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Remove the rakghoul plague now

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Get infected? Pretend you didn't, and go about your merry way. Don't even buy the serum. Once you explode, sell the DNA you get for 25k a piece, no repair bills, no nothing but gain.


How is this griefing, again? I'm not seeing it...


Unplanned time sink. I have to take the time to sell the DNA. I don't have that time. I have time to do what I plan to do in the allotted time that I have for gaming.


I plan out what I want to do each play session. I am a LEVELER. I just like to level toons. That is fun for me. I suspect there are more of us out there. Some of us are even OCD and it fracks our world up when our plans are messed with.


I get physically angry. I even scream sometimes. How is that fun for me and those like me?


I have IRL to mess with me like this. I play these stupid fantasy games to get away from all the crap I have to deal with IRL.

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This is absolutely not true, and you're not doing your side of this debate ANY favors. Also, when was the last time you played? They already fixed the AoE flagging.


It's absolutely true. Had it happen a month or so ago, and not so coincidentally it was the last time I was in an op group.

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It shouldn't cost me a single credit, because I don't want to participate in the mammajamma.


It should be OPT IN ONLY.


Can't figure out what's so hard for the griefers to understand about that.


Love how you're totally ignoring my comments about not having to buy a single thing, you don't incur repair costs, and you can actually sell your DNA for 25k a piece.


Still waiting on how that's griefing? I know. I'll be waiting forever, because it's NOT griefing...

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This event is amazing and very well done. If you don't want to join in there is a 6 hour vaccine!! They made sure to include a way for you to opt out so you really shouldn't be claiming the whole event needs to be removed and ruin the fun the rest of us are having.


The problem is he wants everyone to have to OPT IN rather than he exerting effort to OPT OUT.


The real problem is selfishness on his part - though he will never be persuaded to see it.

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Problem emphatically NOT solved.


I don't buff flagged people. You get the flag simply for buffing YOURSELF if they happen to be too close. You also get the flag if someone with it runs into your AOE.


WHAAAAT!!! ...you mean, I can become infected without having to wait around for an explosion? ...by just applying my buff near someone?




That should help me infect my 10 for the daily mission with far more efficiency!

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Dude, lower level characters can't afford to drop 2k creds every time some random moron comes over and explodes on them. Yeah, sure, crowds of players during these events is great fun, but they should be crowding in the area where the event is happening (Tatooine), not on Fleet where other players are trying to do other stuff.




And has been said many times, anyone who is so credit-poor that the can't afford a vaccine can just ask for one. Plenty of people would give them away, especially to a lower-level character. This is only griefing if you allow it to grief you.

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It shouldn't cost me a single credit, because I don't want to participate in the mammajamma.


It should be OPT IN ONLY.


Can't figure out what's so hard for the griefers to understand about that.


How hard is it to understand that if you sell the dna samples you get from infection/dying to the very players who infect you, it would be you who comes out ahead in this situation.


But that would require socializing in a mmo. icwhutudidthar

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It's absolutely true. Had it happen a month or so ago, and not so coincidentally it was the last time I was in an op group.


So, NOT recently, then. They fixed it. You cannot get flagged by AoEs anymore. Move on, this argument has been put down like the rabid dog it is.

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It's NOT griefing, as you suffer ZERO penalties...


We are really starting to stretch the meaning of that word here... :rolleyes:



pro: gree - fing


once known as: to hunt down opposing player and lurk around dead opponent's body resulting in constant loss of life and damage to armor and thus monetary status of said opponent

new definition: when a player wants to be left alone and is bothered by anything other than what they want while playing single player in known MMO space

EX: player is running around looking to kill a mob but another player beats them to it and thus is forced to wait for mob respawn

EX: player is in an MMO and wants to play a single player game



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It shouldn't cost me a single credit, because I don't want to participate in the mammajamma.


It should be OPT IN ONLY.


Can't figure out what's so hard for the griefers to understand about that.


Because it's not an option to opt-out, much like you can't "opt out" of breathing by holding it until you asphyxiate.


The world has changed. You can vaccine to protect yourself against it, or suffer the environmental effects. This change will last until the event is over.


Or, don't play and leave. Personally, I'd be happier if this happened, as people like you give me grief all the time by attempting to restrict the events game companies put into MMO's, despite large amounts of amusement being had by those that don't treat it as a single-player RPG.

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Love how you're totally ignoring my comments about not having to buy a single thing, you don't incur repair costs, and you can actually sell your DNA for 25k a piece.


Still waiting on how that's griefing? I know. I'll be waiting forever, because it's NOT griefing...


Interfering with my game play IS griefing. In fact, it's the definition of it.

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Unplanned time sink. I have to take the time to sell the DNA. I don't have that time. I have time to do what I plan to do in the allotted time that I have for gaming.


I plan out what I want to do each play session. I am a LEVELER. I just like to level toons. That is fun for me. I suspect there are more of us out there. Some of us are even OCD and it fracks our world up when our plans are messed with.


I get physically angry. I even scream sometimes. How is that fun for me and those like me?


I have IRL to mess with me like this. I play these stupid fantasy games to get away from all the crap I have to deal with IRL.


Oh, for crying out loud, then DON'T sell it! There, zero unplanned time sink, zero unplanned costs, it's like nothing ever happened.

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How hard is it to understand that if you sell the dna samples you get from infection/dying to the very players who infect you, it would be you who comes out ahead in this situation.


But that would require socializing in a mmo. icwhutudidthar


How hard is it for you to understand that I don't want to participate in your little griefer party?

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Interfering with my game play IS griefing. In fact, it's the definition of it.




But if you choose to do nothing about it, it DOESN'T interfere! Unless that little green icon that actually does nothing to you is THAT bothersome.


No, for the very few people that this actually bothers when there is actually no loss of anything if you choose to ignore it, BioWare needs to do absolutely NOTHING.

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Unplanned time sink. Cost is time not credits in this case.


OPT IN only with no cost in time or credits to OPT OUT.


Then buy a stim. They cost practically nothing.


If you are as bent on leveling alts as you claim, then go level your alts. If you are anywhere but Tatooine or the Fleet - I guarantee the chances of seeing anyone infected and having them blow up on you are going to be seriously slim.


Certainly avoidable.


Then again, I thought people made too big of a deal about the WoW version of this event and it was actually intrusive.

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Unplanned time sink. I have to take the time to sell the DNA. I don't have that time. I have time to do what I plan to do in the allotted time that I have for gaming.


I get physically angry. I even scream sometimes. How is that fun for me and those like me?




You should not disclose this kind of information to try to back up your justification. Not to an anonymous group of players.


How is taking 2 minutes to sell 5 dna samples to make credits to buy armor to better your leveling efficiency not worth its time spent. Your actually making up time here with that mindset you describe.


I fail to see your problem other than a lack of control, which I think pegs your distaste to this event. perfectly.

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Because it's not an option to opt-out, much like you can't "opt out" of breathing by holding it until you asphyxiate.


The world has changed. You can vaccine to protect yourself against it, or suffer the environmental effects. This change will last until the event is over.


Or, don't play and leave. Personally, I'd be happier if this happened, as people like you give me grief all the time by attempting to restrict the events game companies put into MMO's, despite large amounts of amusement being had by those that don't treat it as a single-player RPG.


...because what Bioware really needs right now is EVEN MORE unsubs.


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