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Remove the rakghoul plague now

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Unplanned time sink. I have to take the time to sell the DNA. I don't have that time. I have time to do what I plan to do in the allotted time that I have for gaming.


I plan out what I want to do each play session. I am a LEVELER. I just like to level toons. That is fun for me. I suspect there are more of us out there. Some of us are even OCD and it fracks our world up when our plans are messed with.


I get physically angry. I even scream sometimes. How is that fun for me and those like me?


I have IRL to mess with me like this. I play these stupid fantasy games to get away from all the crap I have to deal with IRL.


Then what are you doing standing around in the space station getting infected? And if you do happen to get infected in all of your busy schedule, get a stim, pop it and move on. Better yet, pop a stim anyways and save yourself the physical tantrum.

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It shouldn't cost me a single credit, because I don't want to participate in the mammajamma.


It should be OPT IN ONLY.


Can't figure out what's so hard for the griefers to understand about that.


Maybe provide some reasons why an MMO should cater to an incredibly small minority of the population at the expense of the majority?

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People will cry about anything won't they? :rolleyes:





People want world pvp and fun events? Bioware delivers a cool event secretly (kudos) with a cool story line (kudos) with cool rewards (kudos) and somehow you forum warriors find a "reason" to complain about it?





:rolleyes: Its the star wars universe, Bioware just threw you a curve ball that could happen in the star wars universe much like how it would happen if you were in the star wars universe (aka RPG) so adapt to it/have fun with it.

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Interfering with my game play IS griefing. In fact, it's the definition of it.
So I guess that when someone bigs against you at the AH, he griefs you. Hell, if someone buffs you, he actually griefs you too, since he interferes with "your" game.


If you want the game to be "your" game, stick to Skyrim or Dragon Age, and avoid multiplayer games.

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I load into the Fleet, and a whole bunch of people are standing at the load in spot, infecting everyone, who goes to the Fleet, and it cost 2k for the stim, to remove it for 6 hours. If this is a joke, it isn't funny, and its a little late, from april fools day.


I will not be paying, to play a game, that forces stupid stuff like this on players.


Please remove this, if you want to continue to have me, as a customer.


Some like it, but i think its completely out of line.


>.<!!! HORRIBLE use of comma's... Tbqh... But... I have not run into anything like this yet... when I do, I will support you :p

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What part of OPT IN ONLY is unclear?


Why on earth would I do a daily quest to get out of an event I never wanted to be part of in the first place?


Then avoid the Fleet / Tatooine for the remainder of the event.


Don't expect everyone else to cater to you though. In fact, for the MMO genre - you should feel privileged that the immunity stim was put in the game. Not two years ago, WoW did this same type of event and you was screwed. Only paladins could cure it - there were no 6 hour immunity potions to drink. You just dealt with it by enjoying it or steering clear of crowded cities.


This is just one aspect of a MMO - it happens sometime. Probably not enough.

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It shouldn't cost me a single credit, because I don't want to participate in the mammajamma.


It should be OPT IN ONLY.


You can profit from participating easily, you can get a pet, color crystals, companion customizations, if nothing else you can sell the samples for credits to other players and make a decent amount doing so.


Why wouldn't you want to opt in? Why wouldn't you want an immersive event in your MMO?

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This event is amazing and very well done. If you don't want to join in there is a 6 hour vaccine!! They made sure to include a way for you to opt out so you really shouldn't be claiming the whole event needs to be removed and ruin the fun the rest of us are having.


This thought ( not directed at the Nymerias just that it sums up the pro event view) seems to be the prevailing sentiment for those that LIKE the event.


But its not how those of us that do not like the even feel.


The event should be OPT IN only and it should not cost in time or treasure to OPT OUT.


Why make us pay to opt out in time or treasure.


How about make you pay in time or treasure to OPT IN.


Like do a 10 hour quest series to OPT in. Yeah there would be QQing that that wasn't fair.


But hey we wouldn't have to OPT in now would we.


See how ridiculous that sounds? Well thats how this event feels for those of us that don't want to participate.

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As you stated, you can buy a cure. 2k credits is nothing.


Is it annoying? Yes, I think it is. Doesn't mean people who enjoy these kind of events (and I think a lot of players do) shouldn't enjoy this. It'll be done before you know it.

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And has been said many times, anyone who is so credit-poor that the can't afford a vaccine can just ask for one. Plenty of people would give them away, especially to a lower-level character. This is only griefing if you allow it to grief you.


Agreed. I have two in my inventory from last night.

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Unplanned time sink. I have to take the time to sell the DNA. I don't have that time. I have time to do what I plan to do in the allotted time that I have for gaming.


I plan out what I want to do each play session. I am a LEVELER. I just like to level toons. That is fun for me. I suspect there are more of us out there. Some of us are even OCD and it fracks our world up when our plans are messed with.


I get physically angry. I even scream sometimes. How is that fun for me and those like me?


I have IRL to mess with me like this. I play these stupid fantasy games to get away from all the crap I have to deal with IRL.

If you were a leveler, you'd be out there leveling, and not on the space station getting infected.

I almost wasted a tear here though.

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This thought ( not directed at the Nymerias just that it sums up the pro event view) seems to be the prevailing sentiment for those that LIKE the event.


But its not how those of us that do not like the even feel.


The event should be OPT IN only and it should not cost in time or treasure to OPT OUT.


Why make us pay to opt out in time or treasure.


How about make you pay in time or treasure to OPT IN.


Like do a 10 hour quest series to OPT in. Yeah there would be QQing that that wasn't fair.


But hey we wouldn't have to OPT in now would we.


See how ridiculous that sounds? Well thats how this event feels for those of us that don't want to participate.

I agree, the ability to opt in or out of a random world event is just ridiculous.

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LOVE the plague. I was LOLing so hard last night when our guild took down the WBs with 25+ people constantly popping and spreading the virus around.


I hope they make it like the Scourge Invasion plague and turn players into Rakghouls and let you attack anyone and spread the plague to them.

Edited by AislingKerrigan
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You can profit from participating easily, you can get a pet, color crystals, companion customizations, if nothing else you can sell the samples for credits to other players and make a decent amount doing so.


Why wouldn't you want to opt in? Why wouldn't you want an immersive event in your MMO?


Don't care about those things. I don't want to stop you from getting those things but, I don't want to have to OPT OUT to not be involved.


Unplanned time sink. And triggers collecting OCD bug in my brain. I stay away from those things.


I don't want to be invovled in world events I just hang with my friends that I know from other games and irl that is enough for me.

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You can profit from participating easily, you can get a pet, color crystals, companion customizations, if nothing else you can sell the samples for credits to other players and make a decent amount doing so.


Why wouldn't you want to opt in? Why wouldn't you want an immersive event in your MMO?


PVP is supposedly fun too.


Why wouldn't you want the server to pull you into a WZ any time it wanted to?


I mean, you get xp for it, and maybe even gear.


In fact, why shouldn't BW simply force you to download ME3 and play that?


Why shouldn't you simply do as you're told?


That's the essence of fun, right? Doing what you're told?

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It's absolutely true. Had it happen a month or so ago, and not so coincidentally it was the last time I was in an op group.

A month ago?


More like two months ago.


They removed that a bunch of patches ago.


So, no, absolutely not true.

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I load into the Fleet, and a whole bunch of people are standing at the load in spot, infecting everyone, who goes to the Fleet, and it cost 2k for the stim, to remove it for 6 hours. If this is a joke, it isn't funny, and its a little late, from april fools day.


I will not be paying, to play a game, that forces stupid stuff like this on players.


Please remove this, if you want to continue to have me, as a customer.


Some like it, but i think its completely out of line.


I actually cancelled my sub yesterday because of this.


I cannot stand stupid things like this. I complained about it in general and someone told me I dont have to play. I thought it was rude at first, then I came to realize that he was totally right. I dont have to play.

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I don't rewlly see the problem, and have rather enjoyed the event as a whole. Especially the creds I have made by blowing up every 20 minutes or so. It is fun. To the post that says we should opt in, do you opt to get the flu or a cold, it just happens and you deal with it QQ.
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