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No rewards for a losing match. SCREENSHOTS, PLEASE!


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Thats not how it works at all. It's simple if you get 3 medals you get some type of reward, if not you get nothing. And honestly if you don't get 3 medals you don't deserve a reward. I get 3 medals almost instantly.


I made a new sig so I can be awesome like you!


The system is messed up don't deny it.

Edited by gravioli
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Thats not how it works at all. It's simple if you get 3 medals you get some type of reward, if not you get nothing. And honestly if you don't get 3 medals you don't deserve a reward. I get 3 medals almost instantly.


Wow, can I be you please?

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Actually, in the first screenshot, he is 5 up in the list (he highlighted 3 up). He got 5 medals. I can confirm this... Hutball anyway. I got 6 medals on my powertech and was awarded zero. Many guildmates report the same results.


I was looking at the player the system seems to have selected, who got < 3 medals. It's hard to tell for sure which player is reporting in that screenshot with everything edited out, so I was going with the character the system highlighted, so there can be no doubt.


Again, I want to make sure it's clear, I am NOT trolling, or being a fangirl, I want to get it fixed, and to do that we need clear screenshots to prove the issue.

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except its not working as intended, as it is punishing at the keyboard players.


the pvp reward system was fine pre 1.2. with the increase in costs to almost everything warzone related, it makes absolutely zero sense to decrease rewards. and this decrease is across the board, you get significantly less for winning post 1.2 than before


The system is working as intended. If you cannot put forth the bare minimum of effort(3 medals in this case) you get no reward. With the current system, 3 medals takes all of 30 seconds?

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Yes i understand i earned 57 comms but as these prove i've obtained 10 medals and busted my butt on both offense and defense and earned 57 comms and 1k credits. this is rediculous why do i get so severly punished when i've worked my butt off against a side that wins 95% of all games played on our server during the times that i play this is stupid. Win/loss reward should be based on how hard you yourself work and if you take a massive amount of damage and spend most of your time between battles running back and forth it should count as offense or defense points so those of us who are focus fired get rewarded as well. a team should not be able to shut you down by focusing you with multiple characters keeping you specificially targetted and then you get punished for it thats called griefing and they themselves should be penalized or banned from the game if it happens repeatedly.

Edited by axelgrease
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It could be 300k or 30k I don't care. Servers only hold 3000ish players anyway.


Actually, you do care. You are just too stupid to realize it.


30k subs = no game. or at least no updates to it. How'd you like that smart guy?

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This "everyone should get a trophy mentality" sickens me.


Healings needs to be buffed, no doubt about it. But the current reward system works fine.


I don't think that people are looking for trophies, they are looking to not have the gear gap widen.


On the flip side of things, why do people feel that that they deserve a reward that will increase the gear gap? I think it has already been proven that the team that lost needs the Comms more then the team that won. Why not a prestige reward instead? Why not a system that encourages a balanced playing field instead of unbalancing it more?

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I started from the very beginning and I stayed until the very end of this warzone.





here's what you can do the next time.


"Quick Draw – 1 Killing Blow"


if you're healing you should be grouped up, unless you're just running around healing yourself the whole game, so it shouldn't be hard to use flurry of bolts or vital shot on a few targets to finish them off and get a killing blow. obviously it's not a good idea as a healer type to try and 1vs1 this, as a healer you should always be grouped with more powerful teammates.


"Defender – 1k Defender Points" (1 medal).


people should be grouping up to at take something, if you do end up taking something defend untill you get a medal.


"Commando – 10 Kills" (1 medal)


10 kills shouldn't be that difficult to obtain if people group up, understandable you might not have the best team so this one could be difficult to get at times because it's more of a team effort, especially as a healer... best thing to do would be to shadow your strongest player and heal him as much as possible and get kills with him... he's bound to at least get some kills,


"Healer – 75k Healed" (1 medal)


this is a free medal, obviously as a healer you should obtain this one. just heal people.


"Medic – 2.5k Single Heal" (1 medal)


should be able to obtain this using your larger direct heal with a crit.



as a healer you should obtain 2 free medals with the healer/medic medals.

there should no reason not to obtain 1 other medal out of the rest of em, it may take some effort against a tough team but like i said earlier just make sure you stay with your stronger teammates and heal them you should get the medals you need, for instance in that screenshot you had 3 people do pretty well so following them and healing should net you at least 1 other medal.

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The system is working as intended. If you cannot put forth the bare minimum of effort(3 medals in this case) you get no reward. With the current system, 3 medals takes all of 30 seconds?


Well if that's the case, then it's again, a **** AFK prevention system. I play for 30 seconds and nod off for the other 10 minutes?

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I don't think that people are looking for trophies, they are looking to not have the gear gap widen.


On the flip side of things, why do people feel that that they deserve a reward that will increase the gear gap? I think it has already been proven that the team that lost needs the Comms more then the team that won. Why not a prestige reward instead? Why not a system that encourages a balanced playing field instead of unbalancing it more?


I can agree with that. I wish all PvP was gear balanced and it came down to skill as well.

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I know it's fun to spend yet another forum thread talking about how uber-1337 you are guys, (not singling anyone out) but I'd really like to keep this thread on-topic please, and collect screenshots to get the issue resolved.


Take it for granted we know how amazing you are, and that everyone recognizes your ENORMOUS ePeen, and let's get the screenshots!


Thank you!

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The system is working as intended. If you cannot put forth the bare minimum of effort(3 medals in this case) you get no reward. With the current system, 3 medals takes all of 30 seconds?


decided to play defensive on a Alderaan map and literally never left the west turret. scored enough medals for bonus.wasn't attacked once.just to show people how little you actually have to do.

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Yes i understand i earned 57 comms but as these prove i've obtained 10 medals and busted my butt on both offense and defense and earned 57 comms and 1k credits. this is rediculous why do i get so severly punished when i've worked my butt off against a side that wins 95% of all games played on our server during the times that i play this is stupid. Win/loss reward should be based on how hard you yourself work and if you take a massive amount of damage and spend most of your time between battles running back and forth it should count as offense or defense points so those of us who are focus fired get rewarded as well. a team should not be able to shut you down by focusing you with multiple characters keeping you specificially targetted and then you get punished for it thats called griefing and they themselves should be penalized or banned from the game if it happens repeatedly.


Your screenshots were losses. Good life lesson, everyone is not rewarded evenly, especially when they fail.

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Yes i understand i earned 57 comms but as these prove i've obtained 10 medals and busted my butt on both offense and defense and earned 57 comms and 1k credits. this is rediculous why do i get so severly punished when i've worked my butt off against a side that wins 95% of all games played on our server during the times that i play this is stupid. Win/loss reward should be based on how hard you yourself work and if you take a massive amount of damage and spend most of your time between battles running back and forth it should count as offense or defense points so those of us who are focus fired get rewarded as well. a team should not be able to shut you down by focusing you with multiple characters keeping you specificially targetted and then you get punished for it thats called griefing and they themselves should be penalized or banned from the game if it happens repeatedly.


Thank you for the screenshots!!! Although they aren't showing quite the issue people are complaining about on the forums, that does look like a low credit/comm count for that many medals! When I get home tonight I will have to try to match it to see if they are that low across the board!


I agree that getting focused kinda sucks, but I tend to take it as a compliment, because you wouldn't focus me if I were worthless. ;)

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Your screenshots were losses. Good life lesson, everyone is not rewarded evenly, especially when they fail.


If video games were as ''brutal'' as life why would people play them?


Have you noticed that in 99% of video games, they players is the hero?


Here is a life lesson for you: Use your head.

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Here's one screenie from another thread that works here. Only one person in the rep team managed to get 3 medals. They all played full time. Yes, they got mopped. Still, it isn't fair that they get zero for their effort.




I completely agree that getting no reward for sticking it out is a very poor way to keep people in warzones, and thank you for posting the screenie!


I'm still hoping to get an image that shows no rewards with over 3 medals, though, as most of the threads in the PVP forums are all complaining about this!


But you are right, sticking out a full warzone should provide a better reward.

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I'm still hoping to get an image that shows no rewards with over 3 medals, though, as most of the threads in the PVP forums are all complaining about this!


That's not true. Yes, I know I'm just now on topic, sorry heh. The people who say they got all zeroes after earning 3 or more medals are lying. What does happen sometimes, is that even though you get 3+ medals, comms, valor and exp, you will not get any credits. How this is determined, I do not know. But if you get 3+ medals, you definately get valor/exp/comms.

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here's what you can do the next time.


"Quick Draw – 1 Killing Blow"


if you're healing you should be grouped up, unless you're just running around healing yourself the whole game, so it shouldn't be hard to use flurry of bolts or vital shot on a few targets to finish them off and get a killing blow. obviously it's not a good idea as a healer type to try and 1vs1 this, as a healer you should always be grouped with more powerful teammates.


"Defender – 1k Defender Points" (1 medal).


people should be grouping up to at take something, if you do end up taking something defend untill you get a medal.



My problem with this is that as a healer, vs a good group, I need to be there healing the entire time. I can do as you suggested and try and get those additional medals, I need to stop playing the objective and try and game the system. I.E., I can let a teammate die to ensure I get that KB so I get my 3rd medal, or I can camp at a turret while the rest of my team is dying at mid.


Really, the only time I have had an issue so far is when a Pug I am in is against our servers best guild's premades. They are more skilled, better geared and more coordinated then anyone on our Pug. They deserve the win. But they are good enough that if I play the objectives, I am probably only going to get a few medals unless I ignore the objectives.


My choices are to stay and play the objectives knowing I may get no rewards, drop out of the WZ, or farm medals. I choose the first one. It is somewhat discouraging that when I choose to play the game the way it was designed when faced against top competition, I am being penalized.

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everybody on here saying that "it's so easy" to get medals.


yeah, it is....except for certain circumstances (that are all too common for some of us on the outnumbered and undergeared faction on slow servers)


when your team gets facerolled by the other team (in particular because of gear and population imbalances), you can easily end up with too few medals.


you can't get a defender medal when your team can't take an objective. you can get kill medals when your team can't kill the other side. you can't get 75k damage or heals when you get stunned and die in 3 seconds because you have fewer teammates who are always dead so you are perpetually outnumbered.


if it's "easy for you" to get a ton of medals, then you are not in that situation, but it really does happen.


ONE FINAL NOTE: even if you get 3 medals, that's USUALLY a non-zero reward, but it might as well be. 15-20 coms with zero credits might as well be zero. you are never going to get better gear that way. in fact, you can't even buy a warzone medpack for that.

Edited by Jeopardydd
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