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Remove the rakghoul plague now

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This seriously has to be the dumbest complaint I have ever seen. The plague is easily avoided (even if you are ON Tatooine), they have a vaccine that many doing the event probably have several of that would give them to people if someone asks (I have been) and, it is a cool Universe-wide event, I can not even begin to understand why, in an MMO, anyone playinbg would be like "OMG, a cool game event, this sucks" ...




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What's funny is that WAY more "griefing" is happening at the eggs spawn spots on Alderaan, where some people with no life farm eggs all day long for profit while the more casual players (aka the majority, those who can't stay logged in all day) still struggle to get their pet.

The nuisance of being infected once in a blue moon with that diseases is nothing in comparison to the greed and selfishness displayed there.


How for profit? Have they made the egg so a person that gets it can now trade it to someone??

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I want to do warzones. If I do warzones, I will get infected. I refuse to be infected out of principle, protest, roleplaying, and not wanting to be unbreakably stunned at a crucial moment in a warzone.


From what I have experienced, the plague doesn't affect you in warzones. The debuff changes to let you know that you should seek medical attention soon.


I hope this is the same for FPs and OPS.

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I personally like the event, if you crying over 2k let me know and ill send it to you.


Some of us don't have multiple x 2,000 to get cured just because we're transiting the fleet and getting infected. Lower the price on the cure by 10x. Until then though i won't be playing the character that got infected.

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Dude, lower level characters can't afford to drop 2k creds every time some random moron comes over and explodes on them. Yeah, sure, crowds of players during these events is great fun, but they should be crowding in the area where the event is happening (Tatooine), not on Fleet where other players are trying to do other stuff.




Your point is moot. If you die, sell the dna samples in fleet for 10k+ a pop. PROFIT.

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From what I have experienced, the plague doesn't affect you in warzones. The debuff changes to let you know that you should seek medical attention soon.


I hope this is the same for FPs and OPS.


Last night in the new Op we had somebody blow up right before the last boss. It was actually quite ammusing.

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Some of us don't have multiple x 2,000 to get cured just because we're transiting the fleet and getting infected.
You don't get infected by just "transiting". You have to stop and stay near a terminally ill infected player for a while until he explodes. So you were not "transiting", but "camping" or "afking"... next time you go afk, do it in a safe spot, and not near green glowies, problem solved ;)
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Some of us don't have multiple x 2,000 to get cured just because we're transiting the fleet and getting infected. Lower the price on the cure by 10x. Until then though i won't be playing the character that got infected.


Hit feverish, jump off railing, fall, "die", respawn with zero repair cost.


Or explode, respawn, zero repair cost rez. Again.


Now, if this plague made you break all your gear, turned you into an NPC and deleted your companions I'd see a resaon for all the drama. But seriously?

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Some of us don't have multiple x 2,000 to get cured just because we're transiting the fleet and getting infected. Lower the price on the cure by 10x. Until then though i won't be playing the character that got infected.


Sell dna samples in fleet for 10k+ a pop. Credits no longer a concern for lower leveling after this event.

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You don't get infected by just "transiting". You have to stop and stay near a terminally ill infected player for a while until he explodes. So you were not "transiting", but "camping" or "afking"... next time you go afk, do it in a safe spot, and not near green glowies, problem solved ;)



Nope, you can get the infection by checking the mail (all mailboxes were camped by multiple infected players last night) or looking on the GTN (same thing there) or at the pvp mission box and a dozen other places. I simply dropped a couple of items in the mail to alts and got infected.... less than 1 minute at the spot and no explosions. Troll elsewhere.

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I'd much rather be playing the game than this, but for now, this is what I'm relegated to.


I am also quite well off financially, thank you, but as the saying goes, I didn't get rich by wasting my money.


No, you are choosing to complain all day rather than play the game. I guarantee you could ask for vaccine on the fleet and find plenty of people to give you one or more. You keep acting as if this makes the game unplayable, but vaccinating yourself is easy and free, given that most people are willing to give away the vaccine. I did a hard mode last night, killed a world boss and had no problems with the plague during either. You are making a choice to complain on the forums over playing the game. Pure and simple.

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Geez people sure complain easily. They even provided easy and cheap access to the vaccine. It takes like 20-30 minutes before you explode. It doesn't do any damage to armor. And you get 5 dna samples out of it which are tradeable.


I guess some need to go back to single player games or something. This whole plague thing actually brought a bit of life to this game.




Go quit if you don't like it, play WoW your carebear mmo


LoL the irony for those who didn't know is that WoW had a similar plague outbreak except much worse and much more prone to griefing. When infected you would turn into a ghoul after a couple of minutes and infect anyone around you including NPCs who would then turn into ghouls and run all over before exploding and inflecting more npcs and players.

Edited by Denskoo
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Nope, you can get the infection by checking the mail (all mailboxes were camped by multiple infected players last night) or looking on the GTN (same thing there) or at the pvp mission box and a dozen other places. I simply dropped a couple of items in the mail to alts and got infected.... less than 1 minute at the spot and no explosions. Troll elsewhere.


lol trollers trolling the trolls calling others troll.


Go about your game till you die from infection. Only downside is waiting for the droid revive to pop. Go back to fleet and sell the 5 dna samples you just got to those same players clogging up fleet. Win Win.


What vaccine? Those who use the vaccine are throwing away credits.

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How so?


They've created something that is on a single planet, expressed the damage it is capable of and told people to stay away from that place unless they want to die.


Griefing if you are Stuck on tatooine due to leveling progression. IF there was an alternate pve leveling path to avoid tatooine (besides pvp and space for those of us that don't like space and pvp) another planet ... then sure we wouldn't be stuck on a main or alt that happens to be at that point in the leveling progression.


There are no options other than to not play toons that are stuck on tatooine for leveling progression standpoint. That is forcing me to play other toons that are not priority for me at this point in time. That is changing what I want to do in the game at this time and throttling my planned enjoyment.


Its not about cash for me. Its mainly about TIME.


I could not care less about cash in game or irl even though I am neither wealthy in game or irl. But, I do value my time and how I CHOOSE to spend it.


I pay to play my way and until this event that was so. Now not so much.


The event should have been better planned and thought out. Well that pretty much goes with .... everything ....


There should always be an opt out that is neither time or cash consuming.


I don't like world events. I don't like game holidays. I don't like open pvp ( e.g. non battle zone open griefing pvp that is).


Not how I like to play.


I am mainly PVE. I am mainly solo. I don't want to be forced to interact. I interact with people I know from other games and irl. That is enough for me. Don't force me to do something that takes my time away from how I like to play.


Make an event COMPLETELY OPTIONAL. Do not make it take even 1 credit or 1 micro second to opt out. Make it so people have to OPT in.



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Nope, you can get the infection by checking the mail (all mailboxes were camped by multiple infected players last night) or looking on the GTN (same thing there) or at the pvp mission box and a dozen other places. I simply dropped a couple of items in the mail to alts and got infected.... less than 1 minute at the spot and no explosions. Troll elsewhere.



Then you need to report that as a bug. The only way to get infected is to fight someone(thing) that has the plague (and they hit you) or have someone explode all over you. Just standing near a "sick" person is NOT going to infect you. They have to explode.


So, if you have encountered otherwise, /bug it.

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Until then though i won't be playing the character that got infected.


Then don't play. Plenty of others playing and playing more BECAUSE of the event. I'll hazard a guess that the people who enjoy this event far greater than those who don't.


Also, the ones enjoying the event seem to be more fun anyway.

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You complain because they are trying to add interesting, changing content to SWTOR. You and people like you are a curse on MMO gaming.


I agree with this 100%! I cannot understand how anyone could be complaining about this?!?! This is new, exciting, fun content. Ok, so now you have the plague to contend with (buying vaccines, watching out for zombies, etc.), that's what makes an mmo an mmo.


How can people be complaining that BW is adding content?!?! If you want to play a completely static world, pick up any number of thousands of non-mmo rpgs.

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