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** How to fix Warzone Queues to prevent <8 per side **


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[*] When a player "Accepts" the invitation, they see a message: "Your warzone is now pending, please wait..." The player does not yet get teleported into the warzone.


I don't get it. So instead of people queuing and then waiting now you Q then accept pending and wait in a new "pending Q" and then get teleported automatically in after waiting more time. The people who don't want the WZ anymore will now be stuck in a WZ they dont want to be in and drop. This was the reason they have the pop up in the current system, to prevent afk people who people who forgot they Q'ed from being stuck in a WZ. Not to mention if the wait is too long they will drop the accepted invitation. This does nothing to original problem of people Q'ing and changing there mind after a wait or afking after a wait. You are assuming once they get a message "Your warzone is now pending, please wait..." this prevents them from changing their mind. I don't get it.


They should just teleport people in 1 for 1 for each side. the imbalance should never be more than one extra player. Once they port in they accept to stay or leave to leave.




Wait for 10 and accept the first 8 and put the rest back in Q.

Edited by richardya
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If you quit, unqueue, logout/disconnect, etc. then you won't end up in a warzone.


Yet, the warzone now won't start for everyone else until you're replaced with someone who accepts.


Pretty simple concept.

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If you quit, unqueue, logout/disconnect, etc. then you won't end up in a warzone.


Yet, the warzone now won't start for everyone else until you're replaced with someone who accepts.


Pretty simple concept.


Reread it, I misunderstood. Yes this will work and has been suggested before.

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Here is the basics:


function CreateNewWarzone() {
 int warzone = rng(1,4); // choose one of the 4 warzones

 Enumeration teamA = fillTeam(teamA);
 Enumeration teamB = fillTeam(teamB);
 boolean wzReady = false;
 while (!wzReady) {
   while (!haveAllAcceptedOrDeclined(teamA) & !haveAllAcceptedOrDeclined(teamB)) {
      // pause 10 milliseconds
   if (hasAllAccepted(teamA) & hasAllAccepted(teamB) {
      wzReady = true;
   else {
     teamA = removeDeclines(teamA);
     teamB = removeDeclines(teamB);
     teamA = fillTeam(teamA);
     teamB = fillTeam(teamB);

function fillTeam(Enumeration teamToFill) {
 Player player = getPlayerFromQueue();
 Team team = getTeamFromQueue();
 while (count(teamToFill)<4) {
     int spaceAvail = 4 - count(teamToFill);
     if (team !=null && (count(team) <= spaceAvail)) {
           teamToFill.append = team;
     else if (player != null) {
       teamToFill.append (player);
     player = getPlayerFromQueue();
     team = getTeamFromQueue();


I'm sure they can do the rest.



Not sure where you went to school but that kinda isn't even close to coding, no offense...

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Not sure where you went to school but that kinda isn't even close to coding, no offense...


What's wrong with some pseudo-code? He was just simply showing that the algorithms to create such a system are not overly complicated.


To expect him to actually write some code that would plug in flawlessly to what BW has already implemented is absurd..

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What's wrong with some pseudo-code? He was just simply showing that the algorithms to create such a system are not overly complicated.


To expect him to actually write some code that would plug in flawlessly to what BW has already implemented is absurd..


I think its funny that the guy criticizing my "coding" didn't immediately recognize pseudo-code. I bet he doesn't even know what pseudo-code is.


p.s. I have 25 years experience and I am Director of Development at my software company. I think (maybe) I know a little more about coding than, oh, say, 99% of the subscribers of SWTOR.


But we digress.

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