta level" and continue without any issue. 2k is nothing except maybe to level 10 or lower (most would get at LEAST 10k by then)


and the vaccine works for 5 GAME hours. This mean if you play 5 hours straight, it will last. It will not "timed out" while you are logged out :)


Except in my case, I was 10th on the Fleet in transit to the capitol, and 2k was ca.1/3 of all mu resources at the time. And the vaccine may fade at death, which for me at least already occurs frquently enough.


Events are cool; being Griefed is not.

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