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No rewards for a losing match. SCREENSHOTS, PLEASE!


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That's not true. Yes, I know I'm just now on topic, sorry heh. The people who say they got all zeroes after earning 3 or more medals are lying. What does happen sometimes, is that even though you get 3+ medals, comms, valor and exp, you will not get any credits. How this is determined, I do not know. But if you get 3+ medals, you definately get valor/exp/comms.


I'm noticing that the credit reward is pretty low whether you win or lose. Admittedly, I never tracked credits pre-1.2, as I don't PvP for credits or XP, I PvP for valor and comms. I know not everyone feels the same way, though, and I love your honesty regarding the primary issue! I prefer to give people the benefit of the doubt, though, as you never know.


That being said, seeing the screenshots where people are honest and unsatisfied with the current level of rewards may be helpful in and of itself, and I hope people keep posting the screenies!


I would also like to know what the breakdown is from BioWare on how credits are determined in warzones, but I don't think we'll ever get that, so people don't game the system to farm for credits. (Which are easy enough to get anyway outside PvP)

Edited by eGraced
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Wow, you actually have to participate to get rewarded and that sucks? Nice logic...


a lot of people are participating and get either nothing or close to nothing.


if the goal was to only penalize afkers, then what we are telling the denser people on here is that it is penalizing non-afkers a bunch as well.


but really, you should have been able to figure that out. I suspect you just want to keep your gear advantage in perpetuity so you don't have to worry as much about actually playing well.

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The only WZ I've ever had less than 3 medals in is Huttball, and even then it's only when it's a Premade vs. PUG 6-0 beatdown.


Which, not-surprisingly, happened to me twice tonight. I can honestly say, as much as I hate to say it, that the instant I go down 2-0 in Huttball, if I do not already have 3 Medals, I'll be leaving. Just not worth my time to stick it out for no reward.


Which is terrible. The system designed to combat AFK players simply encourages you to quit on your teammates.


Essentially, the system in place is telling me to never queue solo, and if I do and get Huttball, to leave and try again.

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as a healer 0 ( zero , nadda , nothing ) points to everything and 10 minutes wasted from my life




was funny ? NO . I was two hitted from any melle char outhere


Stop AFKING in game, and you will get something.


But anyway, it's not a BUG. To get ANY reward you need to pass 3 medals.


0-3 medals = no reward

3-8 medals = small reward

8+ medals = highest reward

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Again, this screenie http://i.imgur.com/agbX4.jpg


Did they participate? Yes. Did they get rewarded? No. Logic?


I have to agree with you, getting stomped that bad, I'd feel better with a higher reward for sticking in there the whole match. But how would you propose BioWare fix that without rewarding people for not participating? It's a horrid double-edged sword where nobody will be happy, I think.

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I think the problem here is that everyone who thinks it's easy to get 3 medals every WZ is playing a dps class in full BM or better gear. In that case, yes, it is extremely easy to get 8+ every warzone by simply running around pressing one key. It really doesn't involve any skill whatsoever.


Now all you who think it's so easy need to que solo, put themselves in a set of recruit gear and play a BH healer spec. Come back and tell us how many medals you get and how happy you are getting 15 comms or less from earning 3 medals. Then tell us how pleased you are with a system that rewards dps spec classes at 4x the rate of healer spec classes.


The fact is that there are very few healer medals available to healers along with the fact that most healers were nerfed so badly that they are no longer close to competative in anything but the very best gear. The problem has nothing to do with skill and everything to do with poor game mechanics.

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I think the problem here is that everyone who thinks it's easy to get 3 medals every WZ is playing a dps class in full BM or better gear. In that case, yes, it is extremely easy to get 8+ every warzone by simply running around pressing one key. It really doesn't involve any skill whatsoever.


Now all you who think it's so easy need to que solo, put themselves in a set of recruit gear and play a BH healer spec. Come back and tell us how many medals you get and how happy you are getting 15 comms or less from earning 3 medals. Then tell us how pleased you are with a system that rewards dps spec classes at 4x the rate of healer spec classes.


The fact is that there are very few healer medals available to healers along with the fact that most healers were nerfed so badly that they are no longer close to competative in anything but the very best gear. The problem has nothing to do with skill and everything to do with poor game mechanics.


You can get 3 medals by doing objectives. Try it.

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I have to agree with you, getting stomped that bad, I'd feel better with a higher reward for sticking in there the whole match. But how would you propose BioWare fix that without rewarding people for not participating? It's a horrid double-edged sword where nobody will be happy, I think.


First of all, this is coming from someone who loves PvP. I'm not the best at it, but it's the only thing that interests me in a game. Since getting my two characters to level 50, for the last week I've been playing mostly only WZs all day. That's about 10+ hours a day.


I personally don't mind any of this, as I can get more than 3 medals in 9/10 games. When I see I'm playing a losing battle, I just leave. None of this will stop me from PvP-ing.


However, I can understand why people are upset. Not everyone plays this game for 10+ hours a day, some of them don't even care that much about PvP, but it is a part of the game, and surely everyone pops up in a WZ here and there. The new system coupled with the unbalanced population of servers is certainly going to outright bury casual PvP.


The way they should've done it is:


- Rated Warzones - this would get rid of those nasty facerolls and a whole team getting zeroes


Once you have that uber pro PvP population taken care of, it's time for..


- Cross realm PVP - taking care of unbalanced servers, and situations where you start with less than 8 people on your team ( about 3/10 matches in my experience)


That would probably be enough for pugs to be pretty even, and solo queuing wouldn't be as horrible as it is now.


Now, as for the AFK system. They have made it shockingly bad. You can literally go and stand next to a turret/base/door in voidstar and get 5 medals from Defender points. How does that prevent AFKing? I've seen people do it, especially on Alderaan and Novare. On the other hand, people that are running around for the inc calls get what? Nothing. Sure if they heal/dps/guard enough they will make their 3 medals, but sometimes it's just not happening. How the hell can they be treated as being AFK, while that guy guarding the turret is probably crafting and trying out different emotes. It's stupid and it doesn't work. If anything, it encourages AFKing and not participating. "Just grab the left turret and stand there, screw trying mid or right, they're all WHs/BMs."


Leave it to the ops leader to start a vote on whether a person should get kicked or not. The players vote, he gets kicked and can't participate in another WZ for X minutes. Simple, really really simple. This would not only get rid of AFK players, but also ones that don't participate as they should. I think that could work. What do you say?




AFK system broken. Needs fixing.

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Okay, people complained that the system was broken because of AFKers. They change it, and people still complain. So now it's relatively solid... and people still complain.


Rewarding losing players the same as winning players is stupid. If this was the case, why don't they just GIVE you the gear? The whole point is to make you feel like you earned it, and if you can still earn it while losing -- just takes a little longer -- then it can't be all bad, can it?


The system is solid. If you can't get 3 medals for the duration of a game, you are mentally challenged or not trying. EVERY game has objective points and you easily get 3 medals just by being near the objective.


If, for some reason, you cannot do this... because let's say you're 3 capped in CW or NC. Well, honestly, you don't deserve to get anything. I am sorry, but if your team is so dominated that you can't all 8 group up and get at least ONE node, then you don't deserve anything for that warzone.

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You're mad because you actually have to play well to get a reward? QQ more please.


He had the highest healing in that warzone, which tells me he was doing somehting. The system is Broke as hell and rewarding teams that came geared or joined with thier buddies against an incomplete team or peopel with out gear.


End result is a Broke as ssystem that shoul dnot have been put live.

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Wow. I've been reading all of these threads thinking. "what are people talking about"


I got 50 on my smuggler healer 5 days ago. I have been doing exactly well, if not better than I was doing previously.


Losses are 6-7 medals at the least during a full real match. Upwards of 14-15 medals for wins. If you aren't getting more than 3 you are either afking or not doing everything you can (objectives, stunning, helping finish off a dps) to help your team. A good player doesn't "just heal". Sure, that's your primary role. I call total and complete bs here. Sorry.


Also, I out heal or get a very close second in heals every match against full BM healers and get just as many medals with my recruit gear. These are also not premades I'm playing with.

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everybody on here saying that "it's so easy" to get medals.


yeah, it is....except for certain circumstances (that are all too common for some of us on the outnumbered and undergeared faction on slow servers)


when your team gets facerolled by the other team (in particular because of gear and population imbalances), you can easily end up with too few medals.


you can't get a defender medal when your team can't take an objective. you can get kill medals when your team can't kill the other side. you can't get 75k damage or heals when you get stunned and die in 3 seconds because you have fewer teammates who are always dead so you are perpetually outnumbered.


if it's "easy for you" to get a ton of medals, then you are not in that situation, but it really does happen.


ONE FINAL NOTE: even if you get 3 medals, that's USUALLY a non-zero reward, but it might as well be. 15-20 coms with zero credits might as well be zero. you are never going to get better gear that way. in fact, you can't even buy a warzone medpack for that.



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Okay, people complained that the system was broken because of AFKers. They change it, and people still complain. So now it's relatively solid... and people still complain.


The system is solid. If you can't get 3 medals for the duration of a game, you are mentally challenged or not trying. EVERY game has objective points and you easily get 3 medals just by being near the objective.


If, for some reason, you cannot do this... because let's say you're 3 capped in CW or NC. Well, honestly, you don't deserve to get anything. I am sorry, but if your team is so dominated that you can't all 8 group up and get at least ONE node, then you don't deserve anything for that warzone.


The system encourages AFKing and quitting. You get no penalty for leaving a WZ, you get more medals for staying near a won objective than actually trying to win the WZ.


Alderaan before 1.2 = Team 1 holds two turrets for the majority of the WZ, Team 2 tries and tries to win that other turret, they figure out it's too late and they need three - "Oh feck, we need three now.. Well good try everyone. They outgear us but we gave them a fight".


Aderaan after 1.2 = Team 1 holds two turrets and outgears Team 2. "Just stay at turret and don't even try winning that other one. They outgear us, you'll win more medals just by staying here. We will not let them farm us for medals".


This is what's starting to happen, I've seen it before my own eyes. It cannot be leading to something good...

Edited by hrvojes
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The rewards should be based on what you do in the WZ, not based off if your team wins or looses. The old system swas fine and allowed people to get into equal gear with those winnign a lil more geared a bit quicker. The new system those that loose will just endlessly get farmed by those in better gear. The jump between BM gear and recruit gear is to much. I do believe in gear progression but do not feel pvp should solely be out of back basesd on gear. The difference in Expertise buffing damage dealt, reducign damage taken and healing shoudl nto be there. Expertise should be there to reduce damage take period. With the difference between recruit gear and BM gear you are compounding the advantage to the better geared players.
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The system encourages AFKing and quitting. You get no penalty for leaving a WZ, you get more medals for staying near a won objective than actually trying to win the WZ.


Alderaan before 1.2 = Team 1 holds two turrets for the majority of the WZ, Team 2 tries and tries to win that other turret, they figure out it's too late and they need three - "Oh feck, we need three now.. Well good try everyone. They outgear us but we gave them a fight".


Aderaan after 1.2 = Team 1 holds two turrets and outgears Team 2. "Just stay at turret and don't even try winning that other one. They outgear us, you'll win more medals just by staying here. We will not let them farm us for medals".


This is what's starting to happen, I've seen it before my own eyes. It cannot be leading to something good...

ROFL, sorry but this is just hilarious. People used to do that for the 4 medals all the time and it would cost teams the game as a result.


Don't act like people AFKing at a turret is new. It's not and even if the system is flawed, that's a poor example.

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The rewards should be based on what you do in the WZ, not based off if your team wins or looses. The old system swas fine and allowed people to get into equal gear with those winnign a lil more geared a bit quicker. The new system those that loose will just endlessly get farmed by those in better gear. The jump between BM gear and recruit gear is to much. I do believe in gear progression but do not feel pvp should solely be out of back basesd on gear. The difference in Expertise buffing damage dealt, reducign damage taken and healing shoudl nto be there. Expertise should be there to reduce damage take period. With the difference between recruit gear and BM gear you are compounding the advantage to the better geared players.
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The anti-afk tag only works if people are actually afk.


Try entering a huttball where the other team has 6 people camped on your doorstep slaughtering people and you constantly die before you can do ****. You're lucky to see 2 medals, and you get nothing for the effort. Great system there, BioWare.

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It seems a lot of players are reporting not getting any rewards (or no credits, or no experience, etc.) from a losing warzone in which they got over 3 medals. This is not my experience at all! I have never gotten under 3 medals, but I have also never been in a losing match where I did not receive valor, credits, experience AND comms. All 4.


I'm not calling anyone a liar. I am not calling anyone a troll. But this would clearly mean the rewards system is not working as intended, and as such, I'd love to see some screenshots of this posted in this thread, so BioWare can address this obvious bug!


Having spent way too much of my life working in IT and technical support, I know it's hard to fix an issue you cannot reproduce, especially without a screenshot to verify it exists. So here's our chance! Let's show BioWare screenshots of the issue, so they can track it down and fix it!


For those who may not know how to take a screenshot, easy to follow instructions can be found here:




As if the thousands of complaints were not enough....

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