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Remove the rakghoul plague now

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Why should I HAVE to participate at all? I don't want to spend 2k. I don't have much in the way of cash. I usually have enough to repair and buy my skills. But that is not the issue. I have to alter my plans and take time to do it. I don't want to go out of my way to get out of an event I choose not to participate in.


How about make it so YOU have to go out of YOUR way to get INTO the event?


Its not about being lazy. Its about being forced to participate.


It is affecting how I choose to play the game and on which toon I get to choose to play on. I now have to avoid all the toons that are around tatooine for the forseable future. And watch my back all the time for people carrying the desease. I have to avoid fleet. Now I have to go round about to get the same services that are all on the fleet buy going to other planets. Unplanned time sink.


So I get to enjoy MORE load screens now and incure more time sinks becasue of the extra load screens to get to play how I would like so you all can have your fun?


Why is it so hard for you people to understand that this is NOT fun for some of us.


Buy a stim. That is your OPT OUT.


Like I said, even level 10s leave their homeworld with more than 5k credits. If you have a bunch of midlevel alts, having a few credits to buy stims should not be a problem at all.

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so, in order to not have to participate in the event for the people who don't want to participate in the event, you advise people to participate in the event. Really?


Actually, you don't even have to buy the stim. Just ignore the infection. You suffer zero penalties, anyway.

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Unplanned time sink. I have to take the time to sell the DNA. I don't have that time. I have time to do what I plan to do in the allotted time that I have for gaming.


I plan out what I want to do each play session. I am a LEVELER. I just like to level toons. That is fun for me. I suspect there are more of us out there. Some of us are even OCD and it fracks our world up when our plans are messed with.


I get physically angry. I even scream sometimes. How is that fun for me and those like me?


I have IRL to mess with me like this. I play these stupid fantasy games to get away from all the crap I have to deal with IRL.


If this is your problem, then MMOs, or indeed any multiplayer games, are not a good idea for you, because by their very nature there will be other people doing things that might interfere with your pre-planned escapades in your 'allotted time for gaming'.


If you can't deal with deviating from your personal script for the evenings play enough even for the few seconds it would take to suicide out and respawn, if you are so constrained that to take the minutes out necessary to GTN the DNA and gain from it is impossible, then I feel for you - I hope you have a competent medical team and lots of family support helping you cope with your crippling psychological problems.


Your personal problems, however, are no reason for an event that is fun and interesting for others to be curtailed. If you have no interest in partaking and get inadvertently infected, you have options to rectify it that take less than 10 seconds and no resources to remove yourself from the event. You really have no grounds for complaint.

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Maybe provide some reasons why an MMO should cater to an incredibly small minority of the population at the expense of the majority?
how is actually allowing people to opt out of the event "at the expense of the majority?"
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It doesn't matter. It shouldn't be necessary in the first place. The event is on Tatooine, not on Fleet and not on any other planet. The event should be contained to where the event actually is, especially when it's a contagion event that any government in it's right mind would have the foresight to QUARANTINE the planet.


They warned you not to go there. Why should they shy away from keeping you there when you're infected?


Those who are infected should not be allowed to even enter their ship's docking bay. And security forces around the spaceport should be firing on anyone who even tries. Not only would this keep the event from spilling into areas where there are players that don't want to participate in it, it would make it even more realistic and fun.


I love the event. I think it's great. I just think that it should have been contained to the area where it is happening, like any plague actually would.




No, it's a world event. The news reports clearly discuss it spreading to other planets. There are containment NPCs on the fleet. They knew/intended it to spread there. Spreading the plague is part of the event. It was built in as a quest.


These sorts of world events don't work if they aren't immersive. They made it that way while giving you easy options to avoid the questline and effects of the plague if you so choose. Yet people still complain.

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It doesn't matter. It shouldn't be necessary in the first place. The event is on Tatooine, not on Fleet and not on any other planet. The event should be contained to where the event actually is, especially when it's a contagion event that any government in it's right mind would have the foresight to QUARANTINE the planet.


They warned you not to go there. Why should they shy away from keeping you there when you're infected?


Those who are infected should not be allowed to even enter their ship's docking bay. And security forces around the spaceport should be firing on anyone who even tries. Not only would this keep the event from spilling into areas where there are players that don't want to participate in it, it would make it even more realistic and fun.


I love the event. I think it's great. I just think that it should have been contained to the area where it is happening, like any plague actually would.




They already ARE scanning, then shooting at anyone who scans "feverish" who goes into a hangar to approach a ship. Meanwhile, the elite "heroes" are killing said quarantine crews and flying their ships out anyway. Now, mind you since Rakghoul plague turns you into a paranoid homicidal maniac even BEFORE you turn into one, this actually makes sense. (See codex entries for the event for examples, like the Stardream's captain)


I'm all for adding more containment NPC's, though, especially on Fleet. This being the first stage, I wouldn't be surprised that we see more of them popping up all over as it progresses. This will not be just Tatooine. Tatooine is only the beginning.

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It shouldn't cost me a single credit, because I don't want to participate in the mammajamma.


It should be OPT IN ONLY.


Can't figure out what's so hard for the griefers to understand about that.

People have already told you that in the end it won't cost you since you can sell the DNA samples you get etc. Still you probably won't' listen, again. Look

but there is no reason to complain this much about it, a ton of people love/like this event. And this one, interference-wise, is pretty damned mild compared to what other MMOs have done in the past.
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You said a bunch of valid stuff here


Its not like WoW's pre wrath launch. If it was, they crying would be even more ferocious. You take no durability hit for dying. You retain your abilities until you infection-pop and you are rewarded with each death with 5 items that can be sold for credits. And not to a vendor, to OTHER PLAYERS for a substantial amount since the rewards are very desirable.


WoWs event made you take a durability loss, changed you into a ghoul until you died, effected NPC characters: including quest givers-flight path npcs and vendors and had no 6 hour immunity, and also infected you by a single attack. You also had your abilities replaced with ghoul like abilities. The similarities are only an infection spread upon death.


I LOVED THAT EVENT and dominated shattrath. I shambled my zombie over to the token vendors and battlemasters in lower city. It was such a blast. Seeing it spread to the other city hubs was pretty damn immersive. YOU COULD NOT AVOID IT. A great way to launch an expansion, imho.

Edited by Saahh
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Why is buying a 6 hour cure for 2000 credits (or doing the daily) such a big deal?
It's not a 6 hour cure for someone who pvps.


I could understand if the immunity stim only lasted for an hour, but it lasts for 6 hours.
It lasts significantly less than an hour.
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Its not like WoW's pre wrath launch. If it was, they crying would be even more ferocious. You take no durability hit for dying. You retain your abilities until you infection-pop and you are rewarded with each death with 5 items that can be sold for credits. And not to a vendor, to OTHER PLAYERS for a substantial amount since the rewards are very desirable.


WoWs event made you take a durability loss, changed you into a ghoul until you died, effected NPC characters: including quest givers-flight path npcs and vendors and had no 6 hour immunity, and also infected you by a single attack. The similarities are only an infection spread upon death.


I LOVED THAT EVENT and dominated shattrath. I shambled my zombie over to the token vendors and battlemasters in lower city. It was such a blast. Seeing it spread to the other city hubs was pretty damn immersive. YOU COULD NOT AVOID IT. A great way to launch an expansion, imho.


Oh my gosh...I cannot imagine the level of crying if this event was like the zombie one.


There was some on WoW...but just like this event....over all...people loved it and still talk about it.

Gosh..even the pre-Cata event would raise legendary tears here.

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you know what's the best thing about this event? it gets people to PLAY! I really wonder if the same people who complain about being 'forced' to participate are also the same people who always complain their servers are too low. for the last three days the twin spears has been up to standart hours before 'peak time'... do you know how often it reached standart the last 3 months? ......






this is immense fun. I see people everywhere. I enjoy infecting people. and if you don't want me to infect you... well. stay the hell away from me! (this goes for warzones aswell. if I'm feverish.. don't kill me)

Edited by amnie
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People like OP are reasons why we can't have any good/fun events QQ's over 2k stim which dna sample sale will cover or 2 seconds on GTN playing market and making 1000x more sighs... silly nubcakes.


Then you got people complaining they d.c. due to amount peeps on fleet which isn't bw fault more on users rigs fault.


Oh wells this be fun while it lasts :3

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No, it's a world event. The news reports clearly discuss it spreading to other planets. There are containment NPCs on the fleet. They knew/intended it to spread there. Spreading the plague is part of the event. It was built in as a quest.


These sorts of world events don't work if they aren't immersive. They made it that way while giving you easy options to avoid the questline and effects of the plague if you so choose. Yet people still complain.


Also, it sounds as if the world event might expand to other worlds as well. I wouldn't be surprised if the offered missions on another planet where the infections spread. This is the very nature of a world event, and an MMO.

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and the average life in a pvp game is what less than a minute? whats the problem


That begs the question....

How long does one live in the typical PvP match?

The buff goes away when you die...so if you die once every say....8 minutes, you won't get sick. You won't go boom.

You won't waste stims.


So I guess the solution for PvP is...

Get better and don't die

Or die more.


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It's not a 6 hour cure for someone who pvps.


It lasts significantly less than an hour.


So when you die from the plague, sell the dna samples to other players and buy better mods for your pvp armor? smh

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Its not like WoW's pre wrath launch. If it was, they crying would be even more ferocious. You take no durability hit for dying. You retain your abilities until you infection-pop and you are rewarded with each death with 5 items that can be sold for credits. And not to a vendor, to OTHER PLAYERS for a substantial amount since the rewards are very desirable.


WoWs event made you take a durability loss, changed you into a ghoul until you died, effected NPC characters: including quest givers-flight path npcs and vendors and had no 6 hour immunity, and also infected you by a single attack. The similarities are only an infection spread upon death.


I LOVED THAT EVENT and dominated shattrath. I shambled my zombie over to the token vendors and battlemasters in lower city. It was such a blast. Seeing it spread to the other city hubs was pretty damn immersive. YOU COULD NOT AVOID IT. A great way to launch an expansion, imho.


City of heroes had a Zombie apocalypse event, at random the sky in a zone would turn blood red and the legions of the undead would start to come up from the ground, the more players there were in one spot the more zombies would spawn. They just kept on coming, more and more of them, attacking everyone in the zone till you were overwhelmed or managed to stay alive until the sky turned back to normal again. Amazing event but if you didn't want to take part or were afk you were basically screwed. In comparison this is as mild as it gets, seeing as you certainly got xp debt during this event when you died.


Ok rant over, bottom line I agree :)

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As stated I can sympathize for those with actual disorders and cant deal with abrupt " change" the thing is, in most MMO trying to foster a community these curve balls are normal:


On MY server atleast, yeah there are some people standing around the fleets, but as said before a good many of us took to tatooine to do the quests, the raiding of the world bosses, and then went and set up a game of red rover ( with BOTH factions involved)


if someone wanted a cure, really just ask for one, so many of us enjoying the event dont WANT to be cured often because we get rewards for it in the way of major credits OR special loot that " who knows" how rare they may be later on!


If your on EbonHawk, just ask for a cure, I'd give you one for nothing, HELL I would go out of my way and BUY a cure for someone if they asked nice enough.

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It's NOT griefing, as you suffer ZERO penalties...
No, the penalties are clearly non-zero. It either costs a non-zero amount of time or a non-zero amount of money.


You're advocating forcing someone to participate in content that they don't want to... that clearly is griefing.

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Its not like WoW's pre wrath launch. If it was, they crying would be even more ferocious. You take no durability hit for dying. You retain your abilities until you infection-pop and you are rewarded with each death with 5 items that can be sold for credits. And not to a vendor, to OTHER PLAYERS for a substantial amount since the rewards are very desirable.


WoWs event made you take a durability loss, changed you into a ghoul until you died, effected NPC characters: including quest givers-flight path npcs and vendors and had no 6 hour immunity, and also infected you by a single attack. The similarities are only an infection spread upon death.


I LOVED THAT EVENT and dominated shattrath. I shambled my zombie over to the token vendors and battlemasters in lower city. It was such a blast. Seeing it spread to the other city hubs was pretty damn immersive. YOU COULD NOT AVOID IT. A great way to launch an expansion, imho.


I did say it was a copy/paste, I suppose I should have said it was "extremely similar in design and execution." The core design flaw remains the same. Like I said, I don't have a problem with it, and I definitely see the upside, but I'm not interested personally.


I look at it like dailies. I don't really like dailies, but sometimes I'll go grind a few out. But when I don't wanna go do dailies, I don't have to go tell a vendor every six hours I still don't want to do them or suffer having popup windows bug me about my dailies. Minor annoyance, but avoidable annoyance if BW had thought some stuff out.


There's just a valid complaint here, and while there's folks definitely going way, WAY overboard about how this has destroyed the entire game for them or something, I also think the people who are getting their jollies off dismissing any and all criticisms by being super clever pretend psychologists or run of the mill internet thugs is just dumb.

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Hey everyone. When we decided to put this event up we all agreed that it would only stay if and only if -Slaughterhouse- enjoyed it.


Since he isn't lets do like we knew we were going to have to and remove it from the game within 24 hours.


Sorry -Slaughterhouse- we thought we would give it a shot for you, sorry everyone else's fun didn't suit your tastes.

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