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Hue to Chest Improvements


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First off, while I appreciate that they tried to implement a hue to chest feature, I feel the actual results are pure rubbish. My Trooper has a green chest piece and his gloves and boots turn a very bright orange unlike any of the other Trooper colors. An orange chest piece nets white gloves and boots that really don't go with anything. Even on armors that don't have absurd color combinations some colors are just off. A white chest place turned white pants black in one case.


My suggestion is that the unify colors feature 1. Lets user chose which armor piece to unify colors to and 2. Has more than one option for peripheral colors rather than the opposites that seem to be programed into the system already. 3. I would also like to see an option for removing backpacks (such as on most Trooper armor). The backpacks just look terrible on a type 3 body and that armor style is the "end game non raid/pvp" armor type.


The Unify colors system is a good idea, its just got some truly bad implementation.

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