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-.- *sigh* Shakes head at Bioware.


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Seriously does Bioware just want ANYONE to roll a Immortal/Jug?


Thanks for the threat gen on Crushing Blow....NOW MAKE IT A FRONTAL AOE! With your main target getting 100% of the damage and other mobs getting 30% of the damage! Hard? Yes prolly hard to cut past the code for sweeping into crushing blow code...yeap!


Thanks for the Enraged Defense heal....THAT TOTALLY GIMPS a tank for DPS and threat. */slapface /facepalm /rolleyes /reroll.....again*


Thanks for taking Thrown Gauntlet and turing it into a COMPLETELY USELESS talent! :D

Seriously taking away Threatening Screams cool down reducer from there was a STROKE of genius. With the cool down I only had to wait 24secs to scream now I have to wait 39sec to scream.... -.-p *thumbs down*


Also thanks for gimping Smash skill DPS, Heavy Handed talent DPS, Decimate talent DPS, and completely ruining AOE....well anything for a immortal Jug.


I suppose I'll just stand there and single taunt everything until I got everything under control and tell the party OK NOW YOU CAN STEAL AGRO! ....Honestly do you just think this is your anthill and we are the ants?


Shame on you for thinking you can change a formula and MAKE us roll a better class......shame on you.


Post your thoughts and MAYBE Bware will actually THINK before they decided to change a ONCE viable tank into a off tank DPS/gimp.

Edited by squallNCloud
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