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+0 everything for top healing (screenshot)


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And its stuff like this that has made it useless to pvp right now. i heal in pvp and now i have to try and fight stuff so i get some sort of medals before i even think of trying to heal anyone. at this point if the match is going to be a loss the best thing for you to do is just leave the match. Its the same as if you stayed and did not get 3 medals anyway. Honestly I am at the point where i hate pvp in this game and wont play it for awhile.
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He just a terrible team... 200k odd healing and all of like 5 deaths total for the enemy side.


No one got any medals, no one got anything.


You know when the huttball announcer says your team may as well crawl in a hole cause your already playing dead... yeah.


I'm sorry considering how easy it is to get those 4 medals (even as a healer!) the only ones who are complaining are those that get stomped as badly as the OP did. I've lost more than I've won in the time that I've managed to play over the last few days and i still manage to get an least 6-7 medals (most often hitting the 8) by playing my class well and the objective.


Thats not class imbalance... thats just a case of your terrible and not going to get rewarded for it.




No bro.. just read the pvp forums and you'll see that this happens on smaller pop servers where pugs have to fight pre-mades. It's not so much about skill as it is about coordinated people on vent or whatever smashing pugs because Bioware promised but failed to deliver cross server pvp queueing matching you up against people of similar rating.

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Nice catch. One of those annoying teams you can never kill, but then they never do any damage either.


It looks like they got killed 35 times... But seriously, you had no objectives, no damage, you couldn't keep your team mates from dying... Why should a healer get anything if they can't keep up their players?

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I joined a losing match on offense Voidstar and got 220k healing in the one round, no deaths, no rewards. For most of the round I was near our spawn with 2 to 4 opposing players on me, which was fine because that means they weren't near the doors, but we still didn't get a plant off.


It doesn't matter how good you do, it's still centered around getting medals individually if you want to get rewards.

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What we need is the soccer mom medal... Yay, I get a medal cuz I was in a group!... I get a medal because I jumped out of the door on the ground!... I get a medal cuz I spent $15 on a sub!...


If you can't do damage, if you can't keep your players from dying, if you can't taunt/debuff/cc other players, if you are uncoordinated... you won't go very far in any game.

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Why should a healer get anything if they can't keep up their players?


Spoken like a true DPSer. 80% healing done vs 120% damage done. It's hard enough keeping one person alive vs one dps due to the fact that some DPS classes are so amazingly over the top.


Here is what happened to me a few days ago. I play a Jedi Sage (Healy spec'd although probably not anymore because it's so terrible now). I was healing on a voidstar and some Sith Jugg leaps and me i'm like okay whatever. Few seconds later CRIT for 5800. Now before you go saying "You probably have no gear" I'm in mostly BM/Champion gear. As of 1.2 sitting at about 1k expertise(16.5% damage reduction, and then factor in the talents that give me another 2%).


So okay, 5800 damage, i've got about 16k health. Boom there goes over one third of my HP in one GLOBAL. ONE SECOND. Okay remember that. My heal takes 2.2 seconds to cast (This is assuming it does not get interrupted, i don't get stunned, knocked back whatever.) I'm lucky if it will crit for 4.5k which it rarely does.


Assume on the second attack this Jugg hits me for 2k. So 5800 + 2000 = 7800 right. I've healed for 4.5k which puts my total health at -3.3k. Now assume that gets interrupted Which is not on any GCD. I'm now down another second of damage until the GCD from my failed heal goes away and I can start casting another heal. Assume he hits for another 2k (honestly they hit for way more than this). Since that heal did not go off i just went from -7800 to -9800. Okay this is in about a three second time frame. Now before you mention anything about anything, this was through my shield (which is pretty garbage).


10k in 3 seconds? No possible way to heal through that. The expertise that gives YOU a 20% damage boost gives me a 10% healing boost? Really? My heals are already weak due to the 30% trauma debuff. Note that sents/maras have the saber throw that adds an additional 20% healing debuff. So awesome I'm doing 60% healing vs 120% damage.


Since every class has a stun or interrupt it's pretty easy as a single DPS to lock out a healer. Before it was possible to survive long enough for backup to come help but it's getting pretty out of hand now.


Please note that most DPS classes hit harder than 2k on average vs us light armor wearers. That 10k damage is probably more like 13k, but I don't usually see crits for 5800. (I'm sure lots of you DPS classes see those numbers all the time) Also note that No, I'm not a complete retard. I don't just stand there trying to spam heals on myself. I LoS quite a bit so I don't get leaped/interrupted. I know how to use knockbacks, stuns, and slows. I know how to Juke cast when necessary, but honestly there's no point anymore. I may juke the interrupt but in that time i used to juke I've got another 4k health to make up.


Must be hard facerolling on your keyboard to get those super cool 5k crits going "DUHHH HOW CAN YOU NOT GET MEDALS?" Honestly it's people like you that probably ignore the objective of a warzone and play it like a death match. Listen. As a healer, I do the best I can to keep my teammates up. F*** YOU for assuming we're just sitting there playing with our *****. I spend the same time trying to keep up my teammates as you do trying to kill them, why do I not get a reward for that?

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It looks like they got killed 35 times... But seriously, you had no objectives, no damage, you couldn't keep your team mates from dying... Why should a healer get anything if they can't keep up their players?


Roll a healer and then come back here please. I bet you play fotm DPS class. Be honest now....you can tell us everything. :rolleyes:

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Roll a healer and then come back here please. I bet you play fotm DPS class. Be honest now....you can tell us everything. :rolleyes:


Why don't we just hear from the healers on the other team?

They had a great game and got piles of medals and only allowed the OP's team to get 1 kill.

Looks like the HEALING on the other team won the match for them.

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Why don't we just hear from the healers on the other team?

They had a great game and got piles of medals and only allowed the OP's team to get 1 kill.

Looks like the HEALING on the other team won the match for them.


Because it is a team effort? you know tanks doing their job, throwing a guard on healer etc? you can't blame a healer if rest of the team is not doing its part. After 1.2 healers drop like flies if not protected by their team.


So just saying ignorantly 'hey you suck because you failed to keep your team alive' is just bull. I say go play a healer at least before making such ignorant posts.


For all we know other team was a premade and better geared. Also did you see their damage? who the **** needs a healer with that much damage?



Edited by Gorrdan
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I would say that the DPS won the match for them then, based off of that statement.


Well someone kept their DPS alive, right?

There's far more than 1 death worth of damage put out by the OPs team.


My point though, is that this screenshot has been presented as evidence that healers have been "shafted" by the patch, when I can clearly see three healers with 14+ medals and a win.

The OP even managed to be unkillable himself.


What I see evidence of is a better team stomping a worse team.

They brought that change in way before 1.2 didn't you read the patch notes?

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It looks like they got killed 35 times... But seriously, you had no objectives, no damage, you couldn't keep your team mates from dying... Why should a healer get anything if they can't keep up their players?


He's a healer and he healed 275K, that's why. By your logic, why should a DPS that only posts damage stats get anything?

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Can't find the original thread so:



I agree on the changes to medal system and its rewards are whack but this screenshot is also very rare occasion to happend.


First of all, as people already mentioned this person dont have any kills. If you healing ppl that kills ppl you get at least a few medals from that.


Second of all, his entire team didnt kill more than a total of 6? Either they were ******* or this is an extreme case of full premade vs. full fresh lvl 50s with green gear.


Also you now get spammed with defender medals just standing at an objective.

Clearly the person didnt do that aswell.


So yea, i suspect he either sat in a corner with a friend to make this screenshot or he have no clue on how to collect medals in this game.


As stated first tho, i do agree that even with the 8 medals met, a loss cuts your earnings a bit too much as it is now.

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He's a healer and he healed 275K, that's why. By your logic, why should a DPS that only posts damage stats get anything?


It might take a while for me to actually manage zero objective points and still be able to find enough enemies off in a corner somewhere to rack up 275k damage and still lose, since they'd have to be a bad team to keep sending people a long way from the objectives to fight me.


I guess I can try?

Edited by Altruismo
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What I see evidence of is a better team stomping a worse team.

They brought that change in way before 1.2 didn't you read the patch notes?


At least one person who knows what they are talking about......The team makeups on paper are almost identical. A lot of people will say the scoreboard doesnt matter however there is a lot of information that you learn from it....Look at the difference in performance of the 2 sets of tanks for a start.... your set use their tanking skills to farm a few easy medals whilst their tanks actually protected their healers/DPS 110K of protection vs less than 50K (despite the fact your team was taking more damage).


Your team spent 2/3rds of the game attacking... looking at the clock, I have always found that you do roughly a third more healing or damaging when attacking so you are always more likely to have higher healing numbers if you attack first and the game ends early......Still despite getting absolutely crushed in the pvp your team managed to hold out for a long time more than 4 minutes before losing the first door....seems someone on your team played the objectives despite not being the best at pvp.

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In the event of a voidstar-slaughter (which is what this appears to be) generally you can't even make it to the door before you're dead. This looks like he was probably way out in the back trying to heal up his teammates so he didn't get wrecked in two seconds. This makes him far enough away from the enemy that if the rest of his team dies he can run back to the area where his team spawns and get some backup.


Also if you replaced the healers the opposing team had with DPS i'm sure it would have been much worse. It's easy to do 160k damage in a wz and still kill nobody even if there weren't any healers. Is it not possible they did damage to someone, got them very low then died, that person got out of combat and rested? BACK TO FULL! do it again. Granted yes, the healing helps i'm not debating that fact. Clearly the insane dps difference between the two teams is what won it.

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By healing near any objective whatsoever. All those new attacker and defender medals are there for a reason.


That's a problem with how BW defined the objectives, not with playstyle.


In Voidstar, if you stand to one side at max healing range and heal your DPS and Tanks that are fighting by the door, you are not defending or attacking the objective.


But you ARE helping your team - and surely a heck of a lot better than trying to heal in the middle of AOE spam.


You just don't get any medals for it. On a loss, neither do you get any xp, credits, valor, or commendations.

Edited by Cobb
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